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April 9, 1992
April 9, 1992
The April 9, 1992, Regular Meeting of the Yorba Linda Water District Board of Directors was
called to order by President Armstrong at 8:30 a.m. The meeting was held at the District
Headquarters located at 4622 Plumosa Drive, Yorba Linda.
Directors present:
Roy Knauft, Jr.
Arthur C. Korn
Carl Scanlin
Vice President Sterling L. Fox
President Paul R. Armstrong
Directors absent:
Staff present:
William Robertson, Secretary/General Manager
Arthur G. Kidman, District General Counsel
Barbara Bower, Secretary to the General Manager
Charles Gray, Engineering Manager
Ray Harsma, Operations Superintendent
Roger Lubin, Exec. Ass't to the General Manager
Beverly Meza, Acting Business Manager
Michael Payne, Assistant General Manager
Michael Robinson, Assistant Administrator
Visitors Present:
Mr. Stan Sprague, General Manager, Municipal Water District of Orange County.
Mr. Karl Seckel, Assistant General Manager, Municipal Water District of Orange County.
Prior to voting on the Consent Calendar, President Armstrong declared a conflict of interest
regarding Item No. 5 and requested that it be removed for separate action.
On a motion by Director Knauft, seconded by Vice President Fox, the Board of Directors voted
5-0 to approve Consent Calendar Item Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4 and 6:
Item 1. Minutes of the Regular meeting of March 26, 1992.
Item 2. Authorization for the Directors to leave the State of California. prior to next meeting.
Item 3. Payment of bills, payroll and refunds in the amount of $652,697.63 on Check Nos.
10005, 10006, 10982 through 11073; and Payroll Check Nos 3083 through 3146; and one wire
to ACWA in the amount of $17,100.10 dated March 27, 1992.
Item 4. Approval of Progress Payment No. 15 to BFI Constructors, in the amount of
$164,953.00 for construction of the Elk Mountain Reservoir; and authorize staff to deposit
$19,385.00 with Escrow Agent El Dorado Bank as a substitute for retention earnings, Job No.
Item 6. Approval of Progress Payment No. 9 in the amount of $172,179.00, and Change
Order No. 9 granting a time extension totaling four calendar days, to SSC Construction,
Incorporated for construction of the Camino De Bryant Reservoir, Job No. 8935.
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Item 5. Approval of Quitclaim Deed of Easement with Sanyo Shokuhin Kabushiki Kaisha.
President Armstrong declared a conflict of interest and did not participate in any further
discussion on this item. Chuck Gray, Engineering Manager, reported the District no longer
needs a sewer easement on the Yorba Linda Country Club property located at 19400 Mountain
View Avenue. On a motion by Vice President Fox, seconded by Director Knauft, the Board of
Directors voted 4-0, President Armstrong abstained, to authorize the President and Secretary to
execute a Quitclaim Deed of Easement with Sanyo Shokuhin Kabushiki Kaisha on their property
located 19400 Mountain View Avenue.
Item 7. Schedule the Annual Board of Directors Facilities Tour. Chuck Gray, Engineering
Manager, introduced this item with a report that it is time for the Board's annual tour of facilities.
The staff will use a vehicle which is similar to last years vehicle. The tour will begin immediately
following the Board meeting and will last approximately 2 hours.
On a motion by President Armstrong, seconded by Director Scanlin, the Board of Directors
voted 5-0 to schedule the tour following the April 23, 1992, Board of Directors meeting.
Item 8. Consideration of request by the Association of California Water Agencies for funding
of effort to oppose the Governor's Tax Transfer. Mike Robinson, Assistant Administrator,
reported that ACWA has requested $6,000 to fund ACWA's lobbying effort opposing the
Governor's tax proposal. Following a lengthy discussion, the Board's consensus was to pay
$268 and send a letter to ACWA requesting they fund these activities from their dues pool instead
of using special assessments. The $268 represents the difference between $5,000 budgeted for
annual ACWA dues less $4,732 actually paid in ACWA dues.
On a motion by Director Knauft, seconded by Vice President Fox, the Board of Directors voted
5-0 to authorize $268 as the District's contribution to ACWA's effort opposing the Governor's
Property Tax proposal, and directed staff to notify ACWA to fund these types of activities out of
the pool of annual dues instead of special assessments.
Item 9. Consideration request by Association of California Water Agencies for funding of
opposition to US EPA's standards for radon in drinking water. Mike Robinson reported that
ACWA requested $20,000 from the District to fund the lobbying effort opposing the US EPA's
proposed Radon regulations. Mr. Stan Sprague reported that Orange County Water District and
Metropolitan Water District have contributed funds to this effort. The Board noted that the
District is a member of both agencies, therefore, a contribution to this effort has already been
made through those agencies. Following a lengthy discussion, the Board felt the District's
contribution was already made through OCWD and Metropolitan.
On a motion by Director Knauft, seconded by Director Scanlin, the Board of Directors voted 5-0
to direct staff to notify ACWA the District is a member of the OCWD and OCWD is making a
contribution to this effort.
Item 10. Consideration of Resolution 92-06 Implementing Level 1 of the Emergency Water
Management Ordinance. Mike Robinson, Assistant Administrator, introduced this item with a
report that water supplies within the State have improved following the recent storms,
Metropolitan will now get 45% of its State Water Project allotment and that Metropolitan moved
from a mandatory program to Level I - Voluntary program. The Resolution proposed by staff
continues the District's voluntary program, however, it adjusts the target from 18% on residential
and 33% on landscape customers to 10% on all customers. In addition, the proposed Resolution
continues the District's public information program, with emphasis on the long term Water
Conservation Ethic spelled out in the adopted Urban Water Management Plan.
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The proposed Resolution is consistent with Metropolitan's target imposed on the District. Mr.
Robinson reported that other Orange County agencies are moving from mandatory programs to
10% voluntary programs.
The Board inquired as to whether an emergency still exists and, if not, should the District repeal
its Emergency Water Management Ordinance. General Manager Robertson responded the
Department of Water Resources has classified 1992 as a "critical water year" and State Water
Project supply to Metropolitan is still only 45% of the normal allotment. Due to these factors, an
emergency still exists but the crisis phase of the drought appears to be over for now. The Board
then reviewed the list of voluntary water conservation measures and instructed staff to clarify
item 14.
On a motion by Director Knauft, seconded by Vice President Fox, the Board of Directors voted
5-0 to adopt Resolution No. 92-06 Implementing Level 1 of the Emergency Water Management
Ordinance and Rescinding Resolution No. 91-21.
Item 12 was taken out of order to accommodate Mr. Sprague and Mr. Seckel.
Item 12. Report on the Allen McColloch Pipeline MOU and Lease Agreement. Mike Payne,
Assistant General Manager, introduced this item with a overview of the Allen-McColloch
Pipeline (AMP) Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) and Lease Agreement.
Mr. Payne then turned the presentation over to Mr. Stan Sprague, Municipal Water District of
Orange County (MWDOC) General Manager. Mr. Sprague thanked the Board for the
opportunity to make a presentation and reported that MWDOC would like to have the MOU and
Lease Agreement ready for signature by May 1, 1992. Mr. Sprague then turned the presentation
over to Mr. Karl Seckel, MWDOC Assistant General Manager. Mr. Seckel conducted a detailed
audio/visual presentation The major points discussed by Mr. Seckel were: proposed sale of AMP
to Metropolitan Water District, District is a gravity participant, the District's guaranteed Hydraulic
Grade Line (HGL) is unchanged by the MOU and Lease Agreement, construction of the Diemer
pump station will begin when the AMP gravity capacity exceeds 366 cfs, MWDOC can lease up
to 30 cfs, leases are contingent upon sale agreement with MWD, gravity capacity has priority
over leased capacity, leased capacity can be shut off to protect gravity capacity, it is doubtful that
MWD will guarantee the District's HGL and projects the District can propose to MWD to protect
its HGL.
Mr. Seckel reported that the District's HGL issue will be addressed in the agreement for sale of
the AMP to MWD, and the District has veto power over the AMP sale if it is not satisfied with
how MWD resolves the HGL issue.
The Board thanked Mr. Sprague and Mr. Seckel for the detailed presentation and discussed
several options to protect the HGL following sale of the AMP to MWD. The options included
operating the Diemer Clearwell at a higher elevation, constructing a permanent or temporary
booster pumping station at DI-02 and/or DI-01, enlarging the OC-51 outlet and a separate
transmission pipeline from OC-51 to the District's Bryant Crossfeeder. The Board noted that
each was a valid option but the best choice depended on the exact nature of the problem in the
future, therefore, selecting an option now may not be the best alternative. The Board reiterated
its position that it would be better for MWD to guarantee the HGL than speculate on which
facility option is the best choice.
Mr. Payne concluded with a report that the staff will present an Agenda Report on April 23,
requesting Board action on the MOU and Lease Agreement.
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This item was for information only and no action was taken.
Item 11. Quarterly Report to the Board of Directors on the status of Goals and Objectives as
defined in the 1991-92 Five Year Plan. Mike Robinson, Assistant Administrator, presented an
audio/visual report on activities of the District in the last quarter as they relate to the goals and
objectives defined in the Five Year Plan. During the presentation, Board members asked
questions about the Elk Mountain and Camino De Bryant Reservoir construction projects, and
the Etchandy Well/Lakeview Avenue rehabilitation.
This item was for information only and no action was taken.
President Armstrong declared a recess beginning at 10:07 am. The meeting reconvened at 10:15
with all Directors and staff members present.
Item 13. The General Manager's oral report. William Robertson, General Manager, discussed
the following:
1. A request as to which Directors would attend the District's next bus tour scheduled for
Saturday, April 25, 1992. Director Scanlin reported he will attend.
2. A report that Howard Renkin sold his Chevron station and the new owner is willing to
continue with the District gasoline contract but at a 6% discount instead of 9%. Mr.
Robertson reported on the difficulty of finding a supplier willing to use a District credit
cards and discount the pump price. Mr. Robertson reported the District's back-up
gasoline station is out of the District service area and only offers a 5% discount. Given
the convenient location of the Chevron station and a discount greater than the back-up
location, the staff will assign the current contract with the new owner until another
contract is awarded in January 1993.
Item 14. Mr. Arthur G. Kidman, District General Counsel, reported on groundwater
legislation sponsored by ACWA.
Item 15. The Executive-Administrative-Organizational Committee did not have a meeting.
Item 16. A Finance Committee meeting was held on April 7, 1992, at 9:00 a.m. The
Committee discussed addition of Great Western Savings as a Deferred Compensation provider,
Auditor selection process, Augmentation Funds, status of the Governor's tax transfer proposal,
Sewer Maintenance Charge billings and SAVI.
Item 17. A Personnel Committee was held on April 1, 1992. The Committee discussed labor
negotiations, job classifications, drug policy, SB 198, Vineyard Christian Fellowship request and
Item 18. A Planning-Engineering-Operations Committee meeting was held on April 6, 1992.
The Committee discussed Palm Avenue Booster Station landscaping, Elk Mountain Reservoir
temporary tanks, relocate one temporary tank to a location near the proposed Hidden Hills
Reservoir site, Springview Reservoir land appraisal, Bastanchury Reservoir site study, AMP
MOU and Lease Agreement, update on Well 16 and 17, effort to comply with US EPA's Lead
and Copper rule, Elk Mountain Reservoir landscaping plan, Shell property EIR and Gasoline
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Item 19. A Public Information Committee meeting was held on April 8, 1992. The Committee
discussed a new water bill format, drought update, credits earned from December through March
abate the penalty for October and November, MWDOC will apply credits on future billings,
drought appeal process, plaques for the Elk Mountain and Camino De Bryant Reservoir
dedications, sponsoring a drinking fountain at the Nixon Library, Main Street Arts and Crafts
festival, April 25, bus tour, Xeriscape Committee problems, Water Quality report, articles for the
next issue of Waterlines, publishing a drought and AMP shutdown "Thank You" letter and
revisions to the letters mailed to customers greater than 200% of their neighborhood average.
Item 20. Report on MWDOC meeting, April 1, 1992. Director Knauft reported that nothing
of interest to the District was discussed at the April 1, MWDOC meeting.
Item 21. Report on WACO meeting, April 3, 1992. Director Knauft reported that pending
legislation was discussed at the April 3, WACO meeting
Item 22. Report on OCWD meeting April 1, 1992. Director Fox reported that a discussion of
several Basin Replenishment Assessment options were so complicated that other OCWD Board
members, and public in the audience, did not understand the proposal. General Manager
Robertson reported that OCWD held a joint TAC/groundwater producers meeting on Monday,
April 6, where the proposal was discussed in more detail. Mr. Robertson reported the basin is
overdrafted and that during the drought some areas of the basin declined while some others
improved. OCWD wants to purchase 20,000 acre feet of replenishment water and the major
point of discussion was how to spread the costs. Mr. Robertson reported that District staff
prefers the option to retain overall pumping at 70%, however, agencies that can pump more than
70% should be allowed to do so, but they should be charged the cost to purchase the 20,000 acre
feet of replenishment water.
Item 23. Report on Yorba Linda City Council meeting, April 7, 1992. Director Scanlin
reported that Bastanchury Road Environmental Impact Report was discussed.
Item 24. Director Knauft reported a vacancy for his Colorado River tour that leaves on Friday,
April 10, 1992. There is room for two people. If anyone is interested, please contact him as
soon as possible.
Item 25. Director Korn did not have any comments.
Item 26. Director Scanlin did not have any comments.
Item 27. Vice President Fox requested that staff look into the ACWA memorandum that
Medicare is to be billed before the ACWA/Blue Cross is billed.
Item 28. President Armstrong asked if any director, or staff, was going to the Special District
Finance seminar in June. No one was planning on attending the seminar. Mr. Armstrong then
reported on a Proposition 65 Notice that appeared in the Saturday, April 4, 1992 newspaper.
Lastly, Mr. Armstrong requested that someone from staff attend the County wide disaster drill
scheduled in May.
The Board of Directors reviewed the
President Armstrong directed the Board of Directors into closed session at 11:35 a.m.
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Item 29. Review upcoming Labor Negotiations process. William Robertson and Roger Lubin
attended the Closed Session. The Board of Directors came out of closed session at 11:57 a.m.
No action was taken during the closed session.
The staff was excused while the Board of Directors continued the Goals Workshop discussion.
Upon a motion by Vice President Fox, seconded by Director Knauft, the Board of Directors
voted 5-0, at 12:07 p.m., to adjourn to Thursday, April 23, 1992, at 8:00 a.m., at the District
headquarters on Plumosa Drive.
General Manager/Secretary