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November 20, 1990
November 20,1990
The adjourned meeting of the Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda Water District was
called to order by Arthur C. Korn, President, at 4:00 p.m., November 20, 1990, at the
District Headquarters, 4622 Plumosa Drive, Yorba Linda. Directors present were:
Sterling Fox, Vice President Roy Knauft and President Arthur C. Korn. Director Paul
Armstrong was absent. Also present were William Robertson, Secretary/General
Manager; Beverly Meza, Accounting Supervisor; Ray Harsma, Operations
Superintendent; Mike Payne, Engineering Manager; Mike Robinson, Assistant
Administrator; and, Barbara Bower, Secretary to the Manager. Visitors present were
Director-elect Mr. Carl Scanlin.
President Korn introduced Director-elect Mr. Carl Scanlin.
Prior to voting on the Consent Calendar, General Manager William Robertson noted a
correction to page 4, Item 23 of the Draft Minutes. In addition, President Korn objected
to the phrase "It has become the practice" in connection with Agenda Item No. 5,
Honorarium for "Xeriscape -Yorba Linda" Speaker. President Korn noted that he does
not object to this particular Honorarium, just that the practice is to independently review
each case before deciding on an honorarium and its amount. On a motion by Director
Fox and seconded by Vice President Knauft, the Board of Directors voted 3-0 to approve
the Consent Calendar as follows:
Item 1. Approval of Minutes - Regular meeting of November 8, 1990 as corrected.
Item 2. Authorization for the Directors to leave the State of California prior to next
Item 3. Approval of the Terms and Conditions for Water Service with Satori
Corporation for their project located at 22711 La Palma Avenue, Job No. 9047.
Item 4. Acceptance of the Treasurer°s Report for October 31, 1990.
Item 5. Approval of $100.00 honorarium to Lisa Iwata for speaking at
"Xeriscape-Yorba Linda" Seminar, November 3, 1990.
November 20, 1990
Mr. Brian Johnson, representing AW Associates, arrived at this point in the meeting.
Item 6. Status Report on Award of Contract for the Elk Mountain Reservoir Project -
Continued from the Board's November 8, 1990 meeting. Engineering Manager, Mike
Payne, presented a detailed status report on the problems with low bidder equinox in
obtaining the required construction bonds. Mr. Payne reported on the recent
communications between the District's legal counsel and equinox's legal counsel giving
equinox until 5:00 p.m. Monday, November 19, 1990 to file construction bonds with the
District or else risk losing the project for failing to perform. Mr. Payne reported that as of
9:00 a.m. Tuesday, November 20, 1990 equinox has not responded to the
communication nor have they provided the required bonds. Due to the fact that equinox
is unable to obtain the required construction bonds, they are in default under the
September 27, 1990 award of contract; therefore, Mr. Payne recommended that the
Board rescind the award of contract to equinox and go to the next lowest qualified
Mr. Payne then presented a detailed status report on the November 14, 1990 meeting
with AW Associates, Department of Health Service and District staff regarding the
proposed, and existing water wells. Mr. Payne reported that as a result of the November
14th meeting, the staff recommends accepting the newly drilled Well No. 1 and existing
Bryant Ranch irrigation well as a permanent sources of supply. Mr. Payne then
reviewed four options with the Board and recommended selection of Option No. 1 to:
accept the newly drilled Well No. 1; refurbish the existing Bryant Ranch irrigation well;
construct the Elk Mountain Reservoir as currently planned; and, obtain property now
from AW Associates in the event a treatment plant is required in the future. Mr. Payne
noted that the 1989 Water Service Agreement protected the District in the event the
proposed wells are unable to meet the required quantity and/or quality criteria.
Mr. Arthur G. Kidman, District legal counsel, arrived at this point in the meeting.
Following a general discussion of the project options, water wells and equinox's bond
issues, and on a motion by Vice President Knauft and seconded by Director Fox, the
Board of Directors voted 3-0 to: (1) Approve Option No. 1; (2) Rescind the award of
contract to equinox and award to the next lowest qualified bidder; (3) Award the Elk
Mountain Reservoir Construction Project to BFl Constructors Inc. in the amount of
$2,568,000 and authorize the President and Secretary to execute the contract subject to
receipt of required construction bonds, insurance and approval as to form by legal
counsel; (4) Authorize staff and legal counsel to file a claim against equinox's bid bond;
and, (5) Authorize the return of SSC Construction Inc. bid security following execution of
the contract with BFI Constructors Inc.
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November 20, 1990
Item 7. Report on the Financial Statements for the three months ended September 30,
1990. The purpose of this agenda item is to request the Board approve the Financial
Statements for the three months period ended September 30, 1990. President Korn
asked Mrs. Beverly Meza, Accounting Supervisor, if there was anything further to add to
the printed agenda report. Mrs. Meza reported there was nothing further to add. On a
motion by Director Fox and seconded by Vice President Knauft, the Board of Directors
voted 3-0 to approve the Financial Statements for the three months ended September
30, 1990.
Item 8. Consideration of the 1990 Employees Handbook. Mike Robinson, Assistant
Administrator made a brief report on the purpose and goal of updating the employees
handbook. Mr. Robertson reported that Director Armstrong presented his comments on
this matter earlier in the week, and then reviewed his comments on pages 6, 7, 10, 17
and 18. Following a general discussion on the comments, and on a motion by Director
Fox and seconded Vice President Knauft, the Board of Directors voted 3-0 to approve
publication of the 1990 Employees Handbook as amended.
Item 9. Consideration of amending the District's Personnel Rules. Mike Robinson,
Assistant Administrator reported that during review of the Employees Handbook, Mr.
David Larsen, District labor counsel, noted minor technical corrections to the sexual
harassment and jury duty sections of the District's Personnel Rules were necessary to
conform with current law. President Korn opened the matter for general discussion. On
a motion by Director Fox and seconded by Vice President Knauft, the Board of Directors
voted 3-0 to approve Resolution No. 90-39 amending the District's Personnel Rules.
Item 10. Oral Report: William Robertson, Secretary/General Manager reported that he
attended at the Corps. of Engineers Public Hearing on Wednesday, November 14th and
spoke in favor of the Prado Dam Water Conservation project. Mr. Robertson also
reported that the City of Yorba Linda is in the process of updating its General Plan and
has submitted a request that one Board member sit on the review Committee. This
matter will be presented for consideration at the Board's December 13, 1990 meeting.
Item 11. District legal counsel, Mr. Arthur G. Kidman, had no report or comments.
Item 12. Report on the Executive-Administrative-Organizational Committee meeting of
November 15, 1990. The Committee reported that the Director-elect orientation
process, and proposed Rules for Organization and Procedure were discussed at the
November 15, 1990 Committee meeting.
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November 20, 1990
Item 13. Report on the Finance-Accounting Committee meeting of November 16, 1990.
The Committee reported that the Optional Deferred Compensation provider, Contract for
the 1991-92 Audit and use of contractor passbook accounts were discussed at the
November 16, 1990 Committee meeting.
Item 14. Authorization for Payment of Bills. On a motion by Vice President Knauft and
seconded by President Korn, the Board of Directors voted 3-0 to approve payment of
bills, payroll and refunds in the amount of $261,557.38 on Check Nos. 6080 through
6083 and 6802 through 6926; and Payroll Check Nos. 5690 through 6036.
Item 15. Report on Personnel Committee meeting of November 2, 1990. The
Committee reported that the Employee Handbook, a personnel matter and Retiree
insurance were discussed at the November 2, 1990 Committee meeting.
Item 16. Report on the Planning-Engineering-Operations Committee of November 15,
1990. The Committee reported that the Elk Mountain Reservoir project, Buena Vida
project and draft Urban Water Management Plan were discussed at the November 15,
1990 Committee meeting.
Item 17. Schedule a Planning-Engineering-Operations Committee meeting. A
Planning-Engineering-Operations Committee meeting was scheduled for December 12,
1990 at 9:00 a. m.
Item 18. No Public Information Committee meeting report was scheduled.
Item 19. Report on CSDA meeting, November 9,1990. Director Korn attended the
meeting and reported that nothing of interest to the District was discussed.
Item 20. Report on the November 14, 1990 Planning Commission meeting. Director
Knauft attended the meeting and reported that the shopping center at La Palma and
Lomas De Yorba East was discussed.
Item 21. Director Armstrong: Director Armstrong was absent.
Item 22. Director Fox: Asked if the November 6 election results were final yet. Mr.
Robertson reported that the County not yet certified the election results.
Item 23. Vice President Knauft: Vice President Knauft welcomed Director-elect Mr. Carl
Scanlin aboard.
Item 24. President Korn: President Korn had no comments.
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November 20, 1990
The Board reviewed the activity calendar and made assignments.
President Korn directed the Board went into closed session with legal counsel and the
Engineering Manager to discuss potential litigation. The Board came out of closed
session at 4:38 p.m.
On a motion by Vice President Knauft and seconded by Director Fox, the Board of
Directors voted 3-0 to adjourn the meeting at 4:39 p.m.
William J. Robertson
General Manager/Secretary