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November 25, 1987
NOVEMBER 25, 1987
The regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda Water District was called to
order by President Cromwell at 8:30 a.m., November 25, 1987, in the district offices at 4622
Plumosa, Yorba Linda. Directors present: Whit Cromwell, Arthur C. Korn, and Sterling Fox.
Also present were: William P. Workman, General Manager, William J. Robertson, Assistant
General Manager, Cheryl E. Gunderson, Business Manager, Michael A. Payne, Engineering
Manager, and Michael Robinson, Assistant Administrator II. Directors Knauft and Armstrong
were absent.
On a motion by Director Fox and seconded by Director Korn, the Board voted 3-0 to approve the
consent calendar as follows:
Item 1. Approval of the Minutes as submitted for the Board of Directors regular meeting of
November 12, 1987,
Item 2. Authorization for the Directors to leave the State of California prior to the next
Item 3. Approval of Sewer Connection Application and Permit with Mr. & Mrs. Jerry L.
Cottrell, 5341 Danza Plaza, Yorba Linda in the amount of $1,164.20.
Item 4. Approval of Sewer Connection Application and Permit with Mr. & Mrs. Paul
Hertfelder, 4921 Shook Lane, Yorba Linda in the amount of $250.30.
Item 5. Acceptance of monthly Treasurer's Report and Yields on Selected Securities.
Item 6. 1987/88 Water Rates Report. William J. Robertson, Assistant General Manager,
presented a report and recommendation to retain the current rate structure for the 1987/88
fiscal year. This would provide an estimated $5,546,600 in revenues to meet expenditure
obligations forecasted at $5,362,550.
The recommendation to retain current rates was based on the following factors and forecasts:
(1) No rate increase in the wholesale price of water received from the Metropolitan Water
District of southern California, or basin equity charge from Orange County Water District; (2)
Total annual water production of about 16,985 Acre Feet; (3) Local groundwater supplies
providing 9,000 Acre Feet of the total annual demand or about 53% of our total supply and MWD
Imported water supplying 47%, (4) No increase in electrical or gas energy rates during the
year; (5) Weather forecast of rainfall and temperatures similar to fiscal year 1986/87.
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November 25, 1987
Due to the San Marcos Water District vs. San Marcos Unified :drool District ruling the staff
recommended financing the west area capital program with west area property taxes. Mr.
Robertson stated that the policy is consistent with Board direction on not splitting rates, it
addresses how we can proceed with capital projects in the 1987/88 budget, and it poses a stop
gap until the legislature remedies the situation.
Director Korn suggested that the San Marcos ruling gave us the opportunity to look into other
sources of revenue such as oil wells, rent, and royalties for capital improvements. He indicated
that legislative relief may not be forthcoming because of differences between the schools and
water districts. In response to a question from Director Fox, Mr. Robertson indicated that no
additional taxes are required in this proposal and that the District's rates were 19% below the
County average.
After extensive discussion, on a motion by Director Korn and seconded by Director Fox, the
Board voted 3-0 to accept the 1987/88 Water Rate Report retaining water rates at present
levels and approve a "San Marcos" fiscal policy that included designating non-water revenue for
Capital improvements on the west side of the District.
Item 7. Upper K-Shapell Joint Venture - Revised Covenants Agreement. Mike Payne,
Engineering Manager, requested Board approval of the revised Declaration of Restrictive
Covenants Agreement with Upper K-Shapell for Tract Nos. 10604, 10605, 10607 and 9872.
On October 8, 1987 the Board approved and authorized issuance of the Water Applications and
Agreements for these tracts. The Board also approved a Declaration of Restrictive Covenants
Agreement for certain lots within each tract that had water pressures under 40P.S.I.
Since this approval, Upper K-Shapell Joint Venture has requested that modifications be made to
these covenants agreements before they sign them. The staff and legal counsel have reviewed the
request and have made some proposed modifications to the original covenants agreement, which
Upper K-Shapell Joint Venture has approved and signed.
After some discussion, on a motion by Director Fox and seconded by Director Korn the Board
voted 3-0 to approve the revised Declaration of Restrictive Covenants Agreements with Upper
K-Shapell Joint Venture for Tract Numbers 10604, 10605, 10607 and 9872.
Item 8. Designation of Deferred Compensation Plan Assistant Plan Administrator. Cheryl
Gunderson, Business Manager, requested the Board's adoption of a resolution designating her as
Assistant Plan Administrator for the Employee's Deferred Compensation Plan. The item had been
continued from the November 12 meeting.
Ms. Gunderson indicated that she had reviewed the basis of the recommendation with the General
Manager. The staff reaffirmed its original recommendation. since the Business Manager's
designation would acknowledge a duty already required of the position as well as place
accountability for proper administration of the plan.
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November 25, 1987
After comment from President Cromwell and Dir&-,tor Fox, Director Korn stated his desire to
have the entire Board present for the vote. On a motion by Director Korn and seconded by
Director Fox the board voted 3-0 to continue the issue of designation of a Deferred Compensation
Plan Assistant Plan Administrator until all Board members were present.
Item 9. Appointment of District Auditor. William P. Workman, General Manager gave a report
on filling the District Auditor position that has been vacant since the retirement of the Finance
Manager. Under the California Water Code the Board of Directors is responsible for appointing
this position. The position is responsible for maintaining an accounting system for the District
pursuant to Section 30582 of the Water Code.
The Personnel Committee reviewed the District's options for designating an auditor, discussing
appropriate checks and balances on the accounting system, and recommend that William
Robertson, Assistant General Manager, be designated as Auditor.
After discussion, on a motion by Director Fox and second by Director Korn the Board voted
3-0 by roll call (Armstrong and Knauft absent) to adopt Resolution 87-36 appointing the
Assistant General Manager, William J. Robertson, as the District's Auditor.
Item 10. Correspondence on Legislation AB-318. President Cromwell presented
correspondence on Legislation AB-318 regarding the San Marcos decision. On a motion by
Director Korn and second by Director Fox the Board voted 3-0 to receive and file the
correspondence on Legislation AB-318.
Item 11. Authorization for Payment of Bills. On a motion by Director Fox and seconded by
Director Korn, the Board voted 3-0 to approve payment of Bills and Rate Deposits in the amount
of $144,972.74 on Checks No. 13346 and 13449 through 13555.
Item 12. The Finance-Accounting Committee scheduled a meeting for November 25, at 1 1 a.m.
to discuss payroll processing.
Item 13. A report on Personnel Committee meeting of November 12. Director Fox reported
that the Committee discussed the Auditor position, employee survey, training, Christmas Party,
staffing and FPPC requirements.
Item 14. The Planning-Operations-Engineering Committee scheduled a meeting to review
Mable Paine Water Project tentatively for December 1 at 3:30 p.m.
Item 15. A report on Xeriscape Seminar. Public Information Committee reported on the
Xeriscape Seminar held on November 14. Director Cromwell reported a good turnout of
approximately 70 to 80 people in attendance. Many of the people attending were Yorbe Linda
residents. Director Cromwell recommended issuing Certificates of Appreciation to be given to
the Xeriscape Committee.
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Item 16. The Public Information Committee scheduled a meeting for November 25 at 10:00
Item 17. A report on Planning Commission of November 1 1 not given due to Director
Armstrong's absence.
Item 18. A report on City Council Meeting of November 17 not given due to Director Knauft's
Item 19. Director Fox gave a report on theACWA/JPIA convention held on November 17. He
recommended that our Risk Manager should attend the various workshops offered. He also felt
we should check into the various insurance programs to make sure the District's getting the
most for its money.
Item 20. Director Korn stated that MWDOC's Meeting of November 18 was cancelled because of
absence of a quorum.
William P. Workman, General Manager, requested a closed session to discuss personnel and
labor relations. Upon return from Closed Session, General Manager William P. Workman
reported that he discussed one personnel matter and one labor relations matter that did not
require Board action.
On a motion by Director Fox and seconded by Director Korn, the Board voted 3-0 to adjourn the
meeting at 9:44 a.m.
William P, Workman
General Manager /Secretary