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May 14, 1992
May 14, 1992
The May 14, 1992, Regular Meeting of the Yorba Linda Water District Board of Directors was
called to order by President Armstrong at 8:30 a.m. The meeting was held at the District
Headquarters located at 4622 Plumosa Drive, Yorba Linda.
Directors present:
Roy Knauft, Jr.
Arthur C. Korn
Vice President Sterling L. Fox
President Paul R. Armstrong
Directors absent:
Carl T. Scanlin
Visitors Present:
Staff Dresent:
William Robertson, Secretary/General Manager
Charles Gray, Engineering Manager
Ray Harsma, Operations Superintendent
Roger Lubin, Exec. Ass't to the General Manager
Beverly Meza, Acting Business Manager
Michael Payne, Assistant General Manager
Thomas Scott Roberts, Maintenance I
Michael Robinson, Assistant Administrator
Jill Weber, Typist Clerk II
Item 1. Introduction of new employee, Thomas Scott Roberts, Maintenance I. Ray Harsma,
Operations Superintendent, introduced Thomas Scott Roberts to the Board of Directors. On
behalf of the Board, President Armstrong welcomed Mr. Roberts to the District.
On a motion by Vice President Fox, seconded by President Armstrong, the Board of Directors
voted 4-0 to approve Consent Calendar as follows:
Item 2. Minutes of the Regular meeting of April 23, 1992.
Item 3. Authorization for the Directors to leave the State of California prior to next meeting.
Item 4. Payment of bills, payroll and refunds in the amount of $1,425,804.32 on Check Nos.
9173, 11075, 11168 through 11266; and Payroll Check Nos. 3229, through 3291; and one wire
to Bank of America in the amount of $842,156.25 dated April 30, 1992.
Item 5. Approval of Progress Payment No. 16 to BFI Constructors, in the amount of
$124,785.00 for the construction of the Elk Mountain Reservoir; and authorize the staff to
deposit $13,865.00 with Escrow Agent El Dorado Bank as a substitute for retention earnings,
Job No. 89-16.
Item 6. Approval of Progress Payment No. 10 in the amount of $270,225.00 to SSC
Construction, Incorporated for construction of the Camino De Bryant Reservoir, Job No. 89-35.
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Item 7. Approval of an Agreement with Barrett Consulting Group for the Bastanchury Plant
Site Study, in the amount of $6,867.00; and authorize the President and Secretary to execute the
Item 8. Approval to release the Guarantee Bonds with the developers for Tract Nos. 9759,
12452, and Lot No. 9 of 11662.
Item 9. Approval of Financial Statements for the nine months ended March 31, 1992. Beverly
Meza, Acting Business Manager, reviewed the Financial Statements for the nine months ended
March 31, 1992. Ms. Meza reported the water operating fund balance is about the same as this
time last year despite a decrease in revenues caused by the drought and the sewer operating fund
is showing a loss. The Board held a general discussion regarding the District's assets and
condition of the sewer operation fund.
On a motion by Director Knauft, seconded by Vice President Fox, the Board of Directors voted
4-0 to approve the Financial Statements for the nine months ended March 31, 1992.
Item 10. Approval to solicit proposasl for a new Uniform Contract. Ray Harsma, Operations
Superintendent, introduced this subject with a report that the current three year Uniform contract
expires in July 1992 and it is time to solicit proposal to renew the contract for the ensuing three
year period. Mr. Harsma also reported the new contract will include acquisition and cleaning of
jackets. The Board discussed the three year contract period and cost of cleaning jackets.
On a motion by Director Knauft, seconded by Director Korn, the Board of Directors voted 4-0 to
authorize the staff to solicit proposals for a new uniform contract.
Item 11. Consideration of Sewer Maintenance Charge for Multiple Family Dwelling Units.
Prior to the staff presentation, President Armstrong commented that the proposed Resolution No.
92-06 changes one rate - the Sewer Maintenance Charge for Multiple Family Dwelling units.
All of the other fees shown in the proposed Resolution remain at the same amount adopted by
Resolution 91-27. All of the other fees in the proposed Resolution are shown for continuity with
District policy that all fees and charges remain in a single document. Director Fox asked General
Counsel if this matter required a formal public hearing process. Arthur G. Kidman, District
General Counsel, reported the proposal before the Board involved a rate and not a fee, therefore,
a formal public hearing was not required.
Mike Payne, Assistant General Manager, began with a report that the District imposes a Sewer
Maintenance Charge to all customers connected to the District's sewer system. The purpose of
the Charge is to pay for operating expenses to maintain and clean the sewer system. Currently,
the Sewer Operating Fund shows a loss and part of the loss is because multiple family dwelling
units are not paying a fair share of the maintenance expenses. Mr. Payne reviewed options to
equitably impose a charge on multiple family units and concluded that basing the charge on
discharge to the sewer system, using an average number of fixture units per dwelling, is a
generally accepted practice. The average number of fixture units in multiple family units is 9
compared to 12 for single family units. Mr. Payne recommended that the rate for multiple family
units should be 80% of the single family rate. Mr. Payne reported that the Temporary Rate of $5
per month was originally established for a single customer who operated an oil refining business.
Since that particular customer is no longer in business the staff recommends eliminating the
Temporary rate. Mr. Payne concluded his report with a review of the proposed changes. Mr.
Payne also reported that staff is in the process of studying all of the sewer rates and will present a
recommendation on all of the Sewer Maintenance Charge rates in August 1992.
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The Board of Directors held a lengthy discussion on the definition of multiple family units and
comparisons of multiple family to single family units discharge rates. The Board concluded that
a multiple family rate should be changed as soon as possible so they pay their fair share of sewer
maintenance costs, however, the term Multiple Family Dwellings does not adequately define the
type of service provided by the District.
In conclusion the Board concurred with the proposed rate for Multiple Family Dwellings and
requested changing Multiple Family Dwellings to Residential - Master Metered and Single
Family to Residential - Individually Metered. In addition, the Board requested that staff
consider extensive revisions to all Sewer Maintenance Charges.
On a motion by Director Knauft, seconded by Director Korn, the Board of Directors voted 4-0 to
adopt Resolution No. 92-06 Setting Sewer Development and Processing Fees and Rescinding
Resolution 91-27 as amended.
Item 12. Review of the District's 1992-93 Five Year Plan. William Robertson, General
Manager, presented a detailed review of the purpose of the Plan, highlights of the new and/or
updated information, and the major changes incorporated in the 1992-93 Five Year Plan. Chuck
Gray, Engineering Manager, reviewed the capital improvement appendices in detail. Mr.
Robertson then invited Board comments on the Five Year Plan.
The Board discussed the new Water Quality Chapter and affect of existing and/or proposed
Federal and State regulations on the District; the new Personnel component and future personnel
requirements; language changes on several pages to clarify the text; and, distribution of the final
Plan. The Board talked about revising the District's mission to include a statement on personnel,
but choose to bring this matter up at the continuation of the Goals Workshop scheduled for June
11. President Armstrong noted the Water and Sewer Catastrophic Restoration Funds were
underfunded and the Plan did not address specific solutions. Following discussion, the Board
noted this matter should be addressed in the annual budget process.
This matter was for information only and no action was taken.
Item 13. The General Manager's oral report. William Robertson, General Manager, discussed
the following:
1. The next Board meeting will include review of the Draft 1992-92 Budget and new water
bills, and presentations to the District's 20,000th customer.
2. Well No. 12 is down for repairs.
3. In order to finish the Draft 1992-93 Budget, he will not attend the ACWA Conference
scheduled for May 20 through 22.
Item 14. General Counsel's oral report and comments. Pursuant to District policy, Mike
Payne, Assistant General Manager/Risk Manager, reported the District received a subpoena for
District documents related to a case involving a lawsuit between two developers in the District's
service area. Mr. Kidman, District General Counsel, reported he is working with staff on
compliance of the subpoena. Mr. Arthur G. Kidman did not have any other comments.
Item 15. An Executive-Administrative-Organizational Committee meeting was held on April
23, to discuss the District's check writing policy.
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Item 16. A Finance Committee meeting was held on May 4, 1992, to discuss the Sewer
Maintenance Charge rates for multiple family dwelling units.
The Finance Committee scheduled a meeting for Tuesday, May 26, 1992, at 2:00 p.m.
Item 17. Report on Personnel Committee meeting of May 8, 1992. The Personnel Committee
held a meeting on May 8, and May 13, to discuss the status of Labor Negotiations, Job
Classifications, Salary Survey and MSC agreement.
Item 18. A Planning-Engineering-Operations Committee meeting was held on April 27, 1992.
The Committee discussed District participation in Orange County Water District's well refund
program, ShellOil Company development and reviewed the Draft Five Year Plan.
Item 19. A Public Information Committee meeting was held on April 29, 1992. The
Committee discussed a new water bill format, upcoming Xeriscape Seminar, facilities tour, Main
Street Arts and Crafts Fair, Waterlines Newsletters, Mandatory conservation appeals process and
a meeting with the City of Yorba Linda Parks Commission regarding conjunctive use of the Elk
Mountain Reservoir site.
Item 20. Report on WACO meeting, May 1, 1992. Director Knauft attended and reported on
nominations to WACO's Board of Directors.
Item 21. Report on Yorba Linda City Council meeting, May 5, 1992. Director Knauft attended
and reported that nothing of interest to the District was discussed.
Item 22. Report on MWDOC meeting, May 6, 1992. Director Knauft attended and reported
that MWDOC discussed their annual budget and Standby charge.
Item 23. Report on MWD meeting. Director Knauft reported that MWD adopted a $50 million
revenue program of which one-half will come from a $5 per parcel Standby Charge assessment
and one-half will come from an additional charge on water sold by MWD.
Item 24. Report on Yorba Linda Planning Commission meeting April 29, 1992. Director
Korn attended and will discuss specific projects with the Engineering Manager.
Item 25. Report on CSDA meeting, May 8, 1992. Director Korn reported that CSDA's
response to the Governor's property tax proposal was effective because it was aimed at showing
the increased cost of services.
Item 26. Report on Yorba Linda Planning Commission meeting, May 13, 1992. Director Korn
attended and reported that nothing of interest to the District was discussed.
Item 27. Report on OCWD meeting, May 6, 1992. Vice President Fox reported the May 6,
meeting was canceled and he was unable to attend the rescheduled meeting.
Item 28. Director Knauft did not have any comments.
Item 29. Director Korn did not have any comments.
Item 30. Director Scanlin was absent
Item 31. Vice President Fox did not have any comments.
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Item 32. President Armstrong noted the thank you letter from Sally, the District's Xeriscape
seminar this coming Saturday and discussion of an ACWA/JPIA bond issuance proposal
following the closed session.
The Board of Directors reviewed the Activity Calendar.
On direction by President Armstrong, the Board of Directors went into closed session at 11:12
a.m. to discuss Labor Negotiations and Job Classification issues. General Manager Robertson
and Roger Lubin, Executive Assistant to the General Manager, attended the Closed Session.
Director Knauft departed the meeting during the Closed Session.
Upon direction by President Armstrong, the Board of Directors came out of Closed Session at
12:39 p.m. No action was taken during the closed session.
President Armstrong reported that at the May 19, ACWA/JPIA Board meeting, the JPIA staff
will present a proposal to issue approximately $82 million in tax-exempt and taxable bonds to
finance JPIA administrative, liability and Workers Compensation expenses. President
Armstrong facilitated a discussion by the Board on JPIA's bond issuance proposal. Following a
general discussion, the Board's consensus was that bond debt is for capital facilities and not to
finance on-going expenses. Based upon information currently available, the Board requested
that President Armstrong, as the District's JPIA representative, oppose the concept of using bond
debt to finance ACWA/JPIA administrative, liability and Workers Compensation expenses.
Upon a motion by President Armstrong, seconded by Director Scanlin, the Board of Directors
voted 3-0, at 12:49 p.m., to adjourn to Thursday, May 28, 1992, at 8:30 a.m., at the District
headquarters on Plumosa Drive.
it iam J. o ertson
General Manager/Secretary