HomeMy WebLinkAbout1992-01-23 - Board of Directors Meeting MinutesPage 2333 January 23, 1992 MINUTES OF THE YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS REGULAR MEETING January 23, 1992 The January 23, 1992, Regular Meeting of the Yorba Linda Water District Board of Directors was called to order by Vice President Fox at 8:30 a.m. The meeting was held at the District Headquarters located at 4622 Plumosa Drive, Yorba Linda. Directors present: Roy Knauft, Jr. Arthur C. Korn Carl Scanlin Vice President Sterling L. Fox Directors absent: President Paul R. Armstrong Staff present: William Robertson, Secretary/General Manager Barbara Bower, Secretary to the General Manager Ray Harsma, Operations Superintendent Beverly Meza, Acting Business Manager Michael Robinson, Assistant Administrator Yury Zaslavsky, Assistant Engineering Manager Visitors present: Mr. Larry Kramer, representing Orange County Water District Mr. Bill Pie, representing James M. Montgomery Consulting Engineers, Inc. Vice President Fox introduced Larry Kramer. Mr. Kramer reported that Orange County Water District (OCWD) is working on its fiscal 1992-93 budget, staff meetings with the Technical Advisory Committee to review budget details, that OCWD is continuing with "baseline" capital projects (which are the high priority projects) and the Governor's budget proposal affects $8.5 million in OCWD revenues. General Manager Robertson introduced Mr. Bill Pie. Mr. Pie stated that he replaced Mr. Robert Seeman and then reviewed Montgomery Engineers policy of continuing to provide service to the District even though most personnel are now in the Pasadena office instead of the Irvine office. Item 1. Resolution Honoring M. Roy Knauft, Jr. as President of the Board of Directors. Mr. Robertson reviewed Mr. Knauft's accomplishments in the community and congratulated him for his Board leadership during calendar 1991. Upon a motion by Director Korn, seconded by Director Scanlin, the Board of Directors voted 3-0, Director Knauft abstained, to adopt Resolution No. 92-01 in Recognition of the Tenure of M. Roy Knauft, Jr. as President of the Board. Vice President Fox presented a plaque and framed copy of Resolution 92-01 to Director Knauft. CONSENT CALENDAR Director Scanlin noted a correction to page 3 of the draft minutes. Upon a motion by Director Korn, seconded by Director Scanlin, the Board of Directors voted 4-0 to approve the Consent Calendar as follows: Item 2. Minutes of the Regular meeting of January 9, 1992, as corrected. Page : , v-' January 23, 1992 Item 3. Authorization for the Directors to leave the State of California prior to next meeting. Item 4. Payment of bills,. payroll and refunds in the amount of $169,165.41 on Check Nos 9375, 9459, 9466 and 9636 through 9171; and Payroll Check Nos 2658 through 2720; and one wire to ACWA-HPIT in the amount of $17,010.57 dated January 28, 1992. Item 5. Approval of Terms and conditions for water service with Bryant Ranch Associates 5 for their project located at the southeast corner of Paseo De Toronto and Camino De Bryant, Tract No. 14096, Job 9141. Item 6. Approval of the agreement with James M. Montgomery, Consulting Engineers, Inc. and authorize the President and Secretary to execute the agreement. Item 7. Acceptance of the Treasurer's Report for December 31, 1991. ACTION CALENDAR Item 8. Consideration of authorization for construction of the Lomas De Yorba Booster Station. Yury Zaslavsky, Assistant Engineering Manager, reported that the Lomas De Yorba Booster Station plans and specifications are ready for the bidding process. Mr. Zaslavsky then reviewed the project, bidding process and schedule. Director Scanlin noted a correction to the dates for the pre-bid conference. Upon a motion by Director Scanlin, seconded by Director Korn, the Board of Directors voted 4-0 to authorize the staff to solicit bids for construction of the Lomas De Yorba Booster Station. Item 9. Consideration of a date for the Board of Directors Goals Setting Workshop. Mr. Robertson discussed the Board of Directors 1992 calendar of routine, yet major, events. Mr. Robertson noted the schedule is preliminary, and pointed out that Directors Fox and Armstrong will be absent when the budget is scheduled for approval at the second meeting in June. Director Korn expressed concern the budget may be approved with two directors absent. Following a general discussion, the Board agreed to move consideration of the budget to the first meeting in June. Mr. Robertson discussed scheduling the Board Goals Setting Workshop. Upon a motion by Vice President Fox, seconded by Director Knauft, the Board of Directors voted 4-0 to schedule the Goals Setting Workshop for 2:00 p.m., Thursday, March, 26, 1992. GENERAL MANAGER'S REPORT Item 10. The General Manager's oral report included the following: • Mr. Harsma reported on the completion of Esperanza Road pipeline. Mr. Harsma also reported that well water production has increased by approximately 3 acre feet per day. • Mr. Robertson reported the District was below its December IICP target. Mr. Robertson then reviewed the IICP penalty/credit situation. • Mr. Robertson reported that drought/finance presentations to the Placentia City Council and Yorba Linda City Council are scheduled February 4 and 18, respectively. • Mr. Robertson reported on a meeting with City of Anaheim officials regarding Anaheim's utility tax. The District's will defer implementation of the tax until a referendum vote in June 1992. • Mr. Robertson reported on the Governor's budget proposal: ACWA is working on a survey and the District is mailing out a press release on the issue. Vice President Fox reported that he will meet with Frank Hill on Friday, January 24, to discuss this matter. • Mr. Robertson reported he implemented a hiring freeze on three vacant positions until a review is completed by Mr. Lubin. °'S~ > Page 2335 January 23, 1992 STANDING COMMITTEE REPORTS Item 11. There was no Executive-Administrative-Organizational Committee report. Item 12. The Finance-Accounting Committee held an emergency meeting on January 16, 1992 to discuss the Governor's Budget proposal. A copy of the Districts response was included in the Agenda packet. Item 13. The Personnel Committee held a meeting on January 6, 1992. The Committee discussed the Engineering Manager and Business Manager recruitments. In addition, the Committee will review the Personnel Manual, Personnel policies and Safety Manual in the upcoming months. The Personnel Committee scheduled a meeting for February 6, 1992, at 10:00 a.m. Item 14. The Planning-Engineering-Operations Committee held a meeting on January 7, 1992. The Committee discussed the agreement with Mr. and Mrs. Dawson, Esperanza Road pipeline project, Well 16 water quality, Anaheim work in front of Well No. 15, Brighton Preannexation agreement, upcoming AMP shutdown and James M. Montgomery Consulting Engineers annual contract. Item 15. The Public Information Committee held a meeting on January 8, 1992. The Committee discussed an update on drought conditions, calls received by Customer Service, an appeals process to be used if the District goes into mandatory water conservation, the next issue of the Waterlines newsletter and a letter regarding the Delta Smelt. The Public Information Committee scheduled a meeting for Wednesday, February 5, 1992 at 2:00 p.m. INTERGOVERNMENTAL MEETINGS Item 16. Report on CSDA meeting, January 10, 1992. Director Korn reported he did not attend the meeting because fog conditions in Sacramento prevented flying into the airport. Item 17. Report on Planning Commission meeting, January 15, 1992. Director Korn reported the Planning Commission made a change in policy regarding sewer connections to sewer pipelines not yet installed by the District. Director Korn expressed concern because now the City and District will have to monitor future projects to be sure the connections are made. Item 18. Report on MWDOC meeting, January 15, 1992. Director Knauft reported that MWDOC elected new officers for the year. Director Knauft then reported on the MWD meeting. Item 19. Report on Yorba Linda City Council meeting, January 21, 1992. Director Knauft reported that Mr. Simonian and Mr. Paxton received 20 year pins, the City discussed term limitations for council members, and video newsletters. Item 20. Report on OCWD meeting, January 22, 1992. Vice President Fox reported that OCWD discussed their budget and capital projects. BOARD MEMBER COMMENTS Item 21. Director Knauft. Director Knauft requested that staff review payment for retiree insurance and costs for stationary, and leak detection services. Item 22. Director Korn did not have any comments. Item 23. Director Scanlin thanked staff for quick response from a customer who received a high water user letter and found the high consumption was due to a leak on their property. Item 24. Vice President Fox did not have any comments. Page 2 ~ ~ .5-_. January 23, 1992 Item 25. President Armstrong was absent. BOARD OF DIRECTORS ACTIVITY CALENDAR The Board of Directors reviewed the Activity Calendar and made assignments. CLOSED SESSION There was no closed session. ADJOURNMENT Upon a motion by Vice President Fox, seconded by Director Scanlin, the Board of Directors voted 4- 0, at 9:51 a.m., to adjourn to: Thursday, February 13, 1992, at 8:30 a.m., at the District headquarters on Plumosa Drive. //f ~ Wi IT= J.Tl'o`llertson General Manager/Secretary