HomeMy WebLinkAbout1987-04-23 - Board of Directors Meeting MinutesV_1V_ page 2114 April 23, 1987 The regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda Water District was called to order by President Cromwell at 8:30 A.M. in the District offices at 4622 Plumosa. Directors present: Paul R. Armstrong, Whit Cromwell, Sterling Fox, M. Roy Knauft, Jr. Director William R. Mills, Jr. was absent. Also present: Ralph C. Shook general manager, Michael A. Payne engineering manager, Juanita Harris office manager, Michael Robinson administrative aide, Cheryl Gunderson with Conrad & Associates. Motion by Director Fox and seconded by Director Armstrong to approve the consent calendar as follows: Approval of the minutes as submitted of the meeting of April 9, 1987, authorization for the Directors to leave the State of California prior to the next meeting and routine applications: SS-14-246 Garland House 4682 Eureka in the amount of $2074.00. Motion carried unanimously. A request from -the Water Advisory Committee of Orange County requesting commitment of funds and contributions was discussed. Motion by Director Fox and seconded by Director Knauft to make a contribution of $500.00 to the Water Advisory Committee of Orange County. Motion carried 3-1. (Cromwell - no). The ACWA:JPIA Executive Committee Election was discussed. Motion by Director Knauft and seconded by Director Fox to authorize the JPIA Director/Alternate Director to use their judgement in voting for members to the Executive Committee. Motion carried unanimously. Mr. Payne reported on the schedule of hourly rates for engineering fees with James M. Montgomery Consulting Engineers. Motion by Director Armstrong and seconded by Director Knauft to accept the Schedule of Fees Hourly Rates dated September 1, 1986 from James M. Montgomery Consulting Engineers for a one year period effective May 1, 1987. Motion carried unanimously. Mr. Payne reported on the proposed Bryant Zone 6 Reservoir. Mr. Payne requested authorization to solicit proposals for the location, elevation, sizing and design of the proposed Bryant Zone 6 Reservoir and also solicit proposals for the design of the booster pumps at the proposed dual use reservoir. Discussion. Motion by Director Knauft and seconded by Director Armstrong to authorize staff to proceed with soliciting proposals for the location, elevation, sizing and design of thq proposed Bryant Zone 6 Reservoir and proposals for the design of the booster pumps at the proposed dual use reservoir. Motion carried unanimously . Mr. Payne reported on Task Order No. 85-57 and requested the use of some of the contingency funds to cover added inspection costs for Bryant Cross Feeder Phase 6. Discussion. Motion by Director Fox and seconded by Director Knauft to approve the use of contingency funds to increase Task Order No. 85-57-A with James M. Montgomery,Consulting Engineers, Inc. to a total not to exceed $34,750.00. Motion carried unanimously. April 23, 1987 page 2115 Director Knauft reported on the negotiations with Bob Murray of Ralph Anderson & Associates regarding personnel recruitment policy. Motion by Director Armstrong and seconded by Director Fox to retain Bob Murray of Ralph Anderson & Associates for the purpose of personnel recruitment at a fee of $9,500 plus expenses not to exceed $3500. Motion carried unanimously. Motion by Director Knauft and seconded by Director Fox to approve for payment the bills and rate deposits in the amount of :136,790.52 on checks No. 12229 through 12300. Motion carried unanimously. A Personnel Committee meeting was scheduled for April 29, 1987 at 3: 00 P. M. The monthly Financial Report and Monthly Investment reports were received and filed. Discussion followed. General manager Shook outlined the Board activites for the next three months and requested a workshop session to start considing the following: The draft of the five-year plan, Meet & Confer process and Health Insurance Plan for the Retired. Director Fox reported on the Planning Commission meeting of April 15, 1987. Director Armstrong reported on the City Council meeting of April 20, 1987. A communication from Water For California Political Action Committee was deferred to the next Board meeting. Motion by Director Armstrong and seconded by Director Knauft to adjourn to 1:00 P.M., May 9, 1987. Motion carried unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 9:34 A.M. /4Rah C. Shook Secretary