HomeMy WebLinkAbout1987-12-17 - Board of Directors Meeting Minutesace 2 ' n i
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DECEMBER 17, 1987
The eaular meeT r: of she Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda Water District was called to
orcer by Presider rc rael i at 8:30 a.m. December 1 -1, 1 `t 98 7, int: mistr ct f 1
e OT 1C„S at -lu mosa,'~'orba a erectors present: '?`shit Cromwell, Arthur Korn, Roy Kn,auft, Paul
Armstrong and ?irlg Fox. Also present were: William Norman, General Manager:
William J. Rower _ of n . Assistant General Manager, Cheryl F. Gunderson, Business "anager,
Michael A. Payne, engineering Manager, Ray Harsma, Operations Superintendent, Michael
Robinson, Assistant Administrator !I, Beverly Meza, Accounting Supervisor, Jerilyn Clause,
Customer Service Supervisor, and David Cosgrove, legal counsel from Rutan and Tucker. In
addition, David Kull, Regional Land Systems, Nick Visbeek, BSI Consultants, Zeke Luna, Lundun
Landscape, Mike Reed, Rancho Dominguez Townhome Association, Pickett Scott, Yorba Linda
'tillage Homeowner's Association, Charles Fedderson, Rocky Murata Landscape, and Robert
Cisneros, Pacific Coast Maintenance were present along with Mrs. Taylor Mason, Mrs. Ruth
Mason, and son Patrick Mason.
Certificates of Appreciation where given to the members of the Xeriscape Committee along with
President Cromwell`s many thanks for all those who made the Xeriscaoe Seminar successful.
The ner,,scape members receiving a certificate where: David Kull, Regional Land Systems, Nick
Visbeek, BSI Consultants, Zeke Luna, Lundun Landscape, Mike Reed, Rancho Dominguez
Townhome Association, Pickett Scott, Yorba Linda Village Homeowner's Association, Charles
Fedderson, Rocky Murata Landscape, and Robert Cisneros, Pacific Coast Maintenance. Not
present but also receiving a Certificate were Chris Dejan, Tanaka Nursery and James Van Haun,
Orange County Water District in addition, the General Manager introduced two new staff
members: Beverly Meza, Accounting Supervisor and Jerilyn Clausi, Customer Service
On a motion by Director Fox and seconded by Director Knauft, the Board voted 5-0 to approve
the consent calendar as follows:
Item 2. Approval of the Minutes as submitted for the Board of Directors regular meeting of
December 17, 1987,
Item 3. Authorization for the Directors to leave the State of California prior to the next
Item 4. Approval of Application to and Agreement for Water Service (Job No. 8738) in the
amount of $965.00 and Sewer Connection Application and Permit (Service No. 26-141) in the
amount of $1 ,284.00 with Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Vincent, 17835 Anna Marie Drive, Yorba
L i nda.
Item 5. Approval of Sewer Connection Application and Permit (Service No. 28-246) in the
amount. $3,384.50 with Mr. & Mrs, Hans Christensen, "J 502 Pebb?e Beach Lane, Yorba Linda.
Item 6..pproval of Application to and Agreement. for Water Service with The Baldwin Co. ;Job
No. the amount of $9,275.00.
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Item 7. Approval of on to and Agreement for 'Mater Service with 1 D-r,cK and
inc. (Job Na. 8657} in the amount or $17,645.00.
Item S. Approval afApp;i,.ation to and Agreement for Water Service with Brcck and S r .
Inc. (Job No. 36-73) in the am~,nt of $1,325.00.
Item 9. Approval of AD Q'. to and agreement for water Service with crock anc
no. (Job No. 371 5 in the mn nt of ` 8,600.00.
Item 10. Approval of ~.u :.3tion to and Agreement ?or Water Service N,tn ~!.J. BrXK ana
.:,ons, inc. (Job No. 37 14) amount of $15, 700.00.
Item 11. Acceptance of mon- !y Treasurer's Report and Yields on Selected Securities.
Item 12. Approval of Sewer Connection Application and Permit (Service No. 21-149) with
Mr. & Mrs. Taylor Mason, 5ti 1 Highland Avenue, Yorba Linda. Michael A. Payne, Engineering
Manager, requested the Board deny the applicant's appeal and approve the revised Sewer
Connection and Permit since Mrs. Taylor Mason had signed the necessary papers.
Mrs, Mason stated that she wanted a statement with a breakdown of figures explaining the cost of
the Sewer Connection Application and Permit. She also wanted further explanation as to why
there was a $3,000.00 mistake.
After discussion with the Engineering Manager and an added explanation to the Masons in regards
to the fees involved, a motion was made by Director Armstrong and seconded by Director Korn,
the Board voted 5-0 to deny the applicant's appeal and to approve the revised Sewer Connection
Application and Permit (Service No. 21-149) with Mr. & Mrs. Taylor Mason, 551 1 Highland
Avenue, Yorba Linda.
Item 13. Designation of Deferred Compensation Plan Assistant Plan Administrator. Cheryl
Gunderson, Business "tanager, requested the Board's adoption of a resolution designating her as
Assistant Plan Administrator for the Employee's Deferred Compensation Plan. The item had been
continued from the November 12 and the November 25 meeting.
Ms. Gunderson explained to the Board that she had reviewed the basis of the recommendation with
the General Manager and that the staff reaffirmed its original recommendation, since the
Business Manaaer's designation would acknowledge a duty already required of the position as well
as place accountability for proper administration of the plan.
There was a general discussion about Business Manager participation in the Deferred
Compensation Plan while holding the position of Assistant Plan Administrator. Director
Armstrong recommended that the phrase "and non- participant" be inserted after Cheryl
Gunderson, Business Manager. The Board discussed support of the resolution naming Ms.
Gunderson as Plan Assistant as long as she was not a participant.
Director Armstrong made a motion to adopt Resolution Number 87-35 with an amendment to
read Chery unoerson, Business Manager and non-participant. Director -ox seconded the
motion. T.he Board voted 4-0 by roll call vote, with Director Korn abstaining, to adopt
Resolution Nulmoer 37-55 appointing Cheryl Gunderson, Business Manager and non-participant
as Defer - ec . ~ censation Plan Assistant Plan Administrator
Page -1 163
December i af7
Item 14. Reoort an MIND "critical" WaTer Year Cor- enc,. plan. William J. Robertson,
"ssistant General Manager, reported tha? the Dis'ric ce.. d correspondence from MWD
-utlin,ing a course of action based on a three year dro uch The report from MWD stated that if
eater conditions on the State project do not improve this inter. 1988 might be designated as a
critical 'water year with surface c..upp 1 iec ~ dving interr ru,,, c -.Z ano Basic Ovater , rates being rai-sca ed to
encourage water conservation.
The District's maximum obligation in t:.":e event of an in`=r-action would be to pump its normal
groundwater .demand, plus increase groundwater producti+~r. I I unable to meet Our interruptible
obligation, we would have to purchase emergency water. n order to meet the obligation, we are
reviewing methoas to increase well water production in `!inter months, and to accelerate supply
related capital projects. The staff is working on the Etchandy well and will make a full report to
the Board at a later date. In addition, the staff is continuing its efforts to find other ways to meet
long term water needs in case of a shortage.
Item 15. Adoption of Revised Conflict of interest Code. Michael J. Robinson, Administrative
Assistant 11, requested the Board adopt Resolution Number 87-39 revising the Conflict of
interest Code.
He indicated that the Conflict of Interest Code has not been updated since 1980 and there have
been several new employees to whom the Code is applicable added to the staff. Since only
Directors and key staff members are responsible and accountable for committing District funds
and making decisions, the Code is being modified to require the following persons file conflict of
interest .statements: Directors or candidates for Director, General Manager/Secretary,
Assistant General Manager, Assistant Administrator I I , Operations Superintendent, Engineering
Manager, and Business Manager, along with the District's attorney.
After discussion, on a motion was made by Director Fox and seconded by Director Knauft the
Board voted 5-0 to adopt Resolution Number 87-39 revising the Conflict of Interest Code.
Item 16. Contract for the processing of payroll with Bank of America Payroll Plus Service.
Cheryl E. Gunderson, Business Manager reported that the District's payroll is manually
prepared in-house by the Business Department. The process requires an extensive amount of
time (36 hours) with the probability of mistakes quite high because of the manual system.
Since payroll is such a high priority, other important tasks are often delayed.
Alternatives looked into were: 1) purchase of a computer hardware and software package to
process payroll; 2) hire an additional authorized account clerk to continue the manual system
and free the Accounting Clerk currently preparing payroll to attend to other necessary tasks; 3)
retain the services of an outside payroll service. Although a District computer generating
payroll in-house is the preferred solution, the District is not yet prepared to recommend a
hardware purchase. Therefore, option three was the recommendation of both the staff and the
unanimous vote of the Finance-Accounting Committee.
After discussion, on a motion by Director Knauft, and seconded by Director Fox the Board voted
5-0 to approve the contract for the processing of payroll with Bank of America Payroll Plus
Service and authorization for the General Manager to execute contract.
G1 em cer J -
Item 17..u~r:, "aticn for part-time Typist-Clerk. William P. Workman, 'General Manager,
requested the .re`s jdoption of Resolution No. 87-37 amending District pay plan and adopt
Resolution No. -~8 amending the list of authorized positions by adding a 1/2 time
Typ ist-Cler
Presently the trice has only one secretarial position carrying out professional secretarial
outies for the and staff. The secretarial work load has nearly doubled in recent weeks due
to staffing increases, continued demands caused by residential growth and new 3ctivities
required by t"C 'veneral Manager. Since the support and back-up to the current secretary ~;s
inconsistent and not very pro active in solving the clerical question the level of secretarial
support needs to be increased. The addition of 1 /2 time Typist-Clerk will address the District's
clerical demands and free administrative/supervisory personnel to administer and supervise.
Director Armstrong suggested adding a full time position that could be used 1 /2 time if desired.
After more discussion, on a motion by Director Knauft and seconded by Director Fox the Board
voted 5-0 to adopt Resolution Nos. 87-37 and 87-38, adding a full time Typist-Clerk and
deauthorizing an Accounting Clerk 1.
William P. Workman, General Manager, also reported that the Christmas Party on December
18, should have a very good turnout. He requested the Board members pass out the employee
Christmas gift at the party. He also informed the Board that the Alpha Beta gift certificates from
the Board of Directors would be mailed out by Friday, December 18. In addition, each Board
Director was presented with a "Fleet Commanders" baseball hat.
David Cosgrove, legal counsel for Rutan and Tucker, reported that the Legislative Committee
reported on recent legislative measures concerning the "San Marcos" decision.
Item 19. ACWA Legislative Action Request - "San Marcos issue. The Association of California
Water Agencies has requested assistance in creating a proper legislative atmosphere in January
to quickly resolve the problems and inequities brought on by the San Marcos Water District vs
San Marcos Unified School District.
Director Cromwell recommended we alert our local legislators by sending them a letter stating
our concerns on this issue and urging their help in quickly resolving the issue. In addition,
William P. Workman, General Manager, suggested we follow up with a phone call by Directors
and key staff. The entire Board agreed that both letters and follow-up phone calls would be made
to Senator William Campbell, Assemblyman Ross Johnson, and Assemblyman John Lewis.
Item 20. WACO request for support for reappointment of Edwin H. Finster to the State Water
Resources Control Board. After discussion, on a motion made by Director Knauft and seconded by
Director Armstrong the Board voted 5-0 to approve sending a letter in support of Edwin Finster
to the Water Advisory Committee of Orange County.
Item 21. Authorization for Payment of Bills. On a motion by Director Fox and seconded by
Director Knauft the Board voted 5-0 to approve payment of Bills and Rate Deposits in the
amount of $303,779.07 on Checks No. 13448, 1 3556-1 3596, 13598-13678 and wire on
12 -,5. - 7.
Director Knauft stated his concern that the books be brought up c date. Cheryl Gunderson,
1 11 Business Manager, assured the Board that the gooks were the priority in the Business
Department and that they would be up to date by the and of Decemcar. Ms. Gunderson further
stated that the aged accounting system, the audit, and the shortage per-sonnei had added to the
problem. She also assured the Board that the first 6 months of the `4s7l i] vear -looked very good.
Item 22. Report on finance-Accounting Meeting of November she ,.mmittee discussed
the automation of payroll and the consensus was to automate the or c-s via an outside payroll
service, with long term plans to Drocess in-house payroll once a c,y _;ter was purcnased with
payroll capabilities. in addition, the staff informed the Comm,tT== at the Automation TasK
Force Committee was currently working on recommendations rela._c: . an Office Automation
Plan; an Accounting Supervisor would be starting on December ' 71nd that the financial
statements would be brought up to date within the next month.
Item 23. Report on the Public information Committee meeting -Jf November 25. The
Committee reviewed Water Awareness Week, Ralph Shook's Retirement Open House, the
Dis'trict's Fiesta Days Parade float, the semi-annual District Tour, ano the Xeriscape Seminar.
In addition they discussed the production of a District Annual Report, General Manager, William
P. Workman's idea on marketing a program addressing the concerns of water quality, quantity,
and pricing. The Committee recommended that staff approach local newspapers concerning a
series of biographical articles focusing on each Board member. There was also a discussion on
an "Employee of the Month" program.
Item 25. Report on the Planning-Operations-Engineering Committee Meeting of December 7.
Items discussed were: District radio communications system, the Mr. and Mrs. Mason sewer job
at 5511 Highland Avenue, District participation in sewer construction southerly from The
Packing House shopping center, inspection services for the State Park and Dual Use Reservoirs,
and Mable Paine School water service replacement. Director Korn indicated that the Mable
Paine project was ready to proceed.
Item 26. The Planning Commission meeting of November 25 was cancelled.
Item 27. City Council meeting of December 1. Director Cromwell reported that a lot of
questions were asked concerning the Diemer Plant and that MWD did an insurance report
assuring the public that the Diemer Plant is safe. A recommendation was made that the Diemer
Plant be a subject in the Waterlines.
Item 28. Director Korn stated there was nothing new to report on the OCWD meeting of
December 2.
Item 29. Director Knauft had nothing reported on the MWDOC meeting of December 2.
Item 30. Report on the WACO meeting of December 4. Director Knauft reported a discussion
on the Delta Bay Hearings and the City of Fullerton's request for a review of the WACO Charter.
Item 31. Director Korn reported on the CRWUA meeting of December 9. He felt that this
meeting was not as good as previous meetings, the topics and speakers were not as interesting as
in the past. In addition, there were not as many speakers from outside the the water industry as
sre er 1 - -
Item 32. City Council meeting of December ? 5. Nothing to report.
Item 33. Planning Commission meeting of December ? 6. Nothing to report.
On a motion by Director ^a and Seconded by Director Pox, the Board -,!oted `-C. to adiour-
meetino at ? 0:16 a.m.
William P. Workman
General Manager/Secretarv