HomeMy WebLinkAbout2018-06-26 - Board of Directors Meeting Agenda Packet (B) AGENDA YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS REGULAR MEETING Tuesday, June 26, 2018, 6:30 PM 1717 E Miraloma Ave, Placentia CA 92870 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. ROLL CALL Al Nederhood, President Brooke Jones, Vice President Andrew J. Hall, Director Phil Hawkins, Director J. Wayne Miller, Director 4. ADDITIONS/DELETIONS TO THE AGENDA 5. INTRODUCTIONS AND PRESENTATIONS 5.1. Elected Official Liaison Reports 6. PUBLIC COMMENTS Any individual wishing to address the Board is requested to identify themselves and state the matter on which they wish to comment. If the matter is on the agenda, the Board will recognize the individual for their comment when the item is considered. No action will be taken on matters not listed on the agenda. Comments are limited to matters of public interest and matters within the jurisdiction of the Water District. Comments are limited to three minutes. 7. CONSENT CALENDAR All items listed on the consent calendar are considered to be routine matters, status reports, or documents covering previous Board instructions. The items listed on the consent calendar may be enacted by one motion. There will be no discussion on the items unless a member of the Board, staff, or public requests further consideration. 7.1. Minutes of the Board of Directors Workshop Meeting Held April 26, 2018 Recommendation: That the Board of Directors approve the minutes as presented. 7.2. Minutes of the Board of Directors Special and Regular Meetings Held May 1, 2018 Recommendation: That the Board of Directors approve the minutes as presented. 7.3. Payments of Bills, Refunds, and Wire Transfers Recommendation: That the Board of Directors ratify and authorize disbursements in the amount of $1,708,448.93. 7.4. Amending List of Preauthorized Meetings and Events for Director Attendance Recommendation: That the Board of Directors adopt Resolution No. 18-15 amending Section 9.1 (B) of the Board of Directors' Policies and Procedures Manual. 7.5. Amending the Effective Dates of Employee Related Administrative Policies Recommendation: That the Board of Directors: (1) adopt Resolution No. 18-16 amending the effective dates of Exhibits A through F included with the Memorandum of Understanding between the District and the Yorba Linda Water District Employees Association for Fiscal Years 2019-2023 to reflect the 1st day of July of the applicable fiscal year. (2) adopt Resolution No. 18-17 amending the effective dates of Exhibits A through F included with the Personnel Manual for Unrepresented Employees for Fiscal Years 2019-2023 to reflect the 1st day of July of the applicable fiscal year. 7.6. Appropriations Limit for Fiscal Year 2019 Recommendation: That the Board of Directors approve Resolution No. 18-18 adopting the Appropriations Limit for Fiscal Year 2019. 7.7. Water Development and Customer Service Fees Recommendation: That the Board of Directors approve Resolution No. 18-19 adopting Water Development and Customer Service Fees and rescinding Resolution No. 12-25. 7.8. Sewer Development and Customer Service Fees Recommendation: That the Board of Directors approve Resolution No. 18-20 adopting Sewer Development and Customer Service Fees and rescinding Resolution No. 08-06. 7.9. Fats, Oils, and Grease (FOG) Discharge Permit Fees Recommendation: That the Board of Directors approve Resolution No. 18-21 adopting Fats, Oils, and Grease Fees and rescinding Resolution No. 13-11. 8. ACTION CALENDAR This portion of the agenda is for items where staff presentations and Board discussions are needed prior to formal Board action. 8.1. Sewer Rate for Fiscal Year 2019 Recommendation: That the Board of Directors approve Resolution No. 18-22 setting Sewer Rates effective August 1, 2018 and rescinding Resolution No. 17-19. 8.2. Operating Budget for Fiscal Year 2019 (Financial Summaries) Recommendation: That the Board of Directors approve Resolution No. 18-23 adopting the Operating Budget for Fiscal Year 2019 (Financial Summaries). 8.3. Financial Reserves Policy for Fiscal Year 2019 Recommendation: That the Board of Directors approve Resolution No. 18-24 adopting a Financial Reserves Policy for Fiscal Year 2019 and rescinding Resolution No. 17-31. 8.4. Reimbursement of Costs Incurred Before Issuance of Tax-Exempt Obligations for Funding of District's Capital Improvement Program Recommendation: That the Board of Directors approve Resolution No. 18-25 Regarding Intention to Issue Tax-Exempt Obligations for the purpose of permitting the reimbursement of not to exceed $10,000,000 for incurred costs related the current capital improvement program which ARE incurred before THE ISSUANCE OF tax-exempt obligations. 8.5. Approval of Change Order Number 3 for the Fairmont Booster Pump Station Upgrade Project Recommendation: That the Board of Directors approve Change Order No. 3 for $57,033.11 and 6 additional calendar days to Pacific Hydrotech Corporation for construction of the Fairmont Booster Pump Station Upgrade Project, Job No. 2010- 11B. 9. DISCUSSION ITEMS This portion of the agenda is for matters that cannot reasonably be expected to be concluded by action of the Board of Directors at the meeting, such as technical presentations, drafts of proposed policies, or similar items for which staff is seeking the advice and counsel of the Board of Directors. Time permitting, it is generally in the District’s interest to discuss these more complex matters at one meeting and consider formal action at another meeting. This portion of the agenda may also include items for information only. 9.1. Status of Engineering Department Activities 9.2. Budget to Actual Reports for the Month Ending May 31, 2018 9.3. Cash and Investment Report for Period Ending May 31, 2018 10. REPORTS, INFORMATION ITEMS, AND COMMENTS 10.1. Directors' Reports 10.2. General Manager's Report 10.3. General Counsel's Report 10.4. Future Agenda Items and Staff Tasks 11. COMMITTEE REPORTS 11.1. Interagency Committee with MWDOC and OCWD (Nederhood/Jones) · Minutes of meeting held May 24, 2018 at 4:00 p.m. · Next meeting scheduled July 26, 2018 at 4:00 p.m. 11.2. Joint Agency Committee with City of Yorba Linda (Nederhood/Jones) · Minutes of meeting held June 4, 2018 to be provided when available. · Next meeting scheduled September 10, 2018. 11.3. Joint Agency Committee with City of Placentia (Nederhood/Jones) · Next meeting yet to be scheduled. 12. INTERGOVERNMENTAL MEETINGS 12.1. MWDOC Board - June 6, 2018 (Nederhood/Jones) 12.2. OCSD Operations Committee - June 6, 2018 (Jones) 12.3. OCWD Board - June 6, 2018 (Miller) 12.4. WACO - June 8, 2018 (Hawkins/Jones/Nederhood) 12.5. AWWA Annual Conference - June 12-14, 2018 (Jones/Miller/Nederhood) 12.6. YL Planning Commission - June 13, 2018 (Hawkins) 12.7. YL City Council - June 19, 2018 (Miller) 12.8. MWDOC Board - June 20, 2018 (Nederhood/Jones) 12.9. OCWD Board - June 20, 2018 (Miller/Jones) 12.10. UCI Water Resources Symposium - June 21, 2018 (Jones) 12.11. WaterNow Communications Workshop - June 26, 2018 (Jones/Miller/Nederhood) 13. BOARD OF DIRECTORS ACTIVITY CALENDAR 13.1. Meetings from June 27 - August 31, 2018 14. ADJOURNMENT 14.1. The next Regular Board of Directors Meeting will be held Tuesday, July 10, 2018. Closed Session (if necessary) will begin at 5:30 p.m. and regular business at 6:30 p.m. Items Distributed to the Board Less Than 72 Hours Prior to the Meeting Pursuant to Government Code section 54957.5, non-exempt public records that relate to open session agenda items and are distributed to a majority of the Board less than seventy-two (72) hours prior to the meeting will be available for public inspection in the lobby of the District’s business office located at 1717 E. Miraloma Avenue, Placentia, CA 92870, during regular business hours. When practical, these public records will also be made available on the District’s internet website accessible at http://www.ylwd.com/. Accommodations for the Disabled Any person may make a request for a disability-related modification or accommodation needed for that person to be able to participate in the public meeting by telephoning the Executive Secretary at 714-701-3020, or writing to Yorba Linda Water District, P.O. Box 309, Yorba Linda, CA 92885-0309. Requests must specify the nature of the disability and the type of accommodation requested. A telephone number or other contact information should be included so the District staff may discuss appropriate arrangements. Persons requesting a disability-related accommodation should make the request with adequate time before the meeting for the District to provide the requested accommodation. ITEM NO. 7.1 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: June 26, 2018 Subject:Minutes of the Board of Directors Workshop Meeting Held April 26, 2018 STAFF RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors approve the minutes as presented. ATTACHMENTS: Name:Description:Type: 2018-04-26_-_Minutes_-_BOD.doc Minutes Minutes Minutes of the YLWD Board of Directors Workshop Meeting Held April 26, 2018 at 4:30 p.m. 1 2018-XXX MINUTES OF THE YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS WORKSHOP MEETING Thursday, April 26, 2018, 4:30 p.m. 1717 E Miraloma Ave, Placentia CA 92870 1. CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 4:30 p.m. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. ROLL CALL DIRECTORS PRESENT STAFF PRESENT Al Nederhood, President Brett Barbre, Assistant General Manager Brooke Jones, Vice President John DeCriscio, Operations Manager Phil Hawkins (Arrived 4:36 p.m.) Bryan Hong, Interim Engineering Manager J. Wayne Miller Gina Knight, HR/Risk and Safety Manager (Arrived 7:05 p.m.) Delia Lugo, Finance Manager Art Vega, Information Services Manager DIRECTORS ABSENT Annie Alexander, Executive Asst/Board Secretary Andrew J. Hall Jennifer Hill, Meter Services Lead Kelly McCann, Senior Accountant Kaden Young, Management Analyst ALSO PRESENT Andrew Gagen, Parter, Kidman Gagen Law LLP John Shafer, Account Manager, Aqua Metric Jeff Randolph, Operations Sales Manager, Aqua Metric 4. PUBLIC COMMENTS None. 5. DISCUSSION ITEMS 5.1. Benefits of Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) Staff provided an in depth review of the District’s historical and current metering technology, benefits of migrating to AMI, and proposed locations for phased implementation. Minutes of the YLWD Board of Directors Workshop Meeting Held April 26, 2018 at 4:30 p.m. 2 2018-XXX Discussion followed regarding the estimated costs, and the process and time required for transitioning to AMI. Staff offered to bring back additional cost and long-term savings information at the budget workshop scheduled May 17, 2018. 5.2. Other Operating and Non-Operating Revenues and Schedule of Water/Sewer Development, Customer Service, and Fats Oil and Grease Fees for Fiscal year 2019 Staff reviewed the District’s costs for various services and the current and proposed fees. Staff also noted the proposed fees had been utilized to project the other operating and non-operating revenues for FY19 included in the presentation. The group then discussed the proposed fees and suggested revisions. Terry Harris, resident, expressed his concerns regarding the proposed fees. Staff explained that discussion of the other operating and non-operating revenues for FY19 would need to be deferred to the next workshop so that the Board’s feedback regarding the proposed fees could be incorporated. Discussion followed regarding projected revenues, proposed fees, and the District’s financial model. Director Hawkins left the meeting at 6:48 p.m. Staff reviewed topics to be covered at the next budget workshop. The Board then determined to schedule additional workshops as follows: Wednesday, May 23, 2018 at 4:30 p.m. Thursday, June 7, 2018 at 4:30 p.m. Monday, June 18, 2018 at 4:30 p.m. A recess was declared at 6:59 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 7:05 p.m. HR/Risk and Safety Manager Gina Knight joined the meeting at this time. 5.3. Strategic Plan Goals 4 – 5 (Community Partnership and Workforce Engagement) The attendees discussed goals 4 and 5 of the strategic plan including associated initiatives and strategies and agreed on the following draft language: Minutes of the YLWD Board of Directors Workshop Meeting Held April 26, 2018 at 4:30 p.m. 3 2018-XXX (4) Community Partnership A. Brand Recognition Timely and available communication, strategies, and messaging Establish annual tour of District facilities, coincide in May for Water Awareness Month Sponsorships, water donations, etc. B. Public Awareness Production of annual report; water usage, cost, reconciliation, projects, etc. Informative bill inserts Monitor/communicate emerging water quality and sewer issues/regulations Host Federal/State/Local representatives for a tour and briefing, with the Board, at YLWD offices AMI, usage data, conservation Regional impact (e.g. sewer services) (5) Workforce Engagement A. Employee Development Retain highly skilled and capable workforce Provide paths to training, develop management skills and career progression Succession planning B. Employee Relations Mentorship/internship programs Equate to job satisfaction and employee of choice award Employee appreciation week; water professionals appreciation week (October) Conduct annual employee satisfaction survey 6. ADJOURNMENT 6.1. The meeting was adjourned at 7:42 p.m. Annie Alexander Board Secretary ITEM NO. 7.2 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: June 26, 2018 Subject:Minutes of the Board of Directors Special and Regular Meetings Held May 1, 2018 STAFF RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors approve the minutes as presented. ATTACHMENTS: Name:Description:Type: 2018-05-01_-_Minutes_-_BOD_(A).doc Minutes Minutes 2018-05-01_-_Minutes_-_BOD_(B).docx Minutes Minutes Minutes of the YLWD Board of Directors Special Meeting Held May 1, 2018 at 5:30 p.m. 1 2018-XXX MINUTES OF THE YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS SPECIAL MEETING Tuesday, May 1, 2018, 5:30 p.m. 1717 E Miraloma Ave, Placentia CA 92870 1. CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 5:34 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL DIRECTORS PRESENT STAFF PRESENT Al Nederhood, President Marc Marcantonio, General Manager Brooke Jones, Vice President Brett Barbre, Assistant General Manager Andrew J. Hall Gina Knight, HR/Risk and Safety Manager Annie Alexander, Executive Asst/Board Secretary DIRECTORS ABSENT ALSO PRESENT Phil Hawkins Andrew Gagen, Partner, Kidman Gagen Law LLP J. Wayne Miller 3. PUBLIC COMMENTS None. 4. CLOSED SESSION The meeting was adjourned to Closed Session at 5:34 p.m. All Directors were present with the exception of Directors Hawkins and Miller. Also present were General Manager Marcantonio, Assistant General Manager Brett Barbre, HR/Risk and Safety Manager Gina Knight, and General Counsel Andrew Gagen. 4.1. Conference with Labor Negotiators Pursuant to Section 54957.6 of the California Government Code Agency Designated Representatives: Marc Marcantonio, General Manager Brett Barbre, Asst General Manager Gina Knight, HR/Risk and Safety Manager Vivian Lim, Human Resources Analyst Employee Organization: YLWD Employees Association Minutes of the YLWD Board of Directors Special Meeting Held May 1, 2018 at 5:30 p.m. 2 2018-XXX 4.2. Conference with Legal Counsel – Existing Litigation Pursuant to Paragraph (1) of Subdivision (d) of Section 54956.9 of the California Government Code Name of Case: State of California et al., ex rel. OnTheGo Wireless, LLC vs. Cellco Partnership, doing business as Verizon Wireless, et al. (Sacramento County Superior Court – Case No. 34-2012-00127517) The Board reconvened in Open Session at 6:04 p.m. General Counsel Gagen reported that no action was taken during Closed Session that was required to be reported under the Brown Act. 5. ADJOURNMENT 5.1. The meeting adjourned at 6:05 p.m. Annie Alexander Board Secretary Minutes of the YLWD Board of Directors Regular Meeting Held May 1, 2018 at 6:30 p.m. 1 2018-XXX MINUTES OF THE YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS REGULAR MEETING Tuesday, May 1, 2018, 6:30 p.m. 1717 E Miraloma Ave, Placentia CA 92870 1. CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 6:30 p.m. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. ROLL CALL DIRECTORS PRESENT STAFF PRESENT Al Nederhood, President Marc Marcantonio, General Manager Brooke Jones, Vice President Brett Barbre, Assistant General Manager Andrew J. Hall Gina Knight, HR/Risk and Safety Manager Delia Lugo, Finance Manager DIRECTORS ABSENT Annie Alexander, Exec Asst/Board Secretary Phil Hawkins Mike Carreon, Facilities Maint Worker J. Wayne Miller Bryan Hong, Interim Engineering Manager Javier Martinez, Water Production Superintendent Kaden Young, Management Analyst ALSO PRESENT Andrew Gagen, General Counsel, Kidman Gagen Law LLP 4. ADDITIONS/DELETIONS TO THE AGENDA None. 5. INTRODUCTIONS AND PRESENTATIONS 5.1. Elected Official Liaison Reports None. 6. PUBLIC COMMENTS None. Minutes of the YLWD Board of Directors Regular Meeting Held May 1, 2018 at 6:30 p.m. 2 2018-XXX 7. CONSENT CALENDAR Director Hall made a motion, seconded by Director Jones, to approve the Consent Calendar. Motion carried 3-0-0-2 with Directors Hawkins and Miller being absent. 7.1. Minutes of the Board of Directors Special Meeting Held April 24, 2018 Recommendation: That the Board of Directors approve the minutes as presented. 7.2. Payments of Bills, Refunds, and Wire Transfers Recommendation: That the Board of Directors ratify and authorize disbursements in the amount of $458,841.61. 8.0 DISCUSSION ITEMS 8.1. Projected Expenditures from Conservation Reserve for FY18 (Nederhood) Staff reviewed the status of the District’s Conservation Reserve account including the current balance, projected expenses, and proposed activities. Discussion followed regarding the proposed activities, the District’s water conservation policies and associated community outreach efforts, and the state’s proposed permanent framework for water conservation. The Board determined to discuss this matter further following adoption of the FY19 budget. 8.2. Continued Review of Strategic Plan Goals 4 – 5 (Community Partnership and Workforce Engagement) Staff explained that the final draft of the strategic plan, including feedback previously provided regarding Goals 4 – 5, would be presented to the Board for consideration at the next regular meeting. 9. REPORTS, INFORMATION ITEMS, AND COMMENTS 9.1. Directors' Reports Director Hall suggested the Board consider evaluating the District’s budget and strategic planning processes following conclusion of the budget workshops. This matter will be placed on a future agenda for discussion. Minutes of the YLWD Board of Directors Regular Meeting Held May 1, 2018 at 6:30 p.m. 3 2018-XXX 9.2. General Manager's Report General Manager Marc Marcantonio invited the managers (or their designees) to report on activities within their respective departments. He then inquired as to the Board’s interest in utilizing an energy services company (ESCO) for the management of an energy service performance contract, and participating in a tour of IRWD. He then commented on his own meeting attendance and undertakings. 9.3. General Counsel’s Report None. 9.4. Future Agenda Items and Staff Tasks Director Hall requested an action item on the next agenda for the Board to determine whether or not to move forward with utilizing an ESCO. President Nederhood requested an item on the agenda for the next interagency meeting with MWDOC and OCWD to discuss PFOS/PFOA concerns. He also requested an item on a future agenda to discuss the District’s water conservation ordinance and pertinent information contained in the Urban Water Management Plan. Staff offered to arrange a presentation from MWDOC regarding the agency’s water conservation initiatives at a future Board meeting. Director Hall suggested that the Board discuss the District’s current and future water conservation policies and outreach efforts separately at future Board meetings. Ryan Gunstream from Honeywell commented on his company’s support of the competitive bid process for selection of an ESCO. 10. COMMITTEE REPORTS 10.1. Interagency Committee with MWDOC and OCWD (Nederhood/Jones) Next meeting scheduled May 24, 2018 at 4:00 p.m. 10.2. Joint Agency Committee with City of Yorba Linda (Nederhood/Jones) Next meeting scheduled June 4, 2018 at 4:00 p.m. at YL City Hall. Minutes of the YLWD Board of Directors Regular Meeting Held May 1, 2018 at 6:30 p.m. 4 2018-XXX 10.3. Joint Agency Committee with City of Placentia (Nederhood/Jones) Next meeting yet to be scheduled. 11. INTERGOVERNMENTAL MEETINGS The Directors present noted their attendance at the following meetings and events. 11.1. YL Chamber of Commerce First Responders Breakfast – April 25, 2018 (Hawkins) 11.2. MWDOC/OCWD Joint Planning Committee – April 25, 2018 (Jones/Nederhood) 11.3. OCSD Board – April 25, 2018 (Jones) 11.4. ISDOC Executive Committee – May 1, 2018 (Nederhood) 12. BOARD OF DIRECTORS ACTIVITY CALENDAR 12.1. Meetings from May 2 – July 1, 2018 The Board made no changes to the activity calendar. 13. ADJOURNMENT 13.1. The meeting was adjourned at 8:13 p.m. Annie Alexander Board Secretary ITEM NO. 7.3 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: June 26, 2018 Budgeted:Yes To:Board of Directors Funding Source:All Funds From:Marc Marcantonio, General Manager Presented By:Delia Lugo, Finance Manager Dept:Finance Reviewed by Legal:N/A Prepared By:Richard Cabadas, Accounting Assistant I CEQA Compliance:N/A Subject:Payments of Bills, Refunds, and Wire Transfers SUMMARY: Section 31302 of the California Water Code says the District shall pay demands made against it when they have been approved by the Board of Directors. Pursuant to law, staff is hereby submitting the list of disbursements for Board of Directors’ approval. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors ratify and authorize disbursements in the amount of $1,708,448.93. DISCUSSION: The items on this disbursement list includes: A wire of $20,415.22 to So. California Gas Co. for May 2018 gas charges at multiple locations; a wire of $40,462.03 to So. California Edison for May 2018 electricity charges at multiple locations; a wire of $574,399.04 to MWDOC for April 2018 water purchases; and a check of $132,284.65 to Pacific Hydrotech Corporation for Fairmont booster pump station progress payment #18. The balance of $355,565.64 is routine invoices. The Accounts Payable check register total is $1,123,126.58; Payroll No. 11 total is $291,157.53; Payroll No. 12 total is $294,164.82 and the disbursements for this agenda report is $1,708,448.93. A summary of the disbursements is attached. PRIOR RELEVANT BOARD ACTION(S): The Board of Directors approves bills, refunds and wire transfers semi-monthly. ATTACHMENTS: Name:Description:Type: 18-CS_0626.pdf Cap Sheet Backup Material CkReg062618.pdf Check Register Backup Material 18_CC_0626.pdf Credit Card Summary Backup Material Summary of Disbursements June 26, 2018 CHECK NUMBERS & WIRES: Computer Checks 72349—72499 $ 487,850.29 ____________ $ 487,850.29 WIRES: W 061318 Gas Company $ 20,415.22 W061418 So. California Edison $ 40,462.03 W061518 MWDOC $ 574,399.04 ____________ $ 635,276.29 TOTAL OF CHECKS & WIRES $1,123,126.58 PAYROLL NO. 11: Direct Deposits $ 190,071.20 Third Party Checks 6962—6968 $ 13,794.77 Payroll Taxes $ 49,447.29 EFT – CalPERS Payroll #11 $ 37,844.27 $ 291,157.53 PAYROLL NO. 12: Direct Deposits $ 189,040.71 Third Party Checks 6969—6975 $ 16,772.26 Payroll Taxes $ 49,856.57 EFT – CalPERS Payroll #12 $ 38,495.28 $ 294,164.82 TOTAL OF PAYROLLS $585,322.35 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DISBURSEMENT TOTAL: $1,708,448.93 ================================================================== APPROVED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS MINUTE ORDER AT BOARD MEETING OF JUNE 26, 2018 ==================================================================. Check No.Date Vendor Name Amount Description 72380 06/26/2018 Al Nederhood 816.61 TRAVEL EXPENSE - ACWA CONFERENCE & MILEAGE 72378 06/26/2018 Albert A. Webb Associates 4,149.85 J09-22#22 - PRELIMINARY DRAWINGS 72379 06/26/2018 Alhambra Foundry Company 4,450.67 SEWER MAIN REPAIR PARTS 72381 06/26/2018 Anaheim Wheel & Tire 60.00 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE - UNIT #214 72382 06/26/2018 Annie Alexander 224.18 REIMBURSEMENT - OFFICE SUPPLIES & AUDIO RECORDER FOR BOD MEETINGS 72383 06/26/2018 Anthony Manzano 99.00 HEALTH & WELLNESS FY18 72384 06/26/2018 Aqua-Metric Sales Co.36,882.22 OPERATION WORK MATERIAL 72385 06/26/2018 Aramark 580.36 UNIFORM SERVICE 72496 06/26/2018 ARC 530.66 PW DOC MANAGEMENT 72371 06/26/2018 ARDEN L HODGINS 157.88 CUSTOMER REFUND 72386 06/26/2018 Armando Raya 100.00 HEALTH & WELLNESS FY18 72387 06/26/2018 Art Vega 20.00 TRAVEL EXPENSE - COLOCATION SWITCH TOUR 72389 06/26/2018 AT & T - Calnet3 1,035.22 ATT CALNET 3 72388 06/26/2018 ATS Communications 2,415.00 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES - MARCH, APRIL & MAY 2018 72390 06/26/2018 Autoscribe Corporation 861.25 PAYMENT VISION GATEWAY 72391 06/26/2018 Bee Busters, Inc 150.00 COLONY ABATEMENT - COMMERCIAL 72392 06/26/2018 BrightView Tree Care Services Inc.1,824.70 LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE - JUNE 72393 06/26/2018 Brooke Jones 46.11 MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT - MAY 2018 72394 06/26/2018 CalCard US Bank 30,234.26 CREDIT CARD TRANSACTIONS - MAY & JUNE 2018 72395 06/26/2018 California Newspaper Partnership 936.00 PUBLIC NOTICE - UNCLAIMED REFUND 72396 06/26/2018 Carlos Murillo 100.00 HEALTH & WELLNESS FY18 72368 06/26/2018 CARRIE PHILLIPS 225.00 CUSTOMER REFUND 72397 06/26/2018 CDM Smith 7,267.00 J09-22#22 - PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER SERVICES - WELL 22 72398 06/26/2018 CDW Government, Inc 15.09 J18-10 - CISCO DIRECT CAB-9K12 72399 06/26/2018 Chambers Group Inc.607.75 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES - FEB-APRIL 2018 72400 06/26/2018 Chameleon Beverage Company, Inc.925.70 YLWD PROMOTIONAL PRODUCTS - BOTTLED WATER 72401 06/26/2018 City Of Anaheim 3,187.96 LAKEVIEW -ELECTRICITY FEES- 04/12-05/14 72402 06/26/2018 Complete Paperless Solutions 13,124.00 LASERFICHE SUPPORT - 1 YEAR 72403 06/26/2018 Culligan of Santa Ana 2,298.00 EQUIPMENT PE SOFTENER 72373 06/26/2018 CYPREXX SERVICES LLC 396.78 CUSTOMER REFUND 72405 06/26/2018 Danielle Logsdon 90.00 HEALTH & WELLNESS FY18 72404 06/26/2018 Daniels Tire Service 535.97 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE - UNIT #214 72412 06/26/2018 Dean Criske Trucking 2,356.57 ROAD MATERIAL DISPOSAL 72406 06/26/2018 Dell Marketing L.P.22,270.29 VLA WINDOWS SERVER DATA CENTER & CMMS COMPUTER 72407 06/26/2018 Delta Wye Electric, Inc.6,735.80 J18-06-RTU PLC CABINET-WELL 10, CONDUIT & WIRING INSTALL 72408 06/26/2018 deRose Promos 2,713.79 PROMOTIONAL PRODUCTS - OPEN HOUSE 72409 06/26/2018 Diane Dalton 100.00 HEALTH & WELLNESS FY18 72367 06/26/2018 DINA ZELINSKI 39.93 CUSTOMER REFUND 72411 06/26/2018 Dion & Sons, Inc.5,374.41 STATIONARY ENGINE MAINTENANCE 72413 06/26/2018 Eisel Enterprises, Inc.4,133.84 METER BOX & LIDS 72414 06/26/2018 Elite Equipment Inc 348.35 TOOLS & EQUIPMENT 72415 06/26/2018 Enthalpy Analytical, Inc.2,990.00 WATER QUALITY LAB SAMPLES 72417 06/26/2018 EyeMed 1,382.28 EYE MED PREMIUM - JUNE 2018 72416 06/26/2018 Federal Express 19.55 SHIPPING CHARGES 72418 06/26/2018 Flex Advantage 135.00 FLEX ADVANTAGE - MAY 2018 72419 06/26/2018 Fry's Electronics 462.79 IT HARDWARE SUPPLIES 72420 06/26/2018 Fullerton Paint & Flooring 258.09 CLEANING/PAINTING SUPPLIES 72421 06/26/2018 George Baltierra 100.00 HEALTH & WELLNESS FY18 72422 06/26/2018 Georgina Knight 60.00 HEALTH & WELLNESS FY18 72356 06/26/2018 GINA-MARIE LIBERIO 26.13 CUSTOMER REFUND 72374 06/26/2018 GRANT JEFFERY BENNET 126.38 CUSTOMER REFUND 72377 06/26/2018 GRAY CONSTRUCTION 547.85 CUSTOMER REFUND 72423 06/26/2018 Graybar Electric Co 253.50 J18-06 & J18-07 - PLC'S AND PANELS 72369 06/26/2018 GREG SCHLINGER 158.07 CUSTOMER REFUND 72424 06/26/2018 Haaker Equipment Co.502.78 VEH. MAINTENANCE - UNIT #197 & #210 72363 06/26/2018 HAEIN KIM 100.14 CUSTOMER REFUND 72498 06/26/2018 Harrington Industrial 737.93 CL2 REPLACEMENT PARTS 72351 06/26/2018 HELEN RHO 441.59 CUSTOMER REFUND 72425 06/26/2018 Hi-Line Electric Co., Inc.139.56 MECHANIC SHOP SUPPLIES 72426 06/26/2018 Hydrex Pest Control 175.00 PEST CONTROL 72357 06/26/2018 IDRIS BAWAHAB 132.11 CUSTOMER REFUND 72427 06/26/2018 Infosend Inc.4,852.98 BILLING & POSTAGE - CUSTOMER BILLS 72428 06/26/2018 Inland Group 716.54 J18-11 - SUPPLIES FOR OPEN HOUSE Yorba Linda Water District Check Register For Checks Dated: 06/06/2018 thru 06/26/2018 72429 06/26/2018 Irma Munguia 100.00 HEALTH & WELLNESS FY18 72430 06/26/2018 Jackson's Auto Supply - Napa 609.49 VEHICLE MAINTENACE - UNIT #197, #208, #210 & #213 72431 06/26/2018 Jacqueline Segura 137.93 MEETING SUPPLIES, MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT & HEALTH & WELLNESS FY18 72361 06/26/2018 JEREMY MAYO 26.74 CUSTOMER REFUND 72432 06/26/2018 Jesse Diaz 100.00 HEALTH & WELLNESS FY18 72355 06/26/2018 JESSICA MERRILL 120.28 CUSTOMER REFUND 72364 06/26/2018 JOHN D ROGERS 46.55 CUSTOMER REFUND 72433 06/26/2018 John Todd Howard 100.00 HEALTH & WELLNESS FY18 72434 06/26/2018 Kaden Young 428.98 TRAVEL EXPENSE - CAL WEP PEER TO PEER & HEALTH & WELLNESS 72354 06/26/2018 KATHLEEN HERNANDEZ 38.78 CUSTOMER REFUND 72435 06/26/2018 KELLY MCCANN 100.00 HEALTH & WELLNESS FY18 72436 06/26/2018 Kidman Law 29,973.29 LEGAL SERVICE 72437 06/26/2018 Kimball Midwest 298.77 MECHANIC SHOP SUPPLIES 72438 06/26/2018 Lee & Ro, Inc.1,570.00 J10-11B - FAIRMONT PUMP STATION UPGRADE 72439 06/26/2018 Liebert Cassidy Whitmore 11,120.55 LEGAL SERVICE - FEBRUARY - APRIL 2018 72366 06/26/2018 LOAY HELES 23.68 CUSTOMER REFUND 72440 06/26/2018 Malissa Muttaraid 100.00 HEALTH & WELLNESS FY18 72441 06/26/2018 Managed Health Network 177.75 EAP - JUNE 2018 72442 06/26/2018 Marc Marcantonio 30.19 MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT - MAY 2018 72443 06/26/2018 Marie Pagenkopp 100.00 HEALTH & WELLNESS FY18 72350 06/26/2018 MARSHELL MONTGOMERY 17.11 CUSTOMER REFUND 72352 06/26/2018 MARTIN ZAPATA 144.71 CUSTOMER REFUND 72444 06/26/2018 Matt Ostiz 100.00 HEALTH & WELLNESS FY18 72445 06/26/2018 Mc Fadden-Dale Hardware 83.96 MECHANIC SHOP SUPPLIES 72446 06/26/2018 Mc Master-Carr Supply Co.755.13 SHOP SUPPLIES 72447 06/26/2018 Miller Spatial Services LLC 15,000.00 YLWD GIS/CITYWORKS SUPPORT 72497 06/26/2018 Mobile Modular Portable Storage 6,938.25 J17-34 - STORAGE CONTAINER W061518 06/15/2018 Municipal Water District 574,399.04 WATER PURCHASES - APRIL 2018 72375 06/26/2018 NATIONSTAR MORTGAGE 428.97 CUSTOMER REFUND 72353 06/26/2018 NEASE PROPERTY MGMT 392.98 CUSTOMER REFUND 72448 06/26/2018 Nicholas A. Hollon 100.00 HEALTH & WELLNESS FY18 72449 06/26/2018 Nickey Kard Lock Inc 5,338.47 FUEL - 05/16/18 - 05/31/18 72450 06/26/2018 Nicole Dalton 100.00 HEALTH & WELLNESS FY18 72358 06/26/2018 NORMA HELM 107.84 CUSTOMER REFUND 72452 06/26/2018 O.C. Driveline 193.78 MAINTENANCE PARTS- VALLEY VIEW 72451 06/26/2018 Occu-Med, Ltd.165.50 PRE EE PHYSICALS (1) 72453 06/26/2018 Office Solutions 1,456.81 TONER & OFFICE SUPPLIES 72454 06/26/2018 Omni Enterprise Inc.2,990.00 JANITORIAL SERVICE - MAY 2018 72455 06/26/2018 Orange County Register 92.31 OC REG -M-F- 8 WEEKS 72456 06/26/2018 Oscar Ortega 100.00 HEALTH & WELLNESS FY18 72457 06/26/2018 OUR FIRST AID COMPANY 117.23 FIRST AID KITS 72464 06/26/2018 P.T.I. Sand & Gravel, Inc.348.35 ROAD MATERIAL 72458 06/26/2018 Pacific Hydrotech Corporation 132,284.65 J10-11B - FAIRMONT PUMP STATION UPGRADE - PROGRESS 72459 06/26/2018 Pacific Western Bank 6,962.35 J10-11B - FAIRMONT PUMP STATION UPGRADE - RETENTION #18 72460 06/26/2018 Parts Source Anaheim 31.69 VEH. MAINTENACE - UNIT #218 72461 06/26/2018 Patricia D. Medina 100.00 HEALTH & WELLNESS FY18 72462 06/26/2018 Plumbers Depot Inc.771.49 LEADER HOSE AND FITTINGS 72463 06/26/2018 Praxair Distribution 157.55 WELDING SUPPLIES 72362 06/26/2018 PS OWEN INC 354.01 CUSTOMER REFUND 72465 06/26/2018 Quest Software Inc.5,540.23 VMWARE RAPID RECOVERY 72466 06/26/2018 Quinn Company 8,399.79 MAINTENANCE PARTS- FAIRMONT #1 72467 06/26/2018 RACHEL PADILLA 131.87 HEALTH & WELLNESS FY18 & TRAVEL EXPENSE - RATE SETTING CONFERENCE 72480 06/26/2018 Rachel Padilla/Petty Cash 342.02 PETTY CASH - O050918, Y051018, O060618 & Y061318 72469 06/26/2018 Ricardo Cabadas 100.00 HEALTH & WELLNESS FY18 72468 06/26/2018 Ricardo De Anda 100.00 HEALTH & WELLNESS FY18 72470 06/26/2018 RKI Engineering, LLC 3,500.00 CONTROL SUPPORT - HIGHLAND 72365 06/26/2018 ROBERT STREIP 8.79 CUSTOMER REFUND 72471 06/26/2018 Roberto Cuellar 100.00 HEALTH & WELLNESS FY18 72472 06/26/2018 Robyn Hollinshead 100.00 HEALTH & WELLNESS FY18 72473 06/26/2018 Ryan Beihl 100.00 HEALTH & WELLNESS FY18 72474 06/26/2018 Safety-Kleen Systems Inc 980.55 HAZ MAT DISPOSAL - PARTS WASHER 72475 06/26/2018 Saira Hernandez 100.00 HEALTH & WELLNESS FY18 72476 06/26/2018 Sanders Paving, Inc.24,682.00 ASPHALT PAVING - 22 LOCATIONS 72477 06/26/2018 Scott Coffman 100.00 HEALTH & WELLNESS FY18 72349 06/26/2018 SCOTT HERRICK 610.86 CUSTOMER REFUND 72478 06/26/2018 Selman Chevrolet Company 244.15 VEH. MAINTENANCE - UNIT #218 72360 06/26/2018 SHANNON PETTINGER 58.91 CUSTOMER REFUND 72479 06/26/2018 Snap-on Incorporated 2,011.89 MECHANICS SHOP EQUIPMENT & TOOLS 72499 06/26/2018 Solarwinds Inc.4,210.00 SOLARWIND UT2500 & SL2000 W061418 06/14/2018 Southern Calif Edison Co.40,462.03 ELECTRICITY CHARGES - MULTIPLE LOCATIONS - MAY 2018 W061318 06/13/2018 Southern Calif Gas Co.20,415.22 GAS CHARGES - MULTIPLE LOCATIONS - MAY 2018 72483 06/26/2018 Stantec Consulting Services In 5,723.77 J10-11B - FAIRMONT PUMP STATION UPGRADE 72482 06/26/2018 State of California 230.00 CAMPAIGN LOBBYING LIABILITY 72481 06/26/2018 Stater Bros. Markets 63.97 MEETING SUPPLIES 72485 06/26/2018 Step Saver Inc 1,158.53 COARSE SALT 72359 06/26/2018 STEPHEN NERING 204.77 CUSTOMER REFUND 72484 06/26/2018 Steven Enterprises 897.56 HP761 TONER & PLOTTER SUPPLIES 72486 06/26/2018 Telstar Instruments 5,920.00 RADIO SYSTEM EVALUATION 72487 06/26/2018 The Shredders 22.00 ON SITE SHRED SERVICE 72488 06/26/2018 Time Warner Cable 838.38 SPECTRUM BUS INTERNET & TV 72489 06/26/2018 Tony Arambarri 100.00 HEALTH & WELLNESS FY18 72372 06/26/2018 TUYEN NGUYEN 246.49 CUSTOMER REFUND 72490 06/26/2018 Underground Service Alert 310.30 DIGALERT - MAY 2018 72491 06/26/2018 United Industries 447.07 PPE EQUIPMENT 72492 06/26/2018 United Water Works, Inc.18,899.47 OPERATION WORK MATERIAL 72493 06/26/2018 Vivian Lim 95.00 HEALTH & WELLNESS FY18 72494 06/26/2018 Westside Building Material 571.25 MISCELLANEOUS WAREHOUSE PARTS 72410 06/26/2018 White Nelson Diehl Evans LLP 4,000.00 1ST INTERIM BILLING - AUDIT FY18 72370 06/26/2018 XIANG CHEN 120.17 CUSTOMER REFUND 72376 06/26/2018 YE YUAN 121.55 CUSTOMER REFUND 72495 06/26/2018 YO Fire 2,884.36 OPERATION WORK MATERIAL 1,123,126.58 5-31-2018 PAYROLL #11 - EMPLOYEE DIRECT DEPOSIT 190,071.20 5-31-2018 PAYROLL #11 - PAYROLL TAX PAYMENT 49,447.29 5-31-2018 PAYROLL #11 - CALPERS EFT 37,844.27 6962 5-31-2018 COLONIAL LIFE 107.10 6963 5-31-2018 LINCOLN FINANCIAL GROUP 3,409.21 6964 5-31-2018 NATIONWIDE RETIREMENT SOLUTIONS 8,955.93 6965 5-31-2018 GARNISHMENT 231.00 6966 5-31-2018 CA STATE DISBURSEMENT UNIT 366.92 6967 5-31-2018 CA STATE DISBURSEMENT UNIT 339.69 6968 5-31-2018 CA STATE DISBURSEMENT UNIT 384.92 291,157.53 06-14-2018 PAYROLL #12 - EMPLOYEE DIRECT DEPOSIT 189,040.71 06-14-2018 PAYROLL #12 - PAYROLL TAX PAYMENT 49,856.57 06-14-2018 PAYROLL #12 - CALPERS EFT 38,495.28 6969 6-14-2018 COLONIAL LIFE 107.10 6970 6-14-2018 FLEX ADVANTAGE 2,479.09 6971 6-14-2018 LINCOLN FINANCIAL GROUP 3,648.28 6972 6-14-2018 NATIONWIDE RETIREMENT SOLUTIONS 9,446.26 6973 6-14-2018 CA STATE DISBURSEMENT UNIT 366.92 6974 6-14-2018 CA STATE DISBURSEMENT UNIT 339.69 6975 6-14-2018 CA STATE DISBURSEMENT UNIT 384.92 294,164.82 Payroll Checks #11 Payroll Checks #12 Vendor Name Amount Description OC United 1,500.00 Board contribution - Community Affairs Support Best Value Tire & Wheel 98.85 Vehicle maintenance - mount & balance - Unit #205 Metal Edge - Hollinger 893.20 Archival supplies - Historical & permanent vital documents Flappy Jacks 43.24 Lunch meeting - (3) attendees Zena's Lebanese Cuisine 167.80 Lunch meeting - (7) attendees Saymore Trophy 599.00 Plaque for EOC Meal Preparation Center Jersey Mike's 38.77 Lunch meeting - (3) attendees BBQ Galore 95.69 J18-11 - Open house supplies Grainger 25.44 (1) Handicap parking sign BC Wire Rope & Rigging 878.52 Vehicle equipment Promo Direct 739.46 J18-11 - YLWD promotional items for Open house Mc Master-Carr Supply Co.33.86 (2) adhesive back roller Lippert Components 69.63 (2) D-ring with clip - Unit #E193 Best Value Tire & Wheel 61.04 Vehicle maintenance - mount & balance - Unit #E193 Harrington Industrial 107.48 J17-34 - CL2 replacement parts - Hidden Hill Michaels Arts & Crafts, Brea #2111 11.84 J18-11 - Open house supplies Amazon.com 38.73 J18-11 - Open house supplies Home Depot 290.62 (64) bags of concrete Sunstate Equipment Co 30.17 Propane refill Home Depot 14.18 SOD - Landscape repair Clearwater Technologies 46.84 (1) sentri switch BC Wire Rope & Rigging 43.10 (2) Lifiting chains Harrington Industrial 70.48 J17-34 - CL2 replacement parts - Hidden Hill Home Depot 34.44 Batteries (2) pk "AAA" The Catch 65.51 Lunch meeting - (3) attendees Lucca 13.00 Travel expense - ACWA Conference - Dir. Nederhood Amazon.com 213.00 Vehicle maintenance - Unit #195 Harrington Industrial 519.59 J17-34 - CL2 replacement parts - Hidden Hill Harrington Industrial 17.95 J17-34 - CL2 replacement parts - Hidden Hill KB Design 257.95 J18-11 - Open house polo shirts Smart & Final 195.66 J18-11 - Open house supplies Home Depot 85.64 J18-11 - Open house supplies Amazon.com 31.37 J18-11 - Open house supplies AM Conservation Group 882.70 Dye tablets - Leak detection John Wayne Airport 64.00 Travel expense - ACWA Conference - Dir. Nederhood Harrington Industrial 85.71 J17-34 - CL2 replacement parts - Hidden Hill AW Direct Inc.483.97 (2) 12'grab hook lifting chain Mc Master-Carr Supply Co.322.87 Letter stamp & engraver - production Stater Bros. Markets 6.27 Distilled water Alliant Insurance Services, Inc.340.00 J18-11 - Special event insurance Amazon.com 22.09 J18-11 - Open house supplies Energy Environmental Soln, Inc 2,400.00 Emission test - Well #5 BIG 5 SPORTING GOODS 215.48 (2) Easy-ups for maintenance Home Depot 181.13 Copper pipe & fittings Amazon.com 80.50 Mechanic shop supplies ONLINE Information Services, Inc.593.32 Online utility exchange report & collection transactions Verizon Wireless 3,787.44 Verizon Wireless - 03/21/18 - 4/20/18 Cal Card Credit Card U S Bank AutoZone 36.90 Supplies for cleaning vehicles OC ARMA 25.00 OC ARMA - May chapter meeting - Arambarri, T Amazon.com 25.50 Mechanic shop supplies Federal Express 46.87 J18-11 - Poster board Staples 16.96 J18-11 - Open house supplies Precision Services Group 155.31 J18-11 - Open house - poster board mounts Southside Towing 204.00 Towing fee - Unit #205 Dunkin Donuts 119.19 J18-11 -Open house Los Angeles Times 207.74 LA Times subscription Minuteman Press 750.42 Rosanne Weston business cards & door hangers for operations Dan Copp Crushing Corp.300.00 Disposal of road material Orchard Supply Hardware 27.77 Miscellaneous PVC parts for operations Home Depot 96.76 SOD - landscape removal Kohler 456.41 (4) pk waterless urinal maintenance balls Home Depot 99.77 Building repair parts Costco 42.74 Supplies for All Hands Meeting Costco 167.54 Supplies for All Hands Meeting Sams Club 336.64 Supplies for All Hands Meeting Fitness Grill 44.75 Lunch meeting - Phan & Lugo KB Design 14.85 (1) YLWD polo shirt - Engineering Manager Sams Club 75.36 Emergency response equipment ISDOC (Independent Special Dist OC)51.00 Registration - ISDOC quarterly meeting - (3) attendees Francisco Meat Co 458.65 Supplies for All Hands Meeting Answer One Communications 575.30 Virtual reception service - After hours Placentia Disposal #676 605.24 (2) front loads - Richfield Rd. Southwest Airlines 292.97 Travel expense - Tour of Switch facility Big Top Rentals 452.48 Table rentals - All hands meeting Smart & Final 48.73 Supplies for All Hands Meeting Disneyland Resort Parking 30.00 Travel expense - OC Water Summit - Marcantonio, M KB Design 129.26 (2) YLWD polo shirts - Operations Manager SkillPath Seminars 2,741.00 Star 12 renewal - 9 subscription (Finance & Customer Service) Federal Express 157.60 Shipping fees to Switch - VMHosts Village Nurseries 118.85 SOD - Landscape repair United Rentals - Fullerton 209.45 Rental - Concrete trailer & 3/4 yard mix City Clerks Association of California 50.00 Registration - CCAC workshop - Alexander, A Home Depot 289.96 Power tool replacement battery Home Depot 32.43 Hardware supplies Mc Master-Carr Supply Co.435.13 (4) leg chain sling - 2ft long Home Depot 407.99 Shop supplies Super Shuttle 47.20 Travel expense - AWWA Conference - Dir. Nederhood & Dir. Jones Costco 183.17 Fridge for admin conference room Energy Environmental Soln, Inc 2,400.00 Emissions test - Lakeview Home Depot 77.41 SOD - Landscape repair Minuteman Press 80.81 (500) business cards - Records Request Praxair Distribution 34.36 Welding supplies - leak crew OC ARMA 40.00 OC ARMA - End of Year Chapter presentation ServerMonkey.com 109.54 Dell Poweredge sliding rails Uline 39.73 Magentic vault shelving labels SCIE ARMA 20.00 SCIE ARMA -Chapter meeting/Board Installation Amazon.com 67.99 Soundbar - Sharp interactive white board 30,234.26 ITEM NO. 7.4 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: June 26, 2018 To:Board of Directors From:Marc Marcantonio, General Manager Presented By:Brett R. Barbre, Asst General Manager Prepared By:Malissa Muttaraid, Public Affairs Representative Subject:Amending List of Preauthorized Meetings and Events for Director Attendance STAFF RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors adopt Resolution No. 18-15 amending Section 9.1 (B) of the Board of Directors' Policies and Procedures Manual. DISCUSSION: The Board has expressed an interest in attending various community organizations in order to increase the visibility of the District. This would include organizations such as the local Chambers of Commerce and non-political Community Service Organizations events and meetings. The Board has pre-authorized attendance at various organizations (City Council, Water Agencies, Water Organizations, etc.) and this amendment to Resolution No. 16-12 Section 9.1 (B) would add several organizations to the current list of pre-authorized meetings and events. Staff has prepared a resolution for the Board's consideration to amend Section 9.1 (B) of the Board of Directors Policies and Procedures Manual adopted by Resolution No. 16-12 (see attached). ATTACHMENTS: Name:Description:Type: Resolution_No._18-15_-_Amending_BOD_Policy.docx Resolution Resolution Resolution No. 18-15 Amending Board of Directors’ Policies and Procedures Manual 1 RESOLUTION NO. 18-15 RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT AMENDING LIST OF PRE-AUTHORIZED MEETINGS AND EVENTS WHEREAS, the Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda Water District previously adopted a Policies and Procedures Manual (Manual) by Resolution No. 18-06; and WHEREAS, Section 9.1(B) of this Manual sets forth Directors’ preauthorized attendance at meetings and events sponsored by various organizations; and WHEREAS, it is the Board of Directors’ desire to further clarify this section. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda Water District as follows: Section 1. That Section 9.1 (B) of the Board of Directors Policies and Procedures Manual adopted by Resolution No. 18-06 be amended to read as follows: Director attendance at meetings and events sponsored by the District and the following organizations shall be preauthorized subject to budget limitations as approved by the Board: 1. Association of California Water Agencies (ACWA) 2. Association of California Water Agencies – Joint Powers Insurance Authority (ACWA-JPIA) 3. American Water Works Association (AWWA) 4. California Association of Sanitation Agencies (CASA) 5. California Special Districts Association (CSDA) 6. California-Nevada Section of American Water Works Association (CA-NV AWWA) 7. Chambers of Commerce 8. City, County and State Governmental Agencies (Including meeting with elected/appointed officials and staff.) 9. Colorado River Water Users Association (CRWUA) 10. Educational Institutions Resolution No. 18-15 Amending Board of Directors’ Policies and Procedures Manual 2 11. Independent Special Districts of Orange County (ISDOC) 12. Metropolitan Water District of Southern California (MWD or MET) 13. Municipal Water District of Orange County (MWDOC) 14. Non-political Community Service Organizations 15. Orange County Local Agency Formation Commission (OC LAFCO) 16. Orange County Sanitation District (OCSD) 17. Orange County Water Association (OCWA) 18. Orange County Water District (OCWD) 19. Special District Leadership Foundation (SDLF) 20. Urban Water Institute (UWI) 21. Water Advisory Committee of Orange County (WACO) PASSED AND ADOPTED this 26th day of June 2018 by the following called vote: AYES: NOES: ABSTAIN: ABSENT: Al Nederhood, President Yorba Linda Water District ATTEST: Annie Alexander, Board Secretary Yorba Linda Water District Reviewed as to form by General Counsel: Andrew B. Gagen, Esq. Kidman Gagen Law LLP ITEM NO. 7.5 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: June 26, 2018 To:Board of Directors From:Marc Marcantonio, General Manager Presented By:Gina Knight, HR/Risk and Safety Manager Dept:Human Resources/Risk Management Prepared By:Vivian Lim, Human Resources Analyst Subject:Amending the Effective Dates of Employee Related Administrative Policies STAFF RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors: (1) adopt Resolution No. 18-16 amending the effective dates of Exhibits A through F included with the Memorandum of Understanding between the District and the Yorba Linda Water District Employees Association for Fiscal Years 2019-2023 to reflect the 1st day of July of the applicable fiscal year. (2) adopt Resolution No. 18-17 amending the effective dates of Exhibits A through F included with the Personnel Manual for Unrepresented Employees for Fiscal Years 2019-2023 to reflect the 1st day of July of the applicable fiscal year. PRIOR RELEVANT BOARD ACTION(S): At the meeting held June 5, 2018, the Board of Directors adopted Resolution No. 18-10 approving the Memorandum of Understanding between the District and the Yorba Linda Water District Employees Association for Fiscal Years 2019-2023, and Resolution No. 18-11 approving the Personnel Manual for Unrepresented Employees for Fiscal Years 2019-2023. ATTACHMENTS: Name:Description:Type: Resolution_No._18-16_-_MOU.docx Resolution Resolution Resolution_No._18-17_-_Unrepresented.docx Resolution Resolution Resolution No. 18-16 Amending the Effective Dates of Exhibits A Through F of Resolution No. 18-10 1 RESOLUTION NO. 18-16 RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT AMENDING THE EFFECTIVE DATES OF EXHIBITS A THROUGH F OF THE MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN THE DISTRICT AND THE YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT EMPLOYEES ASSOCIATION FOR FISCAL YEARS 2019-2023 WHEREAS, the Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda Water District previously adopted the Memorandum of Understanding between the District and the Yorba Linda Water District Employees Association for Fiscal Years 2019- 2023; and WHEREAS, it is the desire of the Board of Directors to amend the effective dates of certain exhibits included with said Memorandum of Understanding. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda Water District as follows: Section 1. That the effective dates of Exhibits A through F of the Memorandum of Understanding between the District and the Yorba Linda Water District Employees Association for Fiscal Years 2019-2023 as adopted by Resolution No. 18-10 be amended to reflect the 1st day of July of the applicable fiscal year. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 26th day of June 2018, by the following called vote: AYES: NOES: ABSTAIN: ABSENT: Al Nederhood, President Yorba Linda Water District Resolution No. 18-16 Amending the Effective Dates of Exhibits A Through F of Resolution No. 18-10 2 ATTEST: Annie Alexander, Board Secretary Yorba Linda Water District Reviewed as to form by General Counsel: Andrew B. Gagen, Esq. Kidman Gagen Law LLP Resolution No. 18-17 Amending the Effective Dates of Exhibits A Through F of Resolution No. 18-11 1 RESOLUTION NO. 18-17 RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT AMENDING THE EFFECTIVE DATES OF EXHIBITS A THROUGH F OF THE PERSONNEL MANUAL FOR UNREPRESENTED EMPLOYEES FOR FISCAL YEARS 2019-2023 WHEREAS, the Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda Water District previously adopted the Personnel Manual for Unrepresented Employees for Fiscal Years 2019-2023; and WHEREAS, it is the desire of the Board of Directors to amend the effective dates of certain exhibits included with said Personnel Manual. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda Water District as follows: Section 1. That the effective dates of Exhibits A through F of the Personnel Manual for Unrepresented Employees for Fiscal Years 2019-2023 as adopted by Resolution No. 18-11 be amended to reflect the 1st day of July of the applicable fiscal year. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 26th day of June 2018, by the following called vote: AYES: NOES: ABSTAIN: ABSENT: Al Nederhood, President Yorba Linda Water District Resolution No. 18-17 Amending the Effective Dates of Exhibits A Through F of Resolution No. 18-11 2 ATTEST: Annie Alexander, Board Secretary Yorba Linda Water District Reviewed as to form by General Counsel: Andrew B. Gagen, Esq. Kidman Gagen Law LLP ITEM NO. 7.6 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: June 26, 2018 To:Board of Directors From:Marc Marcantonio, General Manager Presented By:Delia Lugo, Finance Manager Dept:Finance Prepared By:Saira Hernandez, Accountant Subject:Appropriations Limit for Fiscal Year 2019 SUMMARY: Each year the District must adopt the Appropriations Limit and factors used to calculate this number, in accordance with Proposition 13, Government Code Section 7900 and Article XIIIB of the California Constitution. The Appropriations Limit assures government agencies do not assess and collect taxes in excess of the controlled limits. The District receives a relatively small amount of revenue from property taxes annually and it is historically well below the Appropriations Limitation each year. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors approve Resolution No. 18-18 adopting the Appropriations Limit for Fiscal Year 2019. DISCUSSION: In 1977, California voters passed Proposition 13, which limited property tax assessments to 1% of a property’s market value and limited assessed value increases to 2% per year. Concurrent with the reduction of property taxes, the voters also passed Proposition 4, the Gann Spending Limit Initiative, which added Article XIIIB to the California Constitution. Under Article XIIIB, a government agency is restricted in the amount of annual appropriations from the proceeds of taxes to pay voter- approved bond debt service. If proceeds of taxes exceed allowed appropriations, the excess must either be refunded to the State Controller or returned to the taxpayers through revised tax rate or through revised fee schedules. An excess in one year may be offset against a deficit in the following year, so effectively the limitation may be exceeded in a single year but not over any consecutive two-year period. District staff performed the required calculation to determine the appropriations limits for FY19, in compliance with the terms of Article XIIIB of the California Constitution and the Government Code Section 7900. The starting point for computing the Appropriations Limit is the Appropriations Subject to Limitation in the Base Year of FY79. This number is multiplied by the controlled factors each successive year to determine the current year’s appropriation limit. The State Department of Finance, Population Research Unit, provides inflation and population figures each year. These two are multiplied together to determine the final percentage by which the prior year’s limit is increased or decreased. The District’s estimated property tax revenue of $1,850,000, budgeted for FY19, is substantially lower than the calculated limitation of $7,333,078. Therefore, there are no excess appropriations that must be returned to the taxpayers. PRIOR RELEVANT BOARD ACTION(S): The Board of Directors adopted Resolution No. 18-18 on June 26, 2018, Adopting the Appropriations Limit for Fiscal Year 2019. ATTACHMENTS: Name:Description:Type: GANN_Calculation_2018-19.pdf Backup Material Backup Material Dept_of_Finance_Letter_May_2018.pdf Backup Material Backup Material Resolution_No._18-18_-_GANN_Limit.docx Resolution Resolution Special District: Yorba Linda Water District Fiscal Year: 2018-2019 Budget vs. Actual:Budget REVENUE AMOUNT SOURCE A. LAST YEAR'S LIMIT 7,025,009 B. ADJUSTMENT FACTORS 1. Population % 0.00%0.69%1.0069 (Weighted Avg Calc) 2. Inflation % 2.00%3.67%1.0367 (State Finance) Total Adjustment %1.0439 (b1*b2) C. ANNUAL ADJUSTMENT $ BUDGET 7,333,078 B*A D. OTHER ADJUSTMENTS sub total E. TOTAL ADJUSTMENTS 7,333,078 (C+D) F. THIS YEAR'S LIMIT 7,333,078 (A+E) APPROPRIATIONS SUBJECT TO LIMITATION ANT o,� 4 "� Z W III n O fi DEPARTMENT OF EDMUND G. BROWN JR. - GOVERNOR �CfFpRNP F' N A N C E STATE CAPITOL■ ROOM 1 1 45■SACRAMENTO CA■ 95814-4998■WWW.DOF.CA.GOV OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR May 2018 Dear Fiscal Officer: Subject: Price Factor and Population Information Appropriations Limit California Revenue and Taxation Code section 2227 requires the Department of Finance to transmit an estimate of the percentage change in population to local governments. Each local jurisdiction must use their percentage change in population factor for January 1, 2018, in conjunction with a change in the cost of living, or price factor, to calculate their appropriations limit for fiscal year 2018-19. Attachment A provides the change in California's per capita personal income and an example for utilizing the price factor and population percentage change factor to calculate the 2018-19 appropriations limit. Attachment B provides the city and unincorporated county population percentage change. Attachment C provides the population percentage change for counties and their summed incorporated areas. The population percentage change data excludes federal and state institutionalized populations and military populations. Population Percent Change for Special Districts Some special districts must establish an annual appropriations limit. California Revenue and Taxation Code section 2228 provides additional information regarding the appropriations limit. Article XIII B, section 9(C)of the California Constitution exempts certain special districts from the appropriations limit calculation mandate. The code section and the California Constitution can be accessed at the following website: htti):Hleciinfo.leciislature.ca.ciov/faces/codes.xhtml. Special districts required by law to calculate their appropriations limit must present the calculation as part of their annual audit. Any questions special districts have on this requirement should be directed to their county, district legal counsel, or the law itself. No state agency reviews the local appropriations limits. Population Certification The population certification program applies only to cities and counties. California Revenue and Taxation Code section 11005.6 mandates Finance to automatically certify any population estimate that exceeds the current certified population with the State Controller's Office. Finance will certify the higher estimate to the State Controller by June 1, 2018. Please Note: The prior year's city population estimates may be revised. If you have any questions regarding this data, please contact the Demographic Research Unit at (916) 323-4086. MICHAEL COHEN Director By: AMY M. COSTA Chief Deputy Director Attachment May 2018 Attachment A A. Price Factor: Article XIII B specifies that local jurisdictions select their cost of living factor to compute their appropriation limit by a vote of their governing body. The cost of living factor provided here is per capita personal income. If the percentage change in per capita personal income is selected,the percentage change to be used in setting the fiscal year 2018-19 appropriation limit is: Per Capita Personal Income Fiscal Year Percentage change (FY) over prior year 2018-19 3.67 B. Following is an example using sample population change and the change in California per capita personal income as growth factors in computing a 2018-19 appropriation limit. 2018-19: Per Capita Cost of Living Change = 3.67 percent Population Change = 0.78 percent Per Capita Cost of Living converted to a ratio: 3.67 + 100 = 1.0367 100 Population converted to a ratio: 0.78 + 100 = 1.0078 100 Calculation of factor for FY 2018-19: 1.0367 x 1.0078 = 1.0448 Fiscal Year 2018-19 Attachment B Annual Percent Change in Population Minus Exclusions* January 1,2017 to January 1,2018 and Total Population,January 1,2018 Total County Percent Chanae --- Population Minus Exclusions --- Population City 2017-2018 1-1-17 1-1-18 1-1-2018 Orange Aliso Viejo 3.11 50,384 51,950 51,950 Anaheim 0.16 356,485 357,067 357,084 Brea 0.25 44,776 44,890 44,890 Buena Park 0.08 83,926 83,995 83,995 Costa Mesa 0.30 114,816 115,156 115,296 Cypress 0.55 49,704 49,978 49,978 Dana Point 0.51 33,897 34,071 34,071 Fountain Valley 0.01 56,916 56,920 56,920 Fullerton 0.50 143,499 144,214 144,214 Garden Grove 0.06 176,784 176,896 176,896 Huntington Beach 0.33 201,981 202,648 202,648 Irvine 3.40 267,097 276,176 276,176 Laguna Beach 0.26 23,248 23,309 23,309 Laguna Hills -0.03 31,829 31,818 31,818 Laguna Niguel 0.14 65,288 65,377 65,377 Laguna Woods 0.13 16,575 16,597 16,597 La Habra 0.64 62,451 62,850 62,850 Lake Forest 1.72 83,414 84,845 84,845 La Palma 0.09 15,933 15,948 15,948 Los Alamitos 0.03 11,860 11,863 11,863 Mission Viejo 0.00 95,985 95,987 95,987 Newport Beach 1.13 86,207 87,182 87,182 Orange 0.69 140,981 141,952 141,952 Placentia -0.03 52,772 52,755 52,755 Rancho Santa Margarita 0.06 49,301 49,329 49,329 San Clemente 0.82 65,009 65,543 65,543 San Juan Capistrano 0.37 36,624 36,759 36,759 Santa Ana 0.12 337,843 338,247 338,247 Seal Beach -0.11 25,428 25,399 25,984 Stanton -0.08 39,500 39,470 39,470 Tustin 0.06 82,291 82,344 82,344 Villa Park 0.12 5,944 5,951 5,951 Westminster 0.13 94,353 94,476 94,476 Yorba Linda 0.49 68,781 69,121 69,121 Unincorporated 2.32 126,342 129,278 129,278 County Total 0.69 3,198,224 3,220,361 3,221,103 *Exclusions include residents on federal military installations and group quarters residents in state mental institutions,state and federal correctional institutions and veteran homes. Resolution No.18-18 Adopting the Appropriations Limit for FY19 1 RESOLUTION NO. 18-18 RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT ADOPTING THE APPROPRIATIONS LIMIT FOR FISCAL YEAR 2019 WHEREAS, under the terms of Article XIIIB of the California Constitution and Government Code Section 7900 et seq., all local agencies are required to establish, by resolution, an appropriations limit for each fiscal year; and WHEREAS, in June 1990, voters in the State of California approved Proposition 111 which amended Government Code Section 7900 et seq., modifying the method of calculation for the appropriations limit and requiring all local agencies to select, by resolution, the annual adjustment factors used to perform the calculations; and WHEREAS, the District staff has performed the required calculations to determine the limit for Fiscal Year 2019, in compliance with the above provisions and made the documentation used in the determination of the appropriations limit and other necessary determinations available to the public at least fifteen days prior to the date of this meeting. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda Water District as follows: Section 1. That there is hereby adopted, pursuant to Article XIIIB of the California Constitution and Government Code Section 7900 et seq., as amended by Proposition 111, an appropriations limit for Fiscal Year 2019 of $7,333,078. Section 2. The annual adjustment factors are the weighted average percentage change in the population of the cities within the District’s jurisdiction, and the percentage change in the California Per Capita Income. Resolution No.18-18 Adopting the Appropriations Limit for FY19 2 PASSED AND ADOPTED this 26th day of June 2018 by the following called vote: AYES: NOES: ABSTAIN: ABSENT: Al Nederhood, President Yorba Linda Water District ATTEST: Annie Alexander, Board Secretary Yorba Linda Water District Reviewed as to form by General Counsel: Andrew B. Gagen, Esq. Kidman Gagen Law LLP ITEM NO. 7.7 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: June 26, 2018 To:Board of Directors From:Marc Marcantonio, General Manager Presented By:Delia Lugo, Finance Manager Dept:Finance Prepared By:Kelly McCann, Senior Accountant Subject:Water Development and Customer Service Fees STAFF RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors approve Resolution No. 18-19 adopting Water Development and Customer Service Fees and rescinding Resolution No. 12-25. DISCUSSION: The current Water Development and Customer Service Fees were adopted via Resolution No. 12- 25 in October 2012. Staff reviewed and updated the methodology for the basis of determining fair and equitable fees that cover the cost of service to provide the listed water related service(s). Included in the cost of service are the projected staff, equipment and material costs utilized to perform the service(s) required. Staff costs include the current hourly rate and benefit costs of the employee(s) providing the service. Staff compared the development and customer service fees with those of other local agencies. Attached is Resolution No. 18-19 with the updated Water Development and Customer Service Fees. STRATEGIC PLAN: FR 1-C: Revise the Water and Sewer Rules and Regulations and Evaluate Fee Schedules Regularly for Proper Cost of Service Coverage PRIOR RELEVANT BOARD ACTION(S): On October 11, 2012 the Board approved Resolution No. 12-25 adopting Water Development and Customer Service Fees. ATTACHMENTS: Name:Description:Type: Resolution_No._18-19_- _Water_Dev_Cust_Svc_Fees.docx Resolution Resolution Resolution No.18-19 Adopting Water Development and Customer Service Fees for FY19 1 RESOLUTION NO. 18-19 RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT ADOPTING WATER DEVELOPMENT AND CUSTOMER SERVICE FEES AND RESCINDING RESOLUTION NO. 12-25 WHEREAS, the Yorba Linda Water District Rules and Regulations for Water Service include a provision that Water Development and Customer Service Fees shall be adopted by separate Resolution; and WHEREAS, the Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda Water District has, from time to time, adopted Ordinances and Resolutions to change the Water Development and Customer Service Fees for services provided by the District; and WHEREAS, the fees collected pursuant to this Resolution shall be used to fund costs necessitated by the services provided by the District. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda Water District as follows: Section 1. Fees identified in Section 4 of the Rules and Regulations for Water Services shall be as follows: A. New Account Setup Fee $30.00 per Occurrence B. Late Payment Fee 10% of Outstanding Charges C. Notice of Discontinuance $15.00 per Occurrence D. Shut-Off Duty to Non-Payment $40.00 per Occurrence E. Reestablish Service $40.00 per Occurrence F. Callout After Hours $210.00 per Occurrence G. Tampered Lock – Residential $80.00 per Occurrence H. Tampered Lock – Commercial $120.00 per Occurrence I. Meter Removal $110.00 per Occurrence J. Meter Replacement (Due to Meter Removal) $110.00 per Occurrence (Plus additional labor & material due to customer tampering.) Resolution No.18-19 Adopting Water Development and Customer Service Fees for FY19 2 K. Return Payment Fee $30.00 per Occurrence L. Stop Payment of District Check $25.00 per Occurrence M. Water Meter Testing Fee $110.00 (Plus cost of independent laboratory testing if applicable.) N. Residential Customer Deposit (Determined by a 3rd Party Processing) Potential of Risk “Green” $0.00 per Meter Potential of Risk “Yellow” $125.00 per Meter Potential of Risk “Red” $225.00 per Meter O. Commercial Customer Deposit 1 ½ Inch Meter & Below $450.00 per Meter 2 Inch Meter $750.00 per Meter 3 Inch Meter $1,125.00 per Meter 4 Inch and Larger Meter $2,040.00 per Meter Section 2. Fees identified in Section 3 and 7 of the Rules and Regulations for Water Services shall be as follows: A. Construction Meters (Temporary connection at location approved by District Staff) Deposit $1,655.00 per Meter New Account Setup Fee $30.00 per Occurrence Meter Use Fee $3.50 per Day Move to a New Location $70.00 per Occurrence Recalibration Fee $110.00 per Occurrence An Approved Backflow Prevention Device to be provided by Customer at time of Meter Installation B. New Meter Connection Fee 3/4 Inch Meter $630.00 per Meter 1 Inch Meter $680.00 per Meter 1 1/2 Inch Meter $1,180.00 per Meter 2 Inch Meter $1,380.00 per Meter Meter(s) larger than 2 Inch Actual Costs Meters(s) within Traffic Area Actual Costs C. Temporary Water Services 2 times the current potable water rate per 100 cubic feet Resolution No.18-19 Adopting Water Development and Customer Service Fees for FY19 3 D. Change of Meter Size Actual Costs E. Temporary Untreated Water Metropolitan Water District Untreated Rate, plus other MWDOC fees, plus $13.00 per acre foot. F. Permanent Untreated Water Metropolitan Water District Untreated Rate, plus other MWDOC fees, plus $13.00 per acre foot. G. Backflow Device Monitoring Fee $2.33 per Month H. Jumper Fees (Phased Out) $11.73 per Month (Will be phased out.) I. Water Deposit (Plan Check, Inspection, GIS Data Conversion, Administrative, and Records/Billing Services Costs) - Based on the number of Connections: 1-5 Connections $6,120.00 Deposit 6-10 Connections $9,795.00 Deposit 11-20 Connections $14,330.00 Deposit 21-30 Connections $17,180.00 Deposit 31-40 Connections $24,550.00 Deposit 41-50 Connections $28,070.00 Deposit 51-99 Connections $35,095.00 Deposit 100 and higher number of Connections $47,035.00 Deposit Note: The above “Water Deposit” will be required upon application. Additional funds may be required upon the Yorba Linda Water District (YLWD) reaching 85% of the deposit balance. The deposit will be charged current salary and vehicle rates based on a project number. All unused deposit funds will be refunded to the current customer on record upon close out of the project. Please note additional customer service, water service, and meter fees may be required. J. Single Service Fee $1,225.00 per Permit K. Private Fire Service: 4 Inch $16.00 per Month 6 Inch $35.00 per Month 8 Inch $59.00 per Month 10 Inch $94.00 per Month Resolution No.18-19 Adopting Water Development and Customer Service Fees for FY19 4 Section 3. Penalties identified in Section 4 and 6 of the Rules and Regulations for Water Services shall be as follows: A. Meter Tampering Penalties: 1st Violation Actual Costs of Inspection, Repair, and Estimated Usage 2nd Violation Actual Costs of Inspection, Repair, Est. Usage, and $500 3rd Violation Actual Costs of Inspection, Repair, Est. Usage, and $1,000 B. Hydrant Tampering Penalties: 1st Violation Actual Costs of Inspection, Repair, and Estimated Usage 2nd Violation Actual Costs of Inspection, Repair, Est. Usage, and $500 3rd Violation Actual Costs of Inspection, Repair, Est. Usage, and $1,000 C. Obstructing District Facilities Actual Costs of removing obstruction (applicable if 24 hours has lapsed from proper district notification of obstruction) Section 4. The fees adopted herein shall take effect on July 1, 2018 and Resolution No. 12-25 is hereby rescinded on July 1, 2018. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 26th day of June 2018 by the following called vote: AYES: NOES: ABSTAIN: ABSENT: Al Nederhood, President Yorba Linda Water District ATTEST: Annie Alexander, Board Secretary Yorba Linda Water District Reviewed as to form by General Counsel: Andrew B. Gagen, Esq. Kidman Gagen Law LLP ITEM NO. 7.8 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: June 26, 2018 To:Board of Directors From:Marc Marcantonio, General Manager Presented By:Delia Lugo, Finance Manager Dept:Finance Prepared By:Kelly McCann, Senior Accountant Subject:Sewer Development and Customer Service Fees STAFF RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors approve Resolution No. 18-20 adopting Sewer Development and Customer Service Fees and rescinding Resolution No. 08-06. DISCUSSION: The current Sewer Development and Customer Service Fees were adopted via Resolution No. 08- 06 in June 2008. Staff reviewed and updated the methodology for the basis of determining fair and equitable fees that cover the cost of service to provide the listed sewer related service(s). Included in the cost of service are the projected staff, equipment and material costs utilized to perform the service(s) required. Staff costs include the current hourly rate and benefit costs of the employee(s) providing the service. Staff compared the development and customer service fees with those of other local agencies. Attached is Resolution No. 18-20 with the updated Sewer Development and Customer Service Fees. STRATEGIC PLAN: FR 1-C: Revise the Water and Sewer Rules and Regulations and Evaluate Fee Schedules Regularly for Proper Cost of Service Coverage PRIOR RELEVANT BOARD ACTION(S): On June 12, 2008 the Board approved Resolution No. 08-06 adopting the current Sewer Development and Customer Service Fees. ATTACHMENTS: Name:Description:Type: Resolution_No._18-20_- _Sewer_Dev_Cust_Svc_Fees.docx Resolution Resolution Resolution No.18-20 Adopting Sewer Development and Customer Service Fees for FY19 1 RESOLUTION NO. 18-20 RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT ADOPTING SEWER DEVELOPMENT AND CUSTOMER SERVICE FEES AND RESCINDING RESOLUTION NO. 08-06 WHEREAS, the Yorba Linda Water District Rules and Regulations for Sewer Service include a provision that Sewer Development and Customer Service Fees shall be adopted by separate Resolution; and WHEREAS, the Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda Water District has, from time to time, adopted Ordinances and Resolutions to change the Sewer Development Fees for services provided by the District; and WHEREAS, the fees collected pursuant to this Resolution shall be used to fund costs necessitated by the services provided by the District. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda Water District as follows: Section 1. Fees identified in Section 6 and 8 of the Rules and Regulations for Sewer Services shall be as follows: A. Service Charge: Drainage Area 1 $1,660.00 per Gross Acre Drainage Area 2 $1,450.00 per Gross Acre B. Frontage Charge: $78.80 per Linear Foot (But not less than $5,750.00 per Connection) C. Sewer Deposit (Plan Check, Inspection, GIS Data Conversion, Administrative, and Records/Billing Services Costs) - Based on the number of Connections: 1-5 Connections $5,220.00 Deposit 6-10 Connections $6,695.00 Deposit 11-20 Connections $9,075.00 Deposit 21-30 Connections $11,295.00 Deposit 31-40 Connections $15,510.00 Deposit 41-50 Connections $18,475.00 Deposit 51-99 Connections $29,230.00 Deposit 100 and Higher Number of Connections $44,155.00 Deposit Resolution No.18-20 Adopting Sewer Development and Customer Service Fees for FY19 2 Note: The above “Sewer Deposit” will be required upon application. Additional funds may be required upon the Yorba Linda Water District (YLWD) reaching 85% of the deposit balance. The deposit will be charged current salary and vehicle rates based on a project number. All unused deposit funds will be refunded to the current customer on record upon close out of the project. Please note additional customer service and sewer development fees may be required. D. Single Service Fee $1,090.00 per Permit E. Sewer Cleaning – Hot Spots Fee Actual Costs (Fee assessed to number of customers serviced.) Section 2. Penalties identified in Section 11 and 13 of the Rules and Regulations for Water Services shall be as follows: A. Sewer Tampering Penalties: 1st Violation Actual Costs of Inspection and Repair 2nd Violation Actual Costs of Inspection, Repair, and $500 3rd Violation Actual Costs of Inspection, Repair, and $1,000 B. Obstructing District Facilities Actual Costs of Removing Obstruction (Applicable if 24 hours has lapsed from proper district notification of obstruction.) Section 3. The fees adopted herein shall take effect on July 1, 2018 and Resolution No. 08-06 is hereby rescinded on July 1, 2018. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 26th day of June 2018 by the following called vote: AYES: NOES: ABSTAIN: ABSENT: Al Nederhood, President Yorba Linda Water District Resolution No.18-20 Adopting Sewer Development and Customer Service Fees for FY19 3 ATTEST: Annie Alexander, Board Secretary Yorba Linda Water District Reviewed as to form by General Counsel: Andrew B. Gagen, Esq. Kidman Gagen Law LLP ITEM NO. 7.9 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: June 26, 2018 To:Board of Directors From:Marc Marcantonio, General Manager Presented By:Delia Lugo, Finance Manager Dept:Finance Prepared By:Kelly McCann, Senior Accountant Subject:Fats, Oils, and Grease (FOG) Discharge Permit Fees SUMMARY: In 2004, the District adopted Ordinance No. 04-01, regulating Food Service Establishments (FSE) fats, oils and grease (FOG) discharge into the sewer system. The State Water Resources Control Board Order No. 2006-0003-DWQ (and as amended by Order Nos. WQ 2008-0002-EXEC and WQ 2013-0058-EXEC) mandates the District to enforce this regulation. In response, the District required all FSE within its sewer jurisdiction to comply with the FOG Program and apply for an annual FOG Wastewater Discharge Permit. Fees pertaining to this program have been reviewed and staff is recommends updating some of the fee amounts. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors approve Resolution No. 18-21 adopting Fats, Oils, and Grease Fees and rescinding Resolution No. 13-11. DISCUSSION: Staff reviewed costs associated with maintaining the FOG Program, including printing, labor and equipment. Staff also compared District costs with neighboring agencies. Based on its findings, staff is recommending that some of the associated fees pertaining to the FOG Program be updated as identified in the attached Resolution No. 18-21. STRATEGIC PLAN: FR 1-C: Revise the Water and Sewer Rules and Regulations and Evaluate Fee Schedules Regularly for Proper Cost of Service Coverage PRIOR RELEVANT BOARD ACTION(S): On June 13, 2013 the Board approved Resolution No. 13-11 adopting Fats, Oils, and Grease Fees. ATTACHMENTS: Name:Description:Type: Resolution_No._18-21_-_FOG_Fees.docx Resolution Resolution Resolution No. 18-21 Adopting Fats, Oils, and Grease Fees for FY19 and Rescinding Resolution No. 13-11 1 RESOLUTION NO. 18-21 RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT ADOPTING FATS, OILS, AND GREASE FEES FOR FISCAL YEAR 2019 AND RESCINDING RESOLUTION NO. 13-11 WHEREAS, in 2002, the Santa Ana Regional Water Quality Control Board enacted Rule R8-2002-0014 requiring all sewage agencies to adopt the requirements of a new Waster Water Discharge Requirement (WDR); and WHEREAS, in 2006, the Santa Ana Reginal Water Quality Control Board Rule R8- 2002-0014 was rescinded and a new statewide permit adopted based on R8-2002-0014; and WHEREAS, the WDR and statewide permit require many municipalities, including the Yorba Linda Water District, to increase the level of maintenance, operations, and capital improvement repairs to their sewer systems and to have in place a fats, oils, and grease control program; and WHEREAS, on July 22, 2004, the Board of Directors adopted Ordinance 04-01, creating a Fats, Oils, and Grease Control Program for Food Service Establishments (FSE) in City of Yorba Linda and portions of the cities of the cities of Anaheim, Brea, and Placentia requiring a permit for sewer discharges, which could contain fats, oils, and grease, and imposing requirements for monitoring of and elimination of fats, oils, grease from sewer discharges for such establishments; and WHEREAS, Ordinance No. 04-01, authorizes the adoption by resolution of a Fats, Oils, and Grease Wastewater Discharge Permit Fee and Grease Disposal Mitigation Fee to cover the costs of increase maintenance and administration of the sewer system as a result of the Food Service Establishments’ inability to remove Fats, Oils, and Greases from its wastewater discharged, to require Food Service Establishments to protect the District’s sanitary sewer system; and WHEREAS, the Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda Water District has, from time to time, adopted Resolutions to establish the Fats, Oils, and Grease Fees for services provided by the District; and Resolution No. 18-21 Adopting Fats, Oils, and Grease Fees for FY19 and Rescinding Resolution No. 13-11 2 NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda Water District as follows: Section 1. The fees adopted for Yorba Linda Water District’s Fats, Oils, and Grease Permit Program for Fiscal Year 2019 shall be as follows: A. Initial Permit and Application Fee $145.00 per FSE B. Annual Renewal $145.00 per Year/FSE C. Non-Compliance Fee $325.00 per Occurrence D. Mitigation Fee Actual Costs* *Actual costs will be invoiced based on District’s current salary rates, benefits, materials, and equipment rates in effect at that time. Section 2. The fees adopted herein shall take effect on July 1, 2018 and Resolution No. 13-11 is hereby rescinded on July 1, 2018. . PASSED AND ADOPTED this 26th day of June 2018 by the following called vote: AYES: NOES: ABSTAIN: ABSENT: Al Nederhood, President Yorba Linda Water District ATTEST: Annie Alexander, Board Secretary Yorba Linda Water District Reviewed as to form by General Counsel: Andrew B. Gagen, Esq. Kidman Gagen Law LLP ITEM NO. 8.1 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: June 26, 2018 To:Board of Directors From:Marc Marcantonio, General Manager Presented By:Delia Lugo, Finance Manager Dept:Finance Subject:Sewer Rate for Fiscal Year 2019 STAFF RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors approve Resolution No. 18-22 setting Sewer Rates effective August 1, 2018 and rescinding Resolution No. 17-19. DISCUSSION: In September 2015, the Board of Directors approved the FY16-20 Water and Sewer Rate Study Report (Rate Study) prepared by Raftelis Financial Consultants, Inc. In compliance with Proposition 218, the Board held a public hearing regarding the proposed rates over the next 5 fiscal years (FY16 through FY20). Following the hearing, the Board adopted the Rate Study. As identified in Year 4 of the Rate Study, the monthly sewer service rate for FY19 will be increasing based on the customer type. For example, single family residential sewer rate will increase by $0.56 per billing period. Staff has prepared Resolution No. 18-22, whereupon adoption will implement the proposed sewer rates as of August 1, 2018. ATTACHMENTS: Name:Description:Type: Resolution_No._18-22_-_Sewer_Rates.docx Resolution Resolution Resolution No. 18-22 Setting Sewer Rates Effective August 1, 2018 and Rescinding Resolution No. 17-19 1 RESOLUTION NO. 18-22 RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT SETTING SEWER RATES EFFECTIVE AUGUST 1, 2018 AND RESCINDING RESOLUTION NO. 17-19 WHEREAS, pursuant to Water Code Section 31007, the Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda Water District (YLWD) is required to set sewer rates at a level which will pay for the provision of sewer services; and WHEREAS, on July 16, 2015, the Board of Directors considered the 2015 Water and Sewer Rate Study, and on August 31, 2015 the 2015 Water and Sewer Rate Study Report; and WHEREAS, the Board of Directors determined that the sewer rate increases described in the 2015 Water and Sewer Rate Study Report are necessary and sufficient to cover, without exceeding, the cost to provide sewer service to each customer connection; and WHEREAS, pursuant to and in compliance with Proposition 218 (California Constitution Art. XIII D), the District on July 31, 2015 mailed a notice of sewer rate increase to all property owners within the District’s service area which included the proposed rates for FY16, FY17, FY18, FY19, and FY20, and the Board of Directors has received a proof of mailing; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Proposition 218 on September 17, 2015 the Board of Directors held a hearing regarding sewer rates for FY16, FY17, FY18, FY19, and FY20 and heard and considered protests; and WHEREAS, the Board of Directors previously adopted Resolution No. 17-19, which established sewer rates effective August 1, 2017; and WHEREAS, the Board of Directors desires to establish sewer rates for FY 2019. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda Water District does hereby find, determine, and resolve the following: Section 1. Resolution No. 17-19 is hereby rescinded. Section 2. Written protests against the proposed rates and charges were not presented by a majority of owners as set forth in California Constitution Art. XIII D Section 6(a)(2). Resolution No. 18-22 Setting Sewer Rates Effective August 1, 2018 and Rescinding Resolution No. 17-19 2 Section 3. The Board of Directors has reviewed the entire record for this matter, which includes the 2015 Water and Sewer Rate Study Report and the analysis of expenses and revenues set forth therein. Based upon the Board of Directors’ review, it finds and determines that the record supports the Board of Directors’ findings that: A. As set forth in the 2015 Water and Sewer Rate Study Report, revenues derived from the rates and charges will not exceed the revenues required to provide the property related service; and B. As set forth in the 2015 Water and Sewer Rate Study Report, revenues derived from the rates and charges will not be used for any purpose other than that for which the rates or charges are imposed; and C. As set forth in the 2015 Water and Sewer Rate Study Report, the amount of a rate or charge imposed upon any parcel or person as an incident of property ownership does not exceed the proportional cost of the service attributable to the parcel. Section 4. The Board of Directors hereby determines that no rate or charge will be imposed for a service unless that service is actually used by, or immediately available to, the owner of the property in question. Section 5. The Board of Directors hereby determines that no rate or charge will be imposed for general governmental services including, but not limited to, police, fire, ambulance or library services, where the service is available to the public at large in substantially the same manner as it is to property owners. Section 6. Sewer rates and customer connection charges for service defined in Sections 6.10 and 6.11 of the Rules and Regulations for Sewer Service with regard to the Rendition of Sanitary Sewer Service of the Yorba Linda Water District are hereby set forth as follows, to take effect on August 1, 2018: A. Residential: 1. Residential - individually metered $7.50 per month 2. Residential - master metered $7.05 per month per unit Resolution No. 18-22 Setting Sewer Rates Effective August 1, 2018 and Rescinding Resolution No. 17-19 3 B. Commercial-Industrial and Public Schools: 1. For all sewer customers in this category who use meter readings, the rate is as follows: a. First 700 cubic feet per month of water consumption per month: $7.50 per month. b. All water consumption in excess of 700 cubic feet per month: $.48 per 100 cubic feet. 2. Alternatively, for customers who have a sewer meter or who can demonstrate to the District’s satisfaction that 100% of the water meter reading ends up in the District’s sewer system, the rate is as follows: a. First 700 cubic feet per month of water consumption per month: $7.50 per month b. All water consumption in in excess of 700 cubic feet per month: $.48 per 100 cubic feet. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 26th day of June 2018 by the following called vote: AYES: NOES: ABSTAIN: ABSENT: Al Nederhood, President Yorba Linda Water District ATTEST: Annie Alexander, Board Secretary Yorba Linda Water District Reviewed as to form by General Counsel: Andrew B. Gagen, Esq. Kidman Gagen Law LLP ITEM NO. 8.2 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: June 26, 2018 To:Board of Directors From:Marc Marcantonio, General Manager Presented By:Delia Lugo, Finance Manager Dept:Finance Subject:Operating Budget for Fiscal Year 2019 (Financial Summaries) SUMMARY: Attached for a the Board's review and consideration are the Financial Summaries pertaining to the District's Operating Budget for FY19. The budget allocates employee and financial resources to accomplish the District's mission and vision statements. It presents the framework and financial plan for responsibly carrying out the programs and capital projects that administer, operate, maintain, protect and replace the assets required to provide safe and reliable water and sewer service. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors approve Resolution No. 18-23 adopting the Operating Budget for Fiscal Year 2019 (Financial Summaries). DISCUSSION: In general, this budget identifies $48 million in total outlay this next fiscal year, including $32 million in total expenses, $7.7 million in depreciation, and $8.3 million for "pay-as-you-go" capital projects. Offsetting the $32 million in total expenses is $38.2 million in anticipated revenue, resulting in a positive estimated change in net position of $6.2 million with the exclusion of depreciation expense and capital contributions. . ATTACHMENTS: Name:Description:Type: Resolution_No._18-23_-_FY19_Budget.docx Resolution Resolution Draft_Budget_FY19_Financial_Summaries.pdf Exhibit Exhibit Resolution No. 18-23 Adopting the Budget for Fiscal Year 2019 1 RESOLUTION NO. 18-23 RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT ADOPTING THE BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 2019 AND RESCINDING RESOLUTION NO. 17-20 WHEREAS, the Yorba Linda Water District has prepared a one year budget for Fiscal Year 2019; and WHEREAS, on June 26, 2018 the proposed “Draft” Budget for Fiscal Year 2019 was presented and reviewed at a meeting of the Board of Directors of the District; and WHEREAS, it is the desire of the Board of Directors to adopt the Budget for Fiscal Year 2019, and rescind Resolution No. 17-20. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda Water District as follows: Section 1. That the Budget for Fiscal Year 2019, set forth in Exhibit “A” and attached hereto, is hereby approved and adopted. Section 2. The Budget for Fiscal Year 2019 is in full force and effect beginning July 1, 2018, and continuing until this Resolution is rescinded by the Board of Directors. Section 3. That Resolution No. 17-20 is hereby rescinded effective July 1, 2018. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 26th day of June 2018 by the following called vote: AYES: NOES: ABSTAIN: ABSENT: Al Nederhood, President Yorba Linda Water District ATTEST: Annie Alexander, Board Secretary Yorba Linda Water District Resolution No. 18-23 Adopting the Budget for Fiscal Year 2019 2 Reviewed as to form by General Counsel: Andrew B. Gagen, Esq. Kidman Gagen Law LLP Annual Operating Budget FY19 Financial Summaries 1 | Page Annual Operating Budget FY19 Financial Summaries 2 | Page Total Revenue and Expenses (Water & Sewer) FY16 Actual FY17 Actual FY18 Budget FY18 Forecast FY19 Proposed Budget Revenue (Operating): Water Revenue (Residential)12,847,842$ 14,076,335$ 14,278,688$ 15,653,574$ 16,209,835$ Water Revenue (Commercial & Fire Det.)1,711,104$ 1,802,131$ 2,071,031$ 1,923,456$ 1,918,913$ Water Revenue (Landscape/Irrigation)2,700,775$ 3,327,132$ 3,079,054$ 4,037,066$ 3,774,711$ Service Charges 10,560,917$ 10,120,967$ 10,106,382$ 10,080,159$ 10,116,528$ Sewer Charge Revenue 1,669,370$ 1,884,094$ 2,032,245$ 2,045,509$ 2,229,246$ Sewer Parcel Assessments 179,744$ 215,853$ 223,000$ 260,072$ 273,250$ Other Operating Revenue *2,665,835$ 1,033,608$ 866,161$ 763,853$ 894,617$ Total Operating Revenue 32,335,587$ 32,460,120$ 32,656,561$ 34,763,688$ 35,417,099$ Revenue (Non-Operating): Interest 288,817$ 377,205$ 310,000$ 455,369$ 358,000$ Property Tax 1,615,454$ 1,687,384$ 1,710,000$ 1,753,780$ 1,850,000$ Other Non-Operating Revenue 872,420$ 645,562$ 624,521$ 364,060$ 639,846$ Total Non-Operating Revenue 2,776,691$ 2,710,151$ 2,644,521$ 2,573,208$ 2,847,846$ Total Revenue 35,112,278$ 35,170,271$ 35,301,082$ 37,336,897$ 38,264,945$ Expenses (Operating): Variable Costs Water-Related Costs 8,076,763$ 10,383,349$ 11,240,088$ 12,416,278$ 12,762,647$ Fixed Costs 1,181,136$ 1,006,565$ 1,443,355$ 1,203,962$ 1,186,600$ Power-Related Costs 1,212,282$ 1,320,943$ 1,285,413$ 1,069,135$ 1,357,953$ Variable Water Costs Related Expenses Total 10,470,181$ 12,710,857$ 13,968,855$ 14,689,375$ 15,307,201$ Salary Related Expenses 7,796,525$ 8,693,449$ 9,889,124$ 9,760,114$ 11,084,493$ Salary Related Expenses - Limited-term Staff 300,328$ 220,190$ -$ -$ -$ Reduction for Capital Project Labor -$ -$ (246,000)$ -$ (300,000)$ PARS Contribution - Prefunding Liabiltiies -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Salary Related Expenses Total 8,096,853$ 8,913,639$ 9,643,124$ 9,760,114$ 10,784,493$ Supplies & Services: Communications 221,828$ 166,199$ 201,575$ 187,606$ 171,097$ Contractual Services 530,493$ 440,322$ 547,890$ 426,798$ 505,732$ Data Processing 225,303$ 271,759$ 250,400$ 303,021$ 282,450$ Dues & Memberships 79,301$ 92,428$ 86,545$ 81,060$ 88,230$ Fees & Permits 224,141$ 265,031$ 282,115$ 259,195$ 280,453$ Board Election -$ 129,971$ -$ -$ 75,000$ Insurance 256,334$ 256,672$ 283,340$ 279,234$ 303,190$ Materials 805,642$ 880,455$ 849,000$ 780,018$ 687,336$ District Activities, Emp Recognition 8,744$ 10,945$ 24,200$ 20,894$ 46,250$ Maintenance 526,339$ 539,926$ 509,900$ 574,499$ 604,600$ Non-Capital Equipment 187,420$ 173,703$ 124,825$ 116,622$ 151,450$ Office Expense 41,063$ 39,171$ 42,625$ 45,420$ 43,300$ Professional Services 653,923$ 614,288$ 690,525$ 680,922$ 552,800$ Training 27,761$ 44,158$ 68,510$ 40,691$ 78,240$ Travel & Conferences 48,860$ 48,852$ 115,245$ 65,760$ 139,340$ Uncollectible Accounts 66,391$ 9,042$ 18,500$ 1,492$ 3,000$ Utilities 84,425$ 160,003$ 170,700$ 204,588$ 183,400$ Vehicle Expenses 367,065$ 361,126$ 356,000$ 361,388$ 375,400$ Supplies & Services Sub-Total 4,355,033$ 4,504,051$ 4,621,895$ 4,429,208$ 4,571,268$ Total Operating Expenses 22,922,067$ 26,128,547$ 28,233,874$ 28,878,697$ 30,662,962$ Expenses (Non-Operating): Interest Expense 1,671,539$ 1,552,899$ 1,489,796$ 1,372,154$ 1,325,785$ Other Expense 7,273$ 403,597$ 15,220$ (54,550)$ 14,200$ Total Non-Operating Expenses 1,678,812$ 1,956,496$ 1,505,016$ 1,317,604$ 1,339,985$ Total Expenses 24,600,879$ 28,085,043$ 29,738,890$ 30,196,300$ 32,002,947$ Net Income Before Capital Contributions 10,511,399$ 7,085,228$ 5,562,192$ 7,140,596$ 6,261,998$ and Special Item(s) Special Item(s)-$ -$ -$ (2,205,847)$ -$ Capital Contributions 788,445$ 2,665,462$ -$ 3,447,318$ -$ Net Income Before Depreciation 11,299,844$ 9,750,690$ 5,562,192$ 8,382,067$ 6,261,998$ Depreciation 7,546,407$ 7,147,369$ 7,182,000$ 7,460,883$ 7,726,142$ Income (Loss)3,753,437$ 2,603,321$ (1,619,808)$ 921,184$ (1,464,144)$ * Line item includes potential Administrative Penalties assessed to District Customers for excessive water use. YLWD Ordinance No. 15-01. Annual Operating Budget FY19 Financial Summaries 3 | Page Total Revenue and Expenses (Water & Sewer), continued $35,112,278 $35,170,271 $35,301,082 $37,336,897 $38,264,945 $24,600,879 $28,085,043 $29,738,890 $30,196,300 $32,002,947 $- $5,000,000 $10,000,000 $15,000,000 $20,000,000 $25,000,000 $30,000,000 $35,000,000 $40,000,000 $45,000,000 FY16 Actual FY17 Actual FY18 Budget FY18 Forecast FY19 Proposed Budget TOTAL Revenues & Expenses (Does NOT include depreciation expense) Total Revenue Total Expenses Annual Operating Budget FY19 Financial Summaries 4 | Page Total Revenue and Expenses (Water) FY16 Actual FY17 Actual FY18 Budget FY18 Forecast FY19 Proposed Budget Water Revenue (Residential)12,847,842$ 14,076,335$ 14,278,688$ 15,653,574$ 16,209,835$ Water Revenue (Commercial & Fire Det.)1,711,104$ 1,802,131$ 2,071,031$ 1,923,456$ 1,918,913$ Water Revenue (Landscape/Irrigation)2,700,775$ 3,327,132$ 3,079,054$ 4,037,066$ 3,774,711$ Service Charges 10,560,917$ 10,120,967$ 10,106,382$ 10,080,159$ 10,116,528$ Other Operating Revenue *2,596,208$ 890,594$ 769,106$ 696,374$ 827,887$ Total Operating Revenue 30,416,846$ 30,217,159$ 30,304,261$ 32,390,629$ 32,847,873$ Revenue (Non-Operating): Interest 265,006$ 335,786$ 275,000$ 396,485$ 310,000$ Property Taxes 1,615,454$ 1,687,384$ 1,710,000$ 1,753,780$ 1,850,000$ Other Non-Operating Revenue 745,541$ 493,780$ 604,646$ 383,774$ 605,346$ Total Non-Operating Revenue 2,626,001$ 2,516,950$ 2,589,646$ 2,534,039$ 2,765,346$ Total Revenue 33,042,847$ 32,734,109$ 32,893,907$ 34,924,668$ 35,613,219$ Expenses (Operating): Variable Water Costs (G.W., Import & Power) Water-Related Costs 8,076,763$ 10,383,349$ 11,240,088$ 12,416,278$ 12,762,647$ Fixed Costs 1,181,136$ 1,006,565$ 1,443,355$ 1,203,962$ 1,186,600$ Power-Related Costs 1,212,282$ 1,320,943$ 1,285,413$ 1,069,135$ 1,357,953$ Variable Water Costs Related Expenses Total 10,470,181$ 12,710,857$ 13,968,855$ 14,689,375$ 15,307,201$ Salary Related Expenses 6,944,390$ 7,706,161$ 8,859,867$ 8,759,950$ 9,931,772$ Salary Related Expenses - Limited-term Staff 300,328$ 220,190$ -$ Reduction for Capital Project Labor -$ (215,000)$ (279,000)$ Salary Related Expenses Total 7,244,718$ 7,926,351$ 8,644,867$ 8,759,950$ 9,652,772$ Supplies & Services Communications 208,295$ 156,860$ 189,565$ 176,110$ 159,120$ Contractual Services 494,674$ 410,650$ 519,653$ 400,163$ 475,966$ Data Processing 210,246$ 252,819$ 235,322$ 281,809$ 265,129$ Dues & Memberships 73,585$ 85,801$ 80,492$ 75,391$ 82,077$ Fees & Permits 213,650$ 250,021$ 264,641$ 243,227$ 264,546$ Board Election -$ 120,873$ -$ -$ 69,750$ Insurance 238,391$ 238,965$ 263,506$ 259,687$ 281,967$ Materials 772,078$ 854,393$ 797,347$ 737,674$ 658,714$ District Activities, Emp Recognition 8,153$ 10,179$ 22,506$ 19,438$ 43,013$ Maintenance 337,744$ 387,583$ 339,342$ 425,192$ 432,971$ Non-Capital Equipment 146,580$ 150,346$ 104,678$ 94,705$ 115,294$ Office Expense 38,507$ 36,453$ 39,662$ 42,254$ 40,343$ Professional Services 631,353$ 587,855$ 650,108$ 649,001$ 518,804$ Training 23,863$ 38,962$ 61,728$ 35,684$ 65,188$ Travel & Conferences 45,877$ 46,005$ 102,493$ 60,866$ 125,279$ Uncollectible Accounts 61,639$ 7,703$ 17,205$ 1,339$ 2,790$ Utilities 79,116$ 148,529$ 158,100$ 189,650$ 169,911$ Vehicle Expenses 312,211$ 294,260$ 286,812$ 265,743$ 316,262$ Supplies & Services Sub-Total 3,895,962$ 4,078,257$ 4,133,160$ 3,957,934$ 4,087,123$ Total Operating Expenses 21,610,861$ 24,715,465$ 26,746,883$ 27,407,259$ 29,047,096$ Expenses (Non-Operating) Interest on Long Term Debt 1,671,539$ 1,552,899$ 1,489,796$ 1,372,154$ 1,325,785$ Other Expense 7,273$ 396,208$ 15,220$ (52,434)$ 8,600$ Total Non-Operating Expenses 1,678,812$ 1,949,107$ 1,505,016$ 1,319,719$ 1,334,385$ Total Expenses 23,289,673$ 26,664,572$ 28,251,898$ 28,726,978$ 30,381,481$ Net Income (Loss) Before Capital Contributions 9,753,174$ 6,069,537$ 4,642,009$ 6,197,691$ 5,231,738$ and Special Item(s) Special Item(s)-$ -$ -$ (2,205,847)$ -$ Capital Contributions 347,795$ 1,556,801$ -$ 1,847,505$ -$ Net Income (Loss) Before Depreciation 10,100,969$ 7,626,338$ 4,642,009$ 5,839,349$ 5,231,738$ Depreciation 6,182,985$ 5,809,682$ 5,832,000$ 6,092,819$ 6,329,146$ Income (Loss)3,917,984$ 1,816,656$ (1,189,991)$ (253,470)$ (1,097,408)$ * FY16 Line item includes Administrative Penalties assessed to District Customers for excessive water use. YLWD Ordinance No. 15-01. $2,721,559 $2,716,884 $2,729,799 $2,729,799 $2,738,256 420%281%225%277%239% Annual Operating Budget FY19 Financial Summaries 5 | Page FY19 ProForma (Water) FY18 Budget FY18 Forecast FY19 Budget Water Revenue (Residential)14,278,688$ 15,653,574$ 16,209,835$ Water Revenue (Commercial & Fire Det.)2,071,031$ 1,923,456$ 1,918,913$ Water Revenue (Landscape/Irrigation)3,079,054$ 4,037,066$ 3,774,711$ Service Charges 10,106,382$ 10,080,159$ 10,116,528$ Other Operating Revenue 769,106$ 696,374$ 827,887$ Total Operating Revenue 30,304,261$ 32,390,629$ 32,847,873$ Revenue (Non-Operating): Interest 275,000$ 396,485$ 310,000$ Property Taxes 1,710,000$ 1,753,780$ 1,850,000$ Other Non-Operating Revenue 604,646$ 383,774$ 605,346$ Total Non-Operating Revenue 2,589,646$ 2,534,039$ 2,765,346$ Total Revenue 32,893,907$ 34,924,668$ 35,613,219$ Expenses (Operating): Variable Water Costs (G.W., Import & Power) Water-Related Costs 11,240,088$ 12,416,278$ 12,762,647$ Fixed Costs 1,443,355$ 1,203,962$ 1,186,600$ Power-Related Costs 1,285,413$ 1,069,135$ 1,357,953$ Variable Water Costs Related Expenses Total 13,968,855$ 14,689,375$ 15,307,201$ Salary Related Expenses 8,859,867$ 8,759,950$ 9,931,772$ Reduction for Capital Project Labor (215,000)$ -$ (279,000)$ Salary Related Expenses Total 8,644,867$ 8,759,950$ 9,652,772$ Supplies & Services Communications 189,565$ 176,110$ 159,120$ Contractual Services 519,653$ 400,163$ 475,966$ Data Processing 235,322$ 281,809$ 265,129$ Dues & Memberships 80,492$ 75,391$ 82,077$ Fees & Permits 264,641$ 243,227$ 264,546$ Board Election -$ -$ 69,750$ Insurance 263,506$ 259,687$ 281,967$ Materials 797,347$ 737,674$ 658,714$ District Activities, Emp Recognition 22,506$ 19,438$ 43,013$ Maintenance 339,342$ 425,192$ 432,971$ Non-Capital Equipment 104,678$ 94,705$ 115,294$ Office Expense 39,662$ 42,254$ 40,343$ Professional Services 650,108$ 649,001$ 518,804$ Training 61,728$ 35,684$ 65,188$ Travel & Conferences 102,493$ 60,866$ 125,279$ Uncollectible Accounts 17,205$ 1,339$ 2,790$ Utilities 158,100$ 189,650$ 169,911$ Vehicle Expenses 286,812$ 265,743$ 316,262$ Supplies & Services Sub-Total 4,133,160$ 3,957,934$ 4,087,123$ Total Operating Expenses 26,746,883$ 27,407,259$ 29,047,096$ Expenses (Non-Operating) Other Expense 15,220$ (52,434)$ 8,600$ Total Non-Operating Expenses 15,220$ (52,434)$ 8,600$ Total Expenses 26,762,103$ 27,354,824$ 29,055,696$ Net Revenues 6,131,804$ 7,569,844$ 6,557,523$ Less: Debt Service (Principal & Interest)2,729,799$ 2,729,799$ 2,738,258$ Less: Special Item(s)-$ 2,205,847$ -$ Less: Committed Capital Expenditures (PayGo)2,635,755$ 2,215,886$ 6,327,500$ Transfer to/(from) Reserves 766,251$ 418,313$ (2,508,235)$ Net -$ -$ -$ $2,729,799 $2,729,799 $2,738,258 225%277%239% Annual Operating Budget FY19 Financial Summaries 6 | Page Total Revenue and Expenses (Water), continued $33,042,847 $32,734,109 $32,893,907 $34,924,668 $35,613,219 $23,289,673 $26,664,572 $28,251,898 $28,726,978 $30,381,481 $- $5,000,000 $10,000,000 $15,000,000 $20,000,000 $25,000,000 $30,000,000 $35,000,000 $40,000,000 FY16 Actual FY17 Actual FY18 Budget FY18 Forecast FY19 Proposed Budget WATER Revenues & Expenses (Does NOT include depreciation expense) Total Revenue Total Expenses Annual Operating Budget FY19 Financial Summaries 7 | Page Total Revenue and Expenses (Sewer) FY16 Actual FY17 Actual FY18 Budget FY18 Forecast FY19 Proposed Budget Revenue (Operating): Sewer Charge Revenue 1,669,370$ 1,884,094$ 2,032,245$ 2,045,509$ 2,229,246$ Sewer Parcel Assessments 179,744$ 215,853$ 223,000$ 260,072$ 273,250$ Other Operating Revenue 69,627$ 143,014$ 97,055$ 67,478$ 66,730$ Total Operating Revenue 1,918,741$ 2,242,961$ 2,352,300$ 2,373,059$ 2,569,226$ Revenue (Non-Operating): Interest 23,811$ 41,419$ 35,000$ 58,884$ 48,000$ Other Non-Operating Revenue 126,879$ 151,782$ 19,875$ (19,715)$ 34,500$ Total Non-Operating Revenue 150,690$ 193,201$ 54,875$ 39,169$ 82,500$ Total Revenue 2,069,431$ 2,436,162$ 2,407,175$ 2,412,228$ 2,651,726$ Expenses (Operating): Salary Related Expenses 852,135$ 987,288$ 1,029,257$ 1,000,164$ 1,152,721$ Reduction for Capital Project Labor -$ -$ (31,000)$ -$ (21,000)$ Salary Related Expenses Total 852,135$ 987,288$ 998,257$ 1,000,164$ 1,131,721$ Supplies & Services Communications 13,533$ 9,339$ 12,010$ 11,496$ 11,977$ Contractual Services 35,819$ 29,672$ 28,237$ 26,635$ 29,766$ Data Processing 15,057$ 18,940$ 15,078$ 21,212$ 17,322$ Dues & Memberships 5,716$ 6,627$ 6,053$ 5,669$ 6,153$ Fees & Permits 10,491$ 15,010$ 17,474$ 15,968$ 15,907$ Board Election -$ 9,098$ -$ -$ 5,250$ Insurance 17,943$ 17,707$ 19,834$ 19,547$ 21,223$ Materials 33,564$ 26,062$ 51,653$ 42,344$ 28,622$ District Activities, Emp Recognition 591$ 766$ 1,694$ 1,455$ 3,238$ Maintenance 188,595$ 152,343$ 170,559$ 149,307$ 171,630$ Non-Capital Equipment 40,840$ 23,357$ 20,147$ 21,917$ 36,157$ Office Expense 2,556$ 2,718$ 2,963$ 3,165$ 2,957$ Professional Services 22,570$ 26,433$ 40,417$ 31,921$ 33,996$ Training 3,898$ 5,196$ 6,782$ 5,008$ 13,052$ Travel & Conferences 2,983$ 2,847$ 12,752$ 4,894$ 14,061$ Uncollectible Accounts 4,752$ 1,339$ 1,295$ 153$ 210$ Utilities 5,309$ 11,474$ 12,600$ 14,938$ 13,489$ Vehicle Expenses 54,854$ 66,866$ 69,188$ 95,646$ 59,138$ Supplies & Services Sub-Total 459,071$ 425,794$ 488,735$ 471,274$ 484,145$ Total Operating Expenses 1,311,206$ 1,413,082$ 1,486,991$ 1,471,438$ 1,615,866$ Expenses (Non-Operating): Interest Expense -$ -$ -$ -$ Other Expense -$ 7,389$ -$ (2,116)$ 5,600$ Total Non-Operating Expenses -$ 7,389$ -$ (2,116)$ 5,600$ Total Expenses 1,311,206$ 1,420,471$ 1,486,991$ 1,469,323$ 1,621,466$ Net Income (Loss) Before Capital Contributions 758,225$ 1,015,691$ 920,183$ 942,906$ 1,030,260$ and Special Items Special Item(s)-$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Capital Contributions 440,650$ 1,108,661$ -$ 1,599,813$ -$ Net Income Before Depreciation 1,198,875$ 2,124,352$ 920,183$ 2,542,719$ 1,030,260$ Depreciation 1,363,422$ 1,337,687$ 1,350,000$ 1,368,064$ 1,396,996$ Income (Loss)(164,547)$ 786,665$ (429,817)$ 1,174,654$ (366,736)$ Annual Operating Budget FY19 Financial Summaries 8 | Page Total Revenue and Expenses (Sewer), continued $2,069,431 $2,436,162 $2,407,175 $2,412,228 $2,651,726 $1,311,206 $1,420,471 $1,486,991 $1,469,323 $1,621,466 $- $500,000 $1,000,000 $1,500,000 $2,000,000 $2,500,000 $3,000,000 FY16 Actual FY17 Actual FY18 Budget FY18 Forecast FY19 Proposed Budget SEWER Revenues & Expenses (Does NOT include depreciation expense) Total Revenue Total Expenses Annual Operating Budget FY19 Financial Summaries 9 | Page Total Revenues by Fund FY16 Actual FY17 Actual FY18 Budget FY18 Forecast FY19 Budget Water Revenue 33,042,847$ 32,734,109$ 32,893,907$ 34,924,668$ 35,613,219$ Sewer Revenue 2,069,431$ 2,436,162$ 2,407,175$ 2,412,228$ 2,651,726$ Total Revenue:35,112,278$ 35,170,271$ 35,301,082$ 37,336,897$ 38,264,945$ $- $5,000,000 $10,000,000 $15,000,000 $20,000,000 $25,000,000 $30,000,000 $35,000,000 $40,000,000 FY16 Actual FY17 Actual FY18 Budget FY18 Forecast FY19 Budget Total Revenues Water Revenue Sewer Revenue Annual Operating Budget FY19 Financial Summaries 10 | Page Total Expenses by Fund FY16 Actual FY17 Actual FY18 Budget FY18 Forecast FY19 Budget Water Expenses 23,289,673$ 26,664,572$ 28,251,898$ 28,726,978$ 30,381,481$ Sewer Expenses 1,311,206$ 1,420,471$ 1,486,991$ 1,469,323$ 1,621,466$ Total Expenses:24,600,879$ 28,085,043$ 29,738,890$ 30,196,300$ 32,002,947$ $- $5,000,000 $10,000,000 $15,000,000 $20,000,000 $25,000,000 $30,000,000 $35,000,000 FY16 Actual FY17 Actual FY18 Budget FY18 Forecast FY19 Budget Total Expenses Water Expenses Sewer Expenses Annual Operating Budget FY19 Financial Summaries 11 | Page Total Expenses by Category Depreciation & Amortization 19% ($7.1M) Variable Costs 38% ($13.9M) Salary Related Expenses 26% ($9.6M) Supplies & Services 13% ($4.6M) Interest Expense 4% ($1.4M) Other Expense 0% ($.01M) Total: $39,729,089 0 2,000,000 4,000,000 6,000,000 8,000,000 10,000,000 12,000,000 14,000,000 16,000,000 Depreciation Variable Costs Salaries & Ben. Supplies & Svcs. Interest Other Year by Year Comparison, by Category FY16 Actual FY17 Actual FY18 Budget FY18 Forecast FY19 Budget Annual Operating Budget FY19 Financial Summaries 12 | Page FY19 Variable & Fixed Water Cost Expenses Energy Costs; $1,357,953 ; 10% MWDOC; $5,275,964 ; 37%$6,621,615 ; 47% CPTP; $865,069 ; 6% OCWD; $7,486,684 ; 53% $456,771 , 39% $302,129 , 25% $107,961 , 9% $319,740 , 27% Annexation Fee Connection Charge Capacity Charge Readiness-to-Serve Annual Operating Budget FY19 Financial Summaries 13 | Page Fund Balance History (FYE 2015-2019) 06/30/15 Net Income(Loss) Before Capital Contributions (851,404)(588,397)(1,439,801) Capital Contributions 547,855 157,993 705,848 Change in Net Position FY 2015 (303,549)(430,404)(733,953) Net Position @ 6/30/2015 118,839,797$ 41,782,868$ 160,622,665$ 06/30/16 Net Income(Loss) Before Capital Contributions 3,570,189 (605,197)2,964,992 Capital Contributions 347,795 440,650 788,445 Change in Net Position FY 2016 3,917,984 (164,547)3,753,437 Net Position @ 6/30/2016 122,757,781$ 41,618,321$ 164,376,102$ 06/30/17 Net Income (Loss) Before Capital Contributions 259,855 (321,996)(62,141) Capital Contributions 1,556,801 1,108,661 2,665,462 Estimated Net Income (Loss) @ 6/30/2017 1,816,656$ 786,665 2,603,321$ Estimated Net Position @ 6/30/2017 124,574,437$ 42,404,986$ 166,979,423$ 06/30/18 Revenue (Operating): Water Sales 31,694,255 - 31,694,255 Sewer Revenues - 2,305,581 2,305,581 Other Operating Revenue 696,374 67,478 763,852 Interest 396,485 58,884 455,369 Property Taxes 1,753,780 - 1,753,780 Other Non-Operating Revenue 436,208 2,116 438,324 Total Estimated Revenues FY2018 34,977,102 2,434,059 37,411,161 Expenses (Operating): Variable Water Costs (G.W., Import & Power)14,689,375 - 14,689,375 Salary Related Expenses 8,759,950 1,000,164 9,760,114 Supplies & Services 3,957,934 471,274 4,429,208 Depreciation 6,092,819 1,368,064 7,460,883 Interest on Long Term Debt 1,372,154 - 1,372,154 Other Expense - 19,715 19,715 Total Estimated Expenses FY2018 34,872,232 2,859,217 37,731,449 Net Income (Loss) Before Capital Contributions 104,870 (425,158)(320,288) Capital Contributions 1,847,505 1,599,813 3,447,318 Special Item(s)(2,205,847)- (2,205,847) Estimated Net Income (Loss) @ 6/30/2018 (253,472)$ 1,174,655 921,183$ Estimated Net Position @ 6/30/2018 124,320,965$ 43,579,641$ 167,900,606$ 06/30/19 Revenue (Operating): Water Sales 32,019,986 - 32,019,986 Sewer Revenues - 2,502,496 2,502,496 Other Operating Revenue 827,887 66,730 894,617 Interest 310,000 48,000 358,000 Property Taxes 1,850,000 - 1,850,000 Other Non-Operating Revenue 605,346 34,500 639,846 Total Estimated Revenues FY2018 35,613,219 2,651,726 38,264,945 Expenses (Operating): Variable Water Costs (G.W., Import & Power)15,307,201 - 15,307,201 Salary Related Expenses 9,652,772 1,131,721 10,784,493 Supplies & Services 4,087,123 484,145 4,571,268 Depreciation 6,329,146 1,396,996 7,726,142 Interest on Long Term Debt 1,325,785 - 1,325,785 Other Expense 8,600 5,600 14,200 Total Estimated Expenses FY2018 36,710,627 3,018,462 39,729,089 Estimated Net Income (Loss) @ 6/30/2019 (1,097,408)(366,736)(1,464,144) Estimated Net Position @ 6/30/2019 123,223,557$ 43,212,905$ 166,436,462$ Fiscal Year Ending Water Fund Sewer Fund Total Annual Operating Budget FY19 Financial Summaries 14 | Page Debt Administration The District’s debt rating from Fitch is “AA” and from Standard and Poor’s is “AA+”. The District has a Debt Management Policy, but no legal debt limit. The District’s future borrowing capacity is limited by the debt coverage ratio required by existing bond covenants. The ratio is calculated using revenue and expenses data pertaining to the Water Fund only and the covenants require that the coverage exceed 1.25; however, the Debt Management policy sets a target of 2.25. The District’s budgeted ratio is 2.39 for Fiscal Year 2019. The District’s FY18 budgeted debt service obligation ($2,738,258) is related to its two existing debt issuances. Use of proceeds and the corresponding principal balance of each are as follows: Year of Issuance Use of Proceeds Principal Balance as of June 2018 2012A Refunding Bond Refunding Bonds funds are being issued to finance certain capital improvements, to fund a reserve fund, and to pay certain costs of delivery. 6,935,000 2017A Refunding Bond Refunding Bonds funds are being issued to finance the acqusitionand construction of certain capital improvements to the District's Water System, to refund all of the currently outstanding YLWD 2008 Revenue Certificates of Participation, and to pay certain costs of issuance. 28,390,000 35,325,000$ Annual Operating Budget FY19 Financial Summaries 15 | Page Debt service requirements for the District’s Certificates of Participation are as follows: Year Principal Interest Total 2019 $1,140,000 $1,598,258 $2,738,258 2020 $1,175,000 $1,551,956 $2,726,956 2021 $1,230,000 $1,499,381 $2,729,381 2022 $1,290,000 $1,438,919 $2,728,919 2023 $1,350,000 $1,374,681 $2,724,681 2024-2028 $7,840,000 $5,743,906 $13,583,906 2029-2033 $9,760,000 $3,764,116 $13,524,116 2034-2038 $9,485,000 $1,672,619 $11,157,619 2039 $2,055,000 $51,100 $2,106,100 Total $35,325,000 $18,694,937 $54,019,937 $0 $500,000 $1,000,000 $1,500,000 $2,000,000 $2,500,000 $3,000,000 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 FY19-23 Debt Service Requirements Principal Interest Annual Operating Budget FY19 Financial Summaries 16 | Page Personnel Trends by Position Position/Title FY15 FY16 FY17 FY18 FY19 ADMINISTRATION DEPARTMENT Assistant General Manager - - - 1 1 Communication Manager - - 1 - - Executive Assistant 1 1 1 1 1 General Manager 1 1 1 1 1 Management Analyst 1 1 1 1 1 Office Clerk - - 1 - - Public Affairs Representative - 1 1 1 1 Public Information Assistant 0.5 - - - - Public Information Manager 1 1 - - - Records Management Specialist 1 - - - - Water Conservation Representative - 2 1.5 - - Water Conservation Supervisor - 1 1 - - Total Administration Personnel 5.5 8.0 8.5 5.0 5.0 Changes and Trends: The Public Affairs Representative was moved from Communication back to Administration. Position/Title FY15 FY16 FY17 FY18 FY19 ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT Associate Engineer 1 1 1 1 1 Construction Inspector 1 1 1 1 1 Construction Project Supervisor 1 1 1 1 1 Engineering Manager 1 1 1 1 1 Engineering Technician II 2 2 2 2 2 Senior Construction Inspector 1 1 1 1 1 Senior Project Manager 1 1 1 1 1 Water Quality Engineer 1 1 1 1 1 Water Quality Technician II 1 1 1 1 1 Total Engineering Personnel 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Position/Title FY15 FY16 FY17 FY18 FY19 FINANCE DEPARTMENT Accountant - - - 1 1 Accounting Assistant I 1 1 1 1 0 Accounting Assistant II 1 1 1 1 2 Customer Service Rep II 2 2 2 2 2 Customer Service Rep III 2 2 2 2 2 Customer Service Supervisor 1 1 1 1 1 Finance Manager 1 1 1 1 1 Meter Reader I 1 1 1 1 1 Meter Reader II 2 2 2 2 2 Meter Service Lead 1 1 1 1 1 Senior Accountant 1 1 1 1 1 Total Finance Personnel 13.0 13.0 13.0 14.0 14.0 Changes and Trends: The Accounting Assistant I was reclassified to Accounting Assistant II. Annual Operating Budget FY19 Financial Summaries 17 | Page Position/Title FY15 FY16 FY17 FY18 FY19 HUMAN RESOURCES DEPARTMENT Human Resources Analyst 1 2 2 1 1 Human Resources/Risk & Safety Manager 1 1 1 1 1 Human Resources Technician 1 - - 1 1 Records Management Administrator - 1 1 1 1 Records Management Specialist - 1 1 1 1 Safety & Training Analyst 1 1 1 1 1 Total Human Resources Personnel 4.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 Position/Title FY15 FY16 FY17 FY18 FY19 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY DEPARTMENT GIS Analyst 1 1 1 1 1 Information Systems Administrator 1 1 1 1 1 Information Systems Technician I 1 1 1 1 1 Instrumentation Technician 1 - - - - Information Technology Manager 1 1 1 1 1 SCADA Administrator 1 - - - - Programmer Analyst 1 1 1 1 1 Total Information Technology Personnel 7.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 Position/Title FY15 FY16 FY17 FY18 FY19 OPERATIONS DEPARTMENT Chief Water System Operator - - - 1 1 Electrical/Instrumentation Technician - - - - 1 Facilities Maintenance Worker 1 1 1 1 1 Instrumentation Technician 1 1 1 1 - Maintenance Worker I 9 9 9 9 9 Maintenance Worker II 8 8 7 7 6 Maintenance Worker III 4 4 5 5 5 Mechanic II 1 1 1 1 1 Mechanic III 1 1 1 1 1 Office Clerk 1 1 1 1 1 Operations/Warehouse Assistant 1 1 1 1 1 Operations Manager 1 1 1 1 1 Plant Operator I - - - 1 1 Plant Operator II 3 3 3 2 2 SCADA Administrator - 1 1 - - Senior Fleet Mechanic 1 1 1 1 1 Senior Maintenance Worker 4 4 4 4 4 Senior Plant Operator 1 1 1 1 1 Senior SCADA Technician - - - - 1 Water Maintenance Superintendent 1 1 1 1 1 Water Production Superintendent 1 1 1 1 1 Total Operations Personnel 38.0 40.0 40.0 40.0 40.0 Changes and Trends: One of the Maintenance Worker II was reclassified to a new position, Electrical/Instrumentation Technician. Annual Operating Budget FY19 Financial Summaries 18 | Page Personnel Trends by Department DEPARTMENT FY15 FY16* FY17** FY18 FY19 Administration 5.5 8.0 8.5 5.0 5.0 Engineering 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Finance 13.0 13.0 13.0 14.0 14.0 Human Resources 4.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 Information Technology 7.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 Operations 38.0 40.0 40.0 40.0 40.0 District Department Totals 77.5 82.0 82.5 80.0 80.0 * Includes (1) Limited-Term, Full Time and (4) Limited-Term, Part Time employees in response to State’s Emergency Drought Declaration ** Includes (3) Limited-Term, Full Time and (1) Limited-Term, Part Time employees in response to State’s Emergency Drought Declaration 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 FY15 FY16 FY17 FY18 FY19 38 40 40 40 40 7 5 5 5 5 4 6 6 6 6 13 13 13 14 14 10 10 10 10 10 5.5 8 8.5 5 5 Personnel CountOperations IT HR Finance Engineering Administration Annual Operating Budget FY19 Financial Summaries 19 | Page Annual Operating Budget FY19 Financial Summaries 20 | Page Capital Improvement Plan Draft CIP Budget Revised on 6/20/2018 FY19 CIP Budget FY20 CIP Budget Capital and Rehabilitation and Replacement (R&R) Projects Fairmont Booster Pump Station Upgrade 780,000$ -$ Well 22 300,000$ 1,100,000$ Lakeview Sewer Lift Station Decommissioning 1,500,000$ -$ PRS Rehabilitation Phase 2 500,000$ -$ Tract 15199 Waterline Replacement 750,000$ -$ Fairmont Reservoir Rehabilitation 250,000$ -$ Field Headquarters Rehabilitation 350,000$ -$ Mickel and Camino Verde Waterline Replacement 750,000$ -$ Ridge Way, Grandview, and Short Waterline Replacement 450,000$ -$ Meter Conversion Project (AMI)1,000,000$ 2,000,000$ Well Rehabilitation 150,000$ 150,000$ Sewer Pipe Relining and Manhole Rehabilitation 200,000$ 280,000$ Ductile Iron Pipe (DIP) Replacement -$ 500,000$ Water Supply Redundancy and Fire Flow Reliability (5 locations)-$ 500,000$ Box Canyon Pump 2 Replacement -$ 63,000$ Lakeview Booster Piping -$ 154,000$ Apple Creek and Del Rey PRS Rehabilitation -$ 450,000$ Bryant Ranch Fencing -$ 90,000$ Imperial Hwy Waterline Replacement -$ 1,025,000$ Timber Ridge BPS Rehabilitation -$ 150,000$ Eisenhower Waterline Replacement -$ 800,000$ Well 20 Chemical System Replacement -$ -$ New River Waterline Replacement -$ -$ Hidden Hills BPS Rehabilitation -$ -$ Reservoir Rehabilitation -$ -$ Well 15 Chemical System Replacement -$ -$ Dominguez Hills and Paseo Del Prado PRS Rehabilitation -$ -$ Well 23 (Replacement of Lost Capacity of Wells 1, 5, and 12)-$ -$ Future Waterline Replacement -$ -$ Rose Drive Waterline Replacement -$ -$ Santiago BPS Rehabilitation -$ -$ Springview BPS Rehabilitation -$ -$ Capital Planning Support -$ 300,000$ Capital and R&R Projects Subtotal = 6,980,000$ 7,562,000$ Vehicle and Capital Equipment Replacement SCADA Radio Communications System Replacement 125,000$ 125,000$ Vehicle Radio Communications System Replacement -$ 200,000$ Capital Equipment Replacement 547,500$ 282,235$ Vehicle Replacement - Water 375,000$ 339,000$ Vehicle Replacement - Sewer 300,000$ -$ Vehicle & Capital Equipment Subtotal = 1,347,500$ 946,235$ TOTAL = 8,327,500$ 8,508,235$ Note: The projects listed on this Capital Improvement Plan may change based on the District's needs and priorities. Note: Green Font items are related to sewer capital projects. Annual Operating Budget FY19 Financial Summaries 21 | Page Capital Projects Summary Well #22 Project Total Project Budget: $2,500,000 Proposed FY18 Budget: $1,018,000 This project will provide a new well to increase pumping capacity that allows the potential phase-out of older, lower-producing wells and still produce a full allotment of lower-cost groundwater. In FY17, a consultant was retained to prepare the environmental documents and plans for the drilling of the well. In FY18, the environmental documents will be completed, and work will proceed for the drilling of the well. Also in FY18, a consultant will be retained to begin to prepare engineering plans for well equipping. Budgeted for FY19 and FY20 is construction of wellhead facilities and a discharge pipeline at an estimated cost of $1,390,000. Fairmont Pump Station Upgrade Project Total Project Budget: $7,830,000 Proposed FY18 Budget: $3,663,000 The project is the refurbishment and upgrading of the Fairmont Booster Station. The existing 44-year-old booster station will be demolished and its two booster pumps will be replaced by eight, pumping to three different pressure zones. A new building will be constructed to house the pumps, as well as disinfection, electrical and back- up generation facilities. Construction began in mid FY17 and will be completed in FY20, with a total estimated construction cost of $7,070,000. This project will make it possible for the District to deliver lower-cost groundwater to the higher, easterly section of its service area, as a fully redundant second source of water to all parts of the District. Lakeview Grade Separation Project Total Project Budget: $662,000 Proposed FY18 Budget: $150,000 The Orange County Transportation Authority (OCTA) is the lead agency for a planned Lakeview Avenue bridge over Orangethorpe Avenue and the adjacent BNSF Railroad tracks. As part of the project, the District’s water line in Lakeview Avenue through the project area had to be replaced. The District’s share of the pipeline replacement construction cost is $250,000. Construction of the pipeline and appurtenant work was completed by OCTA in FY16, with final close-out in FY18. As a result of this project, the District will have a new 18-inch diameter water line to replace an older line, nearing the end of its useful life. Pressure Reducing Station Rehabilitation Phase 2 Total Project Budget: $726,000 Proposed FY18 Budget: $575,000 The District begin the second phase of work for rehabilitation or replacement of existing Pressure Reducing Stations (PRS) that require frequent maintenance, and do not meet current District standards. This will also include water line replacement work. Design work will be completed in FY18 and construction will follow that year and the next at a cost of $715,000. Annual Operating Budget FY19 Financial Summaries 22 | Page Richfield Chlorination System Refurbishment Total Project Budget: $250,000 Proposed FY18 Budget: $250,000 The District has an on-site chlorine generation system that produces chlorine for injection into its transmission main for disinfection of groundwater that is pumped to the Highland Reservoir. That chlorine generation system is in need of refurbishment and that work will be completed this coming year at an estimated cost of $250,000. Chlorine Booster Systems at Two Water Reservoirs Total Project Budget: $50,000 Proposed FY18 Budget: $50,000 District staff installed temporary facilities at the Hidden Hills Reservoir a few years ago that included a small storage tank and a pump that injected chlorine solution into the Hidden Hills Reservoir that was mixed into the water in storage. This injection of chlorine provides a slight boost in the concentration of disinfection for the reservoir that is the most northeastery in the system. This proved to be very successful and was followed by the installation of the same system at the Camino de Bryant Reservoir, the District’s most easterly reservoir. Because of the continuing success of the temporary facilities, staff of the State Water Resources Control Board, in their annual inspection of the water system, requested that the District install permanent facilities. District staff will be installing permanent chlorine booster systems at these two reservoirs at an estimated cost of $50,000. Pipeline Replacement Project Total Project Budget: $1,638,585 Proposed FY18 Budget: $100,000 As part of the District’s continuing Replacement & Refurbishment (R&R) Program to replace aging infrastructure, new pipeline replacement work is planned for the next two fiscal years. This includes replacement of pipelines in Susana, Bryant and John Bixby Streets, as well as replacement of old cast iron pipelines from the 1920s to 1940s in the westerly part of the District. Planned for FY18 is design work, at an estimated cost of $100,000, followed by bidding and construction in FY19 at an estimated cost of $1,488,000. Sewer R&R Project Total Project Budget: $200,000 Proposed FY18 Budget: $100,000 As part of the District’s continuing R&R Program to replace aging infrastructure, new sewer line work is planned for the next two years at an estimated cost of $100,000 per year. For sewer line refurbishment, relining is proposed, where a new liner is cast and cured in place. This method of refurbishment has a long record of success for District sewer lines and for many other utilities across the country. Annual Operating Budget FY19 Financial Summaries 23 | Page Vehicle Equipment and Capital Outlay (FY19) Vehicle Equipment and Capital Outlay (VE&CO) are non-recurring operating expense items for District-wide use that cost more than $5,000 each and have an estimated useful life of more than a year. These purchases include vehicles, shop and field equipment, office equipment and furniture and computer equipment. The justification for each purchase is determined by whether it is required due to growth, improvements or upgrades or to replace an existing asset. As these purchases are completed and placed into service, there is a potential impact on the Operating Budget. Department / Item Amount Board of Directors Board Room Improvements 100,000$ Agenda Kiosk 18,000$ Total Vehicle Equipment & Capital Outlay- BOD 118,000$ Administration 45,000$ Total Vehicle Equipment & Capital Outlay- Admin.45,000$ Engineering Hidden Hills Res. Landscape Mitigation Land Purchase 170,000$ Total Vehicle Equipment & Capital Outlay- Eng.170,000$ Finance Meter Reading Equipment 26,000$ Total Vehicle Equipment & Capital Outlay- Finance 26,000$ Human Resources Safety Lighting 10,000$ Total Vehicle Equipment & Capital Outlay- HR 10,000$ Annual Operating Budget FY19 Financial Summaries 24 | Page Vehicle Equipment and Capital Outlay (FY19), continued Department / Item Amount IT V-Sphere Hosts (servers - Ready-Nod)50,000$ Terminal Server Replacement - GP Host 21,500$ Server - NAS (high visibility)18,000$ Replace Personal Computers, Laptops, and Tablets 26,000$ VOIP Phone Redundancy (Phase 2 - Install)6,000$ Firewall Replacement (Administration)17,000$ Network Infrastructure Security Upgrade 20,000$ Security Suite Enterprise - Malware Software 11,000$ Security System - Camera(s) Yard 29,000$ CMMS Laptops 15,000$ Total Vehicle Equipment & Capital Outlay- IT 213,500$ Operations Water Operations & Maint. Pickup Truck 35,000$ Pickup Truck 35,000$ Skid Steer Loader 75,000$ Sweeper Tool 10,000$ Breaker Attachment 10,000$ Sewer Operations & Maintenance Camera Truck 300,000$ Water Production Pickup Truck 35,000$ Pickup Truck 35,000$ Total Vehicle Equipment & Capital Outlay- Oper.535,000$ TOTAL VEHICLE EQUIPMENT & CAPITAL OUTLAY 1,117,500$ Allocation by Fund Water Fund 817,500$ Sewer Fund 300,000$ TOTAL 1,117,500$ Annual Operating Budget FY19 Financial Summaries 25 | Page Annual Operating Budget FY19 Financial Summaries 26 | Page FY17 Budget FY17 YE Acutals FY18 Budget FY18 YE Projections FY19 Budget Expenses (Operating) Salary Related Expenses Salaries - Directors 90,000$ 53,159$ 90,000$ 51,450$ 90,000$ Fringe Benefits 53,671$ 25,823$ 2,099$ 1,655$ 1,961$ Mandatory Benefits - Directors 7,953$ 4,630$ 7,572$ 4,460$ 7,494$ Total Salary Related Expenses 151,624$ 83,612$ 99,670$ 57,565$ 99,454$ Supplies & Services Communications -$ -$ -$ 300$ -$ Contractual Services 1,500$ 100$ 1,500$ -$ -$ Dues & Memberships 40$ -$ 60$ 60$ 60$ Board Election Expenses 246,000$ 129,971$ -$ -$ 75,000$ District Meetings and Events 1,500$ 48$ 2,700$ 907$ 3,000$ Non-Capital Equipment 5,000$ 3,050$ 2,000$ -$ 5,000$ Office Expense -$ 1,534$ 500$ 593$ 1,000$ Professional Services 93,000$ 95,520$ 33,000$ 44,651$ 39,000$ Professional Development 12,000$ 10,714$ 11,050$ 900$ 2,500$ Travel & Conferences 27,550$ 11,231$ 38,575$ 22,851$ 43,200$ Supplies & Services Sub-Total 386,590$ 252,168$ 89,385$ 70,262$ 168,760$ Annual Operating Budget FY19 Financial Summaries 27 | Page Category Total Sub Acct No./Sub Category Sub Acct Total Detail Amt $60 1-1010-0640-00 Dues, Memberships, 60 60 $75,000 1-1010-0650-00 Board Election Expenses 75,000 75,000 1-1010-0715-50 General Meeting Expense 1,500 1,500 1-1010-0715-55 Adminstration Meeting 1,500 1,500 1-1010-0750-00 Non-Capital Equipment 3,000 3,000 1-1010-0750-07 Notebooks/Tablets 2,000 2,000 $1,000 1-1010-0760-00 Office Expense 1,000 1,000 36,000 3,000 $2,500 1-1010-0810-00 Professional Development 2,500 2,500 2,800 400 4,800 4,700 1,600 3,550 7,700 800 1,100 1,000 1,000 2,350 3,000 1,500 3,900 1-1010-0830-50 Meeting Mileage 3,000 3,000 $168,760Section Total Yorba Linda State of the City Placentia State of the City ACWA Committee Meetings (2 Dir) CRWUA Annual Conference (2 Dir) Other Conferences and Workshops ACWA-JPIA Semi-Annual Conference (2 Dir) OCWA Monthly Meetings (2 Dir) 1-1010-0810-00 Professional Development Training Opportunities & Publications 1-1010-0830-00 Travel & Conferences $43,200 1-1010-0830-00 Travel & Conferences 40,200 CSDA Annual Conference (2 Dir) ISDOC Quarterly Meetings (5 Dir) AWWA Annual Conference (2 Dir) UWI Semi-Annual Conference (2 Dir) OC Water Summit AWWA CA-NV Annual Conference (2 Dir) ACWA Semi-Annual Conference (2 Dir) MWDOC Semi-Annual Water Policy Meetings (5 Dir) Mileage (5 Dir) 1-1010-0760-00 Office Expense Office Supplies 1-1010-0780-00 Professional Services $39,000 1-1010-0780-00 Professional Services 39,000 Legal Retainer Codification 1-1010-0750-00 Non-Capital Equipment $5,000 Fireproof Safe and Archival Supplies Electronic Equipment Reimbursement (1 Dir, 1 Repl) 1-1010-0715-00 District Meetings and Events $3,000 Board and Committee Meeting Expenses Business Meeting Expenses 1-1010-0640-00 Dues, Memberships, CRWUA (2 Dir) 1-1010-0650-00 Board Election Expenses Election Expense Primary GL Category Detail Item Description Annual Operating Budget FY19 Financial Summaries 28 | Page Administration FY17 Budget FY17 YE Acutals FY18 Budget FY18 YE Projections FY19 Budget Expenses (Operating) Salary Related Expenses Salaries 360,992$ 370,866$ 589,366$ 610,918$ 693,802$ Fringe Benefits 206,425$ 89,133$ 247,944$ 65,563$ 240,648$ Unemployment Insurance 10,400$ 5,872$ 5,961$ 807$ 2,000$ Overtime -$ 1,728$ 1,215$ 7,316$ 4,261$ OPEB & CalPERS UAL/GASB Adj 404,361$ 469,641$ 543,493$ 923,557$ 1,004,254$ Mandatory Benefits 33,287$ 141,504$ 64,390$ 51,218$ 69,020$ Total Salary Related Expenses 1,015,465$ 1,078,744$ 1,452,370$ 1,659,379$ 2,013,985$ Supplies & Services Communications -$ -$ -$ -$ 73,700$ Contractual Services -$ -$ -$ -$ 6,500$ Dues & Memberships 60,630$ 62,515$ 65,270$ 65,300$ 70,380$ Fees & Permits -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Insurance 740$ 733$ 740$ 733$ 1,090$ District Activities & Events 3,900$ 1,348$ 1,000$ 1,620$ 13,250$ Materials -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Non-Capital Equipment 600$ 2,583$ -$ -$ 3,700$ Office Expense 950$ 864$ 950$ 4,300$ 2,800$ Professional Services 145,000$ 304,286$ 283,375$ 279,592$ 250,000$ Professional Development 3,100$ 2,024$ 1,450$ 108$ 3,600$ Travel & Conferences 24,440$ 7,145$ 26,325$ 18,523$ 38,990$ Supplies & Services Sub-Total 239,360$ 381,498$ 379,110$ 370,176$ 464,010$ Bargaining Unit Professional & Confidential Management General Manager Assistant General Manager Management Analyst Public Affairs Representative Executive Assistant Annual Operating Budget FY19 Financial Summaries 29 | Page Administration Detail Category Total Sub Acct Total Detail Amt $1,500 1,500 1,500 27,200 4,500 30 4,000 7,000 50 200 23,000 250 75 75 500 400 1,050 40 1,500 1,500 1,800 1,800 200 1,000 750 400 600 750 120,000 120,000 120,000 120,000 1,500 450 650 9,400 1,500 2,350 1,600 3,750 160 360 1,650 80 2,400 1,400 1,800 3,000 960 900 2,400 1,000 1,000 $10,000 10,000 10,000 $364,180 Primary GL Category Sub Acct No./Sub Category Detail Item Description 1-2010-0580-00 Communications 1-2010-0580-40 Sponsorships Love Placentia Event 1-2010-0640-20 Publications 900 Bond Buyer Publication AWWA Benchmarking Publication 1-2010-0640-00 Dues, Memberships, & Subscriptions $67,280 1-2010-0640-00 Dues, Memberships, & Subscriptions 66,380 LAFCO (Agency) CASA (Agency) CRWUA (MM) AWWA (Agency) CSDA (Agency) ISDOC (Agency) IIMC (AA) ACWA (Agency) Miscellaneous (Costco, etc.) NNA (AA) OCWA (MM) 1-2010-0690-00 Insurance $1,090 1-2010-0690-00 Insurance 1,090 Faithful Performance Bond (MM BB & AA) Notary Insurance (AA) 1-2010-0715-00 District Meetings and Events $3,300 1-2010-0715-50 General Meeting Exepnse Management/Department Meetings 1-2010-0715-55 Administration Meeting Expenses Business Meeting Expenses 1-2010-0750-00 Non-Capital Equipment $1,200 1-2010-0750-00 Non-Capital Equipment 1,200 Typewriter Office Chairs 1-2010-0760-00 Office Expense $2,500 1-2010-0760-00 Office Expense 2,500 Office Supplies Sympathy Arrangements District Apparel Emergency Preparedness/First Aid 1-2010-0780-00 Professional Services $240,000 1-2010-0780-05 Legal Services Legal Services (General/Routine) 1-2010-0780-36 - - -Water Only Related Expenses Legal Services (IRWD vs. OCWD) 1-2010-0810-00 Professional Development $2,600 1-2010-0810-00 Professional Development 2,600 Other Training Opportunities SDLF Special District Administrator Cert (MM) CSDA Governance Foundations (MM) AWWA CA-NV Annual Conference (MM) 1-2010-0830-00 Travel & Conferences $34,710 1-2010-0830-00 Travel & Conferences 33,710 ACWA Semi-Annual Conference (MM, BB, KY) CRWUA Annual Conference (MM) UWI Semi-Annual Conference (MM) CSDA GM Leadership Summit (MM) SWRCB Meetings (MM) MWDOC Water Policy Meetings (MM) OCWA Monthly Meetings (MM) CSDA Board Secretary/Clerk Conference (AA) ISDOC Quarterly Meetings (MM) AWWA Annual Conference (MM) CSDA Annual Conference (MM) Other Conferences and Workshops CWEA Tri-State Conference (KY) GFOA Conference (KY) ACWA Committee Meetings (MM) 1-2010-0830-50 Meeting Mileage Mileage 2-2010-0780-00 Professional Services 2-2010-0780-39 Professional Services-Sewer Professional Services Section Total Annual Operating Budget FY19 Financial Summaries 30 | Page Administration: Public Information Category Total Sub Acct Total Detail Amt 1,000 1,000 20,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 1,200 5,000 30,000 30,000 1,500 5,000 700 1,000 500 900 4,700 5,000 250 250 $2,500 2,500 2,500 $300 300 300 $1,000 1,000 1,000 240 240 1,200 200 1,600 500 300 $99,830 Primary GL Category Sub Acct No./Sub Category Detail Item Description 1-2020-0580-00 Communications $72,200 1-2020-0580-05 Advertising Social Media Posts 1-2020-0580-35 Promotional Items 25,000 Wate Bottle Program (Donations) Promotional Items 1-2020-0580-45 Video Productions 16,200 Website Update Donut Design Constant Contact Other Multimedia Supplies 1-2020-0580-55 Water Conservation Programs MWDOC Choice Water Use Efficiency 1-2020-0600-00 Contractual Services $6,500 1-2020-0600-00 Contractual Services 6,500 Muzak (On-hold music/message) Conservation Rebate Program (Comm Turf Inspect) 1-2020-0640-00 Dues, Memberships, & Subscriptions $3,100 1-2020-0640-00 Dues, Memberships, & Subscriptions 3,100 OC Register/LA Times Chamber of Commerce Membership (YL, Pl) CAPIO Membership PRSA Membership 1-2020-0715-00 District Meetings & Events $9,950 1-2020-0715-00 District Meetings & Events 9,700 District Tours District Meeting & Events 1-2020-0715-50 General Meeting Expense Division Meetings 1-2020-0750-00 Non-Capital Equipment 1-2020-0750-00 Non-Capital Equipment District Event Equipment/Supplies 1-2020-0760-00 Office Expense 1-2020-0760-00 Office Expense Office Expense 1-2020-0810-00 Professional Development 1-2020-0810-00 Professional Development Training 1-2020-0830-00 Travel & Conferences $4,280 1-2020-0830-00 Travel & Conferences 3,480 Placentia Chamber Lunch Yorba Linda Chamber Lunch CAPIO Annual Conference Section Total Water Policy Dinner ACWA Fall Conference 1-2020-0830-50 Meeting Mileage 800 Mileage MWDOC WUE Meeting Mileage Annual Operating Budget FY19 Financial Summaries 31 | Page Engineering FY17 Budget FY17 YE Acutals FY18 Budget FY18 YE Projections FY19 Budget Expenses (Operating) Salary Related Expenses Salaries 951,597$ 714,864$ 983,352$ 780,444$ 1,053,471$ Fringe Benefits 134,101$ 97,000$ 161,780$ 154,555$ 223,204$ Overtime 2,058$ 2,425$ 2,141$ 2,014$ 4,449$ Mandatory Benefits 100,956$ 88,457$ 105,921$ 100,433$ 110,252$ Total Salary Related Expenses 1,188,712$ 902,746$ 1,253,195$ 1,037,446$ 1,391,377$ Supplies & Services Communications 200$ -$ 200$ 776$ 400$ Contractual Services 132,590$ 70,660$ 133,000$ 97,667$ 100,500$ Data Processing -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Dues & Memberships 17,200$ 13,013$ 8,950$ 7,475$ 9,200$ Fees & Permits 70,800$ 67,871$ 65,800$ 70,193$ 72,558$ Materials 6,500$ 5,922$ 4,700$ 3,844$ 3,000$ District Activities/Meetings 600$ 363$ 600$ 685$ 1,000$ Maintenance 230$ 247$ 250$ 250$ 250$ Non-Capital Equipment 500$ 177$ 500$ 350$ 600$ Office Expense 1,000$ 1,226$ 3,000$ 1,494$ 2,900$ Professional Services 106,000$ 35,041$ 161,000$ 143,354$ 80,000$ Professional Development 4,070$ 1,160$ 3,820$ 1,420$ 4,020$ Travel & Conferences 5,400$ 577$ 4,200$ 2,673$ 4,200$ Supplies & Services Sub-Total 345,090$ 196,255$ 386,020$ 330,181$ 278,628$ Bargaining Unit Professional & Confidential Management Engineering Manager Senior Project Manager Associate Engineer Engineering Technician II (2 positions) Construction Project Supervisor Senior Construction Inspector Construction Inspector Water Quality Engineer Water Quality Technician II Annual Operating Budget FY19 Financial Summaries 32 | Page Engineering: Admin Engineering: Planning Category Total Sub Acct Total Detail Amt $120 120 120 $1,000 1,000 1,000 $200 200 200 $1,800 1,800 1,800 $3,120 Primary GL Category Sub Acct No./Sub Category Detail Item Description 1-4010-0640-00 Dues, Memberships, & Subscriptions 1-4010-0640-00 Dues, Memberships, & Subscriptions Dues, Memberships & Subscriptions 1-4010-0715-00 District Meetings and Events 1-4010-0715-50 General Meeting Expense Meeting/Event Supplies Section Total 1-4010-0810-00 Professional Development 1-4010-0810-00 Training Training 1-4010-0830-00 Travel & Conferences 1-4010-0830-00 Travel & Conferences Travel & Conferences Category Total Sub Acct Total Detail Amt $400 400 400 $20,000 20,000 20,000 $1,000 1,000 1,000 $4,558 4,558 4,558 2,000 2,000 500 500 10,000 10,000 20,000 50,000 $500 500 500 $1,000 1,000 1,000 $109,958Section Total 1-4020-0810-00 Professional Development 1-4020-0830-00 Travel & Conferences 1-4020-0810-00 Professional Development Certification Courses 1-4020-0830-00 Travel & Conferences AWWA/ACE Conference 1-4020-0780-00 Professional Services $80,000 1-4020-0780-00 Professional Services Geotechnical & Surveying Consultant 1-4020-0780-36 Professional Services - Water Related 70,000 Water Loss Control Consultant Water Consulting & Cathodic Protection Services 1-4020-0645-00 Fees & Permits 1-4020-0760-00 Office Expense $2,500 1-4020-0645-00 Fees & Permits OCWD Warner Basin Lease - Well #21 1-4020-0760-00 Office Expense Emergency Preparedness Equipment & Materials 1-4020-0760-30 Books & Publications Books 1-4020-0600-00 Contractual Services 1-4020-0640-00 Dues, Memberships, & Subscriptions 1-4020-0600-00 Contractual Services ATS Communication 1-4020-0640-00 Dues, Memberships, & Subscriptions PE, D&T Cert. Renewals, Cross Conn. Spec., ASCE Sub Acct No./Sub Category Detail Item DescriptionPrimary GL Category 1-4020-0580-00 Communications 1-4020-0580-00 Communications FOG Inspection Reports Annual Operating Budget FY19 Financial Summaries 33 | Page Engineering: Construction Engineering: Water Quality Category Total Sub Acct Total Detail Amt $3,000 3,000 3,000 7,700 300 $600 600 600 $100 100 100 750 750 $400 400 400 $13,600 Primary GL Category Sub Acct No./Sub Category Detail Item Description 1-4030-0645-00 Fees & Permits 1-4030-0645-20 USA Underground Service Alert USA Underground Service Alerts 1-4030-0640-00 Dues, Memberships, & Subscriptions $8,000 1-4030-0640-00 Dues, Memberships, & Subscriptions 8,000 EADOC Subscription (Planning Management Software) Construction Management Association of America 1-4030-0750-00 Non-Capital Equipment 1-4030-0750-00 Non-Capital Equipment Inspection Related Tools & Equipment 1-4030-0760-00 Office Expense 1-4030-0760-00 Office Expense Office Supplies 1-4030-0810-00 Professional Development $1,500 1-4030-0810-00 Professional Development 1,500 Training (AWWA, CMAA) Inspector Certification 1-4030-0830-00 Travel & Conferences 1-4030-0830-00 Travel & Conferences AWWA/ ACE Conference/CMAA Section Total Category Total Sub Acct Total Detail Amt 3,000 2,500 75,000 75,000 54,000 11,000 $80 80 80 $3,000 3,000 3,000 $250 250 250 $300 300 300 850 350 620 $1,000 1,000 1,000 $151,950 1-4040-0810-00 Professional Development Primary GL Category Sub Acct No./Sub Category Detail Item Description 1-4040-0600-00 Contractual Services 1-4040-0645-00 Fees & Permits $80,500 1-4040-0600-12 Backflow Device Rep 5,500 Backflow Device Repair Backflow Testing Notices (InfoSend) 1-4040-0600-60 Water Quality Lab Testing Water Quality Testing $65,000 1-4040-0645-10 Dept of Health Services 65,000 Dept. of Health Services (SWRCB-DD) County of Orange 1-4040-0640-00 Dues, Memberships, & Subscriptions ABPA (Maldonado) 1-4040-0710-00 Materials 1-4040-0710-20 Wtr Quality Test Material Wtr Quality Test Materials 1-4040-0640-00 Dues, Memberships, & Subscriptions 1-4040-0730-10 Fume Hood Maintenance Maintenance & Testing 1-4040-0760-00 Office Expense 1-4040-0760-30 Books & Publications AWWA Books 1-4040-0730-00 Maintenance $1,820 1-4040-0810-00 Professional Development 1,820 Backflow Specialist Certifications Misc AWWA Trainings 1-4040-0830-00 Travel & Conferences AWWA/Water Quality Conference Section Total 1-4040-0830-00 Travel & Conferences Annual Operating Budget FY19 Financial Summaries 34 | Page Finance Bargaining Unit Professional & Confidential Management Finance Manager Customer Service Supervisor Customer Service Representative III (2 positions) Customer Service Representative II (2 positions) Senior Accountant Accountant Accounting Assistant II (2 positions) Meter Services Lead Meter Reader II (2 positions) Meter Reader I Annual Operating Budget FY19 Financial Summaries 35 | Page Finance: Admin FY17 Budget FY17 YE Acutals FY18 Budget FY18 YE Projections FY19 Budget Expenses (Operating) Salary Related Expenses Salaries 897,230$ 917,027$ 1,017,486$ 1,048,194$ 1,106,914$ Fringe Benefits 167,309$ 189,797$ 204,076$ 220,126$ 258,498$ Overtime 8,105$ 14,642$ 10,122$ 4,809$ 10,802$ Mandatory Benefits 90,810$ 90,843$ 102,007$ 103,495$ 115,580$ Total Salary Related Expenses 1,163,454$ 1,212,309$ 1,333,690$ 1,376,624$ 1,491,794$ Supplies & Services Communications 107,125$ 99,229$ 107,125$ 103,902$ 94,497$ Contractual Services 89,560$ 75,686$ 76,050$ 79,365$ 80,897$ Data Processing -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Dues & Memberships 590$ 425$ 565$ 550$ 690$ Fees & Permits 128,025$ 150,938$ 160,615$ 152,825$ 159,907$ Insurance 600$ 500$ 600$ 500$ 600$ Materials 23,000$ 22,071$ 23,000$ 17,551$ 23,000$ District Activities & Events 1,100$ 963$ 1,050$ 840$ 1,100$ Maintenance 600$ -$ 600$ 611$ 300$ Non-Capital Equipment 5,100$ 646$ 4,075$ 461$ 2,100$ Office Expense 14,050$ 11,526$ 13,775$ 7,287$ 9,550$ Professional Services 37,150$ 77,222$ 50,300$ 49,918$ 60,300$ Professional Development 5,415$ 4,731$ 7,440$ 4,033$ 10,470$ Travel & Conferences 7,325$ 1,845$ 5,695$ 5,393$ 4,700$ Uncollectible Accounts 35,000$ 9,041$ 18,500$ 2,997$ 3,000$ Supplies & Services Sub-Total 454,640$ 454,823$ 469,390$ 426,233$ 451,111$ Category Total Sub Acct Total Detail Amt 155 160 125 $600 600 600 $500 500 500 7,000 3,000 1,500 13,000 24,000 10,000 10,000 300 160 300 210 350 1,000 1,000 $63,360 GASB 68 Statement Preparation (CalPERS Reports) Primary GL Category Sub Acct No./Sub Category Detail Item Description 1-3010-0640-00 Dues, Memberships, & Subscriptions $440 1-3010-0640-00 Dues, Memberships, & Subscriptions 440 CMTA GFOA CSMFO CDAR Preparation Financial Advisor Svcs - Financial Services Auditors 1-3010-0780-36 P f i l S i W t 1-3010-0690-00 Insurance 1-3010-0690-00 Insurance Honesty Bond (CNA Surety) 1-3010-0715-00 District Meetings and Events 1-3010-0715-50 General Meeting Expense Meeting Supplies Water Rate Consultant 1-3010-0780-00 Professional Services $58,500 1-3010-0780-00 Professional Services 48,500 Actuarial Services - OPEB Section Total 1-3010-0830-00 Travel & Conferences $2,000 1-3010-0830-00 Travel & Conferences 2,000 CMTA/CDIAC Annual Conference GFOA Annual Conference 1-3010-0810-00 Professional Development $1,320 1-3010-0810-00 Professional Development 1,320 GFOA Webinars WEROC Disaster Training CSMFO Webinars CSMFO Chapter Meetings CMTA - California Treasury Certificate Annual Operating Budget FY19 Financial Summaries 36 | Page Finance: Accounting Category Total Sub Acct No./Sub Category Sub Acct Total Detail Amt $625 1-3020-0580-00 Communications 625 625 525 600 $250 1-3020-0640-00 Dues, Memberships, & Subscriptions 250 250 150 525 350 250 26,200 $250 1-3020-0715-50 General Meeting Expense 250 250 $300 1-3020-0730-00 Maintenance 300 300 $500 1-3020-0750-00 Non-Capital Equipment 500 500 1-3020-0760-00 Office Expense 5,000 5,000 1-3020-0760-10 Paper 2,900 2,900 315 150 720 135 1,000 1,200 1,400 900 250 935 865 $46,295Section Total 2016 Government Tax Update (4 x 350) Training GFOA CPFO Certificate CMTA/CDIAC training 1-3020-0830-00 Travel & Conferences $1,800 1-3020-0830-00 Travel & Conferences 1,800 CSMFO conference travel costs CalPERS Ed Forum Conference 1-3020-0810-00 Professional Development $6,070 1-3020-0810-00 Professional Development 6,070 CSMFO Chpter Mtings (1x2x35) +(2x2x35)+(3x1x35) GFOA Annual GAAP Update Training GFOA Training CSDA Webinar Training Staff Training -PR/Acctg Training Class (4 x 250) National Training Seminar 1-3020-0715-00 District Meetings and Meeting Supplies 1-3020-0760-00 Office Expense $7,900 Office Supplies Paper 1-3020-0730-00 Maintenance Small Office Equipment Maintenance 1-3020-0750-00 Non-Capital Equipment Misc Office Equipment 1-3020-0640-00 Dues, Memberships, & Subscriptions CSMFO (2 x 125) 1-3020-0645-00 Fees & Permits $27,475 1-3020-0645-00 Fees & Permits 1,025 CSMFO Budget Reviewer Fee GFOA CAFR Reviewer Fee GFOA Budget Award Reviewer Fee 1-3020-0645-50 Bank Service/Fees 26,450 Safe Deposit Box Fee Analysis Fees ($5250/Qtr x4) + ($45 x12BofW Fee) Primary GL Category Detail Item Description 1-3020-0580-00 Communications Publish Unclaimed List (OC Register) 1-3020-0600-00 Contractual Services $1,125 1-3020-0600-00 Contractual Services 1,125 Green Shades Doculivery ($50 x 12 months) Annual Operating Budget FY19 Financial Summaries 37 | Page Finance: Customer Service Finance: Meter Reading Category Total Sub Acct Total Detail Amt 4,000 4,000 89,872 89,872 2,000 1,114 300 4,439 600 38,784 26,835 5,700 5,700 $132,432 132,432 132,432 $350 350 350 350 750 400 700 400 $1,800 1,800 1,800 1,500 500 200 $200 200 200 $3,000 3,000 3,000 $316,226 Info Send E-Bill Fees Primary GL Category Sub Acct No./Sub Category Detail Item Description 1-3030-0580-00 Communications $93,872 1-3030-0580-10 Postage Meter Postage In-house 1-3030-0580-22 Postage - Infosend Postage - Infosend 1-3030-0645-00 Fees & Permits 1-3030-0645-50 Bank Services/Fees Lock BoxPymt Processing/Credrt Card Fees/ACH 1-3030-0715-00 District Meetings and Events 1-3030-0715-50 General Meeting Expense Meeting Supplies 1-3030-0600-55 Answering Service Phone Answering Service 1-3030-0600-00 Contractual Services $79,772 1-3030-0600-00 Contractual Services 3,414 Wells Fargo Lockbox Meter & Scale Lease Agreement ($95 x 12) Post Office Box 1-3030-0600-21 Customer Credit Check 5,039 Online - Credit Checks Online - Utility Exchange - web access 1-3030-0600-22 Printing of Bills - Infosend 65,619 Mailing Service 1-3030-0750-00 Non-Capital Equipment $1,100 1-3030-0750-00 Non-Capital Equipment 1,100 Scanner General Equipment 1-3030-0760-00 Office Expense $1,500 1-3030-0760-00 Office Expense 1,500 Postage Machine Ink Yellow Tags General Supplies 1-3030-0780-00 Professional Services 1-3030-0780-09 Collection Services Collection Fees 1-3030-0810-00 Professional Development $2,200 1-3030-0810-00 Professional Development 2,200 Customer Service Training - Star12 California Water Utility Manager Seminars CSDA Webinars Section Total 1-3030-0830-00 Travel & Conferences 1-3030-0830-50 Meeting Mileage Mileage Reimbursement 1-3030-0850-00 Uncollectible Accounts 1-3030-0850-00 Uncollectible Accounts Uncollectible Accounts Category Total Sub Acct Total Detail Amt $23,000 23,000 23,000 $500 500 500 $150 150 150 700 700 180 180 $700 700 700 $25,230 1-3040-0830-00 Travel & Conferences 1-3040-0830-00 Travel & Conferences AWWA Conference Section Total 1-3040-0810-00 Professional Development $880 1-3040-0810-00 Professional Development Training classes 1-3040-0810-40 Certificate Reimbursement Certificate Reimbursement 1-3040-0750-00 Non-Capital Equipment 1-3040-0750-00 Non-Capital Equipment Meter Shop Equipment 1-3040-0760-00 Office Expense 1-3040-0760-00 Office Expense Office Supplies Primary GL Category Sub Acct No./Sub Category Detail Item Description 1-3040-0710-00 Materials 1-3040-0710-58 Registers Registers Annual Operating Budget FY19 Financial Summaries 38 | Page Human Resources FY17 Budget FY17 YE Actuals FY18 Budget FY18 YE Projections FY19 Budget Expenses (Operating) Salary Related Expenses Salaries 526,230$ 521,047$ 536,253$ 519,647$ 564,294$ Fringe Benefits 101,851$ 70,788$ 114,278$ 97,154$ 127,546$ Overtime 4,327$ 923$ 5,321$ 1,942$ 6,572$ Mandatory Benefits 52,838$ 87,667$ 52,741$ 48,590$ 55,035$ Total Salary Related Expenses 685,246$ 680,425$ 708,593$ 667,333$ 753,447$ Supplies & Services Communications 2,500$ 3,253$ 2,500$ 2,100$ 2,500$ Contractual Services 31,850$ 15,351$ 32,240$ 17,151$ 29,935$ Data Processing -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Dues & Memberships 8,595$ 9,166$ 7,920$ 8,383$ 7,570$ Insurance 285,000$ 255,439$ 282,000$ 279,234$ 301,500$ Materials 1,600$ 1,507$ 2,100$ 1,294$ 2,100$ District Activities & Events 17,950$ 6,137$ 15,550$ 14,404$ 24,100$ Non-Capital Equipment 1,800$ 1,417$ 3,800$ 4,961$ 5,800$ Office Expense 900$ 921$ 700$ 1,250$ 1,650$ Professional Services 103,850$ 41,667$ 93,850$ 88,456$ 64,500$ Professional Development 25,000$ 14,266$ 22,450$ 16,700$ 33,850$ Travel & Conferences 7,850$ 6,948$ 7,750$ 6,491$ 13,850$ Supplies & Services Sub-Total 486,895$ 356,072$ 470,860$ 440,424$ 487,355$ Bargaining Unit Professional & Confidential Management Human Resources/ Risk and Safety Manager Records Management Administrator Records Management Specialist Safety & Training Analyst Human Resources Analyst Human Resources Technician Annual Operating Budget FY19 Financial Summaries 39 | Page Human Resources: Admin Primary GL Category Category Total Sub Acct No./Sub Category Sub Acct Total Detail Amt 1-7010-0580-00 Communications $2,500 1-7010-0580-05 Advertising 2,500 2,500 500 1,800 5,300 3,000 3,200 1,850 1-7010-0600-10 Physicals 3,000 3,000 1,000 0 800 5,000 400 4,400 350 90 2,000 7,500 1,500 4,500 600 1-7010-0715-30 District Events - Benefit Fair 1,500 1,500 1-7010-0715-40 District Events - Employee Promotional 2,000 2,000 700 300 400 300 1-7010-0760-30 Books & Publications 250 250 1-7010-0780-05 Legal Services 50,000 50,000 1-7010-0780-55 Investigations 12,000 12,000 600 16,000 600 1,000 450 3,600 1,500 1,400 2,400 Section Total $144,290 1-7010-0830-00 Travel & Conferences $9,350 1-7010-0830-00 Travel & Conferences 9,350 Public Retirement Seminar (2 Employees) LCW (3 Employees) CalPERS (2 Employees) PELRAC (2 Employees) NEOGOV (2 Employees) 1-7010-0780-00 Professional Services $62,000 Liebert Cassidy Whitmore Employment Law Investigations, Backgrounds, and EE Relations 1-7010-0810-00 Professional Development $18,200 1-7010-0810-00 Professional Development 16,600 PELRAC Academy LCW/Other - Training 1-7010-0810-20 Job Training 1,600 Certificate Maintenance On-going Job Training 1-7010-0715-50 General Meeting Expense 1,000 Meeting/Training Supplies Recruitment Process 1-7010-0760-00 Office Expense $950 1-7010-0760-00 Office Expense 700 Office Supplies District Apparel 1-7010-0715-00 District Meetings and Events $20,600 1-7010-0715-20 District Events - Employee Recognition 16,100 Public Retirement Journal Retiree Event (2) Retiree Recognition Benefit Fair Employee Promotional Items PELRAC Jobs Available Subscription All Hands Meeting Employee Events Service Recognition 1-7010-0640-00 Dues, Memberships & Subscriptions $5,240 1-7010-0640-00 Dues, Memberships & Subscriptions 5,240 CALPELRA Annual Dues LCW (Consortium & Library) New Titer Test 1-7010-0600-30 Health & Welfare 5,800 Flu Shots Interactive Process Detail Item Description Job Advertising Expenses 1-7010-0600-00 Contractual Services $25,450 1-7010-0600-00 Contractual Services 15,650 COBRA Solutions Flex Advantage NEOGOV - Performance CPS (Testing) - Human Resources NEOGOV - Insight NEOGOV - Onboard Fit for Duty 1-7010-0600-20 Post Offer/Pre-Employments Physicals 1,000 Post-offer Pre-employment physicals Annual Operating Budget FY19 Financial Summaries 40 | Page Human Resources: Risk Human Resources: Records Management Category Total Sub Acct Total Detail Amt 0 0 300 300 150 700 5,000 5,000 250,500 250,500 46,000 46,000 $1,000 1,000 1,000 $1,000 1,000 1,000 $500 500 500 $305,150 1-7020-0830-00 Travel & Conferences 1-7020-0830-00 Travel & Conferences PARMA Conference Section Total 1-7020-0780-00 Professional Services 1-7020-0780-00 Professional Services First Aid-Injured Workers 1-7020-0810-00 Professional Development 1-7020-0810-00 Professional Development Risk Management Training 1-7020-0690-00 Insurance $301,500 1-7020-0690-10 Tort Claims Tort Claims - < 15K 1-7020-0690-20 Liability Insurance ACWA-JPIA Liability Insurance 1-7020-0690-30 Property Insurance ACWA-JPIA Property Insurance 1-7020-0640-00 Dues, Memberships, & Subscriptions $850 1-7020-0640-00 Dues, Memberships, & Subscriptions 850 PARMA Membership AED Medical Director Oversight Primary GL Category Sub Acct No./Sub Category Detail Item Description 1-7020-0600-00 Contractual Services $300 1-7020-0600-00 Contractual Services Electrical Safety - Audit Inspections 1-7020-0600-08 Drug Screening Process Drug Screening Process Category Total Sub Acct Total Detail Amt 400 80 100 $1,200 1,200 1,200 800 1,000 $200 200 200 1,000 500 800 800 700 200 2,500 1,000 $10,480Section Total 1-7040-0830-00 Travel & Conferences $3,500 1-7040-0830-00 Travel & Conferences 3,500 ARMA Conference LaserFiche User Conference 1-7040-0810-00 Professional Development $1,700 1-7040-0810-00 Professional Development RIM Seminars 1-7040-0810-20 Job Training 900 ARMA & AIIM Chapter Training SessionsICRM Certification Maintenance 1-7040-0760-00 Office Expense 1-7040-0760-30 Books and Publications RIM Books 1-7040-0780-00 Professional Services $1,500 1-7040-0780-00 Professional Services 1,500 Shredding Services Gladwell Government Services 1-7040-0715-00 District Meetings & Events 1-7040-0715-00 District Meetings & Events General Meeting Expenses 1-7040-0750-00 Non-Capital Equipment $1,800 1-7040-0750-00 Non-Capital Equipment 1,800 Archival Supplies Disaster Recovery Primary GL Category Sub Acct No./Sub Category Detail Item Description 1-7040-0640-00 Dues, Memberships, & Subscriptions $580 1-7040-0640-00 Dues, Memberships, & Subscriptions 580 ARMA International Arma Chapter Memebership SCA Annual Operating Budget FY19 Financial Summaries 41 | Page Human Resources: Safety Category Total Sub Acct Total Detail Amt 1,000 280 1,200 1,105 600 600 500 150 0 250 900 1,200 1,200 1,100 $4,000 4,000 4,000 150 350 0 2,750 0 2,500 1,200 3,000 2,000 1,500 1,500 250 150 100 $27,435 Primary GL Category Sub Acct No./Sub Category Detail Item Description 1-7030-0600-00 Contractual Services $4,185 1-7030-0600-00 Contractual Services 3,585 HEP B ($250 x 4) Titer Shot ($70 x 4) Hearing Testing Respiratory Protection ($85 x 13) 1-7030-0600-10 DOT Physicals DOT (17 x $35) 1-7030-0640-00 Dues, Memberships, & Subscriptions $900 1-7030-0640-00 Dues, Memberships, & Subscriptions 900 Cal-OSHA Reporter PASMA (2 x 75) Safety Center Inc. ASSE 1-7030-0710-00 Materials $2,100 1-7030-0710-00 Materials 2,100 First Aid Restocker First Aid Supplies (Field Backpacks) 1-7030-0715-00 District Meetings and Events $2,300 1-7030-0715-50 General Meeting Expense 2,300 Meeting/Training Supplies Safety Works (Promo Safety Recognition) 1-7030-0750-00 Non-Capital Equipment 1-7030-0750-00 Non-Capital Equipment Misc Ergonomic Equipment 1-7030-0760-00 Office Expense $500 1-7030-0760-00 Office Expense 500 AWWA M3 Safety Manual NFPA Code Book 11,450 Portable Fire Extinguisher First Aid/CPR/BBP/AED Electrical Safety Training Confind Space Rescue Air Sampling - Silica Standard First Responder Training Section Total Lock Out Tag Out 1-7030-0810-20 Job Training On Job Training 1-7030-0830-00 Travel & Conferences $500 1-7030-0830-00 Travel & Conferences 500 PASMA Safety Safety Fest - WEROC (2 Employees) PASMA/PARMA Winter Conference 1-7030-0810-00 Professional Development $12,950 1-7030-0810-10 OSHA Compliance Annual Operating Budget FY19 Financial Summaries 42 | Page Information Technology FY17 Budget FY17 YE Actuals FY18 Budget FY18 YE Projections FY19 Budget Expenses (Operating) Salary Related Expenses Salaries 485,192$ 503,805$ 516,488$ 492,009$ 561,905$ Fringe Benefits 66,241$ 86,821$ 79,118$ 94,163$ 112,366$ Overtime 5,305$ 4,502$ 5,584$ 11,651$ 13,750$ Mandatory Benefits 51,503$ 52,981$ 55,590$ 52,717$ 62,222$ Total Salary Related Expenses 608,241$ 648,109$ 656,780$ 650,540$ 750,244$ Supplies & Services Communications -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Contractual Services 107,665$ 101,050$ 111,100$ 101,841$ 131,400$ Data Processing 220,709$ 237,413$ 215,400$ 269,943$ 247,450$ Dues & Memberships 280$ -$ 80$ 716$ 80$ Materials 3,900$ 4,546$ 3,900$ 11,193$ 8,500$ District Activities & Events 800$ 171$ 800$ 150$ 800$ Maintenance 8,450$ 7,880$ 8,950$ 13,546$ 13,850$ Non-Capital Equipment 91,200$ 95,331$ 41,650$ 46,666$ 47,250$ Office Expense 15,150$ 12,202$ 14,100$ 10,954$ 10,600$ Professional Services 51,500$ 37,700$ 39,000$ 43,592$ 29,000$ Professional Development 11,000$ 3,663$ 9,000$ 3,337$ 7,000$ Travel & Conferences 16,100$ 9,788$ 12,950$ 9,360$ 11,700$ Utilities 101,700$ 81,339$ 95,700$ 107,900$ 82,700$ Supplies & Services Sub-Total 628,454$ 591,083$ 552,630$ 619,198$ 590,330$ Bargaining Unit Professional & Confidential Management Information Technology Manager Information Systems Administrator Information Systems Technician I Programmer Analyst GIS Analyst Annual Operating Budget FY19 Financial Summaries 43 | Page Information Technology: Admin Information Technology: GIS Category Total Sub Acct Total Detail Amt $500 500 500 $500 500 500 1,600 900 $3,500 1-6010-0810-00 Professional Development 1-6010-0810-00 Professional Development Pluralsight Tech Library Section Total 1-6010-0830-00 Travel & Conferences $2,500 1-6010-0830-00 2,500 Interop (April/May) WinConnections (November) Primary GL Category Sub Acct No./Sub Detail Item Description 1-6010-0715-00 District Meetings and Events 1-6010-0715-50 General Meeting Expense Meeting Supplies Category Total Sub Acct No./Sub Category Sub Acct Total Detail Amt 1,500 5,900 900 3,300 4,000 2,800 3,000 3,000 2,000 $1,500 1-6030-0730-05 Printer Servicing 1,500 1,500 $500 1-6030-0750-30 Tools & Equipment 500 500 1,500 1,500 $20,000 1-6030-0780-20 20,000 20,000 2,000 2,000 1,650 350 $57,400 2,000 GIS ESRI User Conference Mileage and Travel Reimbursement Section Total 1-6030-0830-00 Travel & Conferences $2,000 1-6030-0830-00 CMMS & GIS Consulting 1-6030-0810-00 Professional Development 1-6030-0810-00 4,000 GIS Analyst Training GIS & CMMS Training, Miller Spatial $4,000 1-6030-0780-00 Professional Services Large Format Printer Repair 1-6030-0750-00 Non-Capital Equipment GIS Miscellaneous Tools (Hardware) 1-6030-0760-00 Office Expense 1-6030-0760-21 Printer Supplies 3,000 Atlas Water & Sewer Supplies Large Format Printer Ink $3,000 1-6030-0730-00 Maintenance Primary GL Category Detail Item Description 1-6030-0620-00 Data Processing 1-6030-0620-20$26,400 26,400 Microsoft Project License ArcGIS Server Standard Enterprise Maintenance ArcView Single Use Maintenance ArcInfo Concurrent Maintenance SCADA Watch Software Renewal AutoCAD Renewal InfoWater Renewal ArcEditor Concurrent Maintenance (2) Freeance Maintenance Annual Operating Budget FY19 Financial Summaries 44 | Page Information Technology: Information Systems Category Total Sub Acct Total Detail Amt 16,200 1,200 19,000 19,000 21,000 17,000 4,000 6,000 35,000 35,000 12,000 12,000 8,600 3,600 17,000 250 250 500 40,000 1,700 2,000 12,000 30,000 13,000 1,500 5,000 56,000 3,200 2,000 13,500 500 9,450 9,450 1,000 1,000 $80 80 80 2,500 1,000 5,000 5,000 Hardware Subscription Renewals 1-6020-0620-47 Cell Phone Supplies 1-6020-0640-00 Dues, Memberships, & 1-6020-0640-00 Magazine Subscriptions 1-6020-0710-00 Materials $8,500 1-6020-0710-51 3,500 Adapters Cables 1-6020-0710-60 Hardware Supplies and Materials 1-6020-0620-00 Data Processing $221,050 1-6020-0620-30 12,200 Additional Licenses Solar Winds - Additional Modules 1-6020-0620-20 198,400 Solar Winds Orion Monitoring Tool Maintenance Lenel Onguard Software Support Agreement Renewal Trend Micro NeatSuite Antivirus & Spyware 110 lice Netmotion Mobility XE Premium Software Maintenance Laserfische Annual Support Greenshades 1-6020-0620-10 Primary GL Category Sub Acct No./Sub Category Detail Item Description 1-6020-0600-00 Contractual Services $131,400 1-6020-0600-10 17,400 DR Location - Switch Rental FTP Today for FTP service 1-6020-0600-20 L A t Konica Minolta Copier Lease 1-6020-0600-30 48,000 RMJ Tech. GPS Vehicle Tracking Service NEAT Adobe Acrobat License (Finance) Dell Hardware Service Contracts APC Symmetra Data Center UPS On-Site Service Rene SCADA Cisco Smartnet Router Renewal 1-6020-0600-32 Cell Phones (Units) & Service 1-6020-0600-33 Mobile Broadband Data Service Appassure Backup Software Renewal Great Plains Annual Maintenance/Support Microsoft Volume License Renewals Solar Winds Engineering's Toolkit Renewal Veratio Renewal CityWorks Annual Maintenance NovusAgenda Replacement Program VMWare vSphere (Essentials Plus Kit) Maintenance Adobe Creative Cloud (Admin) Annual Operating Budget FY19 Financial Summaries 45 | Page Information Technology: Information Systems, continued Category Total Sub Acct Total Detail Amt $300 300 300 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 2,000 2,000 3,000 3,000 4,000 350 5,000 5,000 6,800 2,300 2,200 250 250 1,000 7,500 3,700 3,700 18,000 18,000 100 100 6,500 6,500 1,000 1,000 8,000 8,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,500 2,800 1,800 400 2,200 15,000 10,700 24,500 6,500 26,000 $529,430 7,200 VM World Emergency Backup Location Visits Mileage Reimbursement Intersect (October) R.S. 1-6020-0870-00 Utilities 1-6020-0870-00 82,700 DR Communications Dedicated Internet Fiber - 20 Dedicated Internet Fiber Access - 200 District Phone Lines SCADA Communications Lines $82,700 Section Total $7,2001-6020-0830-00 Travel & Conferences 1-6020-0830-00 1-6020-0780-11 Network/Hardware Consulting IT Consulting Services 1-6020-0780-50 T h i l S t Technical Support 1-6020-0810-00 Professional Development 1-6020-0810-00 2,500 Pluralsight General Training $2,500 1-6020-0780-00 Professional Services $9,000 Replacement/Additional Monitors 1-6020-0750-65 Switches & Appurtenances 1-6020-0760-00 Office Expense $7,600 1-6020-0760-00 Offi E Business Cards 1-6020-0760-21 Printer Supplies - Toners, Fusers, Ink 1-6020-0760-26 Desktop Supplies Desktop Supplies. 1-6020-0750-00 Non-Capital Equipment $46,750 1-6020-0750-41 Non-Capital Equipment 1-6020-0750-09 11,300 KVM System Interface Pods Network Equipment Data Center Switches 1-6020-0750-30 Data Center Equipment (Rack & Cabinet) 1-6020-0750-35 8,500 Access Badges & FOBS Network Security 1-6020-0750-00 Meeting Supplies 1-6020-0730-00 Maintenance $12,350 1-6020-0730-00 Maintenance 1-6020-0730-06 Printer Servicing 1-6020-0730-11 Telco/Phone Servicing 1-6020-0730-30 Cabling (CAT6A, CAT5e, Fiber): Installation & Repa 1-6020-0730-60 4,350 APC Symmetra Data Center; UPS battery modules (6) UPS replacement batteries for desktops 1-6020-0715-00 District Meetings and Events 1-6020-0715-50 Meeting Supplies Primary GL Category Sub Acct No./Sub Category Detail Item Description Annual Operating Budget FY19 Financial Summaries 46 | Page Operations Bargaining Unit Professional & Confidential Management Operations Manager Senior Fleet Mechanic Mechanic III Mechanic II Office Clerk Water Production Superintendent Facilities Maintenance Worker Chief Water System Operator Senior Plant Operator Plant Operator II (2 positions) Plant Operator I Senior SCADA Technician Electrical/ Instrumentation Technician Operations/ Warehouse Assistant Water Maintenance Superintendent Senior Maintenance Worker (4 positions) Maintenance Worker III (5 positions) Maintenance Worker II (6 positions) Maintenance Worker I (9 positions) Annual Operating Budget FY19 Financial Summaries 47 | Page Operations: Admin Category Total Sub Acct Total Detail Amt $15,000 15,000 15,000 $0 0 0 $15,000 15,000 15,000 $3,000 3,000 3,000 $10,000 10,000 10,000 7,000 7,000 3,500 3,500 300 300 4,000 4,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 3,000 3,000 1,000 1,000 500 500 $64,300Section Total 1-5010-0830-00 Travel & Conferences $4,500 1-5010-0830-00 Travel and Conferences 1-5010-0830-40 Registration 1-5010-0830-50 Meeting Mileage Mileage 1-5010-0810-00 Professional Development $2,000 1-5010-0810-00 Professional Development Training 1-5010-0810-40 Certificate Reimbursement Certificate Reimbursement 1-5010-0760-00 Office Expense $14,800 1-5010-0760-00 General Office Expense 1-5010-0760-20 Printer Ink 1-5010-0760-30 Manuals/Books/Magazines 1-5010-0760-40 Breakroom Supplies 1-5010-0715-00 District Meetings and Events 1-5010-0715-50 Meeting Supplies 1-5010-0750-00 Non-Capital Equipment 1-5010-0750-50 Safety Equipment Safety Equipment (Regulatory Requirements) 1-5010-0640-00 Dues, Memberships, & 1-5010-0640-00 Dues, Memberships, & Dues and Memberships 1-5010-0710-00 Materials 1-5010-0710-65 PPE Equipment Primary GL Category Sub Acct No./Sub Category Detail Item Description 1-5010-0600-00 Contractual Services 1-5010-0600-50 Uniforms (District-Wide) Annual Operating Budget FY19 Financial Summaries 48 | Page Operations: Maintenance Category Total Sub Acct Total Detail Amt 2,100 2,100 12,000 12,000 8,500 8,500 40,000 40,000 4,500 4,500 5,000 5,000 90,000 90,000 130,000 130,000 5,000 5,000 28,936 28,936 15,000 15,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 5,500 5,500 90,000 90,000 15,000 15,000 3,000 3,000 3,500 3,500 6,000 6,000 5,000 5,000 200,000 200,000 65,000 65,000 2,000 2,000 0 0 2,000 2,000 10,000 10,000 1,000 1,000 2,000 2,000 4,000 4,000 2,000 2,000 500 500 $761,536 Primary GL Category Sub Acct No./Sub Category Detail Item Description 1-5020-0645-00 Fees & Permits $22,600 1-5020-0645-25 NPDES/RWQCB NPDES Deminimus (RWQCB) 1-5020-0645-45 Landfill (Orange County & Dan Coop) 1-5020-0645-55 Encroachment Permits 1-5020-0710-00 Materials $439,436 1-5020-0710-05 Road Material Road Material 1-5020-0710-13 Air-Vac parts 1-5020-0710-15 Cl V l P t Cla Valve Parts 1-5020-0710-25 Hydrant Repair Parts Hydrant Repair Parts 1-5020-0710-30 Valve Repair Parts Valve Repair Parts 1-5020-0710-36 City of Yorba Linda Valves Adjustments 1-5020-0710-40 Replacement Meters Meters 1-5020-0710-55 Meter Meter Boxes/Lids/Vaults 1-5020-0710-60 H d S li Hardware Supplies 1-5020-0710-81 Welding Supplies Welding Supplies 1-5020-0710-85 Cleaning/Painting Supplies 1-5020-0710-90 Wt S i R i Water Service Repair Parts 1-5020-0710-94 Miscellaneous Warehouse Parts 1-5020-0710-96 R d Mi C t Ready Mix Concrete 1-5020-0710-98 Landscape Supplies 1-5020-0730-00 Maintenance $278,000 1-5020-0730-00 Maintenance General Maintenance 1-5020-0730-36 City of Yorba Linda Valve Repair 1-5020-0730-66 Asphalt Paving 1-5020-0730-67 Concrete Repair 1-5020-0730-72 Safety Equipment Repairs 1-5020-0750-00 Non-Capital Equipment $12,000 1-5020-0750-00 Non Capital Equipment General Non-Capital Equipment 1-5020-0750-15 Equipment Rental 1-5020-0750-30 Tools & Equipment 1-5020-0810-00 Professional Development $3,000 1-5020-0810-00 Professional Training 1-5020-0810-40 Certificate Certificate Reimbursement Section Total 1-5020-0830-00 Travel & Conferences $6,500 1-5020-0830-00 Travel & Conferences 1-5020-0830-40 Registration 1-5020-0830-50 Meeting Mileage Annual Operating Budget FY19 Financial Summaries 49 | Page Operations: Sewer Category Total Sub Acct Total Detail Amt 2,088 2,088 500 500 $0 0 0 500 500 5,000 5,000 30,000 30,000 5,000 5,000 100,000 100,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 12,000 12,000 1,000 1,000 20,000 20,000 $30,000 30,000 30,000 1,800 1,800 6,000 6,000 1,000 1,000 3,500 3,500 2,200 2,200 $700 700 700 25,000 25,000 1,000 1,000 7,500 7,500 15,600 15,600 $300,388Section Total 2-5030-0870-00 Utilities 2-5030-0870-10 Electricity 2-5030-0890-00 Vehicle Expenses $49,100 2-5030-0890-46 OPS - Sewer Vehicle Maint 2-5030-0890-47 OPS - Sewer - Equipment Maintenance 2-5030-0890-48 OPS - Sewer - Gas 2-5030-0890-49 OPS - Sewer - Diesel 2-5030-0830-00 Travel & Conferences $5,700 2-5030-0830-00 Travenl & Conferences 2-5030-0830-40 Registration 2-5030-0750-00 Non-Capital Equipment 2-5030-0750-30 Tools & Equipment Tools & Equipment 2-5030-0810-00 Professional Development $8,800 2-5030-0810-00 Training 2-5030-0810-20 Class A Job Training 2-5030-0810-40 Certificate Reimbursement Certificate Reimbursement 2-5030-0730-00 Maintenance $168,000 2-5030-0730-00 General Maintenance 2-5030-0730-59 Sewer Line Repairs Sewer Line Repairs 2-5030-0730-65 Vector Control in Manholes 2-5030-0730-66 Asphalt Paving 2-5030-0730-71 CCTV Repairs CCTV Repairs 2-5030-0730-72 S f t E i t R i Safety Equipment Repairs 2-5030-0730-86 City of Yorba Linda Manhole Adjustments 2-5030-0640-00 Dues, Memberships, 2-5030-0640-00 Dues, Memberships, CWEA Memberships 2-5030-0710-00 Materials $35,500 2-5030-0710-60 H d S li Hardware Supplies 2-5030-0710-86 City of Placentia Manhole Adjustments 2-5030-0710-92 Sewer Main Repair Parts Primary GL Category Sub Acct No./Sub Category Detail Item Description 2-5030-0645-00 Fees & Permits $2,588 2-5030-0645-30 WDR - SSO (SWRCB) 2-5030-0645-55 Encroachment Permits Annual Operating Budget FY19 Financial Summaries 50 | Page Operations: Production Category Total Sub Acct Total Detail Amt $0 0 0 3,000 3,000 35,000 35,000 2,000 2,000 50,000 50,000 12,000 12,000 0 0 4,000 4,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 18,000 18,000 30,000 30,000 5,000 5,000 0 0 2,000 2,000 7,000 7,000 500 500 500 500 3,000 3,000 1,000 1,000 $183,000Section Total 1-5040-0830-00 Travel & Conferences $4,000 1-5040-0830-00 Travel & Conferences 1-5040-0830-40 Registration 1-5040-0750-90 Emergency Equipment Supplies 1-5040-0810-00 Professional Development $1,000 1-5040-0810-00 P f i l D l t Training 1-5040-0810-40 Certificate Reimbursement Certificate Reimbursment 1-5040-0730-29 Wells Calibration Mtce Wells: Calibration, Maint. & Repairs 1-5040-0730-75 P St ti R i Pump Station Repairs 1-5040-0750-00 Non-Capital Equipment $9,000 1-5040-0750-00 N C it l E i t General Non-Capital Equipment 1-5040-0750-30 Tools & Equipment 1-5040-0730-00 Maintenance $67,000 1-5040-0730-05 CL2 System Service CL2 System Service 1-5040-0730-10 Motor Services Electrical Motor Repairs/Services 1-5040-0730-20 G l El t i S i Electric General Maintenance 1-5040-0730-24 Reservoir Services Hardware Supplies 1-5040-0710-75 Salt Salt & Water Softeners 1-5040-0710-84 Valves, Gauges, AV, etc. 1-5040-0710-85 Cl i/Piti S li Cleaning/Painting Supplies 1-5040-0710-00 Materials $102,000 1-5040-0710-17 Pump Parts 1-5040-0710-35 CL2 System Parts 1-5040-0710-60 Primary GL Category Sub Acct No./Sub Category Detail Item Description 1-5040-0640-00 Dues, Memberships, Sb i i 1-5040-0640-00 Dues, Memberships, Sb i i OCWA Memberships Annual Operating Budget FY19 Financial Summaries 51 | Page Operations: SCADA Category Total Sub Acct Total Detail Amt $35,000 35,000 35,000 $250 250 250 500 500 1,000 1,000 100 100 3,000 2,000 3,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 25,000 25,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 0 0 0 0 2,500 2,500 500 500 1,500 1,500 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 $2,000 2,000 2,000 $2,000 2,000 2,000 $132,350 1-5045-0640-00 1-5045-0730-00 Maintenance $39,500 1-5045-0730-15 1-5045-0730-45 Primary GL Category Sub Acct No./Sub Category Detail Item Description Software License Renewals1-5045-0620-00 Data Processing 1-5045-0620-20 Dues & Memberships 1-5045-0710-00 Materials $11,600 1-5045-0710-60 Hardware Supplies Hardware Supplies 1-5045-0710-64 El t i l S li Electrical Supplies 1-5045-0710-72 C lib ti S li Calibration Supplies 1-5045-0710-78 10,000 Flow Meters Integral Manifolds for Flow & Pressure Meters Level Indicators Gas Detector Replacement (@BPS) 1-5045-0640-00 Dues, Memberships & Production Flow Meter Calibration 1-5045-0730-20 Electrical General Maintenance 1-5045-0730-40 Radio Repairs and Radio Repairs & Servicing RTU Cabinet Hardware 1-5045-0730-55 Security & Gas Detectors 1-5045-0730-61 Cooling A/C Servicing Cooling & A/C Service Instrumentation 1-5045-0750-00 Non-Capital Equipment $12,000 1-5045-0750-09 Field Routers, Switches, Fiber Device Servers, Mod 1-5045-0750-30 Tools & Equipment Tools & Equipment 1-5045-0750-55 PLC & P l PLCs & Panels 1-5045-0750-65 Electrical Upgrades Electrical Upgrades 1-5045-0730-62 I t t ti 30,000 SCADA System Programing Maintenance PLC - SCADA Modifications PLC Program Conversions to Unity 1-5045-0810-00 Professional Development 1-5045-0810-00 Training 1-5045-0780-00 Professional Services $30,000 1-5045-0780-20 Software Consulting 1-5045-0830-00 Travel & Conferences 1-5045-0830-00 Travel & Conferences Section Total Annual Operating Budget FY19 Financial Summaries 52 | Page Operations: Mechanical Category Total Sub Acct Total Detail Amt 20,000 20,000 200 200 600 600 10,000 10,000 700 700 $8,000 8,000 8,000 10,900 10,900 4,000 4,000 7,800 7,800 2,000 2,000 500 500 2,200 2,200 60,000 60,000 3,000 3,000 58,000 58,000 25,000 25,000 5,000 5,000 1,000 1,000 16,000 16,000 2,000 2,000 8,000 8,000 1,000 1,000 900 900 0 0 0 0 0 0 100,000 100,000 15,000 15,000 4,000 4,000 $365,800Section Total 1-5050-0890-80 St ti E i M i t Stationary Engine Maint 1-5050-0890-81 St ti E i E i i Stationary Engine Emissions Testing 1-5050-0890-90 Hazardous Materials Haz Mat Disposal 1-5050-0890-57 OPS T l R i OPS - Tool Repair 1-5050-0890-70 IT Vehicle Maint IT - Vehicle Maintenance 1-5050-0890-71 IT Gas IT - Gas 1-5050-0890-54 OPS - Mech Svcs - Gas 1-5050-0890-55 OPS Facilities Vehicle OPS - Facilities - Vehicle Maint 1-5050-0890-56 OPS - Facilities - Gas 1-5050-0890-51 OPS Production Equipment OPS - Production Equipment Maint 1-5050-0890-52 OPS - Production - Gas 1-5050-0890-53 OPS M h S V hi l OPS Mech Svcs - Vehicle Maint 1-5050-0890-44 OPS - Water - Gas 1-5050-0890-45 OPS - Water - Diesel 1-5050-0890-50 OPS Production Vehicle OPS - Production Vehicle Maint OPS Water Vehicle Maintenance 1-5050-0890-43 OPS Water Equipement OPS - Water Equipment Maintenance 1-5050-0890-41 OPS - Admin Gas 1-5050-0750-00 Non-Capital Equipment 1-5050-0750-40 Mech Shop Equipment Misc Mech Shop Equipment/Tools 1-5050-0890-00 Vehicle Expenses $326,300 1-5050-0890-20 Finance - Gas 1-5050-0890-21 Finance - Vehicle Maint 1-5050-0890-30 Engineering - Gas 1-5050-0890-31 Engineering Vehicle Maint Engineering - Vehicle Maint 1-5050-0890-40 OPS Ad i Vhil Mit OPS - AdminVehicle Maint 1-5050-0890-42 OPS Water Vehicle Maint 1-5050-0710-00 Materials $10,700 1-5050-0710-80 Mech. Shop Supplies 1-5050-0710-81 W ldi S li Welding Supplies Primary GL Category Sub Acct No./Sub Category Detail Item Description 1-5050-0645-00 Fees & Permits $20,800 1-5050-0645-05 AQMD Permits 1-5050-0645-15 EPA Fees 1-5050-0645-60 CARB Fee Annual Operating Budget FY19 Financial Summaries 53 | Page Operations: Facilities Category Total Sub Acct Total Detail Amt 7,000 7,000 40,000 40,000 90,000 90,000 4,500 4,500 $2,000 2,000 2,000 12,000 12,000 3,000 3,000 8,000 8,000 3,000 3,000 10,000 10,000 500 500 15,000 15,000 3,000 3,000 2,000 2,000 5,000 5,000 10,000 10,000 1,200 1,200 1,500 1,500 4,000 2,000 $100,000 100,000 100,000 $323,700 1-5060-0710-98 1-5060-0600-35 Janitorial Service 1-5060-0710-00 Materials $36,500 1-5060-0710-10 1-5060-0710-85 1-5060-0645-00 Fees & Permits 1-5060-0645-35 Haz Mat Fees Primary GL Category Sub Acct No./Sub Detail Item Description Disposal Service1-5060-0600-00 Contractual Services $141,500 1-5060-0600-29 Disposal Service 1-5060-0600-45 Janitorial Service 1-5060-0600-40 Landscape Service Pest Control Service Haz Mat Fees (OCFA), Permits Building Repair Parts 1-5060-0710-60 Hardware Supplies 1-5060-0710-64 Electrical Supplies Cleaning/Painting Supplies 1-5060-0710-95 A/C Parts Landscape Supplies 1-5060-0730-00 Maintenance $37,700 1-5060-0730-00 Misc Facility Maintenance 1-5060-0730-20 Electrical General Maintenance 1-5060-0730-35 Fi E ti i h Fire Extinguisher Maint/Calibration 1-5060-0730-50 Piti & F i Painting & Fence Repair 1-5060-0730-66 A h lt P i Asphalt Paving 1-5060-0730-69 Quarterly Water Testing Services (AC) 1-5060-0730-96 A/C Service 1-5060-0750-00 Non-Capital Equipment $6,000 1-5060-0750-30 6,000 Tools & Equipment Equipment Rental 1-5060-0870-00 Utilities 1-5060-0870-10 Electric Section Total ITEM NO. 8.3 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: June 26, 2018 To:Board of Directors From:Marc Marcantonio, General Manager Presented By:Delia Lugo, Finance Manager Dept:Finance Subject:Financial Reserves Policy for Fiscal Year 2019 SUMMARY: Attached for the Board's consideration is the proposed reserve policy for the FY19 budget year. District Staff worked to update the policy to best serve District customers and to be part of a financial strategy to ensure that current and future generations of the District's management and governing body consistently adhere to sound, conservative and prudent fiscal practices. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors approve Resolution No. 18-24 adopting a Financial Reserves Policy for Fiscal Year 2019 and rescinding Resolution No. 17-31. DISCUSSION: Attached is the proposed Financial Reserves Policy for Fiscal Year 2019. Maintaining adequate reserves is an essential aspect of sound financial management. Being fiscally prudent involves funding reserves to levels that enable the ability to provide reliable service to our customers, maintain infrastructure for current and future customers, finance capital projects as well as capital repair and replacement, ant the ability to respond to changing circumstances. Upon review of the District's current reserve balances and the proposed Operating and Capital Improvement Project Budgets for FY19 staff is recommending that the funding for all of the listed reserves be set at least to the recommended minimum target levels. In order for the District retain its current AA and AA+ ratings, it is recommended that the total unrestricted water reserve balance be at least $29.3 million by June 30, 2019 to maintain the minimum required 365 days in cash calculation. ATTACHMENTS: Name:Description:Type: Resolution_No._18-24_-_Reserves_Policy.docx Resolution Resolution 3010-005_-_Financial_Reserves_Policy.docx Exhibit Exhibit Resolution No. 18-24 Adopting the Financial Reserves Policy 1 RESOLUTION NO. 18-24 RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT ADOPTING THE FINANCIAL RESERVES POLICY AND RESCINDING RESOLUTION NO. 17-31 WHEREAS, the purpose of the Yorba Linda Water District’s (YLW D) Financial Reserves Policy is to ensure that the District continues to have sufficient funding available to meet its operating, non-operating, capital and debt service obligations; and WHEREAS, adequate reserves and sound financial policies maintain YLWD’s bond ratings in the capital markets, provide financing flexibility and sustain debt covenant compliance; and WHEREAS, the District has completed a comprehensive Asset Management Plan and has prepared a rate study and five-year financial plan; and WHEREAS, the Financial Reserves Policy recommends establishing various reserve categories, defines the purpose and use of these funds and identifies target levels and priority funding of the reserves; and WHEREAS, the current policy is being revised as changes have been made to the existing Financial Reserves Policy. NOW THEREFORE, the Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda Water District does find, determine, and resolve: Section 1. The financial reserves policy is attached hereto as Exhibit “A”. Resolution No. 18-24 Adopting the Financial Reserves Policy 2 Section 2. This Financial Reserves Policy adopted herein takes effect on July 1, 2018 and Resolution No. 17-31 is hereby rescinded on July 1, 2018. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 26th day of June 2018 by the following called vote: AYES: NOES: ABSTAIN: ABSENT: Al Nederhood, President Yorba Linda Water District ATTEST: Annie Alexander, Board Secretary Yorba Linda Water District Reviewed as to form by General Counsel: Andrew B. Gagen, Esq. Kidman Gagen Law LLP 3010-005 Financial Reserves Policy Page 1 of 5 Policies and Procedures Policy No.: 3010-005 Adoption Method: Resolution No. 18-24 Effective Date: July 1, 2018 Last Revised: August 26, 2017 Prepared By: Delia Lugo, Finance Manager Applicability: District Wide POLICY: FINANCIAL RESERVES 1.0 GENERAL POLICY Maintaining adequate reserves is an essential part of sound financial management. The Yorba Linda Water District Board of Directors realizes the importance of reserves in providing reliable service to its customers, well- maintained infrastructure for current and future customers, financing capital projects as well as capital repair and replacement, and the ability to respond to changing circumstances. Interest derived from reserve balances shall be credited to the reserve account from which it was earned. 2.0 CATEGORIES Yorba Linda Water District (YLWD or District) shall accumulate, maintain and segregate its reserve funds into the following categories: • Board Designated Unrestricted Reserves; and • Board Designated Restricted Reserves. 3.0 SCOPE This policy will assist the Board of Directors in establishing: • Minimum and Maximum Funding Levels, with target goals as a percentage of maximum funding level for each reserve fund, unless otherwise noted; • Requirements for the use of reserve funds; and • Periodic review requirements for each reserve. 4.0 PERIODIC REVIEW Staff and the YLWD Board shall review the reserve balances and targets annually as a part of the annual budget process. The Finance Staff will continue to review all reserve and investment balances monthly, with a quarterly report going to the full Board. Any changes must be approved by resolution of the District Board of Directors. Changes can include, but are not limited to, establishment of additional reserve funds, changes in reserve target levels, and changes in types of reserve categories. 3010-005 Financial Reserves Policy Page 2 of 5 5.0 DESIGNATED UNRESTRICTED AND RESTRICTED RESERVES 5.1 Board Designated Unrestricted Reserves These are reserve funds earmarked for the purpose of funding such items as new capital facilities, repair or replacement of existing facilities, and general operating reserves designated for a specific purpose and use by the Board of Directors. All reserves in this category will be funded at least to the recommended minimum target level. 5.1.1 Operating Reserve A. Definition and Purpose – Established to cover temporary cash flow deficiencies that occur as a result of timing differences between the receipt of operating revenue and expenditure requirements and unexpected expenditures occurring as a result of doing business. B. Funding Level – The District’s current funding levels will be a minimum of 25% and a maximum of 50% of the annual operating budget, including interest expense, for both the water and sewer funds. In the event this fund falls below its minimum funding level, the Board will act to restore the balance above the minimum funding level within twelve (12) months from the date that the fund fell below the minimum level. C. Events or Conditions Prompting the Use of the Operating Reserve – This reserve may be utilized as needed to pay outstanding operating expenditures prior to the receipt of anticipated operating revenues. 5.1.2 Emergency Reserve A. Definition and Purpose – Established to provide protection recovery to the District and its customers for losses arising from an unplanned event or circumstance (i.e. fires, earthquakes or financial emergencies). The reserve level combined with YLWD’s existing insurance policies should adequately protect YLWD and its customers in the event of a loss. B. Funding Level – Established at a minimum level equal to 5% and a maximum level equal to 10% of the net capital assets for both the District’s water and sewer funds. In the event this fund falls below its minimum funding level, the Board will act to restore the balance above the minimum funding level Levels Water Sewer Minimum 25% 25% Maximum 50% 50% Levels Water Sewer Minimum $7,593,220 $403,967 Maximum $15,186,441 $807,933 3010-005 Financial Reserves Policy Page 3 of 5 within twelve (12) months from the date that the fund fell below the minimum level. C. Events or Conditions Prompting the Use of the Emergency Reserve – This reserve shall be utilized to cover unexpected losses experienced by the District as a result of a disaster or other unexpected loss. Any reimbursement received by the District from insurance companies as a result of a submitted claim shall be deposited back into the reserve as replenishment for the loss. 5.1.3 Capital Replacement Reserve A. Definition and Purpose – Established to provide funding for general use on capital projects as well as capital repair and replacement funding as the District’s infrastructure deteriorates over its expected useful life. In addition, funding is to provide for non-scheduled capital asset repair and replacement and other capital related expenses. B. Funding Level – The minimum target level for each reserve fund is the current Fiscal Year capital budget and the maximum is the current year plus 100% of the subsequent Fiscal Year capital budget. The target levels in these reserve funds will fluctuate depending on the capital improvement plan and timing of the projects. Therefore, no target level will be established. In the event these fund falls below the minimum funding level, the Board will act to restore the balance above the minimum funding level within twelve (12) months from the date that the fund fell below the minimum level. C. Events or Conditions Prompting the Use of the Capital Replacement Reserve – Through the annual budget process, staff shall recommend anticipated asset replacement and capital improvement projects. The Board of Directors shall take action to approve recommended project appropriations from the capital replacement reserve. Should unplanned replacement be necessary during any fiscal year, the Board of Directors may take action to amend the budget and appropriate needed funds as required. Levels Water Sewer Minimum 5% 5% Maximum 10% 10% Levels Water Sewer Minimum $5,813,701 $1,899,951 Maximum $11,627,401 $3,799,901 Levels Water Sewer Minimum $6,327,500 $2,000,000 Maximum $14,555,738 $2,280,000 3010-005 Financial Reserves Policy Page 4 of 5 5.1.4 Rate Stabilization Reserve A. Definition and Purpose – Established to assist in smoothing out water rate increases. This reserve is governed by the District’s bond covenants and funds deposited into this reserve are treated as operating revenues in the fiscal year designated by the District and will be treated as such in fiscal years of such designation for the purposes of computing the District's debt service coverage ratio. B. Funding Level – Established at a minimum level of 5% and maximum level of 20% of budgeted water sales for the current fiscal year. The Board of Directors have the option of funding the Rate Stabilization Reserve at a lower level. C. Events or Conditions Prompting the Use of the Rate Stabilization Reserve – The reserve can be used during any year where other revenues are not sufficient to meet the required debt service coverage ratio or when the maximum level in the reserve is reached. 5.2 Board Designated Restricted Reserves These are funds held to either satisfy limitations set by external requirements established by creditors, grant agencies or law, or to Only be used for Examples include stipulated bond covenants and reserves held with a fiscal agent. 5.2.1 Conservation Reserve A. Definition and Purpose – Established to provide funding for District-wide conservation efforts. B. Funding Level – Funding shall be established as the net result of administrative penalties assessed less allowed expenditures of each fiscal year. C. Events or Conditions Prompting the Use of the Conservation Reserve – This reserve may be used to fund district-wide conservation efforts in relation to, but not limited to, salary and related, maintenance, and material expenses for leak detection, conservation efforts, and other allowable expenses outside the normal cost of service for each fiscal year. Levels Water Minimum 5% Maximum 20% Levels Water Minimum $1,600,999 Maximum $6,403,997 Levels Water Minimum $0 Maximum $104,000 3010-005 Financial Reserves Policy Page 5 of 5 5.2.2 Employee Liability Reserve A. Definition and Purpose – The purpose is to cover employees’ accrued vacation and other compensatory time and to ensure the complete funding associated with the liability incurred for employees whom have met the requirements necessary for district paid health benefits at retirement. B. Funding Level – Funding for FY19 shall be established at a minimum target level of $273,000. C. Events or Conditions Prompting the Use of the Employee Liabilities Reserve – This reserve may be used in the event that operating funds are not adequate to meet vacation, compensatory and sick time paid out or retiree medical cost obligations within the current year. Level Water Target $273,000 ITEM NO. 8.4 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: June 26, 2018 To:Board of Directors From:Marc Marcantonio, General Manager Presented By:Delia Lugo, Finance Manager Dept:Finance Prepared By:Delia Lugo, Finance Manager Subject:Reimbursement of Costs Incurred Before Issuance of Tax-Exempt Obligations for Funding of District's Capital Improvement Program STAFF RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors approve Resolution No. 18-25 Regarding Intention to Issue Tax-Exempt Obligations for the purpose of permitting the reimbursement of not to exceed $10,000,000 for incurred costs related the current capital improvement program which ARE incurred before THE ISSUANCE OF tax-exempt obligations. DISCUSSION: The District is currently undertaking its current capital improvement program on a pay-as-you-go basis, and the costs therefore are being paid by the District from its water system reserve funds. The District may elect to finance certain portions of its current capital improvement program from tax-exempt obligations. Federal tax law allows the District to reimburse itself from proceeds of tax- exempt obligations for capital costs that the District pays prior to the issuance of such tax-exempt obligations. In order to reimburse itself, the Board of Directors must adopt a resolution stating its intent to reimburse itself should tax-exempt obligations be issued. Straddling Yocca Carlson & Rauth, the District's bond counsel, has worked with staff to prepare a resolution permitting reimbursement of not to exceed $10,000,000 for costs related to the current capital improvement program which are incurred before tax-exempt obligations, if any, are incurred. Costs that are eligible for reimbursement must have been paid no more than six months before the adoption of the resolution, and the reimbursement must occur within three years after the eligible costs are paid. The foregoing limitations do not apply to "soft" costs such as preliminary studies and reports. Adoption of the reimbursement resolution: 1) does not obligate the Board to issue debt in the form of tax-exempt obligations; 2) will allow for reimbursement of construction-related costs incurred by the water system reserve funds should the Board decide to issue tax-exempt obligations. ATTACHMENTS: Name:Description:Type: Resolution_No._18-25_-_Reimburse_CIP_Costs.docx Resolution Resolution Resolution No. 18-25 Regarding Intention to Issue Tax-Exempt Obligations 1 RESOLUTION NO. 18-25 RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT REGARDING INTENTION TO ISSUE TAX-EXEMPT OBLIGATIONS WHEREAS, the Yorba Linda Water District (the “District”) is a county water district that is duly organized and existing under and pursuant to Division 12 of the California Water Code (Section 30000 et seq.); and WHEREAS, the District desires to finance the costs of acquiring, constructing and installing certain public facilities and improvements related to its water system, as provided in Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated herein (the “Project”); and WHEREAS, the District intends to finance the acquisition, construction and installation of the Project or portions of the Project with the proceeds of the sale of obligations the interest upon which is excluded from gross income for federal income tax purposes (the “Obligations”); and WHEREAS, the District desires to pay certain costs with respect to the Project prior to the issuance of the Obligations from available moneys of the District and to reimburse itself for such costs from a portion of the proceeds of the sale of the Obligations. NOW, THEREFORE, the Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda Water District hereby finds, determines, declares and resolves as follows: SECTION 1. The foregoing recitals are true and correct. SECTION 2. The District reasonably expects, and hereby states its intention, to reimburse itself for Project costs incurred prior to the issuance of the Obligations with proceeds of the Obligations. Exhibit A describes either the general character, type, purpose, and function of the Project or the fund or account from which Project costs are to be paid and the general functional purpose of the fund or account. SECTION 3. The reasonably expected maximum principal amount of the Obligations that is anticipated to be used for such reimbursement is $10,000,000. SECTION 4. Except as described in Section 8 below, this resolution is being adopted not later than 60 days after the payment of the original expenditures (the “Expenditures Date or Dates”). SECTION 5. Except as described in Section 8 below, the expected date of issue of the Obligations will be within 18 months of the later of: (a) the Expenditure Date or Dates; or (b) the date that the Project is placed in service; provided that the reimbursement may not be made more than three years after the Expenditure Date or Dates. Resolution No. 18-25 Regarding Intention to Issue Tax-Exempt Obligations 2 SECTION 6. Proceeds of the Obligations to be used to reimburse the District for Project costs are not expected to be used, within one year of reimbursement, directly or indirectly to pay debt service with respect to any obligation (other than to pay current debt service coming due within the next succeeding one year period on any tax-exempt obligation of the District (other than the Obligations)) or to be held as a reasonably required reserve or replacement fund with respect to an obligation of the District or any entity related in any manner to the District, or to reimburse any expenditure that was originally paid with the proceeds of any obligation, or to replace funds that are or will be used in such manner. SECTION 7. This resolution is consistent with the budgetary and financial circumstances of the District as of the date hereof. No moneys from sources other than the Obligations are, or are reasonably expected to be, reserved, allocated on a long-term basis or otherwise set aside by the District (or any related party) pursuant to their budget or financial policies with respect to the Project costs. To the best of our knowledge, this Board of Directors is not aware of the previous adoption of official intents by the District that have been made as a matter of course for the purpose of reimbursing expenditures and for which tax exempt obligations have not been issued. SECTION 8. The limitations described in Sections 4 and 5 above do not apply to: (a) costs of issuance of the Obligations; (b) an amount not in excess of the lesser of $100,000 or five percent (5%) of the proceeds of the Obligations; or (c) any preliminary expenditures, such as architectural, engineering, surveying, soil testing, and similar costs other than land acquisition, site preparation, and similar costs incident to commencement of construction, not in excess of twenty percent (20%) of the aggregate issue price of the Obligations that finances the Project for which the preliminary expenditures were incurred. SECTION 9. This resolution is adopted as official action of the District in order to comply with Treasury Regulation § 1.150-2 and any other regulations of the Internal Revenue Service relating to the qualification for reimbursement of District expenditures incurred prior to the date of issue of the Obligations, is part of the District’s official proceedings, and will be available for inspection by the general public at the main administrative office of the District. SECTION 10. This resolution shall take effect immediately. Resolution No. 18-25 Regarding Intention to Issue Tax-Exempt Obligations 3 PASSED AND ADOPTED this 26th day of June 2018 by the following called vote: AYES: NOES: ABSTAIN: ABSENT: Al Nederhood, President Yorba Linda Water District ATTEST: Annie Alexander, Board Secretary Yorba Linda Water District Reviewed as to form by General Counsel: Andrew B. Gagen, Esq. Kidman Gagen Law LLP A-1 EXHIBIT A DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT Upgrades, acquisitions, replacements, rehabilitation and construction of facilities and equipment for the District’s water system, including but not limited to upgrades to water storage reservoirs, pipeline replacements, pumping station improvements and improvements to the District’s administrative headquarters facility. ITEM NO. 8.5 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: June 26, 2018 Budgeted:Yes Total Budget:$7.8M To:Board of Directors Cost Estimate:$7.3M From:Marc Marcantonio, General Manager Job No:J2010-11B Presented By:Rosanne Weston, Engineering Manager Dept:Engineering Reviewed by Legal:No Prepared By:Joe Polimino, Project Engineer CEQA Compliance:MND Subject:Approval of Change Order Number 3 for the Fairmont Booster Pump Station Upgrade Project SUMMARY: Work is proceeding on construction of the Fairmont Booster Pump Station Upgrade Project. Submitted for consideration is construction Change Order No. 3. The Project is on schedule and approximately 90% complete. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors approve Change Order No. 3 for $57,033.11 and 6 additional calendar days to Pacific Hydrotech Corporation for construction of the Fairmont Booster Pump Station Upgrade Project, Job No. 2010-11B. DISCUSSION: In accordance with the contract documents, Pacific Hydrotech Corporation has submitted Change Order No. 3 due to plan omissions, clarifications and other additional work. A copy of Change Order No. 3 is attached for your review. Specifically, the contractor has requested an increase of $57,033.11 and a 6 calendar day extension for the project, for which, some of the more costly items are described in detail below. The approved plans call out for lath, paper and cement plaster to be installed at the roof soffit, directly attached to the metal deck. Per MJ Plastering, this system cannot be attached directly to the metal deck as it requires a backing material. Per clarification from the design engineer, the sub contractor was directed to add exterior gypsum sheeting for the backing material. The cost for this additional work is $6,161.45. The project included a truck to truck base radio system to be provided and installed in the new pump station. The contractor requested a clarification as to whether it should be analog or digital. Operations staff, upon review of the proposed radio equipment, determined that more research is necessary before proceeding since they may change to a digital radio system in the future. As such, the base radio system was removed from the project. The credit for the deletion of the radio system from the project is $28,518.00. Existing defective valves prevented District crews from isolating a pipeline on schedule for a tie-in. Contractor crews and equipment were on standby during this time, until the pipeline could be isolated. The contractor submitted a cost for this delay in the amount of $8,615.21. The contract specifications include motor operated hatches in the roof of the pump station for replacement of the electric motors in the future. The contractor requested a clarification as the wiring, conduit runs and switches for the hatches were not on the approved plans. The design engineer confirmed that the details were not shown and provided additional details and direction to complete the installation. The cost for this additional work is $24,847.54. The contract specifications called for motor operated roll-up doors for the pump station. The contractor requested clarification, since the wiring, conduit runs and switches for the doors were not on the approved plans. The design engineer confirmed that the details were not shown and provided additional details and direction to complete the installation. The cost for this additional work is $9,670.85. The contract documents required installation of an underground electrical conduit in Trentino Lane to supply the new power transformer for the pump station. The approved plans called for a typical pavement restoration of the trench, only. The City of Yorba Linda, however, requested that the District grind & pave the entire street for the length of the trench as the street had been recently repaved. This was estimated to cost approximately $65,000.00. District staff met with City representatives to propose a less costly option to slurry seal the street instead of a grind & pave. The City agreed to this restoration method. The cost for this additional work is $19,755.75. The status of the construction contract with Pacific Hydrotech Corporation is as follows: The current contract is $7,240,566.28 and 815 calendar days. If approved, Change Order No. 3 adds 6 calendar days to the project. If approved, Change Order No. 3 adds $57,033.11 (a 0.8% construction cost increase) to the project. If approved, the revised construction contract is $7,297,599.39 and 821 calendar days. The cumulative construction cost increase for CO#1, CO#2 and CO#3, if approved, would be 5.6%. District staff have reviewed this change order request and recommend approval. STRATEGIC PLAN: SR 3-B: Continue Planning for Long Term Capital Improvements and Replacements into the future PRIOR RELEVANT BOARD ACTION(S): The Board authorized the President and Secretary to execute a construction agreement with Pacific Hydrotech Corporation in the amount of $6,911,100.00 for the Fairmont Booster Pump Station Upgrade Project, Job No. 2010-11b. The Board of Directors approved Change Order Number 1 in the amount of $220,647.28 at the Board meeting held on September 26, 2017. The Board of Directors approved Change Order Number 2 in the amount of $108,819.00 at the Board meeting held on December 12, 2017. ATTACHMENTS: Name:Description:Type: PHC_CO_3_Fairmont_PS.pdf Fairmont PS Change Order No. 3 Backup Material YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT CHANGE ORDER NO. 3 DATE 6112118 Page 1 of 1 CONTRACT NAME: Fairmont Pump Station Upgrade CONTRACT AMT.: $7,240,566.28 DAYS: 815 CONTRACTOR: Pactfic Hyidrotech Corporation THIS CHANGE- $57,033.11 DAYS: 6 PROJECT NUMBER: 201011b OWNER: Yorba Linda Water District REVISED CONTRACT AMT: $7,297,599.39 DAYS: 821 This Change Order covers changes to the subject contract as described herein.The Contractor shall construct,famish equipment and materials,and perform all work as necessary or required to complete the Change Order items for a lump sum price agreed upon between the Contractor and Yorba Linda Water District otherwise referred to as Owner. DESCRIPTION OF CHANGES +INCREASE CONTRACT TIME 1OR +EXTENSION —DECREASE IN [OR- CONTRACT OR- CONTRACT REDUCTION AMOUNT{$) (DAYS) PCO 18-Adverse weather delay. 0 4 PCO 19-Detail A9045 in sheet GA-4 calls out cement plaster for the soffit with lath and paper attached to the metal deck.This requires a backing material; per the design engineer response,the contractor was directed to provide and install additional exterior $6,161.45 0 gypsum sheeting for the soffit. PCO 21 -Credit to delete the truck to truck radio system from the project;YLW D is reconsidering the type of radio system to use(digital or analog). $(28,518.130) 0 PCO 23—Un-anticipated tie-in delay,crews were unable to isolate the pipeline on time for a scheduled tie-in due to defective valves;The contractor crews and equipment $8,615.21 0 were on standby during this time. PCO 24-Existing 12"pipe-West of the new PS was at a lower elevation than shown in contract drawings and was a different material; required additional pipe and fittings. $4,621.03 0 PCO 25-Motor operated hatches required per specification; however, switches, conduit and wiring installation not shown on drawings.Added by design engineer $24,847.54 0 through RFI. PCD 26-Electrical drawings did not show conduit and wiring required to motorize the overhead rollup doors.Added by design engineer through RFI. $9,670.85 0 PCD 28-Provide/install 3 additional 20A circuit breakers and wiring into the MCC for the exhaust fans.Add tags to the MCC for each circuit. $273.19 0 PCO 29-Contract drawings do not indicate any wiring to be installed for Pumps 7&8 between the soft starter and PLC for conduit 49C&50C;however it is required. $546.37 0 i PCD 30.1 -Additional wiring and breakers for SHGS unit. $647.78 0 PGO 31 -Adverse weather delay. 0 2 PCO 32-Addition of slurry coating for Trentino,requested by City Of YOrba Linda. $19,755.75 0 PCO 33-Conduit and wiring for relocation of exhaust fan in Chemical Room. $922.43 0 PCO 35-Manufacture and install mounting brackets for VFD controllers. $7,038.53 0 PCO 37-Addition of FRP grating for fan controller access. $2,450.98 0 NET CHANGE $57,033.11 fi REVISED CONTRACT AMOUNT AND TIME $7,297,593.39 821 The amount of the contract will be increased dasFeased by the sum of$57,033.11 and the contract time shall be increased decreased by 6 calendar days.The undersigned Contractor approves the foregoing Change Order as to the changes,if any,in the contract price specified for each item including any and all supervision costs and other miscellaneous casts relating to the change in work,and as to the extension of time allowed,if any,for completion of the entire work on account of said Change Order.The Contractor agrees to furnish all labor and materials and perform all other necessary work,inclusive of that directly or indirectly related to the approved time extension,required to complete the Change Order items.This dcoumen t will become a supplement of the contract and all provisions will apply hereto.It is understood that the Change Order shall be effective when approved by the Owner. This Change Order constitutes full,final,and complete compensation to the Contractor for all costs,expenses,overhead,profit,and any damages of every kind that the Contractor may Incur in connection with the above referenced changes in the work,including any impact on the referenced work of any other work under the contract,any changes in the sequences of any work,any delay to any work,any disruption of any work,any rescheduling of any work,and any other effect on any cf the work under this contract.By the execution of the Change Order,the Contractor accepts the contract price change and the contract completion date change,If any,and expressly waives any claims for any additional compensation,damages or time extensions,in connection wi a above r rented changes. RECOMMENDED: �� /ENGINEER OR DATE: CONSULTANT . j lapllRllnP Construction Supervisor,YLWD ACCEPTED: ICDATE: DNTRACTDR Kirk Harps ciffe Hydrotech Corporation APPROVED: f r DATE: /OWNER Rosanne Weston f Engineering Manager,YLWD ITEM NO. 9.2 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: June 26, 2018 To:Board of Directors From:Marc Marcantonio, General Manager Presented By:Delia Lugo, Finance Manager Dept:Finance Prepared By:Saira Hernandez, Accountant Subject:Budget to Actual Reports for the Month Ending May 31, 2018 DISCUSSION: For the month ending May 31, 2018, staff is presenting Budget to Actual reports for the District as a whole, as well as the individual water and sewer funds. Cumulative Volumetric Water Revenue, as reported through the month ending May 31, 2018, reflects an average increase of 17.53% as compared to the prior year for the same reporting period. Landscape classified customer connections are now the largest increase in consumption sales of 26.08% as compared to reported results from the prior year. Total Variable Costs results reflect a 19.78% increase when compared to prior year for the same reporting period. The increase in costs is reflective of the increase in water demand which is 12.1% ahead of projected budget. While Supplies & Services within the Water Department have decreased by 6.59%, as to the prior year. STRATEGIC PLAN: FR 1-F: Continue to Record and Report the Fairly Stated Financial Activities of the District in a Timely and Transparent Manner to the Board of Directors and Member Agencies ATTACHMENTS: Name:Description:Type: Budget_to_Actual_Rpt_May_18.pdf Backup Material Backup Material FY18 Annual Budget YTD Actuals thru May 2018 YTD % of Budget Water Revenue (Residential)14,278,688$ 14,187,504$ 99.36% Water Revenue (Commercial & Fire Det.)2,071,031$ 1,737,952$ 83.92% Water Revenue (Landscape/Irrigation)3,079,054$ 3,661,443$ 118.91% Service Charges 10,106,238$ 9,168,008$ 90.72% Other Operating Revenue 769,106$ 664,732$ 86.43% Total Operating Revenue 30,304,117$ 29,419,638$ 97.08% Revenue (Non-Operating): Interest 275,000$ 394,909$ 143.60% Property Taxes 1,710,000$ 1,717,182$ 100.42% Other Non-Operating Revenue 604,646$ 355,229$ 58.75% Total Non-Operating Revenue 2,589,646$ 2,467,320$ 95.28% Total Revenue 32,893,763$ 31,886,959$ 96.94% Expenses (Operating): Variable Water Costs (G.W., Import & Power) Water-Related Costs 11,240,088$ 11,791,090$ 104.90% Fixed Costs 1,443,355$ 766,927$ 53.14% Power-Related Costs 1,285,413$ 1,028,123$ 79.98% Variable Water Costs Related Expenses Total 13,968,855$ 13,586,140$ 97.26% Salary Related Expenses 8,859,867$ 7,943,171$ 89.65% Reduction for Capital Project Labor (215,000)$ (217,461)$ 101.14% Salary Related Expenses Total 8,644,867$ 7,725,710$ 89.37% Supplies & Services Communications 189,565$ 125,971$ 66.45% Contractual Services 519,653$ 380,409$ 73.20% Data Processing 235,322$ 174,858$ 74.31% Dues & Memberships 80,492$ 77,414$ 96.18% Fees & Permits 264,641$ 214,216$ 80.95% Insurance 263,506$ 229,251$ 87.00% Materials 797,347$ 663,933$ 83.27% District Activities, Emp Recognition 22,506$ 23,742$ 105.49% Maintenance 339,342$ 362,904$ 106.94% Non-Capital Equipment 104,678$ 103,589$ 98.96% Office Expense 39,662$ 33,372$ 84.14% Professional Services 650,108$ 557,212$ 85.71% Training 61,728$ 26,660$ 43.19% Travel & Conferences 102,493$ 58,607$ 57.18% Uncollectible Accounts 17,205$ 4,131$ 24.01% Utilities 158,100$ 154,900$ 97.98% Vehicle Expenses 286,812$ 233,325$ 81.35% Supplies & Services Sub-Total 4,133,160$ 3,424,494$ 82.85% Total Operating Expenses 26,746,883$ 24,736,343$ 92.48% Expenses (Non-Operating) Other Expense 15,220$ (52,670)$ -346.06% Total Non-Operating Expenses 15,220$ (52,670)$ -346.06% Total Expenses 26,762,103$ 24,683,673$ 92.23% Net Revenues 6,131,661$ 7,203,286$ 117.48% Less: Debt Service (Principal & Interest)2,729,799$ 2,729,799$ 100.00% Less: Committed Capital Expenditures (PayGo)2,635,755$ 2,086,674$ 79.17% Less: Special Item - Conservation Credit 1,105,809$ 0.00% Less: Special Item - Rate Credit -$ 1,100,038$ 0.00% Transfer to/(from) Reserves 766,107$ 180,966$ 23.62% Net -$ -$ Yorba Linda Water District Water Enterprise FY18 ProForma - Use of Funds May 2018 1 Yorba Linda Water District Summary Financial Report Water & Sewer Funds For Period Ending May 31, 2018 Annual YTD May YTD YTD Actual Prior Year Prior Year YTD Actual YTD Actual Budget Budget Actual Actual (Under) Over May. Actual Actual (thru vs vs FY18 FY18 FY18 FY18 YTD Budget FY17 May. 2017)PY Actual $PY Actual % Revenue (Operating): Water Revenue (Residential)$14,278,688 $12,859,386 1,540,174$ 14,187,504$ 1,328,118$ $1,215,667 $11,921,151 $2,266,353 19.01% Water Revenue (Commercial & Fire Det.)2,071,031 1,865,171 174,263 1,737,952 (127,219)147,883 1,616,728 121,224 7.50% Water Revenue (Landscape/Irrigation)3,079,054 2,772,996 425,085 3,661,443 888,447 300,691 2,904,153 757,290 26.08% Water Revenue (Service Charge)10,106,238 9,264,052 835,761 9,168,008 (96,044)830,953 9,287,996 (119,989)-1.29% Sewer Charge Revenue 2,032,245 1,862,891 174,167 1,881,676 18,785 157,359 1,713,891 167,785 9.79% Locke Ranch Assessments 223,000 200,834 1,905 261,978 61,144 7,123 214,785 47,193 0.00% Other Operating Revenue 866,161 793,981 83,657 740,122 (53,859)91,053 796,456 (56,334)-7.07% Total Operating Revenue:32,656,417 29,619,310 3,235,012 31,638,683 2,019,372 2,750,729 28,455,160 3,183,523 11.19% Revenue (Non-Operating): Interest 310,000 284,167 58,032 453,401 169,234 30,285 309,574 143,827 46.46% Property Tax 1,710,000 1,540,026 58,402 1,717,182 177,156 52,159 1,641,903 75,279 0.00% Other Non-Operating Revenue 624,521 572,478 68,093 337,697 (234,780)67,999 448,775 (111,078)-24.75% Total Non-Operating Revenue:2,644,521 2,396,670 184,527 2,508,280 111,610 150,443 2,400,252 108,028 4.50% Total Revenue 35,300,938 32,015,981 3,419,539 34,146,963 2,130,982 2,901,172 30,855,412 3,291,550 10.67% Expenses (Operating): Variable Water Costs (G.W., Import & Power)13,968,855 12,585,112 1,311,137 13,586,140 1,001,028 1,172,025 11,342,351 2,243,789 19.78% Salary Related Expenses 9,643,124 9,399,547 985,338 8,650,100 (749,447)612,917 7,853,553 796,546 10.14% Supplies & Services 4,621,895 4,107,547 347,317 3,799,308 (308,239)393,527 4,039,561 (240,253) -5.95% Total Operating Expenses 28,233,874 26,092,206 2,643,792 26,035,548 (56,659)2,178,469 23,235,465 2,800,083 12.05% Expenses (Non-Operating): Interest on Long Term Debt 1,489,796 1,354,711 115,401 1,256,752 (97,959) (6,609) 1,331,597 (74,845) -5.62% Other Expense 15,220 9,452 451 (54,785) (64,236)(9,666) (43,614)(11,171) 25.61% Total Non-Operating Expenses:1,505,016 1,364,162 115,852 1,201,967 (162,195) (16,275)1,287,983 (86,016) -6.68% Total Expenses 29,738,890 27,456,369 2,759,644 27,237,515 (218,854)2,162,195 24,523,448 2,714,067 11.07% Net Position Before Capital Contributions 5,562,048 4,559,612 659,895 6,909,448 2,349,836 738,978 6,331,964 577,484 9.12% Special Item - (2,205,847) (2,205,847) - - (2,205,847) 0.00% Capital Contributions (Non-Cash Transaction -- - 101,952 3,549,269 3,549,269 856,941 2,261,976 1,287,293 0.00% GASB 34 Compliant) Net Position Before Depreciation 5,562,048 4,559,612 761,847 8,252,870 8,104,951 1,595,919 8,593,940 (341,070)-3.97% Depreciation & Amortization 7,182,000 6,583,500 629,748 6,840,715 257,215 597,897 6,545,413 295,302 4.51% Total Net Position ($1,619,952)($2,023,888)132,099 1,412,155 $7,847,736 $998,022 $2,048,527 ($636,372)-31.06% (31,422) (239,378) (239,378) (31,152)(212,848) (26,530) 12.46% (With May 31, 2017 for comparison purposes) 2 Annual YTD May YTD YTD Actual Prior Year Prior YTD YTD Actual YTD - CUR Budget Budget Actual Actual (Under)Over May. Actual Actual (thru vs vs FY18 FY18 FY18 FY18 YTD Budget FY17 May 2017) PY Actual $PY Actual % Revenue (Operating): Water Revenue (Residential)$14,278,688 $12,859,386 1,540,174$ 14,187,504$ 1,328,118$ $1,215,667 $11,921,151 $2,266,353 19.01% Water Revenue (Commercial & Fire Det.)2,071,031 $1,865,171 174,263 1,737,952 (127,219) 147,883 1,616,728 121,224 7.50% Water Revenue (Landscape/Irrigation)3,079,054 $2,772,996 425,085 3,661,443 888,446 300,691 2,904,152 757,291 26.08% Water Revenue (Service Charge)10,106,238 9,264,052 835,761 9,168,008 (96,044) 830,953 9,287,996 (119,988) -1.29% Other Operating Revenue 769,106 705,014 70,988 664,732 (40,282) 84,539 701,920 (37,188) -5.30% Total Operating Revenue:30,304,117 27,466,618 3,046,271 29,419,638 1,953,020 2,579,733 26,431,947 2,987,691 11.30% Revenue (Non-Operating): Interest 275,000 252,083 54,423 394,909 142,826 28,097 277,106 117,803 42.51% Property Tax 1,710,000 1,540,026 58,402 1,717,182 177,156 52,159 1,641,903 75,279 4.58% Other Non-Operating Revenue 604,646 554,259 65,911 355,229 (199,029) 60,775 369,061 (13,832) -3.75% Total Non-Operating Revenue:2,589,646 2,346,368 178,736 2,467,320 120,952.23 141,031 2,288,070 179,251 7.83% Total Revenue 32,893,763 29,812,986 3,225,007 31,886,959 2,073,972 2,720,764 28,720,017 3,166,941 11.03% Expenses (Operating): Variable Water Costs (G.W., Import & Power)13,968,855 12,585,113 1,311,137 13,586,140 1,001,027 1,172,025 11,342,351 2,243,789 19.78% Salary Related Expenses 8,644,867 8,443,205 888,282 7,725,710 (717,496) 541,171 6,995,039 730,671 10.45% Supplies & Services: Communications 189,565 149,268 16,146 125,971 (23,297) 10,154 140,450 (14,479) -10.31% Contractual Services 499,653 428,015 53,329 380,409 (47,606) 26,918 356,981 23,428 6.56% Data Processing 235,322 200,712 23,458 174,858 (25,854) 48,852 234,830 (59,972) -25.54% Dues & Memberships 80,492 80,492 603 77,414 (3,078) 7,031 85,323 (7,909) -9.27% Fees & Permits 264,641 242,588 9,973 214,216 (28,372) 8,490 211,547 2,668 1.26% Board Election - - - - - - 120,873 (120,873) -100.00% Insurance 263,506 237,047 21,558 229,251 (7,796) 19,754 219,044 10,207 4.66% Materials 797,347 710,901 62,887 663,933 (46,969) 86,161 795,819 (131,886) -16.57% District Activities, Emp Recognition 27,506 25,214 6,896 23,742 (1,472) 380 6,770 16,972 250.70% Maintenance 339,342 339,342 9,928 362,904 23,562 44,006 356,477 6,427 1.80% Non-Capital Equipment 114,678 109,622 5,807 103,589 (6,033) 10,455 144,665 (41,076) -28.39% Office Expense 39,662 36,357 2,565 33,372 (2,985) 1,630 28,765 4,607 16.02% Professional Services 650,108 580,932 44,077 557,212 (23,720) 44,050 480,389 76,823 15.99% Training 61,728 41,584 (10) 26,660 (14,924) 1,018 43,798 (17,139) -39.13% Travel & Conferences 107,493 73,535 7,302 58,607 (14,928) 5,391 41,468 17,139 41.33% Uncollectible Accounts 17,205 10,271 1,404 4,131 (6,140) 459 7,343 (3,212) -43.74% Utilities 158,100 155,925 12,831 154,900 (1,025) 22,628 130,207 24,693 18.96% Vehicle Equipment 286,812 250,411 43,090 233,325 (17,086) 26,319 261,254 (27,929) -10.69% Supplies & Services Sub-Total 4,133,160 3,672,216 321,844 3,424,494 (247,723) 363,698 3,666,005 (241,511) -6.59% Total Operating Expenses 26,746,883 24,700,534 2,521,263 24,736,343 35,809 2,076,894 22,003,395 2,732,948 12.42% Expenses (Non-Operating): Interest on Long Term Debt 1,489,796 1,354,711 115,401 1,256,752 (97,959) (6,609) 1,331,597 (74,845) -5.62% Other Expense 15,220 9,452 451 (52,670) (62,121) (9,666) (50,922) (1,747) 3.43% Total Non-Operating Expenses:1,505,016 1,364,162 115,852 1,204,082 (160,080) (16,275)1,280,675 (76,593) -5.98% Total Expenses 28,251,899 26,064,696 2,637,115 25,940,426 (124,271) 2,060,619 23,284,070 2,656,356 11.41% Net Position Before Capital Contributions 4,641,864 3,748,290 587,892 5,946,533 2,198,243 660,145 5,435,947 510,586 9.39% Special Item - - (2,205,847) (2,205,847) - (2,205,847) 0.00% Capital Contributions (Non-Cash Transaction -- - 60,139 1,907,644 1,907,644 492,520 1,325,532 582,112 43.92% GASB 34 Compliant) Net Position Before Depreciation 4,641,864 3,748,290 648,031 5,648,330 6,311,734 1,152,665 6,761,479 3,298,544 48.78% Depreciation & Amortization 5,832,000 5,346,000 514,790 5,587,608 241,608 485,996 5,320,861 266,747 5.01% Total Net Position (1,190,136) (1,597,710) 133,241 60,722 6,070,125 666,669 1,440,618 3,031,797 210.45% Capital - Direct Labor (27,507) (217,461) (217,461) (29,477)(197,547)(19,914) 10.08% Yorba Linda Water District Water Fund For Period Ending May 31, 2018 (With May 31, 2017 for comparison purposes) 3 Annual YTD May YTD YTD Actual Prior Year Prior Year YTD Actual YTD - CUR Budget Budget Actual Actual (Under)Over May. Actual Actual (thru vs vs FY18 FY18 FY18 FY18 YTD Budget FY17 May 2017)PY Actual $PY Actual % Revenue (Operating): Sewer Charge Revenue $2,032,245 $1,862,891 174,167$ 1,881,676$ $18,784 $157,359 $1,713,891 $167,784 9.79% Locke Ranch Assessments 223,000 200,834 1,905 261,978$ 61,144 7,123 214,785 47,193 0.00% Other Operating Revenue 97,055 88,967 12,669 75,390$ (13,576)6,514 94,536 (19,145) -20.25% Total Operating Revenue:2,352,300 2,152,692 188,741 2,219,044$ 66,352 170,996 2,023,212 195,832 9.68% Revenue (Non-Operating): Interest 35,000 32,083 3,609 58,493$ 26,410 2,188 32,468 26,025 80.16% Other Non-Operating Revenue 19,875 18,218 2,183 (17,532)$ (35,750)7,224 79,714 (97,246)-121.99% Total Non-Operating Revenue:54,875 50,302 5,792 40,961$ (9,341)9,412 112,182 (71,221) -63.49% Total Revenue 2,407,174 2,202,993 194,533$ 2,260,005$ 57,011 180,408 2,135,394 124,611 5.84% Expenses (Operating): Salary Related Expenses 998,257 956,342 97,056 924,390 (31,952)71,746 858,514 65,876 7.67% Supplies & Services: Communications 12,010 11,009 1,215 7,698 (3,311)764 8,107 (408)-5.03% Contractual Services 28,237 25,884 3,726 28,068 2,184 2,026 25,695 2,374 9.24% Data Processing 15,078 13,822 1,766 13,100 (721)3,677 17,660 (4,560)-25.82% Dues & Memberships 6,053 5,549 45 5,984 435 529 6,594 (610)-9.26% Fees & Permits 17,474 16,018 672 9,988 (6,030)537 13,679 (3,691)-26.99% Board Election - - - - - - 9,098 (9,098)-100.00% Insurance 19,834 18,181 1,623 17,144 (1,037)1,487 16,207 937 5.78% Materials 51,653 44,849 4,844 37,995 (6,854)1,869 24,104 13,891 57.63% District Activities, Emp Recognition 1,694 1,553 519 1,777 224 29 510 1,268 248.79% Maintenance 170,559 146,346 747 111,319 (35,027)1,410 125,750 (14,432)-11.48% Non-Capital Equipment 20,147 18,468 351 18,977 509 4,339 20,156 (1,179)-5.85% Office Expense 2,963 2,716 193 2,474 (243)123 2,165 308 14.24% Professional Services 40,417 34,549 1,889 30,588 (3,961)2,202 19,339 11,249 58.17% Training 6,782 6,217 (22) 4,969 (1,247)386 5,641 (672)-11.91% Travel & Conferences 12,752 9,689 533 4,373 (5,316)306 2,619 1,755 67.00% Uncollectible Accounts 1,295 1,187 182 452 (734)100 1,294 (842)-65.04% Utilities 12,600 11,550 1,021 12,180 630 1,762 10,300 1,880 18.25% Vehicle Equipment 69,188 67,746 6,168 67,728 (18)8,283 64,636 3,092 4.78% Supplies & Services Sub-Total 488,735 435,331 25,472 374,814 (60,517) 29,829 373,554 1,260 0.34% Total Operating Expenses 1,486,991 1,391,673 122,528 1,299,204 (92,469) 101,575 1,232,068 67,136 5.45% Expenses (Non-Operating): Interest Expense - - - - - - - - - Other Expense - - - (2,116) (2,116) - 7,308 (9,424) - Total Non-Operating Expenses:- - - (2,116) (2,116) - 7,308 (9,424) 0.00% Total Expenses 1,486,991 1,391,673 122,528 1,297,088 (94,585) 101,575 1,239,376 57,712 4.66% Net Position Before Capital Contributions 920,183 811,321 72,005 962,917 151,596 78,833 896,018 66,898 7.47% Capital Contributions (Non-Cash Transaction -- - 41,813 1,641,626 1,641,626 364,421 936,444 705,182 75.30% GASB 34 Compliant) Net Position Before Depreciation 920,183 811,321 113,818 2,604,543 1,793,222 443,254 1,832,462 772,080 42.13% Depreciation & Amortization 1,350,000 1,237,500 114,958 1,253,106 15,606 111,900 1,224,552 28,554 2.33% Total Net Position (429,817) (426,179) (1,140) 1,351,437 1,777,616 331,354 607,910 743,526 122.31% Capital - Direct Labor (3,915) (21,917)(21,917) (1,675) (15,301)(6,616)43.24% Yorba Linda Water District Sewer Fund For Period Ending May 31, 2018 (With May 31, 2017 for comparison purposes) 4 $3,408,424 $3,974,626 $4,590,888 $9,502,713 $9,287,996 9,168,008$1,735,799 $1,815,129 $1,775,738 $1,540,516 $1,616,731 1,737,952 $3,744,961 $4,099,389 $3,825,996 $2,357,635 $2,904,153 3,661,443 $15,556,763 $15,278,651 $15,527,128 $11,039,022 $11,921,152 $14,187,504 $24,445,947 $25,167,795 $25,719,750 $24,439,886 $25,730,032 11.76%increase compared to FY17 $28,754,906 $0 $5,000,000 $10,000,000 $15,000,000 $20,000,000 $25,000,000 $30,000,000 $35,000,000 FY13 FY14 FY15 FY16 FY17 FY18 Water Revenue Comparison by Fiscal Year Water Revenue (Service Charge) Water Revenue (Commercial & Fire Det.) Water Revenue (Landscape/Irrigation) Water Revenue (Residential)Total 5 - 100,000 200,000 300,000 400,000 500,000 600,000 700,000 800,000 900,000 FY16 FY17 FY18 FY16 FY17 FY18 FY16 FY17 FY18 FY16 FY17 FY18 FY16 FY17 FY18 FY16 FY17 FY18 DECEMBER JANUARY FEBRUARY MARCH APRIL MAY 52,187 41,197 49,277 32,674 29,725 42,840 38,242 40,920 48,163 47,183 38,942 39,778 41,245 51,279 38,906 45,370 47,552 65,973 98,164 62,133 100,928 35,714 17,947 88,221 39,778 15,732 92,152 67,844 36,200 70,377 62,581 100,176 64,775 80,331 114,809 171,732 CONSUMPTION BY UNITS CCF Residential Commercial Landscape 6 Rainfall and ETO 80.00 1.00 70.00 0.90 0.80 60.00 0.70 Q 50.00 0.60 ai aj E 40.00 0.50 0.40 > 30.00 0.30 20.00 0.20 10.00 0.10 0.00 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0.00 M M M r -I N M 4 of lfl I-� ob c 1 O rl N M lD I , ob c 1 O .-I N M 4 L� l6 I-� ob 01 O .� r-1 r-1 r-I r-I r-1 r-1 r-1 r-I r-1 r1 N N N N N N N N N N M M Groundwater OC-36 Import Water Consumption ETo -----• Rainfall 7 Volume, AF F� N W 4�- (-n 00 O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O 1-May / 2-May Wbu 3-May � 4-May � 0 5-May Q 6-May v � rD 7-May ., 8-May ' 9-May O 10-May L; 11-May rn 12-May — r 13-May 14-May N 0 15-May 16-May '- fI 17-May m 18-May I19-May r) 20-May 21-May 3 22-May 0 23-May 24-May 25-May 26-May rD 3 27-May 28-May J v 29-May rD 30-May 31-May O I-' N W U'1 Ql �I 00 lD O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O Temperature, degrees Fahrenheit 00 2,000,000 Variable Costs Analysis 1,800,000 1,731,774 tFY16 Var Costs FY17 Var Costs FY18 Var Costs 1,600,000 1,558,819 480,644 1,494,257 1,400,000 1,334,196 1,315,490 1,286,441 1,306,850 1,365,473 1,169,408 1,119,2 1,142,643 1,175,886 , 72,025 1,200,000 1,262,157 11112,623 1, 7,830 80,285 994,574983,949 1,000,000 825,222 59,213 ,90 903,666 411,046,81 914 863,62 911,292 ■ 822,103 800,000 922,987 560,947 630,173 763,420 600,000 400,000 472,129 471,647 470,437 200,000 0 Jul Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun (includes 100%of Annual Connection Expensed in July) 9 Water Revenues & Expenses - May $35,000,000 (excludes Depreciation, Special Items, and Contributed Capital ) $31,886,959 11.03 $30,000,000 - $29,359,511 $28,720,017 $28,137,404 $27,806,163 $25,000,000 $25,940,426 $23,472,029 11.41 $22,898,104 $23,284,070 $20,000,000 $21,316,685 $15,000,000 $10,000,000 $5,000,000 $- May.2014 May.2015 May.2016 May.2017 May.2018 Total Revenue f Total Expenses 10 Sewer Revenues & Expenses - May $2,500,000 - (excludes Depreciation, Special Items, and Contributed Capital) $2,260,005 5.84% $2,135,394 $2,000,000 - $1,871,078 $1,765,580 $1,732,943 $1,500,000 - $1,297,088 $1,154,471 $1,239,376 4.66% $1,000,000 - $1,114,629 $1,082,998 $500,000 $- May. 2014 May. 2015 May. 2016 May. 2017 May. 2018 Total Revenue f Total Expenses 11 ITEM NO. 9.3 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: June 26, 2018 To:Board of Directors From:Marc Marcantonio, General Manager Presented By:Delia Lugo, Finance Manager Dept:Finance Prepared By:Saira Hernandez, Accountant Subject:Cash and Investment Report for Period Ending May 31, 2018 SUMMARY: Government Code Section 530607, et. seq., requires the person delegated to invest funds to make monthly report of investments to the legislative body. DISCUSSION: The Cash & Investment Portfolio Report presents the market value and percent yield for all District investments by institution. The Cash & Investment Summary Report includes budget and actual interest and average term portfolio information as well as market value broken out by reserve categories. The Fair Value Measurement Report categorizes investments with the fair value hierarchy established by generally accepted accounting principles. The Acquisition Fund Graph provides a reconciliation of the Bond Proceeds for the Construction of the Fairmont Booster Pump Station. The Unrestricted Reserves and Days in Cash Graph presents Water Unrestricted Reserve Balances and Days in Cash at a particular point in time for the last four years. The average portfolio yield for the month ending May 31, 2018 is 2.07%. The overall increase in the investment balance from the previous month is approximately $165,897. Balance includes an increase in the Water Operating Fund of $282,166 and Sewer Operating Fund of $45,978 due to a positive net effect between operating revenues and expenses through the reporting month. While the Restrictive 2017A Acquisition Fund decreased by $200,808 to pay Fairmont Booster Pump Station capital project costs. STRATEGIC PLAN: FR 1-F: Continue to Record and Report the Fairly Stated Financial Activities of the District in a Timely and Transparent Manner to the Board of Directors and Member Agencies ATTACHMENTS: Name:Description:Type: Cash_and_Invest_Rpt_May_18.pdf Backup Material Backup Material Market %Date of Percent Value Par of Total Institution Maturity Yield Checking Account: 411,186$ 411,186$ Wells Fargo Bank 411,186$ 411,186$ 1.15%Total 0.00% Money Market Accounts: 97,296$ 97,296$ US Bank (Revenue Bonds)1.33% 3,502,445 3,502,394 US Bank (Money Market)1.61% 244,985 247,599 Public Agency Retirement Svcs. (PARS) 253,920 253,920 Bank of the West 0.44% 4,098,646$ 4,101,209$ 11.43%Total 1.43% Federal Agency Securities: 499,870$ 500,000$ Federal Home Loan Bank 06/12/18 1.00% 499,875 500,000 Federal Home Loan Bank 06/13/18 1.10% 999,745$ 1,000,000$ 2.79%Total 1.05% Certificates of Deposits: 197,842$ 200,000$ World's Foremost Bk Sydney 05/28/19 1.31% 245,830 248,000 Capital One Bk USA Natl Assn 05/13/19 1.21% 238,920 249,000 Comenity Cap Bk Salt Lake City 06/30/21 1.72% 239,903 248,000 EnerBank USA Salt Lake City 08/26/20 1.34% 244,173 248,000 EverBank Jacksonville Fla CTF 08/30/19 1.17% 177,404 180,000 HSBC BK USA, NA MC Clean CTF 08/31/21 1.27% 236,500 248,000 Wells Fargo Bank NA Sioux Falls D 08/31/21 1.68% 239,627 247,000 PrivateBank & Tr Chicago Ill CTF 03/30/22 2.27% 243,793 249,000 JP Morgan Chase Bk NA Columbus 03/31/22 2.50% 2,063,993.74$ 2,117,000$ 5.76%Total 1.63% Pooled Investment Accounts: 9,245,304$ 9,245,304$ Local Agency Investment Fund 1.76% 1,330,545 1,332,054 CalTRUST Short Term 2.06% 17,701,196 17,958,028 CalTRUST Medium Term 2.54% 28,277,044$ 28,535,386$ 78.87%2.26% 35,850,615$ 36,164,781$ 100%Total Investments 2.07% Per Government Code requirements, the Investment Report is in compliance with the Yorba Linda Water District's Investment Policy, and there are adequate funds available to meet budgeted and actual expenditures for the next six months. 5/31/18 Yorba Linda Water District Cash & Investment Portfolio Report May 31, 2018 ________________________________ Saira Hernandez, Accountant 1 Below is a chart summarizing the yields as well as terms and maturities for the month of May 2018: Average # of Month Portfolio Days to of 2018 Yield Maturity May 2.07%78 Below are charts comparing operating fund interest for current and prior fiscal years. Actual Interest 5/31/2017 5/31/2018 Monthly - May 30,285$ 58,032$ Year-to-Date 309,574$ 453,401$ Budget 2016/2017 2017/2018 Interest Budget, May YTD 105,417$ 284,167$ Interest Budget, Annual 115,000$ 310,000$ Interest earned on investments is recorded in the fund that owns the investment. The distribution of investments in the portfolio both in dollars and as a percentage of the total portfolio by funds is as follows: The table below displays the District's Cash and Investment balance of $35.8 million which is allocated between the established reserve funds, Wells Fargo Checking Account, and the restricted funds held at U.S. Bank for the construction of the Fairmont Booster Pump Station. The number of Days in Cash are 396 for the Un-Restricted Water Reserve balance and 1,369 for the Un-Restricted Sewer Reserve balances, as of May 31, 2018. FY18 Reserve Cash and Requirements Investments April 2018 % Alloc May 2018 % Alloc "Target Available for Fund Description Balance 4/30/2018 Balance 5/31/2018 Levels"CY Obligations Water Operating Reserve 13,778,816$ 39.26%14,436,563$ 41.13%9,459,287$ 4,977,276$ Water Emergency Reserve 6,887,135 19.62%6,902,022 19.67%7,790,359 (888,337) Water Capital Project Reserve 4,014,152 11.44%3,714,665 10.58%5,716,336 (2,001,671) Rate Stabilization Reserve 3,940,749 11.23%3,951,276 11.26%3,957,692 (6,416) Un-Restricted Water Reserve Balance 28,620,852 29,004,527 26,923,674 2,080,853 Conservation Reserve 105,635 0.30%105,635 0.30%- 105,635 Employee Liability Reserve 409,991 1.17%409,991 1.17%272,054 137,937 Restricted Reserve Balance 515,627 515,627 272,054 243,573 Sewer Operating Reserve 1,327,849 3.78%1,498,161 4.27%498,142 1,000,019 Sewer Emergency Reserve 2,556,902 7.29%2,559,148 7.29%2,545,934 13,214 Sewer Capital Project Reserve 1,516,350 4.32%1,519,686 4.33%1,519,358 328 Un-Restricted Sewer Reserve Balance 5,401,102 5,576,995 4,563,434 1,013,561 Total Reserve Balances 34,537,581$ 98.41%35,097,149$ 100.00%31,759,162$ 3,337,987$ Water Operating 475,731 407,541 Sewer Operating 127,978 3,645 603,709 411,186 Revenue Bond 2017A-Acquisition Fund 297,956 97,124 Rev. Bond 2017A-Principal & Interest 148 172 Public Agency Retirement Svc. -PARS (Restricted)245,324 244,985 Total Cash and Investments 35,684,718$ 35,850,615$ Cash & Investment Summary Report Cash & Investment Summary Comparison Between Current and Previous Month Wells Fargo Bank Checking US Bank Held (Restricted) 2 Checking Account:411,186$ 1.15% Money Market Accounts:4,098,646$ 11.43% Federal Agency Securities:999,745$ 2.79% Certificates of Deposit:2,063,994$ 5.76% Pooled Investment Accounts:28,277,044$ 78.87% Total 35,850,615$ 100.00% Checking 1.70%Money Market 2.95% Fed Agency Securities 2.80% Certificate of Deposit(s) 14.85% Pooled Accounts -(LAIF & CalTurst) 77.70% Investment Balances (as of 5-31-2018) 3 Yorba Linda Water District Fair Value Measurement Report May 31, 2018 Quoted Observable Unobservable Prices Inputs Inputs Investments Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Total CalTRUST Investment Pool -$ 19,031,741$ -$ 19,031,741$ Local Agency Investment Fund - 9,245,304 - 9,245,304 U.S. Government Sponsored Agency Securities - 999,745 - 999,745 Negotiable Certificates of Deposit - 2,063,994 - 2,063,994 Total Investments -$ 31,340,783$ -$ 31,340,783$ 4 $- $518,312.00 $410,496.57 $334,766.57 $138,158.15 $302,184.58 $436,809.05 $770,131.32 $867,848.92 $853,705.36 $360,606.98 $431,770.53 $277,253.74 $200,832.12 $6,000,000.00 $5,481,688.00 $5,071,191.43 $4,736,424.86 $4,598,266.71 $4,296,082.13 $3,859,273.08 $3,089,141.76 $2,221,292.84 $1,367,587.48 $1,006,980.50 $575,209.97 $297,956.23 $97,124.11 $- $1,000,000.00 $2,000,000.00 $3,000,000.00 $4,000,000.00 $5,000,000.00 $6,000,000.00 $7,000,000.00 May 11, 2017 May 2017 June 2017 July 2017 Aug. 2017 Sept. 2017 Oct. 2017 Nov. 2017 Dec. 2017 Jan. 2018 Feb. 2018 Mar. 2018 Apr. 2018 May 2018 U.S. Bank Held Restricted 2017A Acquisition Fund Balance Spent 5 PARS (Public Agency Retirement Services) Funding Reconciliation Transaction Contributions PARS Expenses Investment Available Description Date & Gains & Losses Return (%)Balance Initial Deposit 12/28/2017 247,599.00$ 247,599.00$ Investment Return 12/31/2018 20.76$ 0.8%247,619.76$ Investment Return 1/31/2018 61.86$ 247,681.62$ Investment Expenses 1/31/2018 (51.59)$ 247,630.03$ Investment Return 2/28/2018 (940.41)$ 246,689.62$ Investment Expenses 2/28/2018 (51.60)$ 246,638.02$ Investment Expenses 3/31/2018 (51.38)$ 246,586.64$ Investment Return 3/31/2018 (1,262.87)$ 245,323.77$ Investment Expenses 4/30/2018 (51.11)$ 245,272.66$ Investment Return 4/30/2018 (288.00)$ 244,984.66$ subtotal =244,984.66$ 6 $25,703,933 $33,902,416 $27,815,071 $29,004,527 358 462 393 396 60 110 160 210 260 310 360 410 460 510 $20,000 $5,020,000 $10,020,000 $15,020,000 $20,020,000 $25,020,000 $30,020,000 $35,020,000 $40,020,000 May. 2015 May. 2016 May. 2017 May. 2018 Unrestricted Reserves & Days in Cash (Water) Unrestricted Reserves (Water)Days in Cash (Water) 7 ITEM NO. 11.1 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: June 26, 2018 Subject:Interagency Committee with MWDOC and OCWD (Nederhood/Jones) · Minutes of meeting held May 24, 2018 at 4:00 p.m. · Next meeting scheduled July 26, 2018 at 4:00 p.m. ATTACHMENTS: Name:Description:Type: 2018-05-24_-_Minutes_-_YLWD-MWDOC-OCWD.docx Minutes Minutes Minutes of the YLWD/MWDOC/OCWD Interagency Committee Meeting Held May 24, 2018 at 4:00 p.m. 1 MINUTES OF THE YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT INTERAGENCY COMMITTEE MEETING WITH MWDOC AND OCWD Thursday, May 24, 2018, 4:00 P.M. 1717 E Miraloma Ave, Placentia CA 92870 1. CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 4:00 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL YLWD COMMITTEE MEMBERS YLWD STAFF Al Nederhood, President John DeCriscio, Operations Manager Brooke Jones, Vice President Bryan Hong, Interim Engineering Manager J. Wayne Miller, Director MWDOC COMMITTEE MEMBER MWDOC STAFF Brett Barbre, Director Harvey De La Torre, Associate General Mgr OCWD STAFF Mike Markus, General Manager Jason Dadakis, Executive Dir of Water Quality 3. PUBLIC COMMENTS Julia Schultz (resident) thanked President Nederhood and YLWD staff for donating bottled water to the volunteers of the Yorba Linda Celebration of the Arts Festival. 4. DISCUSSION ITEMS 4.1. Pending Legislation – Making Water Conservation a California Way of Life Director Barbre reported on the pending legislation on water conservation that the Governor has not yet signed. Due to the continuing work by the ACWA Committee, OCWD member agencies will receive a Recycled Water Credit of 15% for OCWD’s Groundwater Replenishment System (GWRS). The “Water Shutoff” bill is not likely to become legislation. Regarding the “Water Tax” bill, ACWA, with support by most OC agencies, continues to lobby against it. 4.2. MWD Water Supply Conditions and Outlook Director Barbre reported that there are sufficient supplies in storage for the foreseeable future. If drought conditions continue, there could be a risk of shortage in Colorado River supply in 2020. Discussion followed regarding the Drought Contingency Plan for the Colorado River Supply. Minutes of the YLWD/MWDOC/OCWD Interagency Committee Meeting Held May 24, 2018 at 4:00 p.m. 2 4.3. Condition of OCWD Groundwater Basin, Water Purchased for Recharge, and In-Lieu Recharge Mr. Markus reported that it has been a historic dry year for the Santa Ana Watershed which received only 5 inches of rainfall. He indicated that OCWD was able to achieve 73,000 AF of basin recharge through the In- Lieu Program before it was terminated by MWD. In addition, OCWD purchased 65,000 AF of MWD untreated water to recharge the basin. Mr. Markus estimated that the basin overdraft will be about 287,000 AF on June 30. 4.4. PFOS/PFOA and Arsenic Testing and Mitigation Mr. Hong reported on the current quarterly testing by OCWD and concentration of the combined contaminants at YLWD’s Highland Reservoir, where all the well flows blend before distribution to customers. He noted that the blend water delivered continues to comply with the USEPA health advisory level of 70 ppt. Mr. Dadakis reported on the EPA’s National Leadership Summit that took place on May 22-23, 2018. EPA stated that they will begin the multi-year formal process to determine if there is a need for an enforceable maximum contaminant level (MCL) regulation. Mr. Dadakis also provided additional details on OCWD’s latest PFOS/PFOA monitoring efforts at other locations throughout the basin, including the Santa Ana River. Discussion followed regarding treatment methods for PFOS/PFOA in drinking water. Mr. Markus noted that OCWD has issued Basin Equity Assessment (BEA) exemptions in the past to compensate member agencies for the costs of treating groundwater. Mr. Hong reported on the current arsenic levels detected at YLWD wells. He noted that YLWD is continuing to monitor and blend down the levels at YLWD’s Highland Reservoir. Brief discussion followed regarding treatment methods for arsenic in drinking water. 4.5. Huntington Beach Desalination Project Mr. Markus reported that Poseidon is still working on permits from regulatory agencies for the project. He also noted that OCWD staff will be making a presentation to its Board on June 6th on a new Term Sheet between Poseidon and OCWD relating to time and cost issues for the project. 4.6. California Water Fix Project Director Barbre reported that the construction Joint Powers Authority (JPA) has been formed and the finance JPA will be established in June. Minutes of the YLWD/MWDOC/OCWD Interagency Committee Meeting Held May 24, 2018 at 4:00 p.m. 3 4.7. North and South Basin Projects Mr. Markus reported that the comment period for listing the North Basin Project on the National Priority List ended on May 18th. OCWD is continuing its efforts on the Remedial Investigation and Feasibility Studies for both the North and South Basin Projects. 4.8. Coastal Pumping Transfer Program Mr. Markus provided information on the purpose and benefits of OCWD’s Coastal Pumping Transfer Program (CPTP). Mr. DeCriscio reported on YLWD’s commitment to participate in this cost-neutral program by pumping groundwater up to 75% of the Basin Production Percentage (BPP). 4.9. YLWD Well Projects Mr. Hong reported on the status of Well 21, now in full operation, and Well 22, which is in the design phase for the Well Equipping. Mr. DeCriscio noted that YLWD staff has been working with OCWD staff on the irrigation turnout design at Well 21. 4.10. Future Agenda Items None. 5. ADJOURNMENT 5.1. The meeting was adjourned at 5:58 p.m. BH ITEM NO. 13.1 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: June 26, 2018 Subject:Meetings from June 27 - August 31, 2018 ATTACHMENTS: Name:Description:Type: BOD_-_Activities_Calendar.pdf Backup Material Backup Material Board of Directors Activity Calendar Event Date Time Attendance By June OCSD Board Wed, Jun 27 6:00 PM Hawkins YL Planning Commission Wed, Jun 27 6:30 PM Hawkins (As Needed) ISDOC Thu, Jun 28 11:30 AM Hawkins/Nederhood July ISDOC Executive Committee Tue, Jul 3 7:30 AM Nederhood YL City Council Tue, Jul 3 6:30 PM Nederhood District Offices Closed Wed, Jul 4 7:00 AM OCSD Operations Committee Thu, Jul 5 5:00 PM Hawkins WACO Fri, Jul 6 7:30 AM TBD Board of Directors Regular Meeting Tue, Jul 10 6:30 PM OC LAFCO Wed, Jul 11 8:15 AM Nederhood (As Needed) IRWD Facility Tour Wed, Jul 11 1:00 PM Nederhood/Jones YL Planning Commission Wed, Jul 11 6:30 PM Hawkins (As Needed) YL City Council Tue, Jul 17 6:30 PM Jones MWDOC Board Wed, Jul 18 8:30 AM Nederhood/Jones OCWD Board Wed, Jul 18 5:30 PM Miller/Jones Board of Directors Regular Meeting Tue, Jul 24 6:30 PM MWDOC/OCWD Joint Planning Committee Wed, Jul 25 8:30 AM Jones/Miller/Nederhood OCSD Board Wed, Jul 25 6:00 PM Hawkins YL Planning Commission Wed, Jul 25 6:30 PM Hawkins (As Needed) Placentia State of the City Thu, Jul 26 11:15 AM Hawkins/Jones/Nederhood Interagency Committee Meeting with MWDOC and OCWD Thu, Jul 26 4:00 PM Nederhood/Jones August MWDOC Board Wed, Aug 1 8:30 AM Nederhood/Jones OCWD Board Wed, Aug 1 5:30 PM Miller/Jones WACO Fri, Aug 3 7:30 AM TBD ISDOC Executive Committee Tue, Aug 7 7:30 AM Nederhood YL City Council Tue, Aug 7 6:30 PM Hawkins OC LAFCO Wed, Aug 8 8:15 AM Nederhood (As Needed) YL Planning Commission Wed, Aug 8 6:30 PM Hawkins (As Needed) Board of Directors Regular Meeting Tue, Aug 14 6:30 PM MWDOC Board Wed, Aug 15 8:30 AM Nederhood/Jones OCWD Board Wed, Aug 15 5:30 PM Miller/Jones YL Planning Commission Wed, Aug 15 6:30 PM Hawkins YL City Council Tue, Aug 21 6:30 PM Hall UWI Conference Wed, Aug 22 12:00 PM Jones/Miller/Nederhood OCSD Board Wed, Aug 22 6:00 PM Hawkins YL Planning Commission Wed, Aug 22 6:30 PM Hawkins (As Needed) UWI Conference Thu, Aug 23 8:00 AM Jones/Miller/Nederhood UWI Conference Fri, Aug 24 8:00 AM Jones/Miller/Nederhood Board of Directors Regular Meeting Tue, Aug 28 6:30 PM YL Planning Commission Wed, Aug 29 6:30 PM Hawkins BACKUP MATERIALS DISTRIBUTED LESS THAN 72 HOURS PRIOR TO THE MEETING Status of Engineering Activities June 26, 2018 ITEM NO. 9.1. MATERIALS SUBMITTED BY: Rosanne Weston MEETING DATE: June 26, 2018 Fairmont Booster Pump Station Upgrade ITEM NO. 9.1. MATERIALS SUBMITTED BY: Rosanne Weston MEETING DATE: June 26, 2018 ITEM NO. 9.1. MATERIALS SUBMITTED BY: Rosanne Weston MEETING DATE: June 26, 2018 ITEM NO. 9.1. MATERIALS SUBMITTED BY: Rosanne Weston MEETING DATE: June 26, 2018 ITEM NO. 9.1. MATERIALS SUBMITTED BY: Rosanne Weston MEETING DATE: June 26, 2018 ITEM NO. 9.1. MATERIALS SUBMITTED BY: Rosanne Weston MEETING DATE: June 26, 2018 ITEM NO. 9.1. MATERIALS SUBMITTED BY: Rosanne Weston MEETING DATE: June 26, 2018 ITEM NO. 9.1. MATERIALS SUBMITTED BY: Rosanne Weston MEETING DATE: June 26, 2018 ITEM NO. 9.1. MATERIALS SUBMITTED BY: Rosanne Weston MEETING DATE: June 26, 2018 ITEM NO. 9.1. MATERIALS SUBMITTED BY: Rosanne Weston MEETING DATE: June 26, 2018 ITEM NO. 9.1. MATERIALS SUBMITTED BY: Rosanne Weston MEETING DATE: June 26, 2018 ITEM NO. 9.1. MATERIALS SUBMITTED BY: Rosanne Weston MEETING DATE: June 26, 2018 ITEM NO. 9.1. MATERIALS SUBMITTED BY: Rosanne Weston MEETING DATE: June 26, 2018 ITEM NO. 9.1. MATERIALS SUBMITTED BY: Rosanne Weston MEETING DATE: June 26, 2018 ITEM NO. 9.1. MATERIALS SUBMITTED BY: Rosanne Weston MEETING DATE: June 26, 2018 ITEM NO. 9.1. MATERIALS SUBMITTED BY: Rosanne Weston MEETING DATE: June 26, 2018 ITEM NO. 9.1. MATERIALS SUBMITTED BY: Rosanne Weston MEETING DATE: June 26, 2018 ITEM NO. 9.1. MATERIALS SUBMITTED BY: Rosanne Weston MEETING DATE: June 26, 2018 ITEM NO. 9.1. MATERIALS SUBMITTED BY: Rosanne Weston MEETING DATE: June 26, 2018 Pressure Reducing Stations (PRS) Rehabilitation Phase 2 Kilt PRS (to replace Hamer PRS) ITEM NO. 9.1. MATERIALS SUBMITTED BY: Rosanne Weston MEETING DATE: June 26, 2018 ITEM NO. 9.1. MATERIALS SUBMITTED BY: Rosanne Weston MEETING DATE: June 26, 2018 ITEM NO. 9.1. MATERIALS SUBMITTED BY: Rosanne Weston MEETING DATE: June 26, 2018 ITEM NO. 9.1. MATERIALS SUBMITTED BY: Rosanne Weston MEETING DATE: June 26, 2018 ITEM NO. 9.1. MATERIALS SUBMITTED BY: Rosanne Weston MEETING DATE: June 26, 2018 ITEM NO. 9.1. MATERIALS SUBMITTED BY: Rosanne Weston MEETING DATE: June 26, 2018 Hamer PRS (to be abandoned in place) ITEM NO. 9.1. MATERIALS SUBMITTED BY: Rosanne Weston MEETING DATE: June 26, 2018 ITEM NO. 9.1. MATERIALS SUBMITTED BY: Rosanne Weston MEETING DATE: June 26, 2018 ITEM NO. 9.1. MATERIALS SUBMITTED BY: Rosanne Weston MEETING DATE: June 26, 2018 ITEM NO. 9.1. MATERIALS SUBMITTED BY: Rosanne Weston MEETING DATE: June 26, 2018 ITEM NO. 9.1. MATERIALS SUBMITTED BY: Rosanne Weston MEETING DATE: June 26, 2018 ITEM NO. 9.1. MATERIALS SUBMITTED BY: Rosanne Weston MEETING DATE: June 26, 2018 Tiburon PRS (to be abandoned in place) ITEM NO. 9.1. MATERIALS SUBMITTED BY: Rosanne Weston MEETING DATE: June 26, 2018 ITEM NO. 9.1. MATERIALS SUBMITTED BY: Rosanne Weston MEETING DATE: June 26, 2018 ITEM NO. 9.1. MATERIALS SUBMITTED BY: Rosanne Weston MEETING DATE: June 26, 2018 ITEM NO. 9.1. MATERIALS SUBMITTED BY: Rosanne Weston MEETING DATE: June 26, 2018 ITEM NO. 9.1. MATERIALS SUBMITTED BY: Rosanne Weston MEETING DATE: June 26, 2018 Bryant Ranch PRS (replaces Box Canyon PRS) ITEM NO. 9.1. MATERIALS SUBMITTED BY: Rosanne Weston MEETING DATE: June 26, 2018 ITEM NO. 9.1. MATERIALS SUBMITTED BY: Rosanne Weston MEETING DATE: June 26, 2018 ITEM NO. 9.1. MATERIALS SUBMITTED BY: Rosanne Weston MEETING DATE: June 26, 2018 ITEM NO. 9.1. MATERIALS SUBMITTED BY: Rosanne Weston MEETING DATE: June 26, 2018 CIP Construction Progress Date PROJECT START DATE END DATE CONTRACT AMOUNT PAID TO DATE % COMPLETE Fairmont BPS Upgrade 11/1/2016 1/31/2019 $ 7,297,599.39 $ 6,805,609.92 93% PRS Rehab Phase 2 3/19/2018 1/13/2019 $ 663,485.00 $ 204,125.00 31% Tract 15199 Waterline Replacement 6/4/2018 11/1/2018 $ 654,610.00 $ -0% 2018 Sewer Main CIPP Rehab 7/9/2018 11/6/2018 $ 166,110.90 $ -0% ITEM NO. 9.1. MATERIALS SUBMITTED BY: Rosanne Weston MEETING DATE: June 26, 2018 Well 22 Project •Well drilling phase complete •Wellhead equipping under design •Scheduled for bid in October 2018 •Construction schedule: January 2019 to October 2019 May be impacted by bird nesting season (February through August ITEM NO. 9.1. MATERIALS SUBMITTED BY: Rosanne Weston MEETING DATE: June 26, 2018 Developer Projects •Cielo Vista Agreement to be finalized –Existing Offsite Facilities/Improvements •Shea Homes Agreement under negotiation -Lakeview Sewer Lift Station Decommissioning •Yorba Linda Town Center ITEM NO. 9.1. MATERIALS SUBMITTED BY: Rosanne Weston MEETING DATE: June 26, 2018 Water Quality Projects •2017 Annual Report to SWRCB DDW –completed •2018 Water Quality Report –completed •Triennial Lead and Copper Testing Voluntary water testing at residences with copper pipe/lead solder Conducted every 3 years (last time in 2015 –47 participants) Sampling to begin in August Results given to participants Report to be submitted to SWRCB DDW in September ITEM NO. 9.1. MATERIALS SUBMITTED BY: Rosanne Weston MEETING DATE: June 26, 2018