HomeMy WebLinkAbout1989-10-12 - Board of Directors Meeting MinutesOctober 12, 1989
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OCTOBER 12, 1989
The regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda Water District was called
to order by Arthur C. Korn, Vice President, at 8:30 a.m., October 12, 1989, in the District
offices at 4622 Plumosa, Yorba Linda. Directors present were: Paul Armstrong, Whit
Cromwell, Roy Knauft and Arthur C. Korn. President Fox was absent. Also present were:
William P. Workman, General Manager; William Robertson, Assistant General Manager;
Robb Quincey, Executive Assistant to the General Manager; Mike Payne, Engineering
Manager; Cheryl Gunderson, Business Manager; Mike Robinson, Assistant Administrator;
Ray Harsma, Operations Superintendent; Beverly Meza, Accounting Supervisor; Arthur
Kidman, General Counsel; Sheila Patterson, Attorney; Brian Johnson, A.W. Associates
and Cheryl Livingston, Yorba Linda resident.
Item 1. Correspondence and Presentation by Mrs. Cheryl Livingston, 5211 Eureka
Avenue regarding a Septic System Problem and Requested Relief from District Sewer
Extension Policies. Mrs. Cheryl Livingston stated that while she was desirous of
connecting to the District's sewer system, she was not pleased with the plan that the
District proposed for requiring construction of a trunk sewer facility. Furthermore, Mrs.
Livingston stated that the costs associated with the construction were prohibitive. She
requested that the Board consider waiving the normal fees for this project and the trunk
sewer requirement.
After a general discussion regarding this matter, the Board of Directors requested that staff
conduct further analysis of this project, with particular emphasis on the elevation of the
project and the District's existing Sewer Master Plan. The Board requested the staff to
return this issue with recommendations to the Board at it's next meeting.
On a motion by Cromwell and seconded by Director Armstrong, the Board of Directors
voted 4-0 to approve the Consent Calendar as follows, with a correction on Item 6 to show
that condition 17 and 18 were District owned facilities:
Item 2. Approval of Minutes - Regular meeting of September 28, 1989.
Item 3. Authorization for the Directors to leave the State of California prior to* next
Item 4. Authorization of Terms and Conditions for Water Service with Larmor
Development Company for their project located north of La Palma Avenue and east of
Lomas De Yorba West, Job No. 8958, (Tract No. 12166, Lot No. 8).
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Item 5. Approval of Terms and Conditions for Water and Sewer Service with the Lusk
Company for their project located west of Fairmont Avenue and south of Canyon Drive,
Job No. 8960, (Tract No. 13973).
Item 6. Approval of Terms and Conditions for Water and Sewer Service with PAI
Investments for their project located at the northwest corner of Orchard Drive and
Lakeview Avenue, Job. No. 8942, (Tract No. 13712).
Item 7. Authorization to solicit proposals for the construction bidding of the Hidden Hills
Booster Station modifications.
Item 8. Approval of releasing 3 cash bonds with A.W. Associates #3 for their Tracts
11055, 11057 and 12780, located north of the railroad tracks and west of Lomas De
Yorba East.
Item 9. Acceptance of the Treasurer's Report for September 30, 1989
Item 10. Presentation by Larry Kraemer, Director, Orange County Water District. Mr.
Kramer was not available for this presentation.
Item 11. Report on Audited Financial Statements and Management Letter for the year
ended June 30, 1989. Business Manager Cheryl Gunderson began this report by stating
that the District has received an Unqualified Opinion from the Conrad & Associates, the
District's Auditors, on the District's financial statements. She stated that this opinion
signifies a clean bill of health for the District, and that the financial statements materially
represent the financial condition of the District. Mrs. Gunderson introduced Mr. Michael
Harrison of Conrad & Associates, who reviewed changes in assets and liabilities with the
Board. Mr. Harrison also reviewed the District's investment return compared to the same
time last year, and concluded with a brief review of the District's Audit Report and related
Management Letter. After a general discussion by the Board with regard to the District's
financial status and the signature accountability for auditors, on a motion by Director
Armstrong and seconded by Director Knauft, the Board of Directors voted 4-0 to accept
the Audited Financial Statements and Management Letter for the year ended June 30,
Item 12. Water Improvements at Mabel Paine School. Engineering Manager Mike Payne
reported that on August 10, 1989 the Board of Directors approved a contract with Cravens
Construction for water improvements at Mabel Paine School. Pursuant to the District's
policies with regard to bonds, Cravens posted a cash bond for Labor and Materials, but
could not satisfactorily post a Faithful Performance Bond. Accordingly, Mr. Payne stated
that the staff recommended that the Board rescind the contract approval with Cravens
Construction, and approve the release of the previously posted $25,000 cash Labor and
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Materials Bond. After a brief discussion by the Board, on a motion by Director Armstrong
and seconded by Director Cromwell, the Board of Directors voted 4-0 to rescind contract
approval with Cravens Construction, and approve the release of the previously posted
$25,000 cash for the Labor and Materials Bond, for water improvements at Mabel Paine
Item 13. Consideration of a request by A.W. Associates No. 3 to install a temporary
above ground storage tank to permit occupancies for 83 lots within Tract No. 13545 and
13717 - Continued from the Board's Meeting of September 14, 1989. Engineering
Manager Mike Payne explained that pursuant to direction provided by the Board at the
meeting of September 14, 1989, the staff had met with A.W. Associates to discuss the
District's conditions regarding A.W.'s request to install a temporary above ground water
tank to permit additional occupancies for 83 units within Tract No. 13545 and 13717. Mr.
Payne stated that the developer had not agreed to all the conditions.
Mr. Brian Johnson of A.W. Associates addressed the Board regarding the conditions. He
felt the terms related to location of a future reservoir site prior to occupancy of the
additional planned units unacceptable. Mr. Johnson concluded by stating that A.W.
Associates were simply attempting to expedite the occupancy of the development in
question, and were open to further negotiations with staff to accomplish this goal. The
Board of Directors discussed this issue at length. On a motion by Director Cromwell and
seconded by Director Knauft, the Board of Directors voted 4-0 to refer the item to staff for
further work and resolution before it returns to the Board for action.
Item 14. Report on a meeting with the County Sanitation District of Orange County.
Engineering Manager Mike Payne explained that pursuant to the Board's direction earlier
in the year, the staff has recently met with the Sanitation District of Orange County to
discuss their fee structure. Mr. Payne stated that the key points discussed during this
meeting were: the Sanitation District's proposed fee increase from $1,500 per connection
to approximately $2,300 per connection; a proposed user fee of $30.00 per year for all
dwellings connected to the system; a proposed plan to install injection wells near the
intersection of Highways 55 & 91; proposed increases in the Sanitation District's
treatment operations and the implementation of a public speakers bureau which is
available for the public's use. The Board requested the Public Information Committee to
incorporate the District's sewer role into more of the District's public information activities
such as the Facilities Tour and the Waterlines publication.
Item 15. Report on Update of Automation and Computer Conversion. Executive Assistant
to the General Manager Robb Quincey updated the Board with regard to the District's new
computer system and the conversion process associated with the system. Mr. Quincey
stated that the District has discontinued the Xerox Service Bureau service, and has
become fully and operationally reliant upon the District's new computer system. He stated
that General Ledger, Payroll Management and Accounts Payable are planned to be
operational by the first part of February, 1990.
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Item 16. Request by ISDOC for support of Special District representation on Orange
County LAFCO. Assistant Administrator Mike Robinson stated that the Independent
Special Districts of Orange County (ISDOC) has requested the District to send letter
supporting Special District representation on the Orange"County Local Agency Formation
Commission to the current LAFCO representatives and alternates, and to appropriate
County Supervisors. Mr. Robinson reported that LAFCO will consider the inclusion of
Special District representatives at a continued hearing on November 1, 1989. After a brief
discussion by the Board, on a motion by Director Armstrong and seconded by Director
Knauft, the Board of Directors voted 4-0 to approve sending letters to LAFCO
Commissioners, alternates and to Supervisor Gaddi Vasquez in support of the inclusion
of Special District representation on LAFCO.
Item 17. Consideration of support of Warren Buckner for Vice President of ACWA.
Assistant Administrator Mike Robinson stated that the District had been requested by the
Helix Water District to support Warren Buckner for Vice President of ACWA. After a brief
discussion by the Board, no action was taken on this item.
General Manager William Workman reminded the Board of the upcoming District Tour
and the District's participation in the Placentia Parade, both of which are on Saturday,
October 14, 1989.
Item 18. Consideration of request to the City of Yorba Linda for an appointment of a
District representative to the Redevelopment Project Area Committee. General Manager
William Workman stated that the City of Yorba Linda's Redevelopment Agency is forming
a Project Area Committee. Mr. Workman stated that the Water District as a property owner
and public agency within the City's project area, has an interest in the successful
redevelopment of the project area. Therefore, a District representative to the Project Area
Committee would be mutually beneficial to the District and the City. After a general
discussion by the Board, on a motion by Director Armstrong and seconded by Director
Cromwell, the Board of Directors voted 4-0 to authorize the President to correspond the
Water District's desire and interest in having a representative appointed to the City's
Redevelopment Project Area Committee.
Item 19. No Legal Counsel's report scheduled.
Item 20. No Executive-Administrative-Organizational Committee meeting report
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Item 21. Report on Finance-Accounting committee meeting of September 25, 1989.
Director Knauft reported that the Committee discussed the financing of the District's
headquarters renovation project through the California Special Districts Finance
Corporation at this meeting.
Item 22. Report on Finance-Accounting Committee meeting of Octobo- 10, 1989. Vice
President Korn reported that the Committee discussed the recently completed Audit of the
District's Financial Statements, and the related Management Letter this meeting.
Item 23. Authorization for Payment of Bills. On a motion by Director Knauft and seconded
by Director Armstrong, the Board of Directors voted 4-0 to approve payment of bills and
rate deposits in the amount of $303,210.33 on Check Nos. 18303 through 18443, and
Payroll Check Nos. 4070 through 4125, and one wire, to ACWA/JPIA in the amount of
$102,945.00 dated October 2, 1989.
Item 24. No Personnel Committee meeting report scheduled.
Item 25. Report on Planning-Engineering-Operations Committee meeting of September
27, 1989. Vice President Korn reported that the Building Renovation project, North
Orange County Community College District Expansion, Water Specifications, 1989 Water
Service Agreement, Salem Road incident and the Highland Reservoir project were items
of discussion at this meeting.
Item 26. Report on Planning-Engineering-Operations Committee meeting of October 11,
1989. Vice President Korn reported that the main item of discussion at this meeting
pertained to the use of pre-poured and placed water reservoirs versus the use of
pre-pressed water reservoirs. Additionally, he noted that the recent strike of laborers at a
local Cement Company is not currently prolonging the pouring of cement at the District's
Santiago Reservoir.
Item 27. No Public Information Committee meeting report scheduled; however, a
meeting was scheduled.
Item 28. Report on City Council meeting of October 3, 1989. No District attendance at
this meeting.
Item 29. Report on MWDOC meeting of October 4, 1989. Director Knauft reported that
there was nothing of significance to the District discussed at this meeting.
Item 30. Report on OCWD meeting of October 4, 1989. No District attendance at this
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Item 31. Report on WACO meeting of October 6, 1989. Director Armstrong reported that
a host of issues related to water service regulations, lead, asbestos and radon monitoring,
and the concept of providing bottled water were discussed at this meeting.
Item 32. Report on Planning Commission meeting of October 11, 1989. Vice President
Korn reported that certain zone changes were the main emphasis of discussion at this
Item 33. Director Armstrong: Director Armstrong had no comments.
Item 34. Director Cromwell: Director Cromwell commented on his recent trip to visit
family and relatives.
Item 35. Director Knauft: Director Knauft complimented Vice President Korn on his
performance as President of this Board of Directors meeting.
Item 36. Vice President Korn. Vice President Korn had no comments.
Item 37. President Fox: President Fox was absent.
Item 38. Salem Road Water Break - Cummingham/Barisic. Vice President Korn directed
the Board into closed session to discuss potential litigation. Upon return from closed
session, General Manager William Workman reported that the staff had been provided
direction on the item. ,
On a motion by Director Knauft and seconded by Director Cromwell, the Board of
Directors voted 4-0 at 12:20 p.m. to adjourn the meeting until Thursday, October 19," 1989
at 6:00 P.M.
William P. Workman
General Manager/S