HomeMy WebLinkAbout1989-10-26 - Board of Directors Meeting MinutesOctober 26, 1989 Page 2707 MINUTES OF THE YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS REGULAR MEETING October 26, 1989 The regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda Water District was called to order by Sterling Fox, President, at 8:30 a.m., October 26, 1989, in the District offices at 4622 Plumosa, Yorba Linda. Directors present were: Paul Armstrong, Whit Cromwell, Roy Knauft, Arthur C. Korn and Sterling Fox. Also present were: Arthur Kidman, Legal Counsel; William P. Workman, General Manager; William Robertson, Assistant General Manager; Robb Quincey, Executive Assistant to the General Manager; Mike Payne, Engineering Manager; Beverly Meza, Acting Business Manager; Mike Robinson, Assistant Administrator; Ray Harsma, Operations Superintendent; Brian Johnson, A.W. Associates and Cheryl Livingston, Yorba Linda resident. INTRODUCTION OF VISITORS AND PUBLIC PARTICIPATION Item 1. Correspondence and Presentation by Mr. Brian Johnson, The Pacific Company, 17911 Mitchell Avenue, Irvine, regarding, a request for occupancy of units within Tracts 13717 and 13545. Mr. Johnson stated that he desired the Board's approval for occupancy of homes in Tracts 13117 and 13545 outside of any agreement regarding a fixed site for a reservoir atlernative to the possible failure of a new eastside water well. Engineering Manger Mike Payne and General Counsel Art Kidman responded that the 1989 Water Service Agreement clearly outlined the phasing of water facilities and occupancy of homes. Approval of the request was not recommended unless certain conditions were agreed to by the Developer. After a lengthy discussion by the Board, the staff was directed to prepare an agend report on this isdue for the next Board meeting. CONSENT CALENDAR On a motion by Armstrong and seconded by Director Cromwell, the Board of Directors voted 5-0 to approve the Consent Calendar as follows: Item 2. Approval of Minutes - Regular meeting of October 12, 1989. Item 3. Authorization for the Directors to leave the State of California prior to next meeting. Item 4. Approval of Progress Payment No. 11 to F. T. Ziebarth, Co. in the amount of $91,959.48 for construction of the Santiago Reservoir, Job. No. 8140. October 26, 1989 Page 2708 Item 5. Approval of the Terms and Conditions for Water Service with Savi Ranch Associates for their project located east of Savi Ranch Parkway and north of Riverside Freeway, Job. No. 8962 (Parcel Map No. 89-120). . Item 6. Approval of an Agreement with NewTech Contracting Company for painting at Pump Stations One, Two and Three, in the amount of $23,000. and authorize the President and Secretary to execute the agreement. DISCUSSION CALENDAR Item 7. Consideration of a request by Mr. and Mrs. Livingston, 5211 Eureka Avenue to waive the District's requirement of installing a sewer main across their easterly frontage. Engineering Manager Mike Payne reviewed the following five options in which the Livingston's might proceed with to address their sewer needs: Option #1 enabled the Livingston's to rework their existing septic tank system; Option #2 permitted the extension of the sewer main from the Buena Vida development across their frontage, plus a lateral connection to the Buena Vida trun sewer; Option #3 would necessitate that the Livingston's install a sewer lateral through a private easement to connect their home to the Buena Vida project's sewer; Option #4 would allow the Livingstons to provide the District with a non-refundable deposit for one half of the costs of the Engineer's estimate for extending the sewer main plus a lateral connection to the Buena Vida trunk sewer; and Option #5 would allow the modification of the District's existing Sewer Master Plan to relieve the Livingston's of the requirement to extend the sewer main. Mr. Payne concluded his report by stating that staff recommended Option #2, and deny the Livingston's request to waive the District's requirements from installing a sewer main across their property. Mrs. Livingston spoke briefly regarding her contention that the staff's recommendation was cost prohibitive. She requested that they be allowed to pursue Option #3. After a lengthy discussion by the Board, on a motion by President Fox and seconded by Director Cromwell, the Board voted 2-3 (Armstrong, Knauft, Korn: No) to deny the request by Mr. and Mrs. Livingston to waive the District requirement to install a sewer main across their easterly frontage. After further discussion by the Board, on a motion by Director Knauft and seconded by Director Cromwell, the Board voted 3-2 (Fox, Korn: No) to direct the staff to prepare for the Board's consideration a proposed modification to the District's Sewer Rules and Regulations that could allow an individual or Developer to provide the District with a non-refundable deposit for one half of the cost of the Enginneer's estimate for extending the sewer main. The proposed modification and the Livingston's project would be further considered at the next Board meeting. Item 8. Award of District Headquarters Renovation Project. Assistant General Manager William Robertson explained that pursuant to the Board's direction at their meeting of October 12, 1989, Registered Letters were mailed to each bidder returning their security instruments, and providing them with Notice inviting a rebid on the project. Mr. Robertson stated that project rebids were received up to 10:00 a.m. on Friday, October 13, 1989. October 26, 1989 Page 2709 And, at the close of the bidding period, a total of three (3) General Contractors chose to submit the following bids: MacGroup Design Development $249,486. J.H. Rives Company $273,212. Russell Tourville Construction $306,565. Mr. Robertson stated that the architect's revised estimate for reconstruction of the building was $290,000 including asbestos removal. He also stated that after a thorough examination of the bids, it was staff's recommendation that the Board reject the bid received by MacGroup Inc. dba A& M Design Development as not responsive and not the lowest responsible bidder, and award the contract to J.H. Rives Company. Mr. Robertson and General Counsel Art Kidman presented the Board with an investigative report detailing the reasons related to rejecting of the MacGroup bid. Mr. Robertson stated that MacGroup had been informed in writing of the staffs' recommendation and the opportunity to appeal the matter to the Board. MacGroup failed to respond within the specified appeal period. After a general discussion by the Board, on a motion by Director Knauft and seconded by Director Fox, the Board voted 5-0 to reject the bid received by MacGroup and return MacGroup's bid security; on a motion by Director Knauft and seconded by Vice President Korn, the Board voted 5-0 to award the building renovation contract to J.H. Rives Company and authorize the President and Secretary to execute the contract subject to receipt of the District required insurance and bonds, and approval as to form by Legal Counsel; on a motion by Director Knauft and seconded by Vice President Korn, the Board voted 5-0 to return Russell Tourville's bid security following execution of the contract with J.H. Rives; and on a motion by President Fox and seconded by Director Armstrong, the Board voted 5-0 to establish the building renovation construction budget for purposes of CSDA Certificates of Participation in the amount of $455,000. Item 9. Consideration of honoraria for speakers at "Xeriscape--Yorba Linda" conference. Assistant Administrator Mike Robinson stated that as a result of the generous contributions that both Ms. Iwata and Mr. Pedicon have continually made to the District's Xeriscape program, the staff was recommending that the Board approve $100. honoraria contributions to each. On a motion by Director Knauft and seconded by Director Cromwell, the Board of Directors voted 5-0 to approve $100. honoraria to Ms. Iwata and Mr. Pedicone. Item 10. Viewing of Xeriscape Video Tour. This item was removed from the Agenda. October 26, 1989 Page 2710 GENERAL MANAGER'S REPORT General Manager William Workman reminded the Board of the upcoming Yorba Linda Fiesta Days Parade, in which the District will have a float. The Fiesta Days Parade was scheduled for Saturday, October 28, 1989. Mr. Workman-also advised the Board that the staff had recently held a joint Annexation meeting with Brighton Homes, the North Orange County Community College District and the Placentia Unified School District to discuss the potential annexation of these respective properties into the District. Item 11. Review of Highland Reservoir Site. General Manager William Workman lead an onsite tour and review of the property uses of the Highland Reservoir site.He discussed with the Board what kinds of land uses should the District designate for the Highland Reservoir site and how the District should resolve the problems with existing encroachments on the site. Item 12. Selection of Alternative Date for Board of Directors Meeting/November 23 - Thanksgiving. General Manager William Workman advised the Board that their second meeting in November fall on the Thanksgiving holiday. Because it is a state and local holiday, the Board needs to select an alternative meeting date. After a general discussion by the Board, it was determined that Monday, November 20, 1989, 8:30 a.m. would be the date for this alternative Board of Directors meeting. STANDING COMMITTEE REPORT Item 13. No Executive-Administrative-Organizational Committee meeting report scheduled. Item 14. Report on Finance-Accounting Committee meeting of October 10, 1989. Director Knauft reported that the purpose of the meeting was to review the Financial Statement and Supplementary Information for the year ending June 30, 1989, and Management Letter submitted by Conrad and Associates. Item 15. Authorization for Payment of Bills. On a motion by Director Knauft and seconded by President Fox, the Board voted 5-0 to approve payment of bills and rate deposits in the amount of $1,133,642.49 on Check Nos. 18444 through 18557, and Payroll Check Nos. 4131 through 4189, and 4 wires, one to ACWA in the amount of $10,578.40 dated October 30, 1989, one to Bank of America in the amount of $211,242.50 dated October 31, 1989, one to Bank of America in the amount of $362,300.00 dated October 31, 1989 and one to MWDOc in the amount of $221,027.92 dated November 13, 1989. Item 16. No Personnel Committee meeting report scheduled. Item 17. Report on Planning-Engineering-Operations committee meeting of October 11, 1989. Vice President Korn reported that a Prestressed Reservoir Presentation was made at this meeting, in addition to discussion regarding the headquarters renovation, October 26, 1989 Page 2711 computer, the Church of Christ's sewer system, Livingston sewer system connection, 1989 Water Service Agreement, Mable Paine School, Salem Road, soils studies, Santiago Reservoir and the Lusk sewer service. Additionally, Vice President Korn reported that on October 13, 1989 the Planning-Engineering-Operations Committee met with regard to the ongoing issue of the Livingston sewer system connection. Item 18. Report on Public Information Committee meeting of October 16, 1989. Director Cromwell reported on the Waterlines Newsletter-Winter Edition, District 30th Anniversary and Open House, lapel pins/patches for 30th Anniversary, building renovation information, City map and guide, student tours, youth group tours, District Facilities Tour, Placentia Heritage Day Parade, Yorba Linda Fiesta Days Parade, Xeriscape--Yorba Linda, home filtration device advertisement and "Drip by Drip" video. INTERGOVERNMENTAL MEETINGS Item 19. Report on City Council meeting of October 17, 1989. President Fox reported that Special District representation on the Local Area Formation Commission, and funding for the City's existing Redevelopment Agency were the items of discussion at this meeting. Item 20. Report on MWDOC meeting of October 18, 1989. Director Knauft reported that there was nothing of significance to the District discussed at this meeting. Item 21. Report on OCWD meeting of October 18, 1989. No District attendance at this meeting. Item 22. Report on Planning Commission meeting of October 25, 1989. Director Cromwell reported that A.W. Associate's Development in the easterly portion of the City was the main issue of discussion at this meeting. BOARD MEMBER COMMENTS Item 23. Director Armstrong: Director Armstrong inquired about the District's rain gauge and how it's readings compared to those of other weather reporting agencies. Further, Mr. Armstrong inquired of staff as to what efforts the District makes in collecting damages to fire hydrants and other District property as a result of accidents. Item 24. Director Cromwell: Director Cromwell had no comments. Item 25. Director Knauft: Director Knauft inquired as to the effective date of the District's dental plan. Item 26. Vice President Korn: Vice President Korn commented on a recently received letter from County of Orange Supervisor Vasquez, an OCWD Tour and a recently received invitation from MWDOC. Item 27. President Fox had no comments. October 26, 1989 Page= % ADJOURNMENT On a motion by Director Knauft and seconded by Director Fox, the Board voted 5=0 to adjourn the meeting at 12:00 noon. VU~~II~~ I' e William P. Workman General Manager/S