HomeMy WebLinkAbout1987-10-22 - Board of Directors Meeting MinutesPare 49 L Oct October Gt.. 1987 MINUTES OF THE YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS REGULAR MEETING OCTOBER 22, 1987 The regular meetino of the Bcarl of Directors of the Voroa _Inca %tyater. r :.!zstrIct was calq led to crdIer but ::'resident Cromwell at 8:7,. ?.,Y Oc~ccer le-, 1 1987, in the District offices at 462-9 Plumosa, Yorba Ling a. Directors present: Whit Cromwell, M. Roy Knauft, Jr., Arthur C. Korn, and Sterling Fox. Also present: William P. Workman, General Manager William J. Robertson, Executive Assistant to the General Manager, Michael A. Payne, Engineering Manager, Michael Robinson, Assistant Administrator 11, and Cheryl Gunderson from Conrad and Associates. Director Armstrong was absent. CONSENT CALENDAR On a motion by Director Foy,, seconded by Director Korn the Board gated 4-0 to approve the consent calendar as follows: Item 1. Approval of the Minutes as submitted for the ward of Directors meeting of October 8, 1987. Item 2. Authorization for the Directors to leave the State of California prior to the next meeting. DISCUSSION CALENDAR No items were presented on the Discussion Calendar. GENERAL MANAGER'S REPORT Item 3. Status Report on District Personnel Recruitment. General Manager, William P. Workman reported on the District's personnel recruitment. Ten positions needed to be filled. The staff was actively working to fill the positions. No action was requested of the Board. Item 4. Update on AMP Earthquake and Flood Insurance. General Manager, William P. Workman reported on problems with a proposed letter agreement that MWDOC desired the District to sign regarding (self insurance for the Allen-McCol l ocn Pipeline. After discussion by the Board on a motion by Director Korn and seconded by Director Fox, the Board voted 4-0 for the staff to come up with more ideas in dealing with the Allen-McCulloch Pipeline Agreement. - iJ~- .vvr_ .tom 198 7 STANDING COMMITTEE REPORTS Item 5. ~:eoort on Committee Asst ments. After a disc s3ion led bu President v,-^mwell, on a motion by Director Knauft and seconded bu Director 7-3.,. ~e Board voted 4-:) to complete a committtee reorganization at their Loam;try 14, 1988 regular meeting. President Cromwell appointed Director Korn to the Planning-Engineering-Operations Committee and the Public Inforr,ation Committee. Item 6. Re:zoiution Honoring Art Korn. After a warm welcome by the Board, on a motion by Director Knauft and seconded by Director Fox, the Board voted 4-0 to approve Resolution 87-3:121 honoring Art Korn for his service as Assistant General Manager and return to the Board of Directors. Item 7. Authorization for Payment of Bills. On a motion by Director Knauft and seconded by Director Fox, the Board voted 4-0 to approve payment of bi i l s-, and rate depos i is in the amount of $740,157.85 on Checks No. 13189, 13267 through 13344 and two wires dated November 1, 1987. Item 8. The Finance-Accounting Committee scheduled a meeting for November 2, 1987 at 2 p.m. to review the Annual Audit. Item 9. The Planning-Engineering-Operations Committee scheduled a meeting for November 10, 1987 at 3 p.m. to discuss the Terminus Reservoir. x Item 14. The Personnel Committee scheduled a meeting for November 10, 1987 at 27:00 p.m. to discuss the Auditer position. Item 11. The Public Information Committee reported on its meeting of October 8, 1987. Mike Robinson presented information regarding the Open House, Fiesta Days, Xeriscape Seminar, District Tour, Employee Newsletter, Water Awareness "leek, and Board Portraits. Item 12. President Cromwell reported he attended the Planning Commission meeting of October 14, 1987. No District business was transacted at the meeting. However, President Cromvyell displayed a Proclamation on Water A-iiareness Meek from the City of Placentia to the District. Pnge ? i 1 1 October 22, 1987 L~ Item 13. director Fo- reported he attended the }~ity Council meeting of October `0 1987. Director For, reviewed the. status of the cable TV construction report he heard at the meeting. Item 14. Director Knauf t reported on the October 21, 1987 MWDOC meeting. Director Knauft reviewed MWD pricing policies and possible seasonal adjustments to the water prices. He felt MWDOC would oppose seasonal pry c i ng. Item 15. Director Korn reported he was unable to attend the OC`r!D meeting of October 21, 1987. CLOSED SESSION General Manager, william P. Workman requested a Closed Session to discuss two personnel matters. On a motion by Director Knauft and seconded by Director Fox the Board approved holding the closed session. Upon return from Closed Session, General Manager, William P. Workman reported that he discussed two personnel items that did not require Board action. At 9:40 a.m., on a motion by Director Korn and seconded by Director Fox, the meeting was adjourned to 3:00 p.m. October 23, 1987 for the Ralph Shook Open House. Wi I I l am P. Workman Secrotar y