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July 26, 1990
July 26, 1990
The regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda Water District was called
to order by Roy Knauft, Vice President, at 8:32 a.m., at the District Headquarters, 4622
Plumosa Drive, Yorba Linda. Directors present were: Paul Armstrong, Sterling Fox and
Roy Knauft. Arthur C. Korn was absent. Also present were William Robertson, Acting
General .Manager; Cheryl. Gunderson, Business Manager; Mike Robinson, Assistant
Administrator; Ray Harsma, Operations Superintendent; Mike Payne, Engineering
Manager; and, Barbara Bower, Secretary.
On a motion by Director Fox and seconded by Director Armstrong, the Board of Directors
voted 3-0 to approve the Consent Calendar as follows:
Item 1. Approval of Minutes - Regular meeting of July 12, 1990. Director Armstrong
noted one clarification and one correction to the Minutes. Item No. 11, consideration of
options to fill a Board vacancy needed to be clarified. Director Armstrong reported that
subsequent to the Board's July 12 meeting, Russ Behrens advised staff that: (1) a person
appointed to the Board could use the term "Appointed" on the ballot; and, (2) given the
effective date of former Director Cromwell's resignation, the seat was vacant before the
election, therefore the filling date will close on August 10th not August 15th. After general
discussion by the Board, the minutes for Item No. 11 were not changed; however, the
record for the July 26 meeting notes clarification of these details.
Director Armstrong also noted that Item No. 23 needed correction to add the date of July
25, 1990 at the end of the sentence. The Minutes were approved as corrected.
Item 2. Authorization for the Directors to leave the State of California prior to next
Item 3. Approval to payment to A.W. Associates in the amount of $446,327.09 for the
reimbursement of construction costs for the construction of the Santiago Booster Station,
Job 8140B. Director Fox indicated the staff report was not clear as to who was the lead
agency responsible for compliance with CEQA. Engineering Manager, Mike Payne,
reported that the Yorba Linda Water District was the lead Agency responsible for
compliance with CEQA.
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Item 4. Approval to release the Guarantee Bond with Woodcrest Development for Tract
No. 12912 in the amount of $3,000.00.
Item 5. Authorization to solicit bids for two service trucks.
Item 6. Authorization to advertise for construction bids for the Zone 4 Elk Mountain
Reservoir. Mike Payne, Engineering Manager, reported that the Plans and Specifications
for the Elk Mountain Reservoir are now complete and ready for the bidding process. He
further reported that the project will be advertised next week and the Board will approve a
contractor at the first meeting in September. The Elk Mountain Reservoir was identified in
the District's Five Year Plan, Adopted 1990-91 Budget and 1989 I.D.-2 Water Service
Agreement. Director Armstrong inquired about construction of the booster pump station
and Mr. Payne reported that Woodcrest will undertake construction with reimbursement by
the District at a later date. Director Fox requested location of the reservoir on the aerial
photo. Vice President Knauft discussed the status of the water well. Mr. Payne reported
that plans for the water wells will be signed this week, the agreement between AW
Associates and the County is signed, a contractor has been selected, and construction
will begin within a couple of weeks. On a motion by Director Fox and seconded by
Director Armstrong, the Board of Directors voted 3-0 to authorize staff to advertise for bids
for construction of the Elk Mountain Reservoir, Job No. 8918.
Item 7. Consideration of an amendment to the employees deferred compensation plan
designating a new Plan Administrator. Cheryl Gunderson, Business Manager, reported
that former Director Cromwell was the deferred compensation plan Administrator. In
accordance with the Plan's rules, the Administrator must be adopted by Resolution of the
Board and cannot be a member of the Plan. Ms. Gunderson also reported that the
position of Plan Administrator was discussed with Director Armstrong and he was willing
to assume the responsibility. Vice President Knauft noted that the employees plan
currently has approximately $800,000 in assets. On a motion by Director Fox and
seconded by Vice President Knauft the Board of Directors voted 3-0 to adopt Resolution
90-27 amending the employees deferred compensation plan and authorizing its
Item 8. Declaration of Surplus Furniture and Equipment. Operations Superintendent,
Ray Harsma, reported that a variety of office furniture items removed from the
Headquarters Building are currently stored at Plant No. 1 and of no further use to the
District. In addition, there is a variety of old fittings and equipment that are also of no
further use to the District. A complete list of the items is shown on Exhibit "A" of the staff
report. Given that the items are of no further use to the District, it is recommended that the
Board declare the list as surplus and authorize staff to dispose of them in accordance with
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July 26, 1990
the District's procedures. Director Armstrong noted spelling corrections on the Exhibit and
inquired as to how the public was notified of the sale. Mr. Harsma reported that a public
notice advertisement will be placed in the Orange County Register. In accordance with
District rules, all employees, including Directors, are eligible to submit bids for surplus
items. On a motion by Director Armstrong and seconded by Director Fox the Board of
Directors voted 3-0 to declare the list of used, broken or obsolete furniture and equipment
as surplus and authorize the staff to advertise for the sale of surplus equipment.
Item 9. Consideration of request by ACWA for financial support for a new water issues
program. Acting General Manager, William Robertson, reported that ACWA is
undertaking a special information program to increase the public's awareness of possible
water supply problems if Delta transfer facilities are not constructed. Mr. Robertson
reviewed the program goals, communication objectives, purpose, program messages,
action plan and approach. Following a general discussion by the Board, and on a motion
by Director Fox and seconded by Director Armstrong the Board of Directors voted 3-0 to
authorize $465 in financial support for ACWA's "Living on the edge" program.
Item 10. Mr. Robertson passed out copies of the Plant No. 1 Master Plan - Phase II to
each Director. Mr. Robertson requested that each Director review the Plan for the August
9th meeting. At the August 9th meeting representatives of ASL Consulting Engineers will
make a full presentation of the Plan and take input from the Board.
Oral Report. Mr. Robertson reported that only 20 people have signed up for the August
4th tour. If any Board members have guests who would like to attend, please have them
contact Mike Robinson. In addition, Mr. Robertson passed out final copies of the Five
Year Plan, 1990-91 Adopted Budget, and keys for signature plate box.
Item 11. Report on the Executive-Administrative-Organizational Committee of July 13,
1990. The Committee reported on City/District issues; July 12th brush fire; Plant No. 1
Master Plan; Eastlake Lake water supply; and, the Board of Directors Handbook.
Item 12. A Finance-Accounting Meeting will be scheduled after President Korn returns
from his vacation.
Item 13. Authorization for Payment of Bills. On a motion by Director Fox and seconded
by Director Armstrong, the Board of Directors voted 3-0 to approve payment of bills,
payroll and refunds in the amount of $245,215.98 on Check Nos. 5572 through 5578,
5810 through 5874 and 5944 through 5990; and Payroll Check Nos. 4645 through 5414.
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Item 14. No Personnel Committee meeting was scheduled.
Item 15. No Planning-Engineering-Operations Committee meeting was scheduled.
Item 16. No Public Information Committee meeting was scheduled.
Item 17. Report on CSDA meeting of July 1. President Korn was absent so no report
was made.
Item 18. Report on the City Council meeting of July 17. Director Fox reported that the
Bank of Yorba Linda was working on a branch in the SAVI park area, the Chino Hills Park
and Whit Cromwell's resignation from the Vector Control District were among the items
discussed at the July 17, Yorba Linda City Council meeting.
Item 19. Report on MWDOC meeting of July 18. Vice President Knauft reported on the
July 18 MWDOC meeting.
Item 20. Report on the OCWD meeting of July 18. Director Fox reported that the OCWD
Board discussed MWD's interruptible pricing incentives and spent most of the time
reviewing their complex financial plan.
Item 21. Report on Planning Commission meeting of July 25. Director Armstrong
reported on the commercial center at La Palma Avenue and Lomas De Yorba East;
Harold Leasure project; and, problems with a few standard City conditions that are
incorrect, e.g. fire flows requirements with a 230 psi residual, and poor wording on
another standard term. The staff will review Director Armstrong's concerns with the
Planning staff.
Item 21.a. Report on the WACO Dinner of July 25, 1990. Director Fox and Vice
President Knauft reported on the July 25th WACO dinner.
Item 22. Director Armstrong: Director Armstrong has observed drilling equipment on
Manzanita Avenue and inquired as to whether the District had received results of the test
borings. Mike Payne reported the District has not received results of the test borings.
Director Armstrong also observed drilling at various gas stations around Yorba Linda and
requested staff follow-up with County officials to learn of test results.
Item 23. Director Fox had no comments.
Item 24. Vice President Knauft had no comments.
July 26, 1990
Item 25. President Korn was absent.
Vice President Knauft directed the Board into a closed session to discuss potential
litigation regarding the District's blanket easement.
On a motion by Vice President Knauft and seconded by Director Armstrong, the Board of
Directors voted 3-0 to adjourn the meeting at 10:31 a.m.
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William J. Robertson
Acting General Manager/Secretary