HomeMy WebLinkAbout2019-02-26 - Board of Directors Meeting Agenda PacketAGENDA YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS REGULAR MEETING Tuesday, February 26, 2019, 6:30 PM 1717 E Miraloma Ave, Placentia CA 92870 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. ROLL CALL Brooke Jones, President Phil Hawkins, Vice President Andrew J. Hall, Director J. Wayne Miller, Director Al Nederhood, Director 4. ADDITIONS/DELETIONS TO THE AGENDA 5. INTRODUCTIONS AND PRESENTATIONS 5.1. Elected Official Liaison Reports 6. PUBLIC COMMENTS Any individual wishing to address the Board is requested to identify themselves and state the matter on which they wish to comment. If the matter is on the agenda, the Board will recognize the individual for their comment when the item is considered. No action will be taken on matters not listed on the agenda. Comments are limited to matters of public interest and matters within the jurisdiction of the Water District. Comments are limited to three minutes. 7. CONSENT CALENDAR All items listed on the consent calendar are considered to be routine matters, status reports, or documents covering previous Board instructions. The items listed on the consent calendar may be enacted by one motion. There will be no discussion on the items unless a member of the Board, staff, or public requests further consideration. 7.1. Payments of Bills, Refunds, and Wire Transfers Recommendation: That the Board of Directors ratify and authorize disbursements in the amount of $1,269,215.56. 7.2. Revised Budgeted Positions for the Remainder of FY19 and Amendments to the Memorandum of Understanding with the YLWD Employees Association and Personnel Manual for Unrepresented Employees Recommendation: That the Board of Directors adopt the following: (1) Resolution No. 2019-02 ratifying the Budgeted Positions for the remainder of Fiscal Year 2019 and rescinding Resolution No. 18-36; (2) Resolution No. 2019-03 amending Section 6.02 and Exhibit A of the Memorandum of Understanding Between the District and the YLWD Employees Association for the remainder of Fiscal Years 2019-2023; and (3) Resolution No. 2019-04 amending Section 3.01 and Exhibit A of the Personnel Manual for Unrepresented Employees for the remainder of Fiscal Years 2019-2023. 7.3. Notice of Completion for Lakeview Sewer Lift Station Decommissioning Project Recommendation: That the Board of Directors authorize staff to file the Notice of Completion for construction of the Lakeview Sewer Lift Station Decommissioning Project, Job No. J2018-24S. 8. DISCUSSION ITEMS This portion of the agenda is for matters that cannot reasonably be expected to be concluded by action of the Board of Directors at the meeting, such as technical presentations, drafts of proposed policies, or similar items for which staff is seeking the advice and counsel of the Board of Directors. Time permitting, it is generally in the District’s interest to discuss these more complex matters at one meeting and consider formal action at another meeting. This portion of the agenda may also include items for information only. 8.1. Cash and Investment Report for Period Ending January 31, 2019 8.2. Budget to Actual Reports for the Month Ending January 31, 2019 8.3. Mid-Year Review of Expenses to Budget for Fiscal Year 2019 8.4. Items Needing Board Consensus Prior to Issuance of Request for Proposals for Rate Study 8.5. Board Goals for 2019 Calendar Year 9. REPORTS, INFORMATION ITEMS, AND COMMENTS 9.1. Directors' Reports · Intergovernmental Meetings, Conferences, and Events 9.2. General Manager's Report 9.3. General Counsel's Report 9.4. Future Agenda Items and Staff Tasks 10. COMMITTEE REPORTS 10.1. Interagency Committee with MWDOC and OCWD (Jones/Hawkins) · Next meeting scheduled March 28, 2019 at 4:00 p.m. 10.2. Joint Agency Committee with City of Yorba Linda (Jones/Hawkins) · Next meeting scheduled March 18, 2019 at 4:00 p.m. at YL City Hall. 10.3. Joint Agency Committee with City of Placentia (Jones/Hawkins) · Next meeting yet to be scheduled. 11. BOARD OF DIRECTORS ACTIVITY CALENDAR 11.1. Meetings from February 27 - April 30, 2019 12. ADJOURNMENT 12.1. The next Regular Meeting will be held Tuesday, March 12, 2019. Closed Session (if necessary) will begin at 5:30 p.m. and regular business at 6:30 p.m. Items Distributed to the Board Less Than 72 Hours Prior to the Meeting Pursuant to Government Code section 54957.5, non-exempt public records that relate to open session agenda items and are distributed to a majority of the Board less than seventy-two (72) hours prior to the meeting will be available for public inspection in the lobby of the District’s business office located at 1717 E. Miraloma Avenue, Placentia, CA 92870, during regular business hours. When practical, these public records will also be made available on the District’s internet website accessible at http://www.ylwd.com/. Accommodations for the Disabled Any person may make a request for a disability-related modification or accommodation needed for that person to be able to participate in the public meeting by telephoning the Executive Secretary at 714-701-3020, or writing to Yorba Linda Water District, P.O. Box 309, Yorba Linda, CA 92885-0309. Requests must specify the nature of the disability and the type of accommodation requested. A telephone number or other contact information should be included so the District staff may discuss appropriate arrangements. Persons requesting a disability-related accommodation should make the request with adequate time before the meeting for the District to provide the requested accommodation. ITEM NO. 7.1 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: February 26, 2019 Budgeted:Yes To:Board of Directors Cost Estimate:$1,269,215.56 Funding Source:All Funds From:Marc Marcantonio, General Manager Presented By:Delia Lugo, Finance Manager Dept:Finance Reviewed by Legal:N/A Prepared By:Richard Cabadas, Accounting Assistant I CEQA Compliance:N/A Subject:Payments of Bills, Refunds, and Wire Transfers SUMMARY: Section 31302 of the California Water Code says the District shall pay demands made against it when they have been approved by the Board of Directors. Pursuant to law, staff is hereby submitting the list of disbursements for Board of Directors’ approval. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors ratify and authorize disbursements in the amount of $1,269,215.56. DISCUSSION: The items on this disbursement list include: a check of $119,699.22 to ACWA/JPIA for March 2019 medical & dental premiums; a check of $66,689.28 to Aqua-Metric Sales Co. for meters, registers, MXUs, and other operations work material; a check of $110,713.00 to Pacific Hydrotech Corporation for Fairmont Booster Pump Station progress payment #26; a check of $71,101.17 to Western A/V for the board & training room upgrades; a wire of $29,633.13 to So. California Gas Co. for January 2019 gas charges at multiple locations; a wire of $40,641.24 to MWDOC for December 2018 water deliveries; a wire of $264,793.00 to CalPERS for the actuarial determined Annual OPEB contribution for FY19; and a wire of $69,759.07 to So. California Edison for January 2019 electricity charges at multiple locations. The balance of $212,953.96 is routine invoices. The Accounts Payable check register total is $985,983.07and Payroll No. 03 total is $283,232.49; where the total of all listed disbursements for this agenda report is $1,269,215.56. A summary of the disbursements is attached. PRIOR RELEVANT BOARD ACTION(S): The Board of Directors approves bills, refunds and wire transfers semi-monthly. ATTACHMENTS: Name:Description:Type: 19-CS_0226.pdf Cap Sheet Backup Material CkReg022619.pdf Check Register Backup Material 19_CC_0226.pdf Credit Card Summary Backup Material Summary of Disbursements February 26, 2019 CHECK NUMBERS & WIRES: 02/26/2019 Computer Checks 73664—73749 $ 581,156.63 ____________ $ 581,156.63 WIRES: W 021419 So. California Gas Co. $ 29,633.13 W021519 MWDOC $ 40,641.24 W021519A CalPERS $ 264,793.00 W021519B So. California Edison $ 69,759.07 ____________ $ 404,826.44 TOTAL OF CHECKS & WIRES $ 985,983.07 PAYROLL NO. 03: Direct Deposits $ 175,072.84 Third Party Checks 7120-7121,7142-7145 $ 20,338.27 Payroll Taxes $ 47,221.37 EFT – TASC #03 $ 2,572.88 EFT – CalPERS Payroll #03 $ 38,027.13 $ 283,232.49 TOTAL OF PAYROLL $ 283,232.49 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DISBURSEMENT TOTAL: $1,269,215.56 ================================================================== APPROVED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS MINUTE ORDER AT BOARD MEETING OF FEBRUARY 26, 2019 ==================================================================. Check No.Date Vendor Name Amount Description 73674 02/26/2019 ACWA/JPIA 119,699.22 MEDICAL & DENTAL PREMIUM - MARCH 2019 73675 02/26/2019 Advanced School Of Driving 11,385.00 CLASS A DRIVER TRAINING - (3) ATTENDEES 73676 02/26/2019 Al Nederhood 20.00 TRAVEL EXPENSE - ISDOC QUARTERLY LUNCH 73667 02/26/2019 AMY MORENO 59.60 CUSTOMER REFUND 73673 02/26/2019 APM PROPERTY MGMT 410.53 CUSTOMER REFUND 73677 02/26/2019 Applied Best Practices 1,658.00 SB1029 ANNUAL DEBT TRANSPARENCY REPORT 73678 02/26/2019 Aqua-Metric Sales Co.66,689.28 REPLACEMENT REGISTERS 73679 02/26/2019 Aramark 681.56 UNIFORM SERVICE 73749 02/26/2019 ARC 20.00 PW DOC MANAGEMENT & PLANWELL DATA 73681 02/26/2019 AT & T - Calnet3 1,905.43 ATT CALNET3 73680 02/26/2019 ATS Communications 440.00 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES - DECEMBER 2018 73682 02/26/2019 Autoscribe Corporation 964.00 TRANSACTION VISION GATEWAY - JANUARY 2019 73683 02/26/2019 Backflow Apparatus & Valve Co., Inc 71.08 PRODUCTION REPAIR PARTS 73684 02/26/2019 Best Drilling and Pump, Inc.15,430.00 J18-37 - WELL #5 &10 - PUMP FOR INSPECTION 73686 02/26/2019 BrightView Tree Care Services Inc.1,824.70 LANDSCAPE SERVICE 73685 02/26/2019 Brithinee Electric 4,595.94 J18-37 - WELL #10 - REBUILD MOTOR 73687 02/26/2019 Brooke Jones 337.44 TRAVEL EXPENSE & MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT 73694 02/26/2019 C. Wells Pipeline 479.49 HYDRANT REPAIR PARTS 73688 02/26/2019 CalCard US Bank 10,832.35 JANUARY 2019 - CREDIT CARD TRANSACTIONS W021519A 02/15/2019 CalPERS 264,793.00 ANNUAL ACTUARIAL DETERMINED OPEB CONTRIBUTION - RETIREE 73689 02/26/2019 CDW Government, Inc 84.17 DESKTOP SUPPLIES 73690 02/26/2019 Certified Laboratories 571.32 MISCELLANEOUS WAREHOUSE PARTS 73691 02/26/2019 City Of Placentia 160.00 ENCROACHMENT PERMIT #118045 73692 02/26/2019 Clinical Lab. Of San Bern.2,410.00 WATER QUALITY SAMPLING - JANUARY 2019 73693 02/26/2019 Culligan of Santa Ana 2,290.00 EQUIPMENT PE SOFTENER 73695 02/26/2019 Daniels Tire Service 1,818.69 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE - UNIT #164 & #211 73664 02/26/2019 DARRELL RAUCH 147.04 CUSTOMER REFUND 73698 02/26/2019 Dean Criske Trucking 2,524.45 ROAD MATERIAL 73696 02/26/2019 Dell Marketing L.P.3,198.31 SOFTWARE - VLA ACROBAT PRO & OPTIPLEX 5060 73697 02/26/2019 Delta Wye Electric, Inc.484.00 MAINTENANCE - WAREHOUSE OFFICE RECEPTACLES 73699 02/26/2019 Employee Relations, Inc.134.70 PRE-EMPLOYMENT BACKGROUND REPORT 73700 02/26/2019 Employment Development Department 4,318.17 UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE BENEFIT CHARGE 73701 02/26/2019 Energy Environmental Soln, Inc 2,400.00 ICE TESTING - PASO FINO 73702 02/26/2019 Enthalpy Analytical, Inc.1,975.00 WATER QUALITY SAMPLING - JANUARY 2019 73703 02/26/2019 ESRI 20,998.62 ARC-GIS PROFESSIONAL ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION 73704 02/26/2019 EyeMed 1,360.33 EYE MED PREMIUM- FEBRUARY 2019 73705 02/26/2019 Fit Tight Covers Company, Inc.3,274.14 (2)- REMOVABLE INSULATION COVERS 73706 02/26/2019 Gexpro 3,897.26 12IN COLOR QP+ W VIEW & CTRL 73666 02/26/2019 GRACE HONG 130.04 CUSTOMER REFUND 73665 02/26/2019 GREG FUNK 183.68 CUSTOMER REFUND 73707 02/26/2019 Haaker Equipment Co.11,057.83 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE - UNIT #168 & #197 73670 02/26/2019 HARCO GROUP 1,572.60 CUSTOMER REFUND 73708 02/26/2019 Infosend Inc.6,394.92 BILLING & POSTAGE - CUSTOMER BILLING 73669 02/26/2019 INSITUFORM TECHNOLOGIES 17.50 CUSTOMER REFUND 73709 02/26/2019 International Training & Rehab Tech, Inc.950.00 NASSCO PACP/MACP/LACP TRAINING 73710 02/26/2019 Jackson's Auto Supply - Napa 341.18 VEHICLE & EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE - UNIT #164 & #219 73711 02/26/2019 Jacqueline Segura 106.38 TRAVEL EXPENSE - 2019 LCW ANNUAL CONFERENCE 73712 02/26/2019 Jeff Mc Donald 403.00 CERTIFICATE REIMBURSEMENT - CWEA 4 73713 02/26/2019 Jeremy Smith 72.25 OPERATIONS TRAINING & SAFETY SUPPLIES 73714 02/26/2019 Kidman Gagen Law 4,851.25 LEGAL SERVICES 73715 02/26/2019 Kimball Midwest 253.82 MECHANIC SHOP SUPPLIES 73716 02/26/2019 Konica Minolta Business 854.48 COPIER LEASE - C258 & C558 73717 02/26/2019 LPR-Laser Printer Repair Co 440.58 SERVICE CALL ON HP4345 MFP 73718 02/26/2019 Managed Health Network 146.25 EAP - FEBRUARY 2019 73719 02/26/2019 Marc Marcantonio 83.01 TRAVEL EXPENSE & MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT 73720 02/26/2019 Mc Fadden-Dale Hardware 482.98 HARDWARE SUPPLIES 73721 02/26/2019 Mobile Industrial Supply 8.00 WELDING SUPPLIES 73722 02/26/2019 Municipal Water District 95.00 WATER POLICY DINNER -DECRISCIO W021519 02/15/2019 Municipal Water District 40,641.24 WATER DELIVERIES - DECEMBER 2018 73723 02/26/2019 NatPay Online Business Solutions 25.84 DOCULIVERY - JANUARY 2019 73724 02/26/2019 Neopost Inc 150.85 NEOPOST IN360 - INK 73725 02/26/2019 Nickey Kard Lock Inc 5,679.23 FUEL - 01/15/19 - 01/31/19 73726 02/26/2019 Office Solutions 1,045.74 OFFICE SUPPLIES & TONER 73727 02/26/2019 Orange Coast Petroleum Equip.1,696.22 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE - UNIT #184 73732 02/26/2019 P.T.I. Sand & Gravel, Inc.377.41 ROAD MATERIAL Yorba Linda Water District Check Register For Checks Dated: 02/13/2019 thru 02/26/2019 73728 02/26/2019 Pacific Hydrotech Corporation 110,713.00 J10-11B - FAIRMONT PUMP STATION UPGRADE - PROGRESS PAYMENT #267372902/26/2019 Pacific Western Bank 5,827.00 J10-11B - FAIRMONT PUMP STATION UPGRADE - RETENTION #26 73730 02/26/2019 Phil Hawkins 29.58 MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT - JANUARY 2019 73731 02/26/2019 Pivot Interiors, Inc.27,554.52 OFFICE IMPROVEMENT - BUILDING 1 73735 02/26/2019 Rachel Padilla/Petty Cash 223.38 PETTY CASH - Y012419 73671 02/26/2019 RDFN VENTURES INC 385.98 CUSTOMER REFUND 73668 02/26/2019 RICHARD CRAIG HUFFMAN 130.05 CUSTOMER REFUND 73733 02/26/2019 Sanders Paving, Inc.14,664.00 ASPHALT REPAIR - AVIEMORE DR & DEVERON COVE 73734 02/26/2019 Shred Confidential, Inc.63.00 INITIAL ONSITE SHRED PICK UP - 5 BINS W021519B 02/15/2019 Southern Calif Edison Co.69,759.07 ELECTRICITY CHARGES - MULTIPLE LOCATIONS - JANUARY 2019 W021419 02/14/2019 Southern Calif Gas Co.29,633.13 GAS CHARGES - MULTIPLE LOCATIONS - JANUARY 2019 73736 02/26/2019 The Shredders 33.00 ON SITE SHRED SERVICE 73737 02/26/2019 Time Warner Cable 650.00 SPECTRUM BUSINESS INTERNET - VEGAS 73738 02/26/2019 Titan Water Technology Inc 295.00 QUARTERLY HVAC SERVICE 73739 02/26/2019 Tony Arambarri 148.99 MILEAGE & PARKING REIMBURSEMENT 73740 02/26/2019 Underground Service Alert 144.98 DIG SAFE BOARD FEES 73741 02/26/2019 Underground Service Alert 308.65 DIGALERT FEES - JANUARY 2019 73742 02/26/2019 United Industries 442.34 PPE EQUIPMENT 73743 02/26/2019 United Water Works, Inc.7,928.93 OPERATIONS WORK MATERIAL 73744 02/26/2019 Vivian Lim 104.42 TRAVEL EXPENSE - 2019 LCW ANNUAL CONFERENCE 73745 02/26/2019 Wayne Miller 18.94 MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT - JANUARY 2019 73746 02/26/2019 West Coast Safety Supply Co 1,701.71 SEWER MAIN REPAIR PARTS 73747 02/26/2019 Western A/V 71,101.17 J2018-42 - BOARD & TRAINING ROOM EQUIPMENT & INSTALLATION 73748 02/26/2019 YO Fire 11,601.95 OPERATIONS WORK MATERIAL 73672 02/26/2019 ZHENGQUN WEI 116.18 CUSTOMER REFUND 985,983.07 Vendor Name Amount Description Institute of Certified Record Managers 200.00 Annual CRM certification renewal County of Orange 264.50 Copies - YLWD properties, deeds & easement Amazon.com 451.47 Sit/Stand desk - Ergonomic equipment BBQ Galore 86.08 Retirement recognition - Polimino, J Costco 102.77 Supplies - HR open house PASMA 150.00 (2) PASMA memberships - Knight & Millen OC ARMA 35.00 OC ARMA - December chapter meeting - Millen OC ARMA 35.00 OC ARMA - December chapter meeting - Knight Konica Minolta Business 42.03 Black toner for Konica copier C552 Jimm Johns 48.00 Lunch - Maintenance I interview panel SCIE ARMA 20.00 SCIE-ARMA Monthly Chapter Meeting - Millen SCIE ARMA 30.00 SCIE-ARMA monthly chapter meeting - Knight Lamp Post Pizza 76.73 Lunch - Maintenance I interview panel Smart & Final 214.69 Retirement recognition - Polimino & All Hand meeting supplies Costco 177.56 Retirement recognition - Polimino & All Hand meeting supplies NPELRA 195.00 NPELRA renewal - Knight OC ARMA 25.00 ARMA December chapter meeting - Arambarri Ralphs 29.94 Retirement recognition - Polimino & All Hand meeting supplies Albertsons 35.99 Retirement recognition - Polimino & All Hand meeting supplies OC ARMA 150.00 ARMA meeting package - (6) meetings - Arambarri Amazon.com 100.81 IT hardware supplies Amazon.com 48.46 IT hardware supplies ARMA International 215.00 SCIE & International professional membership - Knight PARMA 90.00 PARMA membership - Knight American Society of Safety Professionals 250.00 Annual membership Cleverbridge Inc 495.00 Lansweeper standard subscription Orange County Register 345.99 OC Register paper & online subscription - 26 weeks Placentia Chamber Of Commerce 65.00 Excellence in Placentia Gala - (1) attendee Verizon Wireless 5,282.30 Verizon Wireless - 11/21/18 - 12/20/18 Amazon.com 43.04 Cell phone supplies Placentia Disposal #676 555.38 (2) Front loads - Disposal service RMJ Technologies 188.56 Geotab G08 device on ATT network Answer One Communications 443.05 Virtual reception services - After hours ONLINE Information Services, Inc.340.00 Online collection services 10,832.35 26-Feb-19 Cal Card Credit Card U S Bank ITEM NO. 7.2 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: February 26, 2019 To:Board of Directors From:Marc Marcantonio, General Manager Presented By:Gina Knight, HR/Risk and Safety Manager Dept:Human Resources/Risk Management Prepared By:Gina Knight, HR/Risk and Safety Manager Subject:Revised Budgeted Positions for the Remainder of FY19 and Amendments to the Memorandum of Understanding with the YLWD Employees Association and Personnel Manual for Unrepresented Employees SUMMARY: On December 11, 2018, the District's Board of Directors adopted Resolution No. 18-36 ratifying the budgeted positions for the remainder of FY19. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors adopt the following: (1) Resolution No. 2019-02 ratifying the Budgeted Positions for the remainder of Fiscal Year 2019 and rescinding Resolution No. 18-36; (2) Resolution No. 2019-03 amending Section 6.02 and Exhibit A of the Memorandum of Understanding Between the District and the YLWD Employees Association for the remainder of Fiscal Years 2019-2023; and (3) Resolution No. 2019-04 amending Section 3.01 and Exhibit A of the Personnel Manual for Unrepresented Employees for the remainder of Fiscal Years 2019- 2023. DISCUSSION: As part of the General Manager's vision to restructure the organization, provide career progression, implement efficiencies and develop a succession plan, the following reclassifications and salary adjustments and a new classification will become effective March 3, 2019. Reclassifications with Salary Adjustments: • Management Analyst (R28) to Sr. Management Analyst (R33) • Office Clerk (R12) to Customer Service Rep II (R17) Reclassifications: • Sr. Fleet Mechanic to Sr. Mechanic • Meter Services Lead (Represented) to Sr. Field Customer Service Rep/Meters (Unrepresented) New Classification: • Director of Public and Government Affairs The Goal of the reorganization is to remain budget neutral. The fiscal impact for the above changes will be offset by vacant positions being filled later in the year. STRATEGIC PLAN: G5 1A - Retain a highly skilled and capable workforce. ATTACHMENTS: Name:Description:Type: Resolution_No._2019-02_-_Budgeted_Positions.docx Resolution Resolution Resolution_No._2019-02_-_Exhibit_A.pdf Exhibit Exhibit Resolution_No._2019-03_-_BU_Amend.docx Resolution Resolution Resolution_No._2019-03_-_BU_Amend.pdf Exhibit Exhibit Resolution_No._2019-04_-_UN_Amend.docx Resolution Resolution Resolution_No._2019-04_-_UN_Amend.pdf Exhibit Exhibit Resolution No. 2019-02 Ratifying Budgeted Positions for Remainder of FY19 and Rescinding Resolution No. 18-36 1 RESOLUTION NO. 2019-02 RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT RATIFYING THE BUDGETED POSITIONS FOR THE REMAINDER OF FISCAL YEAR 2019 AND RESCINDING RESOLUTION NO. 18-36 WHEREAS, the Board of Directors adopts a budget on an annual basis; and WHEREAS, the Board of Directors is required to ratify the proposed budgeted positions for each fiscal year in compliance with California Code of Regulations (CCR) Section 570.5 and the Public Employees’ Retirement Law (PERL). WHEREAS, it is the desire of the Board of Directors to ratify the Budgeted Positions for the remainder of Fiscal Year 2019. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda Water District as follows: Section 1. Effective March 3, 2019, the number of Budgeted Positions as set forth in Exhibit A and attached hereto is hereby ratified for the remainder of Fiscal Year 2019. Section 2. The General Manager is hereby authorized to employ up to the number of employees budgeted and funded in each fiscal year without further approval of the Board of Directors. Section 3. The General Manager is hereby authorized while this Resolution is active to fill a budgeted position that is vacated with a new employee at a lower or equal classification and/or with a part time employee or contract staff. Resolution No. 2019-02 Ratifying Budgeted Positions for Remainder of FY19 and Rescinding Resolution No. 18-36 2 Section 5. The General Manager is further authorized to fix and alter the compensation of employees subject to budget limitations. Section 6. That Resolution No. 18-36 is hereby rescinded effective February 26, 2019. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 26th day of February 2019 by the following called vote: AYES: NOES: ABSTAIN: ABSENT: Brooke Jones, President Yorba Linda Water District ATTEST: Annie Alexander, Board Secretary Yorba Linda Water District Reviewed as to form by General Counsel: Andrew B. Gagen, Esq. Kidman Gagen Law LLP Exhibit A Resolution No. 2019-02 Budgeted Positions for the Remainder of FY19 Effective March 3, 2019 Salary Range Position Classification Budgeted as of 1/1/2019 Proposed Change Budgeted as of 3/3/2019 12 Office Clerk 1 -1 0 16 Meter Reader I 1 1 Accounting Assistant I 0 0 Customer Service Rep II 2 1 3 Maintenance Worker I 9 9 Public Affairs Representative 1 1 18 Meter Reader II 2 2 Customer Service Rep III 2 2 Operations/Warehouse Assistant 0 0 Records Management Specialist 1 1 Maintenance Worker II 6 6 Water Quality Technician I 0 0 Accounting Assistant II 2 2 Facilities Maintenance 1 1 Mechanic II 1 1 Operator I (Operator In Training)1 1 Information Systems Tech I 1 1 Water Quality Technician II 1 1 Human Resources Technician 1 1 Maintenance Worker III 5 5 Mechanic III 1 1 Meter Services Lead 1 -1 0 Operations Assistant 1 1 Plant Operator II 3 3 Safety and Training Technician 0 0 Sr. Field Customer Service/Meters 0 1 1 Construction Inspector 1 1 Engineering Technician II 2 2 Accountant 1 1 Instrumentation Technician 0 0 GIS Analyst 1 1 Sr. Construction Inspector 1 1 Sr. Fleet Mechanic 1 -1 0 Sr. Mechanic 0 1 1 Sr. Maintenance Worker 4 4 Sr. Plant Operator 1 1 Human Resources Analyst 1 1 Safety and Training Analyst 1 1 Sr. SCADA Technician 1 1 28 Management Analyst 1 -1 0 Construction Project Manager 1 1 Customer Service Billing Administrator 1 1 IS Administrator 2 2 19 20 22 17 25 21 26 23 24 27 30 Page 1 of 2 Exhibit A Resolution No. 2019-02 Budgeted Positions for the Remainder of FY19 Effective March 3, 2019 Maintenance Superintendent 1 1 Operations Superintendent 1 1 Records Management Administrator 1 1 Sr. Accountant 1 1 Sr. Engineer 1 1 31 Production Superintendent 1 1 32 Executive Assistant 1 1 Principal Engineer 1 1 33 Sr. Management Analyst 0 1 1 34 Director of Public and Government Affairs 0 1 1 Sr. Project Manager 1 1 37 IT Manager 1 1 39 Engineering Manager 1 1 Finance Manager 1 1 Human Resources/Risk and Safety Manager 1 1 Operations Manager 1 1 42 Assistant General Manager 1 1 General Manager 1 1 Total 80 1 81 Engineering Intern 0 1 1 * 0 1 1 * The Engineering Intern position is based on part-time work not to exceed 960 hours per fiscal year. Salary Set by Board 30 Page 2 of 2 Exhibit A Resolution No. 2019-02 Budgeted Positions for the Remainder of FY19 Effective March 3, 2019 Salary Range Position Classification Budgeted as of 1/1/2019 Proposed Change Budgeted as of 3/3/2019 12 Office Clerk 1 -1 0 16 Meter Reader I 1 1 Accounting Assistant I 0 0 Customer Service Rep II 2 1 3 Maintenance Worker I 9 9 Public Affairs Representative 1 1 18 Meter Reader II 2 2 Customer Service Rep III 2 2 Operations/Warehouse Assistant 0 0 Records Management Specialist 1 1 Maintenance Worker II 6 6 Water Quality Technician I 0 0 Accounting Assistant II 2 2 Facilities Maintenance 1 1 Mechanic II 1 1 Operator I (Operator In Training)1 1 Information Systems Tech I 1 1 Water Quality Technician II 1 1 Human Resources Technician 1 1 Maintenance Worker III 5 5 Mechanic III 1 1 Meter Services Lead 1 -1 0 Operations Assistant 1 1 Plant Operator II 3 3 Safety and Training Technician 0 0 Sr. Field Customer Service/Meters 0 1 1 Construction Inspector 1 1 Engineering Technician II 2 2 Accountant 1 1 Instrumentation Technician 0 0 GIS Analyst 1 1 Sr. Construction Inspector 1 1 Sr. Fleet Mechanic 1 -1 0 Sr. Mechanic 0 1 1 Sr. Maintenance Worker 4 4 Sr. Plant Operator 1 1 Human Resources Analyst 1 1 Safety and Training Analyst 1 1 Sr. SCADA Technician 1 1 28 Management Analyst 1 -1 0 Construction Project Manager 1 1 Customer Service Billing Administrator 1 1 IS Administrator 2 2 19 20 22 17 25 21 26 23 24 27 30 Page 1 of 2 Exhibit A Resolution No. 2019-02 Budgeted Positions for the Remainder of FY19 Effective March 3, 2019 Maintenance Superintendent 1 1 Operations Superintendent 1 1 Records Management Administrator 1 1 Sr. Accountant 1 1 Sr. Engineer 1 1 31 Production Superintendent 1 1 32 Executive Assistant 1 1 Principal Engineer 1 1 33 Sr. Management Analyst 0 1 1 34 Director of Public and Government Affairs 0 1 1 Sr. Project Manager 1 1 37 IT Manager 1 1 39 Engineering Manager 1 1 Finance Manager 1 1 Human Resources/Risk and Safety Manager 1 1 Operations Manager 1 1 42 Assistant General Manager 1 1 General Manager 1 1 Total 80 1 81 Engineering Intern 0 1 1 * 0 1 1 * The Engineering Intern position is based on part-time work not to exceed 960 hours per fiscal year. Salary Set by Board 30 Page 2 of 2 Resolution No. 2019-03 Amending the MOU Between the District and YLWDEA 1 RESOLUTION NO. 2019-03 RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT AMENDING SECTION 6.02 AND EXHIBIT A OF THE MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN THE DISTRICT AND THE YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT EMPLOYEES ASSOCIATION FOR THE REMAINDER OF FISCAL YEARS 2019-2023 WHEREAS, the Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda Water District previously adopted the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the District and the Yorba Linda Water District Employees Association for Fiscal Years 2019- 2023 (Resolution No. 18-10); and WHEREAS, the Board of Directors then adopted Resolution No. 18-16 amending the effective dates of Exhibits A through F of the MOU to reflect the 1st day of July of the applicable fiscal year; and WHEREAS, the Board of Directors then adopted Resolution No. 18-28 and subsequently Resolution No. 18-34 amending Exhibit A of the MOU to modify the classifications and salary ranges for employees of the Yorba Linda Water District Employees Association for the remainder of Fiscal Years 2019- 2023; and WHEREAS, it is the desire of the Board of Directors to amend Section 6.02 of the MOU to remove the Meter Services Lead, Sr. Plant Operator, Sr. Maintenance Worker, and Sr. Mechanic from the Certificate Pay section; and WHEREAS, it is also the desire of the Board of Directors to further amend Exhibit A of the MOU to remove the Meter Services Lead classification and salary range effective March 3, 2019. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda Water District as follows: Section 1. That effective March 3, 2019, Section 6.02 of the Memorandum of Understanding between the District and the Yorba Linda Water District Employees Association for Fiscal Years 2019-2023 be amended to read as attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein. Section 2. That effective March 3, 2019, Exhibit A of the Memorandum of Understanding between the District and the Yorba Linda Water District Employees Association for Fiscal Years 2019-2023 be amended to read as attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein. Resolution No. 2019-03 Amending the MOU Between the District and YLWDEA 2 PASSED AND ADOPTED this 26th day of February 2019 by the following called vote: AYES: NOES: ABSTAIN: ABSENT: Brooke Jones, President Yorba Linda Water District ATTEST: Annie Alexander, Board Secretary Yorba Linda Water District Reviewed as to form by General Counsel: Andrew B. Gagen, Esq. Kidman Gagen Law LLP YLWDEA 18 2018-2023 Section 6.02 – Certificate Pay The District shall provide the below indicated certificate pay amounts where any employee in the Plant Operator I/II, Sr. Plant Operator, Maintenance Worker I/II/III, Sr. Maintenance Worker, Engineering Technician I/II, Electrical/Instrumentation Technician, Sr. SCADA Technician, Construction Inspector, Sr. Construction Inspector, Water Quality Technician I/II, and Meter Reader I/II, and Meter Services Lead classifications has been issued a State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) Distribution, SWRCB Treatment, and/or California Water Environment Association (CWEA) Collection Certificate(s) that is above and beyond the certification(s) required for his/her classification. As determined at the sole discretion of the General Manager, the certificate(s) must be relevant to the employee’s principal duties and must be above and beyond the requirement of the employee’s classification. A. In those instances where an employee has a Treatment, Distribution, and/or Collection Certificate that is above and beyond the certification(s) required for the employee’s classification, the District agrees to pay the following certificate pay amounts on a biweekly basis. Employees will receive no more than two (2) certificate pays per pay period. TREATMENT CERTIFICATE DISTRIBUTION CERTIFICATE COLLECTIONS CERTIFICATE CERTIFICATE PAY PER PAY PERIOD T-1 D-1 C-1 $6.00/PP T-2 D-2 C-2 $7.00/PP T-3 D-3 C-3 $8.00/PP T-4 D-4 C-4 $9.00/PP T-5 D-5 N/A $10.00/PP B. Subject to certificate pay being limited to a total of two (2) certificates, each affected employee shall be eligible to receive, biweekly, the combined total of the certificate pay amount that relates to any of the above particular levels. For example, an employee having been issued a T-3 certificate shall receive an $8.00 biweekly certificate pay. An employee having been issued a T-3 and a D-4 shall receive a $17.00 biweekly certificate pay. An employee having a T-5, D-5 and a C-4, shall receive a $20.00 biweekly certificate pay. Where three or more certificates have been issued, the two (2) certificates having the highest combined total shall be utilized to determine the total certificate pay. As indicated above, certificate pay will only be paid for an issued certificate which is above the certification required of the employee holding a specific classification. Thus, a Plant Operator II having been issued a T-2 and a D-3 certificate shall receive no certificate pay. A Plant Operator II having been issued a T-2 certificate and a D-4 certificate shall receive a $9.00 biweekly certificate pay. YLWDEA 19 2018-2023 C. Individuals within the Mechanic I/II/III and Sr. Mechanic classifications are eligible for the following certificate compensation upon being awarded specified certificates issued by the National Institute for Automotive Service Excellence (ASE). It has been agreed by the parties that the following available ASE certificates shall be deemed relevant to the employee’s principal duties. Those certificates as defined by the ASE are:  Alternate Fuels Certification Test (F1)  Advanced Engine Performance Specialist Certification Test (L1)  Electronic Diesel Engine Diagnosis Specialist Certification Test (L2)  Undercar Specialist Exhaust Systems Test (X1)  Any A1-A9 test certificate listed in the Automobile & Light Truck Certification Tests (A Series)  Any E1-E3 test certificate listed in the Truck Equipment Certification Tests (E Series)  Any T1-T8 test certificate listed in the Medium-Heavy Truck Certification Tests (T Series) Where these classified employees have been issued an ASE certificate deemed by the General Manager to be relevant to the employee’s principal duties, the employee shall receive an $8.00 biweekly certificate pay for each certificate, not to exceed two (2) certificates ($16.00 biweekly). The District agrees to pay the aforementioned certificate pay amounts on a biweekly basis. D. Payment by the District of any exam fees, certificate fees, renewal fees or similar fees shall only be made following provision to the District of evidence that the employee has successfully qualified for and been awarded the pertinent certificate(s). The biweekly certificate pay(s) shall be paid only while a certificate remains valid. Section 6.03 – Education Reimbursement The District shall provide pre-approved reimbursement for regular full time employees to assist with the cost of tuition, fees, books and parking for undergraduate and graduate level studies up to a Masters level coursework. As education reimbursement each fiscal year, employees may, based upon level of enrollment, receive up to the equivalent of one academic year’s full-time undergraduate or graduate tuition at California State University for an in-state resident. To qualify for reimbursement, regular full time employees must successfully complete a pre-approved course with a passing grade (C or better). In the event of a “Credit/No Credit” Course, “Credit” will be considered a passing grade. Proof of payment and successful completion of the course with a passing grade as indicated in YLWDEA 18 2018-2023 Section 6.02 – Certificate Pay The District shall provide the below indicated certificate pay amounts where any employee in the Plant Operator I/II, Maintenance Worker I/II/III, Engineering Technician I/II, Electrical/Instrumentation Technician, Sr. SCADA Technician, Construction Inspector, Sr. Construction Inspector, Water Quality Technician I/II, and Meter Reader I/II classifications has been issued a State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) Distribution, SWRCB Treatment, and/or California Water Environment Association (CWEA) Collection Certificate(s) that is above and beyond the certification(s) required for his/her classification. As determined at the sole discretion of the General Manager, the certificate(s) must be relevant to the employee’s principal duties and must be above and beyond the requirement of the employee’s classification. A. In those instances where an employee has a Treatment, Distribution, and/or Collection Certificate that is above and beyond the certification(s) required for the employee’s classification, the District agrees to pay the following certificate pay amounts on a biweekly basis. Employees will receive no more than two (2) certificate pays per pay period. TREATMENT CERTIFICATE DISTRIBUTION CERTIFICATE COLLECTIONS CERTIFICATE CERTIFICATE PAY PER PAY PERIOD T-1 D-1 C-1 $6.00/PP T-2 D-2 C-2 $7.00/PP T-3 D-3 C-3 $8.00/PP T-4 D-4 C-4 $9.00/PP T-5 D-5 N/A $10.00/PP B. Subject to certificate pay being limited to a total of two (2) certificates, each affected employee shall be eligible to receive, biweekly, the combined total of the certificate pay amount that relates to any of the above particular levels. For example, an employee having been issued a T-3 certificate shall receive an $8.00 biweekly certificate pay. An employee having been issued a T-3 and a D-4 shall receive a $17.00 biweekly certificate pay. An employee having a T-5, D-5 and a C-4, shall receive a $20.00 biweekly certificate pay. Where three or more certificates have been issued, the two (2) certificates having the highest combined total shall be utilized to determine the total certificate pay. As indicated above, certificate pay will only be paid for an issued certificate which is above the certification required of the employee holding a specific classification. Thus, a Plant Operator II having been issued a T-2 and a D-3 certificate shall receive no certificate pay. A Plant Operator II having been issued a T-2 certificate and a D-4 certificate shall receive a $9.00 biweekly certificate pay. YLWDEA 19 2018-2023 C. Individuals within the Mechanic I/II/III classifications are eligible for the following certificate compensation upon being awarded specified certificates issued by the National Institute for Automotive Service Excellence (ASE). It has been agreed by the parties that the following available ASE certificates shall be deemed relevant to the employee’s principal duties. Those certificates as defined by the ASE are:  Alternate Fuels Certification Test (F1)  Advanced Engine Performance Specialist Certification Test (L1)  Electronic Diesel Engine Diagnosis Specialist Certification Test (L2)  Undercar Specialist Exhaust Systems Test (X1)  Any A1-A9 test certificate listed in the Automobile & Light Truck Certification Tests (A Series)  Any E1-E3 test certificate listed in the Truck Equipment Certification Tests (E Series)  Any T1-T8 test certificate listed in the Medium-Heavy Truck Certification Tests (T Series) Where these classified employees have been issued an ASE certificate deemed by the General Manager to be relevant to the employee’s principal duties, the employee shall receive an $8.00 biweekly certificate pay for each certificate, not to exceed two (2) certificates ($16.00 biweekly). The District agrees to pay the aforementioned certificate pay amounts on a biweekly basis. D. Payment by the District of any exam fees, certificate fees, renewal fees or similar fees shall only be made following provision to the District of evidence that the employee has successfully qualified for and been awarded the pertinent certificate(s). The biweekly certificate pay(s) shall be paid only while a certificate remains valid. Section 6.03 – Education Reimbursement The District shall provide pre-approved reimbursement for regular full time employees to assist with the cost of tuition, fees, books and parking for undergraduate and graduate level studies up to a Masters level coursework. As education reimbursement each fiscal year, employees may, based upon level of enrollment, receive up to the equivalent of one academic year’s full-time undergraduate or graduate tuition at California State University for an in-state resident. To qualify for reimbursement, regular full time employees must successfully complete a pre-approved course with a passing grade (C or better). In the event of a “Credit/No Credit” Course, “Credit” will be considered a passing grade. Proof of payment and successful completion of the course with a passing grade as indicated in Exhibit A Yorba Linda Water District – Bargaining Unit Employees Association Classifications and Salary Ranges Effective March 3, 2019 November 11, 2018 CLASSIFICATION TITLE SALARY RANGES FLSA Accounting Assistant I BU 17 Non-Exempt Construction Inspector BU 24 Non-Exempt Customer Service Representative I BU 15 Non-Exempt Customer Service Representative II BU 17 Non-Exempt Customer Service Representative III BU 19 Non-Exempt Engineering Technician I BU 20 Non-Exempt Engineering Technician II BU 24 Non-Exempt Facilities Maintenance BU 21 Non-Exempt GIS Analyst BU 26 Non-Exempt GIS Technician BU 24 Non-Exempt Information Systems Technician I BU 22 Non-Exempt Maintenance Worker I BU 17 Non-Exempt Maintenance Worker II BU 20 Non-Exempt Maintenance Worker III BU 23 Non-Exempt Mechanic I BU 17 Non-Exempt Mechanic II BU 21 Non-Exempt Mechanic III BU 23 Non-Exempt Meter Reader I BU 16 Non-Exempt Meter Reader II BU 18 Non-Exempt Meter Services Lead BU 23 Non-Exempt Office Clerk BU 12 Non-Exempt Operations Assistant BU 23 Non-Exempt Plant Operator I BU 21 Non-Exempt Plant Operator II BU 23 Non-Exempt Public Affairs Representative BU 17 Non-Exempt Sr. Construction Inspector BU 26 Non-Exempt Sr. SCADA Technician BU 27 Non-Exempt Water Quality Technician I BU 20 Non-Exempt Water Quality Technician II BU 22 Non-Exempt Exhibit A Yorba Linda Water District – Bargaining Unit Employees Association Classifications and Salary Ranges Effective March 3, 2019 CLASSIFICATION TITLE SALARY RANGES FLSA Accounting Assistant I BU 17 Non-Exempt Construction Inspector BU 24 Non-Exempt Customer Service Representative I BU 15 Non-Exempt Customer Service Representative II BU 17 Non-Exempt Customer Service Representative III BU 19 Non-Exempt Engineering Technician I BU 20 Non-Exempt Engineering Technician II BU 24 Non-Exempt Facilities Maintenance BU 21 Non-Exempt GIS Analyst BU 26 Non-Exempt GIS Technician BU 24 Non-Exempt Information Systems Technician I BU 22 Non-Exempt Maintenance Worker I BU 17 Non-Exempt Maintenance Worker II BU 20 Non-Exempt Maintenance Worker III BU 23 Non-Exempt Mechanic I BU 17 Non-Exempt Mechanic II BU 21 Non-Exempt Mechanic III BU 23 Non-Exempt Meter Reader I BU 16 Non-Exempt Meter Reader II BU 18 Non-Exempt Office Clerk BU 12 Non-Exempt Operations Assistant BU 23 Non-Exempt Plant Operator I BU 21 Non-Exempt Plant Operator II BU 23 Non-Exempt Public Affairs Representative BU 17 Non-Exempt Sr. Construction Inspector BU 26 Non-Exempt Sr. SCADA Technician BU 27 Non-Exempt Water Quality Technician I BU 20 Non-Exempt Water Quality Technician II BU 22 Non-Exempt Resolution No. 2019-04 Amending the Personnel Manual for Unrepresented Employees 1 RESOLUTION NO. 2019-04 RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT AMENDING SECTIONS 3.01 AND 6.02, AND EXHIBIT A OF THE PERSONNEL MANUAL FOR UNREPRESENTED EMPLOYEES FOR THE REMAINDER OF FISCAL YEARS 2019-2023 WHEREAS, the Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda Water District previously adopted the Personnel Manual (Manual) for Unrepresented Employees for Fiscal Years 2019-2023 (Resolution No. 18-11); and WHEREAS, the Board of Directors then adopted Resolution No. 18-17 amending the effective dates of Exhibits A through F of the Manual to reflect the 1st day of July of the applicable fiscal year; and WHEREAS, the Board of Directors then adopted Resolution No. 18-29 amending Section 6.02 of the Manual to clarify the benefits and special conditions offered by the District for Unrepresented Employees as related to Certificate Pay and amending Exhibit A of the Manual to modify the classifications and salary ranges for Unrepresented Employees for the remainder of Fiscal Years 2019-2023; and WHEREAS, the Board of Directors then adopted Resolution No. 18-35 amending Section 4.07 and Articles 6 and 7 of the Manual to clarify the benefits and special conditions offered by the District for Unrepresented Employees as related to Merit Increases, Certificate Pay, Commercial Drivers’ License Pay, Uniforms, Fatigue Accommodation, Standby Compensation, and Call-out Compensation and amending Exhibit A of the Manual to modify the classifications and salary ranges for Unrepresented Employees for the remainder of Fiscal Years 2019-2023; and WHEREAS, it is the desire of the Board of Directors to amend Sections 3.01 and 6.02 of the Manual to add Director of Public and Government Affairs to the Management Employees definition and add Sr. Field Customer Service Representative/Meters to the Certificate Pay section; and WHEREAS, it is also the desire of the Board of Directors to further amend Exhibit A of the Manual for Unrepresented Employees to remove the Management Analyst classification and salary range and add the Director of Public and Government Affairs, Sr. Management Analyst and Sr. Field Customer Service Representative/Meters classifications and salary ranges effective March 3, 2019. Resolution No. 2019-04 Amending the Personnel Manual for Unrepresented Employees 2 NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda Water District as follows: Section 1. That effective March 3, 2019, Sections 3.01 and 6.02 of the Personnel Manual for Unrepresented Employees for Fiscal Years 2019-2023 be amended to read as attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein. Section 2. That effective March 3, 2019, Exhibit A of the Personnel Manual for Unrepresented Employees for Fiscal Years 2019-2023 be amended to read as attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 26th day of February 26 by the following called vote: AYES: NOES: ABSTAIN: ABSENT: Brooke Jones, President Yorba Linda Water District ATTEST: Annie Alexander, Board Secretary Yorba Linda Water District Reviewed as to form by General Counsel: Andrew B. Gagen, Esq. Kidman Gagen Law LLP Unrepresented Employees Personnel Manual 1 2018-2023 YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT PERSONNEL MANUAL FOR UNREPRESENTED EMPLOYEES EFFECTIVE JULY 1, 2018 Yorba Linda Water District (“District”) hereby presents this Personnel Manual (“Manual”) describing the salaries, benefits and special conditions offered by the District and establishing rules, regulations, and procedures for its Unrepresented Employees (“Employees”) which shall be effective July 1, 2018, unless otherwise noted, through June 30, 2023. ARTICLE I – MANAGEMENT RIGHTS Section 1.01 – General There are no provisions in this Manual that shall be deemed to limit or curtail the District in any way in the exercise of the rights, powers and authority which the District had prior to this Personnel Manual unless and only to the extent that the provisions of this Manual specifically curtail or limit such rights, powers and authority. The Manual does not create any contract of employment, expressed or implied, or any rights in the nature of a contract. ARTICLE II – RECOGNITION Section 2.01 – General The provisions of this Manual shall apply to the Unrepresented Employees’ (formerly Professional and Confidential Employee Group, and Management Employee Group) as specified in Exhibit “A”. The Assistant General Manager is at-will and serves at the will of the General Manager and may be dismissed without cause or right of appeal. Articles X, XI, and XII of this Personnel Manual do not apply to this classification. Provisions of this Manual do not apply to part-time, temporary, limited term, contract or intern personnel (employees) unless specifically noted in this manual, District Policy or the employee’s contract. ARTICLE III – DEFINITIONS Section 3.01 – Definitions The following terms as used in this Personnel Manual shall, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise, have the respective meanings described below: Unrepresented Employees Personnel Manual 2 2018-2023 CLASSIFICATION: All positions sufficiently similar in duties, authority, responsibility and working conditions to permit grouping under common title and the application of common standards of selection, transfer, promotion and salary. CONTINUOUS SERVICE: The service of an employee in a payroll status without interruption except for authorized leave(s) of absence from date of hire. DAY: One calendar day, unless expressly noted otherwise. DEMOTION: The voluntary or involuntary transfer of an employee from one classification to another classification with a lower salary grade. DEPARTMENT HEAD: One who functions directly under the authority of the General Manager and Assistant General Manager, has direct responsibility for a particular department or major function, and manages its staff, policies and budget. DISCIPLINARY ACTION: The discharge, demotion, reduction of pay, suspension, or the issuance of a written reprimand or formal warning. A performance evaluation is not a disciplinary action, regardless of the rating. ELIGIBLE: A person whose name is on an employment list, promotional list or reemployment list. EMPLOYEE: An individual within a classification included in Exhibit “A.” Regardless of duties, anybody whom the District deems an independent contractor or volunteer shall not be considered an “employee” for purposes of this Manual. EMPLOYMENT LIST: A. Eligibility List -- A list of candidates who have qualified in an examination open to all qualified individuals and who are eligible for appointment. B. Promotional -- A list of candidates who have qualified in an examination open only to qualified District employees and who are eligible for appointment. C. Reemployment -- A list of former employees who have been laid off and who are eligible for reemployment in his/her former classification or in a comparable classification carrying the same or lower maximum rate of pay. D. Reinstatement -- A list of former employees who resigned from the District in good standing and who are eligible for reinstatement to his/her former classification carrying the same or lower maximum rate of pay. Unrepresented Employees Personnel Manual 3 2018-2023 EXEMPT EMPLOYEE: An employee who is exempt from the overtime payment provisions of FLSA. FAIR LABOR STANDARDS ACT (FLSA): The Federal Law which guarantees non- exempt employees pay at one and one-half (1½) times for working overtime. FISCAL YEAR: A twelve month period from July 1 to June 30 in which the District plans, budgets, appropriates and expends its funds. FULL-TIME POSITION: A position requiring the incumbent to work forty hours or more per week. GRIEVANCE: A claim by a regular employee that the District has violated, misrepresented or misapplied an obligation to the employee, as expressed in the Personnel Manual or other administrative rules, policy, procedures or regulations. Disciplinary actions, the content of performance evaluations, failure of probation, merit increases, reclassification, layoff, transfer or challenges to examinations or appointment are not subject to the grievance procedure. The grievance procedure shall not be used to establish new policies or change any existing rules. GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE: The process by which the validity of a grievance is determined. IMMEDIATE FAMILY: Employee's spouse, domestic partner, parents, children (stepchildren,) foster children, sisters, brothers, grandparents, grandchildren, mother-in- law, father-in-law. LAYOFF: Termination of employment due to elimination of position because of lack of work or lack of available funding, reorganization or an action deemed by the Board to be in the public interest. LEAVE OF ABSENCE: Permission to be absent from work for a specified purpose, with the right to return before or upon the expiration of the leave period. MANAGEMENT EMPLOYEES: Employees within the Assistant General Manager, Director of Public and Government Affairs, Engineering Manager, Finance Manager, Human Resources/Risk and Safety Manager, Information Technology Manager, and Operations Manager classifications. MERIT INCREASE: An increase in the base pay rate of an employee from his/her current Step to a higher Step in the salary Range established for his/her classification. The amount of merit increase is awarded based on the employee’s overall performance rating as documented on the Performance Appraisal, not on longevity. NON-EXEMPT EMPLOYEE: An employee who is covered by the overtime provisions of FLSA. Unrepresented Employees Personnel Manual 4 2018-2023 OVERTIME: The time which an exempt or a non-exempt employee is required or permitted to work beyond forty hours in a 7 day work period. Non-exempt employees receive time and a half pay for the hours worked. Exempt non-management employees receive an hour of pay for each hour worked. PART-TIME POSITION: A position requiring the incumbent to work less than forty (40) hours per week. Employees working less than thirty (30) hours per week serve at the will of the General Manager, and may be terminated without cause or without hearing or right of appeal. Employees working 30 hours or more may receive some benefits. POSITION: A combination of duties assigned to be performed by one person. PROBATIONARY EMPLOYEE: An employee whose regular status is contingent upon successful completion of a prescribed period of observation to determine that the employee possesses the ability to perform the duties of the position. The original probationary period is a 12 month working test period and the promotional probationary period is a 6 month working test period, during which an employee is required to demonstrate his/her ability to perform the duties of their position. PROMOTION: The movement of an employee from one classification to another classification with a higher rate of pay. RECLASSIFICATION: The reassignment of a position from one classification title or grade to a different classification title or grade in accordance with a reevaluation of the minimum qualifications, duties, and responsibilities of the position in question. REGULAR FULL TIME EMPLOYEE/REGULAR PART TIME EMPLOYEE: An employee who has completed the Probationary Period and is occupying a position established on a continuing basis, as distinct from temporary employees who serve on a seasonal or intermittent basis. A regular part time employee works thirty hours or more and has completed probation. SALARY SCHEDULE: An annual listing of the minimum through maximum salary grades of pay for all defined District classifications, as prepared by the General Manager and adopted by the Board of Directors. SENIORITY: Seniority is defined as the length of continuous service in the employee's present classification or in higher or equal classification regardless of the department to which assigned. SEPARATION: The separation of an employee from District service because of retirement, resignation, termination, permanent disability, dismissal or death. STEP: The various increments of a salary range, from minimum to maximum, authorized for the subject classification. Unrepresented Employees Personnel Manual 5 2018-2023 SUSPENSION: An involuntary absence imposed by the General Manager for disciplinary purposes or pending investigation or charges. TEMPORARY EMPLOYEE: An employee in a position that is intended to be occupied on less than a year-round basis including, but not limited to the following: to cover seasonal peak workloads; emergency extra workloads of limited duration; vacation relief, paid sick leave or other situations involving a fluctuating staff. Ordinarily, such positions shall not be authorized for over six months. Temporary employees, serve at the will of the General Manager, and may be terminated without cause or without hearing or right of appeal. TRANSFER: Change of an employee from one classification to another having the same maximum salary and similar duties and basic qualifications. WORKWEEK: A regularly reoccurring period of seven (7) consecutive twenty-four (24) hour days. ARTICLE IV – CLASSIFICATION AND COMPENSATION Section 4.01 – Compensation The following base salary increases are considered “persable” compensation and lump sum payments are considered “non-persable” compensation. A. On July 12, 2018, employees shall receive a 1% increase to his/her base salary (Exhibit “B”). On November 15, 2018, employees shall receive a lump sum payment equivalent to 2% of his/her current hourly rate of pay as of November 10, 2018 multiplied by 2080. B. On July 11, 2019, employees shall receive a 2% increase to his/her base salary (Exhibit “C”). On November 14, 2019, employees shall receive a lump sum payment equivalent to 1% of his/her current hourly rate of pay as of November 9, 2019 multiplied by 2080. C. On July 9, 2020, employees shall receive a 1% increase to his/her base salary (Exhibit “D”). On November 12, 2020, employees shall receive a lump sum payment equivalent to 2% of his/her current hourly rate of pay as of November 7, 2020 multiplied by 2080. D. On July 8, 2021, employees shall receive a 2% increase to his/her base salary (Exhibit “E”). On November 10, 2021, employees shall receive a lump sum payment equivalent to 1% of his/her current hourly rate of pay as of November 6, 2021 multiplied by 2080. E. On July 7, 2022, employees shall receive a 1% increase to his/her base salary (Exhibit “F”). On November 10, 2022, employees shall receive a Unrepresented Employees Personnel Manual 1 2018-2023 YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT PERSONNEL MANUAL FOR UNREPRESENTED EMPLOYEES EFFECTIVE JULY 1, 2018 Yorba Linda Water District (“District”) hereby presents this Personnel Manual (“Manual”) describing the salaries, benefits and special conditions offered by the District and establishing rules, regulations, and procedures for its Unrepresented Employees (“Employees”) which shall be effective July 1, 2018, unless otherwise noted, through June 30, 2023. ARTICLE I – MANAGEMENT RIGHTS Section 1.01 – General There are no provisions in this Manual that shall be deemed to limit or curtail the District in any way in the exercise of the rights, powers and authority which the District had prior to this Personnel Manual unless and only to the extent that the provisions of this Manual specifically curtail or limit such rights, powers and authority. The Manual does not create any contract of employment, expressed or implied, or any rights in the nature of a contract. ARTICLE II – RECOGNITION Section 2.01 – General The provisions of this Manual shall apply to the Unrepresented Employees’ (formerly Professional and Confidential Employee Group, and Management Employee Group) as specified in Exhibit “A”. The Assistant General Manager is at-will and serves at the will of the General Manager and may be dismissed without cause or right of appeal. Articles X, XI, and XII of this Personnel Manual do not apply to this classification. Provisions of this Manual do not apply to part-time, temporary, limited term, contract or intern personnel (employees) unless specifically noted in this manual, District Policy or the employee’s contract. ARTICLE III – DEFINITIONS Section 3.01 – Definitions The following terms as used in this Personnel Manual shall, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise, have the respective meanings described below: Unrepresented Employees Personnel Manual 2 2018-2023 CLASSIFICATION: All positions sufficiently similar in duties, authority, responsibility and working conditions to permit grouping under common title and the application of common standards of selection, transfer, promotion and salary. CONTINUOUS SERVICE: The service of an employee in a payroll status without interruption except for authorized leave(s) of absence from date of hire. DAY: One calendar day, unless expressly noted otherwise. DEMOTION: The voluntary or involuntary transfer of an employee from one classification to another classification with a lower salary grade. DEPARTMENT HEAD: One who functions directly under the authority of the General Manager and Assistant General Manager, has direct responsibility for a particular department or major function, and manages its staff, policies and budget. DISCIPLINARY ACTION: The discharge, demotion, reduction of pay, suspension, or the issuance of a written reprimand or formal warning. A performance evaluation is not a disciplinary action, regardless of the rating. ELIGIBLE: A person whose name is on an employment list, promotional list or reemployment list. EMPLOYEE: An individual within a classification included in Exhibit “A.” Regardless of duties, anybody whom the District deems an independent contractor or volunteer shall not be considered an “employee” for purposes of this Manual. EMPLOYMENT LIST: A. Eligibility List -- A list of candidates who have qualified in an examination open to all qualified individuals and who are eligible for appointment. B. Promotional -- A list of candidates who have qualified in an examination open only to qualified District employees and who are eligible for appointment. C. Reemployment -- A list of former employees who have been laid off and who are eligible for reemployment in his/her former classification or in a comparable classification carrying the same or lower maximum rate of pay. D. Reinstatement -- A list of former employees who resigned from the District in good standing and who are eligible for reinstatement to his/her former classification carrying the same or lower maximum rate of pay. Unrepresented Employees Personnel Manual 3 2018-2023 EXEMPT EMPLOYEE: An employee who is exempt from the overtime payment provisions of FLSA. FAIR LABOR STANDARDS ACT (FLSA): The Federal Law which guarantees non- exempt employees pay at one and one-half (1½) times for working overtime. FISCAL YEAR: A twelve month period from July 1 to June 30 in which the District plans, budgets, appropriates and expends its funds. FULL-TIME POSITION: A position requiring the incumbent to work forty hours or more per week. GRIEVANCE: A claim by a regular employee that the District has violated, misrepresented or misapplied an obligation to the employee, as expressed in the Personnel Manual or other administrative rules, policy, procedures or regulations. Disciplinary actions, the content of performance evaluations, failure of probation, merit increases, reclassification, layoff, transfer or challenges to examinations or appointment are not subject to the grievance procedure. The grievance procedure shall not be used to establish new policies or change any existing rules. GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE: The process by which the validity of a grievance is determined. IMMEDIATE FAMILY: Employee's spouse, domestic partner, parents, children (stepchildren,) foster children, sisters, brothers, grandparents, grandchildren, mother-in- law, father-in-law. LAYOFF: Termination of employment due to elimination of position because of lack of work or lack of available funding, reorganization or an action deemed by the Board to be in the public interest. LEAVE OF ABSENCE: Permission to be absent from work for a specified purpose, with the right to return before or upon the expiration of the leave period. MANAGEMENT EMPLOYEES: Employees within the Assistant General Manager, Director of Public and Government Affairs, Engineering Manager, Finance Manager, Human Resources/Risk and Safety Manager, Information Technology Manager, and Operations Manager classifications. MERIT INCREASE: An increase in the base pay rate of an employee from his/her current Step to a higher Step in the salary Range established for his/her classification. The amount of merit increase is awarded based on the employee’s overall performance rating as documented on the Performance Appraisal, not on longevity. NON-EXEMPT EMPLOYEE: An employee who is covered by the overtime provisions of FLSA. Unrepresented Employees Personnel Manual 4 2018-2023 OVERTIME: The time which an exempt or a non-exempt employee is required or permitted to work beyond forty hours in a 7 day work period. Non-exempt employees receive time and a half pay for the hours worked. Exempt non-management employees receive an hour of pay for each hour worked. PART-TIME POSITION: A position requiring the incumbent to work less than forty (40) hours per week. Employees working less than thirty (30) hours per week serve at the will of the General Manager, and may be terminated without cause or without hearing or right of appeal. Employees working 30 hours or more may receive some benefits. POSITION: A combination of duties assigned to be performed by one person. PROBATIONARY EMPLOYEE: An employee whose regular status is contingent upon successful completion of a prescribed period of observation to determine that the employee possesses the ability to perform the duties of the position. The original probationary period is a 12 month working test period and the promotional probationary period is a 6 month working test period, during which an employee is required to demonstrate his/her ability to perform the duties of their position. PROMOTION: The movement of an employee from one classification to another classification with a higher rate of pay. RECLASSIFICATION: The reassignment of a position from one classification title or grade to a different classification title or grade in accordance with a reevaluation of the minimum qualifications, duties, and responsibilities of the position in question. REGULAR FULL TIME EMPLOYEE/REGULAR PART TIME EMPLOYEE: An employee who has completed the Probationary Period and is occupying a position established on a continuing basis, as distinct from temporary employees who serve on a seasonal or intermittent basis. A regular part time employee works thirty hours or more and has completed probation. SALARY SCHEDULE: An annual listing of the minimum through maximum salary grades of pay for all defined District classifications, as prepared by the General Manager and adopted by the Board of Directors. SENIORITY: Seniority is defined as the length of continuous service in the employee's present classification or in higher or equal classification regardless of the department to which assigned. SEPARATION: The separation of an employee from District service because of retirement, resignation, termination, permanent disability, dismissal or death. STEP: The various increments of a salary range, from minimum to maximum, authorized for the subject classification. Unrepresented Employees Personnel Manual 5 2018-2023 SUSPENSION: An involuntary absence imposed by the General Manager for disciplinary purposes or pending investigation or charges. TEMPORARY EMPLOYEE: An employee in a position that is intended to be occupied on less than a year-round basis including, but not limited to the following: to cover seasonal peak workloads; emergency extra workloads of limited duration; vacation relief, paid sick leave or other situations involving a fluctuating staff. Ordinarily, such positions shall not be authorized for over six months. Temporary employees, serve at the will of the General Manager, and may be terminated without cause or without hearing or right of appeal. TRANSFER: Change of an employee from one classification to another having the same maximum salary and similar duties and basic qualifications. WORKWEEK: A regularly reoccurring period of seven (7) consecutive twenty-four (24) hour days. ARTICLE IV – CLASSIFICATION AND COMPENSATION Section 4.01 – Compensation The following base salary increases are considered “persable” compensation and lump sum payments are considered “non-persable” compensation. A. On July 12, 2018, employees shall receive a 1% increase to his/her base salary (Exhibit “B”). On November 15, 2018, employees shall receive a lump sum payment equivalent to 2% of his/her current hourly rate of pay as of November 10, 2018 multiplied by 2080. B. On July 11, 2019, employees shall receive a 2% increase to his/her base salary (Exhibit “C”). On November 14, 2019, employees shall receive a lump sum payment equivalent to 1% of his/her current hourly rate of pay as of November 9, 2019 multiplied by 2080. C. On July 9, 2020, employees shall receive a 1% increase to his/her base salary (Exhibit “D”). On November 12, 2020, employees shall receive a lump sum payment equivalent to 2% of his/her current hourly rate of pay as of November 7, 2020 multiplied by 2080. D. On July 8, 2021, employees shall receive a 2% increase to his/her base salary (Exhibit “E”). On November 10, 2021, employees shall receive a lump sum payment equivalent to 1% of his/her current hourly rate of pay as of November 6, 2021 multiplied by 2080. E. On July 7, 2022, employees shall receive a 1% increase to his/her base salary (Exhibit “F”). On November 10, 2022, employees shall receive a Unrepresented Employees Personnel Manual 17 2018-2023 new pair of safety footwear (up to $250). The employee will be required to submit the used safety footwear to the District in exchange for the replacement safety footwear. Section 6.02 – Certificate Pay The District shall reimburse employees for sums paid to the appropriate agencies for obtaining or renewing treatment and/or distribution certificates, collection certificates, and other professional certifications, registrations and job related training. A. In addition, the District shall provide a one-time per fiscal year payment of $150.00 per certificate to an employee in the Maintenance Superintendent, Operations Superintendent, and Production Superintendent classifications who has qualified for and been issued a State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) Distribution or SWRCB Treatment and/or California Water Environment Association (CWEA) Collection Certificate(s) that is above and beyond the certification(s) required for his/her classification. As determined at the sole discretion of the General Manager, the certificate(s) must be relevant to the employee’s principal duties and must be above and beyond the requirement of the employee’s classification. The $150.00 payment shall be issued during each year in which the applicable certificate(s) remains valid and remains other than a certificate which is a job requirement. B. The District shall provide the below indicated certificate pay amounts where any employee in the Sr. Field Customer Service Representative/Meters, Sr. Plant Operator, and Sr. Maintenance Worker, classifications has been issued a State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) Distribution, SWRCB Treatment, and/or California Water Environment Association (CWEA) Collection Certificate(s) that is above and beyond the certification(s) required for his/her classification. As determined at the sole discretion of the General Manager, the certificate(s) must be relevant to the employee’s principal duties and must be above and beyond the requirement of the employee’s classification. 1. In those instances where an employee has a Treatment, Distribution, and/or Collection Certificate that is above and beyond the certification(s) required for the employee’s classification, the District agrees to pay the following certificate pay amounts on a biweekly basis. Employees will receive no more than two (2) certificate pays per pay period. TREATMENT CERTIFICATE DISTRIBUTION CERTIFICATE COLLECTIONS CERTIFICATE CERTIFICATE PAY PER PAY PERIOD T-1 D-1 C-1 $6.00/PP T-2 D-2 C-2 $7.00/PP T-3 D-3 C-3 $8.00/PP T-4 D-4 C-4 $9.00/PP T-5 D-5 N/A $10.00/PP Unrepresented Employees Personnel Manual 18 2018-2023 2. Subject to certificate pay being limited to a total of two (2) certificates, each affected employee shall be eligible to receive, biweekly, the combined total of the certificate pay amount that relates to any of the above particular levels. For example, an employee having been issued a T-3 certificate shall receive an $8.00 biweekly certificate pay. An employee having been issued a T-3 and a D-4 shall receive a $17.00 biweekly certificate pay. An employee having a T-5, D-5 and a C-4, shall receive a $20.00 biweekly certificate pay. Where three or more certificates have been issued, the two (2) certificates having the highest combined total shall be utilized to determine the total certificate pay. As indicated above, certificate pay will only be paid for an issued certificate which is above the certification required of the employee holding a specific classification. Thus, a Plant Operator II having been issued a T-2 and a D-3 certificate shall receive no certificate pay. A Plant Operator II having been issued a T-2 certificate and a D-4 certificate shall receive a $9.00 biweekly certificate pay. 3. Individuals within the Sr. Mechanic classifications are eligible for the following certificate compensation upon being awarded specified certificates issued by the National Institute for Automotive Service Excellence (ASE). It has been agreed by the parties that the following available ASE certificates shall be deemed relevant to the employee’s principal duties. Those certificates as defined by the ASE are:  Alternate Fuels Certification Test (F1)  Advanced Engine Performance Specialist Certification Test (L1)  Electronic Diesel Engine Diagnosis Specialist Certification Test (L2)  Undercar Specialist Exhaust Systems Test (X1)  Any A1-A9 test certificate listed in the Automobile & Light Truck Certification Tests (A Series)  Any E1-E3 test certificate listed in the Truck Equipment Certification Tests (E Series)  Any T1-T8 test certificate listed in the Medium-Heavy Truck Certification Tests (T Series) Where these classified employees have been issued an ASE certificate deemed by the General Manager to be relevant to the employee’s principal duties, the employee shall receive an $8.00 biweekly certificate pay for each certificate, not to exceed two (2) Unrepresented Employees Personnel Manual 19 2018-2023 certificates ($16.00 biweekly). The District agrees to pay the aforementioned certificate pay amounts on a biweekly basis. C. Payment by the District of any exam fees, certificate fees, renewal fees or similar fees shall only be made following provision to the District of evidence that the employee has successfully qualified for and been awarded the pertinent certificate(s). The biweekly certificate pay(s) shall be paid only while a certificate remains valid. Section 6.03 – Education Reimbursement The District shall provide pre-approved educational reimbursement for regular full time employees to assist with the cost of tuition, fees, books and parking for undergraduate and graduate level studies up to a Masters level coursework. As education reimbursement each fiscal year, employees may, based upon level of enrollment, receive up to the equivalent of one academic year’s full-time undergraduate or graduate tuition at California State University for an in-state student. To qualify for reimbursement, regular full time employees must successfully complete a pre-approved course with a passing grade (C or better). In the event of a “Credit/No Credit” course, “Credit” will be considered a passing grade. Proof of payment and successful completion of the course with a passing grade as indicated in the District’s Educational Reimbursement Policy must accompany the Educational Tuition Reimbursement form (Exhibit A of the District’s Educational Reimbursement Policy). The employee shall be responsible for any tax consequences as a result of education reimbursement. Once the degree is earned, the employee shall be required to complete three (3) years of District employment from the date the degree is awarded. If, for any reason, the employee separates from the District prior to the completion of three (3) years, he/she shall be required to reimburse the District 1/3 of the total received educational reimbursement for each year remaining. For example, an employee is awarded his/her degree on June 1, 2018. If he/she separates from the District on September 20, 2019, he/she shall reimburse the District 2/3 of the total received educational reimbursement. If he/she separates from the District on September 20, 2020, he/she shall reimburse the District 1/3 of the total received educational reimbursement. Section 6.04 – Commercial Driver’s License Pay An employee who has a valid California Class A Commercial Driver’s License in the performance of their job, shall be eligible for a $23.00 biweekly premium pay. Section 6.05 – Uniforms The District provides Sr. Maintenance Worker, Sr. Mechanic, and Sr. Plant Operator classifications a District-funded cleaning service for uniform pants and shirts Unrepresented Employees Personnel Manual 17 2018-2023 new pair of safety footwear (up to $250). The employee will be required to submit the used safety footwear to the District in exchange for the replacement safety footwear. Section 6.02 – Certificate Pay The District shall reimburse employees for sums paid to the appropriate agencies for obtaining or renewing treatment and/or distribution certificates, collection certificates, and other professional certifications, registrations and job related training. A. In addition, the District shall provide a one-time per fiscal year payment of $150.00 per certificate to an employee in the Maintenance Superintendent, Operations Superintendent, and Production Superintendent classifications who has qualified for and been issued a State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) Distribution or SWRCB Treatment and/or California Water Environment Association (CWEA) Collection Certificate(s) that is above and beyond the certification(s) required for his/her classification. As determined at the sole discretion of the General Manager, the certificate(s) must be relevant to the employee’s principal duties and must be above and beyond the requirement of the employee’s classification. The $150.00 payment shall be issued during each year in which the applicable certificate(s) remains valid and remains other than a certificate which is a job requirement. B. The District shall provide the below indicated certificate pay amounts where any employee in the Sr. Field Customer Service Representative/Meters, Sr. Plant Operator, and Sr. Maintenance Worker classifications has been issued a State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) Distribution, SWRCB Treatment, and/or California Water Environment Association (CWEA) Collection Certificate(s) that is above and beyond the certification(s) required for his/her classification. As determined at the sole discretion of the General Manager, the certificate(s) must be relevant to the employee’s principal duties and must be above and beyond the requirement of the employee’s classification. 1. In those instances where an employee has a Treatment, Distribution, and/or Collection Certificate that is above and beyond the certification(s) required for the employee’s classification, the District agrees to pay the following certificate pay amounts on a biweekly basis. Employees will receive no more than two (2) certificate pays per pay period. TREATMENT CERTIFICATE DISTRIBUTION CERTIFICATE COLLECTIONS CERTIFICATE CERTIFICATE PAY PER PAY PERIOD T-1 D-1 C-1 $6.00/PP T-2 D-2 C-2 $7.00/PP T-3 D-3 C-3 $8.00/PP T-4 D-4 C-4 $9.00/PP T-5 D-5 N/A $10.00/PP Unrepresented Employees Personnel Manual 18 2018-2023 2. Subject to certificate pay being limited to a total of two (2) certificates, each affected employee shall be eligible to receive, biweekly, the combined total of the certificate pay amount that relates to any of the above particular levels. For example, an employee having been issued a T-3 certificate shall receive an $8.00 biweekly certificate pay. An employee having been issued a T-3 and a D-4 shall receive a $17.00 biweekly certificate pay. An employee having a T-5, D-5 and a C-4, shall receive a $20.00 biweekly certificate pay. Where three or more certificates have been issued, the two (2) certificates having the highest combined total shall be utilized to determine the total certificate pay. As indicated above, certificate pay will only be paid for an issued certificate which is above the certification required of the employee holding a specific classification. Thus, a Plant Operator II having been issued a T-2 and a D-3 certificate shall receive no certificate pay. A Plant Operator II having been issued a T-2 certificate and a D-4 certificate shall receive a $9.00 biweekly certificate pay. 3. Individuals within the Sr. Mechanic classifications are eligible for the following certificate compensation upon being awarded specified certificates issued by the National Institute for Automotive Service Excellence (ASE). It has been agreed by the parties that the following available ASE certificates shall be deemed relevant to the employee’s principal duties. Those certificates as defined by the ASE are:  Alternate Fuels Certification Test (F1)  Advanced Engine Performance Specialist Certification Test (L1)  Electronic Diesel Engine Diagnosis Specialist Certification Test (L2)  Undercar Specialist Exhaust Systems Test (X1)  Any A1-A9 test certificate listed in the Automobile & Light Truck Certification Tests (A Series)  Any E1-E3 test certificate listed in the Truck Equipment Certification Tests (E Series)  Any T1-T8 test certificate listed in the Medium-Heavy Truck Certification Tests (T Series) Where these classified employees have been issued an ASE certificate deemed by the General Manager to be relevant to the employee’s principal duties, the employee shall receive an $8.00 biweekly certificate pay for each certificate, not to exceed two (2) Unrepresented Employees Personnel Manual 19 2018-2023 certificates ($16.00 biweekly). The District agrees to pay the aforementioned certificate pay amounts on a biweekly basis. C. Payment by the District of any exam fees, certificate fees, renewal fees or similar fees shall only be made following provision to the District of evidence that the employee has successfully qualified for and been awarded the pertinent certificate(s). The biweekly certificate pay(s) shall be paid only while a certificate remains valid. Section 6.03 – Education Reimbursement The District shall provide pre-approved educational reimbursement for regular full time employees to assist with the cost of tuition, fees, books and parking for undergraduate and graduate level studies up to a Masters level coursework. As education reimbursement each fiscal year, employees may, based upon level of enrollment, receive up to the equivalent of one academic year’s full-time undergraduate or graduate tuition at California State University for an in-state student. To qualify for reimbursement, regular full time employees must successfully complete a pre-approved course with a passing grade (C or better). In the event of a “Credit/No Credit” course, “Credit” will be considered a passing grade. Proof of payment and successful completion of the course with a passing grade as indicated in the District’s Educational Reimbursement Policy must accompany the Educational Tuition Reimbursement form (Exhibit A of the District’s Educational Reimbursement Policy). The employee shall be responsible for any tax consequences as a result of education reimbursement. Once the degree is earned, the employee shall be required to complete three (3) years of District employment from the date the degree is awarded. If, for any reason, the employee separates from the District prior to the completion of three (3) years, he/she shall be required to reimburse the District 1/3 of the total received educational reimbursement for each year remaining. For example, an employee is awarded his/her degree on June 1, 2018. If he/she separates from the District on September 20, 2019, he/she shall reimburse the District 2/3 of the total received educational reimbursement. If he/she separates from the District on September 20, 2020, he/she shall reimburse the District 1/3 of the total received educational reimbursement. Section 6.04 – Commercial Driver’s License Pay An employee who has a valid California Class A Commercial Driver’s License in the performance of their job, shall be eligible for a $23.00 biweekly premium pay. Section 6.05 – Uniforms The District provides Sr. Maintenance Worker, Sr. Mechanic, and Sr. Plant Operator classifications a District-funded cleaning service for uniform pants and shirts Exhibit A Yorba Linda Water District – Unrepresented Employees Classifications and Salary Ranges Effective March 3, 2019 January 1, 2019 CLASSIFICATION TITLE SALARY RANGES FLSA Accountant UN 25 Exempt Accounting Assistant II UN 21 Non-Exempt Assistant General Manager*UN 42 Exempt Construction Project Manager UN 30 Exempt Customer Service Billing Administrator UN 30 Exempt Director of Public and Government Affairs* UN 34 Exempt Engineering Manager*UN 39 Exempt Executive Assistant UN 32 Non-Exempt Finance Manager*UN 39 Exempt Human Resources Analyst UN 27 Exempt Human Resources Technician UN 23 Non-Exempt Human Resources/Risk and Safety Manager*UN 39 Exempt Information Systems Administrator UN 30 Exempt Information Technology Manager*UN 37 Exempt Maintenance Superintendent UN 30 Exempt Management Analyst UN 28 Exempt Operations Manager*UN 39 Exempt Operations Superintendent UN 30 Exempt Principal Engineer UN 32 Exempt Production Superintendent UN 31 Exempt Records Management Administrator UN 30 Exempt Records Management Specialist UN 19 Non-Exempt Safety and Training Analyst UN 27 Exempt Safety and Training Technician UN 23 Non-Exempt Sr. Accountant UN 30 Exempt Sr. Engineer UN 30 Exempt Sr. Field Customer Service Representative/Meters UN 23 Non-Exempt Sr. Maintenance Worker UN 26 Non-Exempt Sr. Management Analyst UN 33 Exempt Sr. Mechanic UN 26 Non-Exempt Sr. Plant Operator UN 26 Non-Exempt Sr. Project Manager UN 34 Exempt * Management Classifications Exhibit A Yorba Linda Water District – Unrepresented Employees Classifications and Salary Ranges Effective March 3, 2019 CLASSIFICATION TITLE SALARY RANGES FLSA Accountant UN 25 Exempt Accounting Assistant II UN 21 Non-Exempt Assistant General Manager*UN 42 Exempt Construction Project Manager UN 30 Exempt Customer Service Billing Administrator UN 30 Exempt Director of Public and Government Affairs* UN 34 Exempt Engineering Manager*UN 39 Exempt Executive Assistant UN 32 Non-Exempt Finance Manager*UN 39 Exempt Human Resources Analyst UN 27 Exempt Human Resources Technician UN 23 Non-Exempt Human Resources/Risk and Safety Manager*UN 39 Exempt Information Systems Administrator UN 30 Exempt Information Technology Manager*UN 37 Exempt Maintenance Superintendent UN 30 Exempt Operations Manager*UN 39 Exempt Operations Superintendent UN 30 Exempt Principal Engineer UN 32 Exempt Production Superintendent UN 31 Exempt Records Management Administrator UN 30 Exempt Records Management Specialist UN 19 Non-Exempt Safety and Training Analyst UN 27 Exempt Safety and Training Technician UN 23 Non-Exempt Sr. Accountant UN 30 Exempt Sr. Field Customer Service Representative/Meters UN 23 Non-Exempt Sr. Engineer UN 30 Exempt Sr. Maintenance Worker UN 26 Non-Exempt Sr. Management Analyst UN 33 Exempt Sr. Mechanic UN 26 Non-Exempt Sr. Plant Operator UN 26 Non-Exempt Sr. Project Manager UN 34 Exempt * Management Classifications ITEM NO. 7.3 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: February 26, 2019 Budgeted:Yes Total Budget:$1.5M To:Board of Directors Cost Estimate:$1.62M Funding Source:Sewer Capital Reserves From:Marc Marcantonio, General Manager Job No:J2018-24S Presented By:Rosanne Weston, Engineering Manager Dept:Engineering Reviewed by Legal:N/A Prepared By:Bryan Hong, Principal Engineer CEQA Compliance:Exempt Subject:Notice of Completion for Lakeview Sewer Lift Station Decommissioning Project SUMMARY: Construction is complete on the Lakeview Sewer Lift Station Decommissioning Project. Submitted for consideration is a request for authorization to file the Notice of Completion for the project. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors authorize staff to file the Notice of Completion for construction of the Lakeview Sewer Lift Station Decommissioning Project, Job No. J2018-24S. DISCUSSION: Construction is complete on the Lakeview Sewer Lift Station Decommissioning Project. The project included installation of 1,640 feet of sewer main and removal of the Lakeview Sewer Lift Station. On April 24, 2018, the Board authorized up to $1,400,000 for construction and $100,000 for engineering design fees and delays to the developer's schedule. The final project amount is $1,620,000. The increase was the result of the following unforeseen events: • The District had to purchase indemnification insurance for the project. • Due to unforeseen soils conditions encountered during construction, the contractor had to change construction methods from open cut to jack and bore to install 415 feet of pipe. • The contractor was required by the City of Yorba Linda to re-pave a section of Lakeview Avenue due to the extensive work performed in the street. All work has been completed in accordance with the contract documents and to the satisfaction of District staff. Staff requests authorization to file and proceed with recordation of the Notice of Completion. PRIOR RELEVANT BOARD ACTION(S): On April 24, 2018, the Board of Directors authorized staff to: (1) add the removal of the Lakeview Sewer Lift Station to the Terms and Conditions for Water and Sewer Service with Shea Homes; and (2) utilize funds from the District's Sewer Capital Reserves to pay for construction. ITEM NO. 8.1 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: February 26, 2019 To:Board of Directors From:Marc Marcantonio, General Manager Presented By:Delia Lugo, Finance Manager Dept:Finance Prepared By:Saira Hernandez, Accountant Subject:Cash and Investment Report for Period Ending January 31, 2019 SUMMARY: Government Code Section 530607, et. seq., requires the person delegated to invest funds to make monthly report of investments to the legislative body. DISCUSSION: The Cash & Investment Portfolio Report presents the market value and percent yield for all District investments by institution. The Cash & Investment Summary Report includes budget and actual interest and average term portfolio information as well as market value broken out by reserve categories. The Fair Value Measurement Report categorizes investments with the fair value hierarchy established by generally accepted accounting principles. The Unrestricted Reserves and Days in Cash Graph presents Water Unrestricted Reserve Balances and Days in Cash at a particular point in time for the last four years. The average portfolio yield for the month ending January 31, 2019 is 2.42%. The overall decrease in the investment balance from the previous month is approximately $2,779,929. A larger balance change includes a decrease in the Water Operating Fund by $2,356,860 primarily due to payment of the OCWD for the Bi-Annual Replenishment Assessment payment. While the Sewer Operating Fund had an increase of $103,841 due to a positive net effect between operating revenues and expenses through the reporting month of the fiscal year and the Water Capital Project Reserve decreased by $578,526 to cover the cost of pay-go capital purchases. STRATEGIC PLAN: G2 1D - Retain cash on hand of 365+ days at fiscal year end. ATTACHMENTS: Name:Description:Type: Cash_Invest_Reports_January_2019.pdf Backup Material Backup Material Market %Date of Percent Value Par of Total Institution Maturity Yield Checking Account: 514,690$ 514,690$ Wells Fargo Bank 514,690$ 514,690$ 1.46%Total 0.00% Money Market Accounts: 404$ 404$ US Bank (Revenue Bonds)2.00% 3,263,185 3,263,147 US Bank (Money Market)2.24% 236,231 236,231 Public Agency Retirement Svcs. (PARS) 119 119 Bank of the West 0.63% 3,499,940$ 3,499,901$ 9.95%Total 2.24% Certificates of Deposits: 199,246$ 200,000$ World's Foremost Bk Sydney 05/28/19 1.30% 247,308 248,000 Capital One Bk USA Natl Assn 05/13/19 1.20% 241,821 249,000 Comenity Cap Bk Salt Lake City 06/30/21 1.70% 242,780 248,000 EnerBank USA Salt Lake City 08/26/20 1.33% 246,192 248,000 EverBank Jacksonville Fla CTF 08/30/19 1.16% 177,404 180,000 HSBC BK USA, NA MC Clean CTF 08/31/21 2.65% 239,871 248,000 Wells Fargo Bank NA Sioux Falls D 08/31/21 1.65% 241,237 247,000 PrivateBank & Tr Chicago Ill CTF 03/30/22 2.25% 245,041 249,000 JP Morgan Chase Bk NA Columbus 03/31/22 2.49% 2,080,900$ 2,117,000$ 5.91%Total 1.73% Pooled Investment Accounts: 9,915,899$ 9,915,899$ Local Agency Investment Fund 2.36% 1,350,702 1,352,208 CalTRUST Short Term 2.58% 17,826,430 18,008,244 CalTRUST Medium Term 2.63% 29,093,031$ 29,276,352$ 82.68%2.53% 35,188,561$ 35,407,942$ 100%Total Investments 2.42% Per Government Code requirements, the Investment Report is in compliance with the Yorba Linda Water District's Investment Policy, and there are adequate funds available to meet budgeted and actual expenditures for the next six months. 1/31/19 Yorba Linda Water District Cash & Investment Portfolio Report January 31, 2019 ________________________________ Saira Hernandez, Accountant 1 Below is a chart summarizing the yields as well as terms and maturities for the month of January 2019: Average # of Month Portfolio Days to of 2019 Yield Maturity January 2.42%59 Below are charts comparing operating fund interest for current and prior fiscal years. Actual Interest 1/31/2018 1/31/2019 Monthly - January 58,568$ 111,331$ Year-to-Date 273,780$ 439,066$ Budget 2017/2018 2018/2019 Interest Budget, January YTD 180,833$ 208,833$ Interest Budget, Annual 310,000$ 358,000$ Interest earned on investments is recorded in the fund that owns the investment. The distribution of investments in the portfolio both in dollars and as a percentage of the total portfolio by funds is as follows: The table below displays the District's Cash and Investment balance of $35.1 million which is allocated between the established reserve funds, Wells Fargo Checking Account, and the restricted funds held at U.S. Bank for the construction of the Fairmont Booster Pump Station. The number of Days in Cash are 365 for the Un-Restricted Water Reserve balance and 1,251 for the Un-Restricted Sewer Reserve balances, as of January 31, 2019. FY19 Reserve Cash and Requirements Investments December 2018 % Alloc January 2019 % Alloc "Target Available for Fund Description Balance 12/31/2018 Balance 1/31/2019 Levels"CY Obligations Water Operating Reserve 14,947,238$ 43.40%12,835,332$ 37.27%7,593,220$ 5,242,112$ Water Emergency Reserve 6,990,663 20.30%7,017,084 20.38%5,813,701 1,203,383 Water Capital Project Reserve 5,197,365 15.09%4,618,838 13.41%6,327,500 (1,708,662) Rate Stabilization Reserve 4,008,824 11.64%4,024,673 11.69%1,600,999 2,423,674 Un-Restricted Water Reserve Balance 31,144,090 28,495,928 21,335,420 7,160,508 Conservation Reserve 103,011 0.30%103,546 0.30%- 103,546 Employee Liability Reserve 296,585 0.86%298,124 0.87%273,000 25,124 Restricted Reserve Balance 399,596 401,669 273,000 128,669 Sewer Operating Reserve 1,651,133 4.79%1,659,555 4.82%403,967 1,255,588 Sewer Emergency Reserve 2,588,451 7.52%2,600,149 7.55%1,899,951 700,198 Sewer Capital Project Reserve 1,274,635 3.70%1,279,936 3.72%2,000,000 (720,064) Un-Restricted Sewer Reserve Balance 5,514,219 5,539,639 4,303,918 1,235,721 Total Reserve Balances 37,057,906$ 107.61%34,437,236$ 100.00%25,912,338$ 8,524,898$ Water Operating 579,911 334,956 Sewer Operating 84,314 179,733 664,225 514,690 Rev. Bond 2012A & 2017A-Principal & Interest 403 404 Public Agency Retirement Svc. -PARS (Restricted)245,957 236,231 Total Cash and Investments 37,968,490$ 35,188,561$ Cash & Investment Summary Report Cash & Investment Summary Comparison Between Current and Previous Month Wells Fargo Bank Checking US Bank Held (Restricted) 2 3 Investment Balances (as of 1-31-2019) Checking Account: /1.46% Money Market Accounts: I 9.95% Certificates of Deposit: 5.91% Pooled Investment Accounts: 82.68% Checking Account: $ 514,690 1.46% Money Market Accounts: $ 3,499,940 9.95% Certificates of Deposit. $ 2,080,900 5.91% Pooled Investment Accounts: $ 29,093,031 82.68% Total $ 35,1889561 100.00% Yorba Linda Water District Fair Value Measurement Report January 31, 2019 Quoted Observable Unobservable Prices Inputs Inputs Investments Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Total CalTRUST Investment Pool -$ 19,177,132$ -$ 19,177,132$ Local Agency Investment Fund - 9,915,899 - 9,915,899 U.S. Government Sponsored Agency Securities - - - - Negotiable Certificates of Deposit - 2,080,900 - 2,080,900 Total Investments -$ 31,173,932$ -$ 31,173,932$ 4 PARS (Public Agency Retirement Services) Funding Reconciliation Transaction Contributions PARS Expenses Investment Available Description Date & Gains & Losses Return (%)Balance Beginning Balance 7/1/2018 247,389.78$ 247,389.78$ Investment Return 7/31/2018 3,520.41$ 250,910.19$ Investment Expenses 7/31/2018 (51.54)$ 250,858.65$ Investment Return 8/31/2018 3,307.14$ 254,165.79$ Investment Expenses 8/31/2018 (52.26)$ 254,113.53$ Investment Return 9/30/2018 (332.13)$ 253,781.40$ Investment Expenses 9/30/2018 (52.94)$ 253,728.46$ Investment Return 10/31/2018 (10,505.63)$ 243,222.83$ Investment Expenses 10/31/2018 (52.86)$ 243,169.97$ Investment Return 11/30/2018 2,837.57$ 246,007.54$ Investment Expenses 11/30/2018 (50.66)$ 245,956.88$ Investment Return 12/31/2018 (9,674.65)$ 236,282.23$ Investment Expenses 12/31/2018 (51.24)$ 236,230.99$ subtotal =236,230.99$ Initial Deposit 12/28/2017 247,599.00$ Gain(Loss) from initial Deposit (11,368.01)$ 5 $30,343,543 $26,585,928 $27,722,843 $28,495,928 413 376 378 365 60 110 160 210 260 310 360 410 460 $20,000 $5,020,000 $10,020,000 $15,020,000 $20,020,000 $25,020,000 $30,020,000 $35,020,000 Jan. 2016 Jan. 2017 Jan. 2018 Jan. 2019 Unrestricted Reserves & Days in Cash (Water) Unrestricted Reserves (Water)Days in Cash (Water) 6 ITEM NO. 8.2 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: February 26, 2019 To:Board of Directors From:Marc Marcantonio, General Manager Presented By:Delia Lugo, Finance Manager Dept:Finance Prepared By:Saira Hernandez, Accountant Subject:Budget to Actual Reports for the Month Ending January 31, 2019 DISCUSSION: For the month ending January 31, 2019, staff is presenting Budget to Actual Reports for the District as a whole, as well as the individual water and sewer funds. Cumulative Volumetric Water Revenue, as reported through the month ending January 31, 2019, reflects an average decrease of 3.89% as compared to the prior year for the same reporting period due to a colder and wetter weather parttern. Total Variable Costs results reflect a 4.18% decrease when compared to prior year for the same reporting period. The decrease in costs is reflective of the decrease in water demand, which as reported, is 5.55% below that of prior year. STRATEGIC PLAN: G2 3B - Regularly assess net position and steps to meet strategic goals. ATTACHMENTS: Name:Description:Type: Financial_Reports_January_2019.pdf Backup Material Backup Material FY19 Annual Budget YTD Actuals thru January 2019 YTD % of Budget Water Revenue (Residential)16,592,437$ 9,281,832$ 55.94% Water Revenue (Commercial & Fire Det.)1,964,205 1,120,046 57.02% Water Revenue (Landscape/Irrigation)3,863,805 2,615,821 67.70% Service Charges 10,116,528 5,853,052 57.86% Other Operating Revenue 827,887 612,297 73.96% Total Operating Revenue 33,364,861 19,483,048 58.39% Revenue (Non-Operating): Interest 310,000 368,272 118.80% Property Taxes 1,850,000 1,065,118 57.57% Other Non-Operating Revenue 605,346 451,829 74.64% Total Non-Operating Revenue 2,765,346 1,885,219 68.17% Total Revenue 36,130,207$ 21,368,267$ 59.14% Expenses (Operating): Variable Water Costs (G.W., Import & Power) Water-Related Costs 12,247,280$ 7,406,846$ 60.48% Fixed Costs 1,188,085 432,849 36.43% Power-Related Costs 1,358,012 1,039,641 76.56% Variable Water Costs Related Expenses Total 14,793,377 8,879,337 60.02% Salary Related Expenses 9,931,772 5,141,541 51.77% Reduction for Capital Project Labor (279,000) (177,324) 63.56% Salary Related Expenses Total 9,652,772 4,964,217 51.43% Supplies & Services Communications 159,120 100,300 63.03% Contractual Services 475,966 206,180 43.32% Data Processing 265,129 193,838 73.11% Dues & Memberships 82,077 68,724 83.73% Fees & Permits 264,546 169,887 64.22% Insurance 281,967 159,290 56.49% Materials 658,714 492,244 74.73% District Activities, Emp Recognition 43,013 23,176 53.88% Maintenance 432,971 198,636 45.88% Non-Capital Equipment 115,294 77,353 67.09% Office Expense 40,343 19,919 49.37% Professional Services 518,804 200,230 38.59% Training 65,188 23,542 36.11% Travel & Conferences 125,279 40,071 31.99% Uncollectible Accounts 2,790 2,504 89.76% Utilities 169,911 96,109 56.56% Vehicle Expenses 316,262 153,641 48.58% Supplies & Services Sub-Total 4,087,123 2,225,644 54.46% Total Operating Expenses 28,533,272 16,069,198 56.32% Expenses (Non-Operating) Other Expense 8,600 977,779 11369.52% Total Non-Operating Expenses 8,600 977,779 11369.52% Total Expenses 28,541,872$ 17,046,977$ 59.73% Net Revenues 7,588,335 4,321,290 56.95% Less: Debt Service (Principal & Interest)2,738,258 1,950,528 71.23% Less: Committed Capital Expenditures (PayGo)4,484,500 2,004,915 44.71% Transfer to/(from) Reserves 365,577 365,847 100.07% Net Total -$ -$ Yorba Linda Water District Water Enterprise FY19 ProForma - Use of Funds January 2019 1 Yorba Linda Water District Summary Financial Report Water & Sewer Funds For Period Ending January 31, 2019 Annual YTD Jan YTD YTD Actual Prior Year Prior Year YTD Actual YTD Actual Budget Budget Actual Actual (Under) Over Jan Actual Actual (thru vs vs FY19 FY19 FY19 FY19 YTD Budget FY18 Jan 2018)PY Actual $PY Actual % Revenue (Operating): Water Revenue (Residential)16,592,437$ 10,093,179$ 1,033,375$ 9,281,832$ (811,347)$ 1,144,687$ 9,905,805$ (623,973)$ -6.30% Water Revenue (Commercial & Fire Det.)1,964,205 1,194,826 120,414 1,120,046 (74,780) 129,624 1,180,709 (60,663) -5.14% Water Revenue (Landscape/Irrigation)3,863,805 2,350,353 129,927 2,615,821 265,468 252,569 2,622,135 (6,314) -0.24% Water Revenue (Service Charge)10,116,528 5,901,308 838,712 5,853,052 (48,257) 833,831 5,832,402 20,650 0.35% Sewer Charge Revenue 2,229,246 1,300,393 183,756 1,286,390 (14,003) 170,127 1,196,509 89,881 7.51% Locke Ranch Assessments 273,250 164,141 5,989 172,776 8,634 38,506 166,889 5,887 0.00% Other Operating Revenue 894,617 521,860 55,778 657,860 136,000 54,200 482,245 175,615 36.42% Total Operating Revenue:35,934,087 21,526,060 2,367,951 20,987,777 (538,283) 2,623,544 21,386,694 (398,917) -1.87% Revenue (Non-Operating): Interest 358,000 208,833 111,331 439,063 230,230 58,568 273,780 165,283 60.37% Property Tax 1,850,000 1,152,902 117,777 1,065,117 (87,784) 127,447 1,063,170 1,947 0.00% Other Non-Operating Revenue 639,846 373,244 123,378 476,255 103,011 7,596 205,750 270,505 131.47% Total Non-Operating Revenue:2,847,846 1,734,978 352,486 1,980,436 245,457 193,611 1,542,700 437,735 28.37% Total Revenue 38,781,933 23,261,039 2,720,437 22,968,213 (292,826) 2,817,155 22,929,394 38,819 0.17% Expenses (Operating): Variable Water Costs (G.W., Import & Power)14,793,377 9,130,542 657,883 8,879,337 (251,205) 939,601 9,267,034 (387,697) -4.18% Salary Related Expenses 10,784,493 5,614,288 716,504 5,457,826 (156,463) 973,103 5,705,147 (247,322) -4.34% Supplies & Services 4,571,268 2,504,241 341,075 2,445,110 (59,131) 315,972 2,394,814 50,296 2.10% Total Operating Expenses 30,149,138 17,249,071 1,715,462 16,782,273 (466,799) 2,228,676 17,366,995 (584,723) -3.37% Expenses (Non-Operating): Interest on Long Term Debt 1,325,785 876,516 111,601 792,609 (83,908) 115,401 795,147 (2,538) -0.32% Other Expense 14,200 8,283 977,923 987,153 978,870 (3,925) (15,491) 1,002,644 -6472.43% Total Non-Operating Expenses:1,339,985 884,799 1,089,524 1,779,762 894,962 111,476 779,656 1,000,106 128.28% Total Expenses 31,489,123 18,133,871 2,804,986 18,562,035 428,163 2,340,152 18,146,651 415,383 2.29% Net Position Before Capital Contributions 7,292,810 5,127,168 (84,549) 4,406,178 (720,989) 477,003 4,782,743 (376,565) -7.87% Special Item - - - - (1,463) (2,205,847) 2,205,847 -100.00% Capital Contributions (Non-Cash - - 762 4,056 4,056 362,166 2,592,929 (2,588,872) 0.00% Transaction GASB 34 Compliant) Net Position Before Depreciation 7,292,810 5,127,168 (83,787) 4,410,234 (716,933) 837,706 5,169,824 (759,591) -14.69% Depreciation & Amortization 7,726,142 4,474,417 608,883 4,292,105 (182,312) 621,002 4,332,810 (40,705) -0.94% Total Net Position (433,332)$ 652,751$ (692,670)$ 118,129$ (534,621)$ 216,704$ 837,014$ (718,886)$ -85.89% Capital - Direct Labor (300,000)(175,000)(22,433) (225,127) (50,127) (18,523) (156,887) (68,240) 43.50% (With January 31, 2018 for comparison purposes) 2 Annual YTD Jan YTD YTD Actual Prior Year Prior YTD YTD Actual YTD - CUR Budget Budget Actual Actual (Under)Over Jan Actual Actual (thru vs vs FY19 FY19 FY19 FY19 YTD Budget FY18 Jan 2018) PY Actual $PY Actual % Revenue (Operating): Water Revenue (Residential)16,592,437$ 10,093,179$ 1,033,375$ 9,281,832$ (811,347)$ 1,144,687$ 9,905,805$ (623,973)$ -6.30% Water Revenue (Commercial & Fire Det.)1,964,205 1,194,826 120,414 1,120,046 (74,780) 129,624 1,180,709 (60,663) -5.14% Water Revenue (Landscape/Irrigation)3,863,805 2,350,353 129,927 2,615,821 265,469 252,569 2,622,135 (6,313) -0.24% Water Revenue (Service Charge)10,116,528 5,901,308 838,712 5,853,052 (48,256) 833,831 5,832,402 20,650 0.35% Other Operating Revenue 827,887 482,934 48,515 612,297 129,363 53,409 453,401 158,896 35.05% Total Operating Revenue:33,364,861 20,022,600 2,170,943 19,483,048 (539,552) 2,414,120 19,994,452 (511,404) -2.56% Revenue (Non-Operating): Interest 310,000 180,833 88,340 368,272 187,439 47,792 240,897 127,375 52.88% Property Tax 1,850,000 1,152,902 117,777 1,065,118 (87,784) 127,447 1,063,170 1,948 0.18% Other Non-Operating Revenue 605,346 353,119 119,360 451,829 98,711 16,275 222,325 229,504 103.23% Total Non-Operating Revenue:2,765,346 1,686,853 325,477 1,885,219 198,366 191,514 1,526,392 358,827 23.51% Total Revenue 36,130,207 21,709,453 2,496,420 21,368,267 (341,186) 2,605,635 21,520,844 (152,577) -0.71% Expenses (Operating): Variable Water Costs (G.W., Import & Power)14,793,377 9,130,542 657,883 8,879,337 (251,205) 939,601 9,267,034 (387,697) -4.18% Salary Related Expenses 9,652,772 5,053,987 651,271 4,964,217 (89,770) 876,141 5,090,020 (125,803) -2.47% Supplies & Services: Communications 159,120 100,320 5,565 100,300 (21) 7,898 75,972 24,327 32.02% Contractual Services 475,966 207,647 28,734 206,180 (1,467) 27,833 230,524 (24,344) -10.56% Data Processing 265,129 192,219 32,177 193,838 1,619 8,737 111,146 82,692 74.40% Dues & Memberships 82,077 68,124 1,371 68,724 600 5,410 72,209 (3,485) -4.83% Fees & Permits 264,546 154,319 63,487 169,887 15,569 13,194 152,968 16,919 11.06% Board Election 69,750 - - - - - - Insurance 281,967 164,481 22,996 159,290 (5,191) 21,191 143,966 15,323 10.64% Materials 658,714 459,250 68,664 492,244 32,994 76,524 436,810 55,434 12.69% District Activities, Emp Recognition 43,013 25,091 1,860 23,176 (1,915) 1,152 10,560 12,617 119.48% Maintenance 432,971 218,566 22,684 198,636 (19,931) 47,765 236,309 (37,673) -15.94% Non-Capital Equipment 115,294 77,255 3,911 77,353 98 13,475 71,307 6,047 8.48% Office Expense 40,343 23,533 3,035 19,919 (3,614) 2,780 20,184 (265) -1.31% Professional Services 518,804 218,636 13,584 200,230 (18,405) 38,542 304,709 (104,479) -34.29% Training 65,188 32,026 6,700 23,542 (8,485) 3,173 13,850 9,692 69.98% Travel & Conferences 125,279 55,579 2,449 40,071 (15,508) 2,237 28,875 11,196 38.77% Uncollectible Accounts 2,790 1,628 550 2,504 877 722 1,131 1,373 121.44% Utilities 169,911 99,115 11,111 96,109 (3,006) 8,677 98,986 (2,877) -2.91% Vehicle Equipment 316,262 171,536 15,911 153,641 (17,896) 25,986 156,933 (3,292) -2.10% Supplies & Services Sub-Total 4,087,123 2,269,323 304,789 2,225,644 (43,679) 305,296 2,166,439 59,205 2.73% Total Operating Expenses 28,533,272 16,453,852 1,613,943 16,069,198 (384,655) 2,121,039 16,523,493 (454,295) -2.75% Expenses (Non-Operating): Interest on Long Term Debt 1,325,785 876,516 111,601 792,609 (83,907) 115,401 795,147 (2,538) -0.32% Other Expense 8,600 5,017 976,909 977,779 972,762 (17,240) (19,332) 997,111 -5157.82% Total Non-Operating Expenses:1,334,385 881,533 1,088,510 1,770,388 888,854 98,161 775,815 994,573 128.20% Total Expenses 29,867,657 17,335,385 2,702,453 17,839,586 504,200 2,219,199 17,299,308 540,278 3.12% Net Position Before Capital Contributions 6,262,550 4,374,068 (206,033) 3,528,681 (845,386) 386,435 4,221,536 (692,855) -16.41% Special Item - - - - (1,463) (2,205,847) 2,205,847 -100.00% Capital Contributions (Non-Cash Transaction -- - - - 185,800 1,424,520 (1,424,520) -100.00% GASB 34 Compliant) Net Position Before Depreciation 6,262,550 4,374,068 (206,033) 3,528,681 (845,386) 570,772 3,440,209 88,472 2.57% Depreciation & Amortization 6,329,146 3,659,502 494,403 3,490,653 (168,849) 507,215 3,538,715 (48,062) -1.36% Total Net Position (66,596)$ 714,566$ (700,436)$ 38,028$ (676,537)$ 63,557$ (98,506)$ 136,534$ 138.61% Capital - Direct Labor (279,000) (162,750) (17,048) (177,324) (14,574) (17,050) (144,874) (32,450) 22.40% Yorba Linda Water District Water Fund For Period Ending January 31, 2019 (With January 31, 2018 for comparison purposes) 3 $18,303,218 $18,789,594 $19,223,566 $21,520,844 $21,368,267 -0.71% $15,915,276 $14,390,185 $15,745,267 $17,299,308 $17,839,586 3.12% $- $5,000,000 $10,000,000 $15,000,000 $20,000,000 $25,000,000 Jan. 2015 Jan. 2016 Jan. 2017 Jan. 2018 Jan. 2019 Water Revenues & Expenses -January (excludes Depreciation, Special Items, and Contributed Capital ) Total Revenue Total Expenses 4 Annual YTD Jan YTD YTD Actual Prior Year Prior Year YTD Actual YTD - CUR Budget Budget Actual Actual (Under)Over Jan Actual Actual (thru vs vs FY19 FY19 FY19 FY19 YTD Budget FY18 Jan 2018)PY Actual $PY Actual % Revenue (Operating): Sewer Charge Revenue 2,229,246$ 1,300,393$ 183,756$ 1,286,390$ (14,003)$ 170,127$ 1,196,509$ 89,881$ 7.51% Locke Ranch Assessments 273,250 164,141 5,989 172,776 8,634 38,506 166,889 5,887 0.00% Other Operating Revenue 66,730 38,926 7,263 45,563 6,637 791 28,844 16,719 57.96% Total Operating Revenue:2,569,226 1,503,460 197,008 1,504,729 1,268 209,424 1,392,242 112,487 8.08% Revenue (Non-Operating): Interest 48,000 28,000 22,990 70,791 42,791 10,777 32,882 37,908 115.28% Other Non-Operating Revenue 34,500 20,125 4,019 24,426 4,301 (8,679) (16,574) 41,000 -247.38% Total Non-Operating Revenue:82,500 48,125 27,009 95,217 47,092 2,098 16,308 78,909 483.85% Total Revenue 2,651,726 1,551,585 224,017 1,599,946 48,361 211,522 1,408,550 191,396 13.59% Expenses (Operating): Salary Related Expenses 1,131,721 560,301 65,233 493,609 (66,692) 96,962 615,128 (121,518) -19.75% Supplies & Services: Communications 11,977 6,986 419 4,783 (2,204) 595 3,959 823 20.79% Contractual Services 29,766 17,363 1,661 12,496 (4,868) 2,095 17,287 (4,792) -27.72% Data Processing 17,322 10,104 765 11,795 1,690 658 8,366 3,428 40.97% Dues & Memberships 6,153 3,589 103 5,173 1,584 407 5,435 (262) -4.83% Fees & Permits 15,907 9,279 923 7,177 (2,102) (2,858) 6,869 308 4.48% Board Election 5,250 3,063 - (3,063) - - - Insurance 21,223 12,380 1,731 11,920 (460) 1,595 10,836 1,084 10.00% Materials 28,622 29,196 6,940 32,621 3,425 1,001 22,281 10,341 46.41% District Activities, Emp Recognition 3,238 1,889 140 1,676 (212) 87 791 885 111.91% Maintenance 171,630 50,118 4,188 47,716 (2,401) 363 60,008 (12,291) -20.48% Non-Capital Equipment 36,157 21,092 152 14,204 (6,888) 1,417 12,687 1,517 11.96% Office Expense 2,957 1,725 228 1,333 (392) 209 1,488 (155) -10.41% Professional Services 33,996 19,831 8,685 27,525 7,694 2,241 14,142 13,383 94.63% Training 13,052 7,613 596 2,810 (4,803) 857 2,814 (5) -0.16% Travel & Conferences 14,061 8,202 94 3,928 (4,274) 165 2,546 1,383 54.30% Uncollectible Accounts 210 123 88 255 133 95 178 77 43.24% Utilities 13,489 7,869 887 7,598 (270) 714 7,843 (245) -3.12% Vehicle Equipment 59,138 24,497 8,683 26,457 1,960 1,035 50,845 (24,389) -47.97% Supplies & Services Sub-Total 484,145 234,918 36,286 219,466 (15,453) 10,676 228,376 (8,911) -3.90% Total Operating Expenses 1,615,866 795,219 101,519 713,075 (82,144) 107,638 843,504 (130,429) -15.46% Expenses (Non-Operating): Other Expense 5,600 3,267 1,013 9,375 6,108 13,315 3,841 5,534 144.06% Total Non-Operating Expenses:5,600 3,267 1,013 9,375 6,108 13,315 3,841 5,534 144.06% Total Expenses 1,621,466 798,486 102,533 722,449 (76,037) 120,953 847,345 (124,896) -14.74% Net Position Before Capital Contributions 1,030,259 753,099 121,484 877,497 124,397 90,569 561,206 316,291 56.36% Capital Contributions (Non-Cash - - 762 4,056 4,056 176,366 1,168,409 (1,164,353) -99.65% Transaction GASB 34 Compliant) Net Position Before Depreciation 1,030,259 753,099 122,246 881,553 128,453 266,935 1,729,615 (848,062) -49.03% Depreciation & Amortization 1,396,996 814,914 114,480 801,452 (13,462) 113,787 794,095 7,357 0.93% Total Net Position (366,736)$ (61,815)$ 7,766$ 80,101$ 141,915$ 153,148$ 935,520$ (855,419)$ -91.44% Capital - Direct Labor (21,000) (12,250) (5,385) (47,803)(35,553) (1,474) (12,013)(35,790)297.93% Yorba Linda Water District Sewer Fund For Period Ending January 31, 2019 (With January 31, 2018 for comparison purposes) 5 $1,084,306 $1,144,296 $1,352,032 $1,408,550 $1,599,946 13.59% $738,211 $691,997 $828,413 $847,345 $722,449 -14.74% $- $200,000 $400,000 $600,000 $800,000 $1,000,000 $1,200,000 $1,400,000 $1,600,000 $1,800,000 Jan. 2015 Jan. 2016 Jan. 2017 Jan. 2018 Jan. 2019 Sewer Revenues & Expenses -January (excludes Depreciation, Special Items, and Contributed Capital) Total Revenue Total Expenses 6 - 200,000 400,000 600,000 800,000 1,000,000 1,200,000 FY17 FY18 FY19 FY17 FY18 FY19 FY17 FY18 FY19 FY17 FY18 FY19 FY17 FY18 FY19 FY17 FY18 FY19 AUGUST SEPTEMBER OCTOBER NOVEMBER DECEMBER JANUARY 63,184 80,884 74,233 66,195 54,463 56,459 49,885 59,881 58,311 63,789 58,343 53,077 41,197 49,277 29,976 29,725 42,840 44,271 154,590 207,053 220,117 178,617 142,649 169,608 123,019 138,015 152,885 143,525 147,368 137,653 62,133 100,928 59,372 17,947 88,221 49,880 CONSUMPTION BY UNITS CCF Residential Commercial Landscape 7 1,388,016 1,284,700 1,135,165 981,755 1,069,354 494,671 1,505,340 1,358,893 1,340,186 1,143,948 1,518,953 939,601 1,729,514 1,512,043 1,307,477 981,384 1,019,234 657,883 0 200,000 400,000 600,000 800,000 1,000,000 1,200,000 1,400,000 1,600,000 1,800,000 2,000,000 Jul Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Variable Costs Analysis FY17 Var Costs FY18 Var Costs FY19 Var Costs 8 0.000.501.001.502.002.500.0010.0020.0030.0040.0050.0060.001‐Jan2‐Jan3‐Jan4‐Jan5‐Jan6‐Jan7‐Jan8‐Jan9‐Jan10‐Jan11‐Jan12‐Jan13‐Jan14‐Jan15‐Jan16‐Jan17‐Jan18‐Jan19‐Jan20‐Jan21‐Jan22‐Jan23‐Jan24‐Jan25‐Jan26‐Jan27‐Jan28‐Jan29‐Jan30‐Jan31‐JaninchesVolume, AFRainfall and EToGroundwaterOC‐36Import WaterConsumptionEToRainfall9 012243648607284961081200.0010.0020.0030.0040.0050.0060.001‐Jan2‐Jan3‐Jan4‐Jan5‐Jan6‐Jan7‐Jan8‐Jan9‐Jan10‐Jan11‐Jan12‐Jan13‐Jan14‐Jan15‐Jan16‐Jan17‐Jan18‐Jan19‐Jan20‐Jan21‐Jan22‐Jan23‐Jan24‐Jan25‐Jan26‐Jan27‐Jan28‐Jan29‐Jan30‐Jan31‐JanTemperature, degrees FahrenheitVolume, AFTemperatureGroundwaterOC‐36Import WaterConsumptionTemperature10 $2,509,221 $2,900,616 $5,292,032 $5,967,169 $5,832,402 5,853,052$1,238,262 $1,201,365 $1,037,796 $1,102,262 $1,180,709 1,120,046 $2,979,010 $2,805,585 $1,695,448 $2,258,653 $2,622,135 2,615,821 $11,116,817 $10,474,886 $7,557,634 $8,102,517 $9,905,805 $9,281,832 $17,843,310 $17,382,452 $15,582,910 $17,430,601 $19,541,050 -3.43%decrease compared to FY18 $18,870,751 $0 $5,000,000 $10,000,000 $15,000,000 $20,000,000 $25,000,000 FY14 FY15 FY16 FY17 FY18 FY19 Water Revenue Comparison by Fiscal Year Water Revenue (Service Charge) Water Revenue (Commercial & Fire Det.) Water Revenue (Landscape/Irrigation) Water Revenue (Residential)Total 11 ITEM NO. 9.1 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: February 26, 2019 Subject:Directors' Reports ·Intergovernmental Meetings, Conferences, and Events SUMMARY: The Directors will report on their attendance at the following events: 1. OC LAFCO - February 13, 2019 (Nederhood - As Needed) 2. ACWA Water Quality Committee - February 13, 2019 (Miller) 3. YL Planning Commission - February 13, 2019 (Hawkins - As Needed) 4. WACO Planning Committee - February 19, 2019 (Jones) 5. SAWPA Commission - February 19, 2019 (Jones - As Needed) 6. YL City Council - February 19, 2019 (Miller) 7. First Responders Appreciation Breakfast - February 20, 2019 (Hawkins/Jones) 8. MWDOC Board - February 20, 2019 (Nederhood) 9. OCWA Luncheon - February 20, 2019 (Miller) 10. SAWPA Emerging Constituents Workgroup - February 20, 2019 (Miller) 11. OCWD Board - February 20, 2019 (Jones) 12. ACWA Groundwater Committee - February 21, 2019 (Jones) 13. MWDOC Water Policy Forum - February 21, 2019 (Jones/Miller) 14. Water Utility Workshop - February 26, 2019 (Miller) ITEM NO. 11.1 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: February 26, 2019 Subject:Meetings from February 27 - April 30, 2019 ATTACHMENTS: Name:Description:Type: BOD_-_Activities_Calendar.pdf Backup Material Backup Material Board of Directors Activity Calendar Event Date Time Attendance By February UWI Spring Conference Wed, Feb 27 8:00 AM Jones/Nederhood OCSD Board Wed, Feb 27 6:00 PM Hawkins YL Planning Commission Wed, Feb 27 6:30 PM Hawkins (As Needed) UWI Spring Conference Thu, Feb 28 8:00 AM Jones/Nederhood March WACO Fri, Mar 1 7:30 AM TBD UWI Spring Conference Fri, Mar 1 8:00 AM Jones/Nederhood ISDOC Executive Committee Tue, Mar 5 7:30 AM Nederhood SAWPA Commission Tue, Mar 5 9:30 AM Jones (As Needed) YL City Council Tue, Mar 5 6:30 PM Nederhood MWDOC Board Wed, Mar 6 8:30 AM Miller/Nederhood SAWPA Commission Wed, Mar 6 9:30 AM TBD OCSD Operations Committee Wed, Mar 6 5:00 PM Hawkins OCWD Board Wed, Mar 6 5:30 PM Jones Board of Directors Regular Meeting Tue, Mar 12 6:30 PM OC LAFCO Wed, Mar 13 8:15 AM TBD YL Planning Commission Wed, Mar 13 6:30 PM Hawkins (As Needed) Joint Committee with City of Yorba Linda Mon, Mar 18 4:00 PM Jones/Hawkins WACO Planning Committee Tue, Mar 19 7:30 AM Jones/Nederhood SAWPA Commission Tue, Mar 19 9:30 AM Jones (As Needed) YL City Council Tue, Mar 19 6:30 PM Jones MWDOC Board Wed, Mar 20 8:30 AM Miller/Nederhood SAWPA Commission Wed, Mar 20 9:30 AM TBD OCWA Luncheon Wed, Mar 20 11:30 AM TBD OCWD Board Wed, Mar 20 5:30 PM Jones Board of Directors Regular Meeting Tue, Mar 26 6:30 PM OCSD Board Wed, Mar 27 6:00 PM Hawkins YL Planning Commission Wed, Mar 27 6:30 PM Hawkins (As Needed) ISDOC Thu, Mar 28 11:30 AM TBD Interagency Committee Meeting with MWDOC and OCWD Thu, Mar 28 4:00 PM Jones/Hawkins April ISDOC Executive Committee Tue, Apr 2 7:30 AM Nederhood SAWPA Commission Tue, Apr 2 9:30 AM Jones (As Needed) YL City Council Tue, Apr 2 6:30 PM Hawkins MWDOC Board Wed, Apr 3 8:30 AM Miller/Nederhood SAWPA Commission Wed, Apr 3 9:30 AM TBD OCSD Operations Committee Wed, Apr 3 5:00 PM Hawkins OCWD Board Wed, Apr 3 5:30 PM Jones WACO Fri, Apr 5 7:30 AM TBD Board of Directors Regular Meeting Tue, Apr 9 6:30 PM OC LAFCO Wed, Apr 10 8:15 AM TBD YL Planning Commission Wed, Apr 10 6:30 PM Hawkins (As Needed) WACO Planning Committee Tue, Apr 16 7:30 AM Jones/Nederhood SAWPA Commission Tue, Apr 16 9:30 AM Jones (As Needed) YL City Council Tue, Apr 16 6:30 PM Hall MWDOC Board Wed, Apr 17 8:30 AM Miller/Nederhood SAWPA Commission Wed, Apr 17 9:30 AM TBD OCWA Luncheon Wed, Apr 17 11:30 AM TBD OCWD Board Wed, Apr 17 5:30 PM Jones Board of Directors Regular Meeting Tue, Apr 23 6:30 PM MWDOC/OCWD Joint Planning Committee Wed, Apr 24 8:30 AM TBD OCSD Board Wed, Apr 24 6:00 PM Hawkins YL Planning Commission Wed, Apr 24 6:30 PM Hawkins (As Needed) As of February 20, 2019 BACKUP MATERIALS DISTRIBUTED LESS THAN 72 HOURS PRIOR TO THE MEETING ITEM NO. 8.3. Yorba Linda Water District FY19 BUDGET a MID-YEAR REVIEW was February 26, 2019 r. _ . MATERIALS SUBMITTED BY: Kaden Young MEETING DATE: February 26, 2019 ITEM NO. Overview r _- MATERIALS SUBMITTED BY: - J ` ■ Summary of FY E 19 P ro j e ct i��s-� ,�.:�., -- " __ ■ Volumetric Revenues -� _ _ � - - ■ Water Purchase and Delive Gists � � • _ � � - ■ Salary and Related Expense�•_� --' ■ Supplies and Services - ■ Status of CIP Kaden • • MEETING DAFebruary ITEM NO. 8.3. SUMMARY OF FPROJECTIONS MATERIALS SUBMITTED BY: Kaden Young MEETING DATE: February 26, 2019 ITEM NO. 8.3. Summary Financial Report: Revenue Yorba Linda Water District Summary Financial Report Water&Sewer Fund(s) Projections For the Period Ending June 30, 2019 (With June 30, 2018 comparison purposes) Annual FYE19 FYE Projection FYE Projection Prior YTD FYE Projections HE Projections Budget Projections (Under) Over %of Annual Actual (thru vs vs FY19 Annual Budget Budget June 2018) PY Actual $ PY Actual % Revenue (Operating): Water Revenue (Residential) $16,592,437 $15,214,356 ($1,378,081) -8.31% $16,151,210 ($936,854) -5.80% Water Revenue (Commercial & Fire Det.) 1,964,205 $1,903,142 (61,063) -3.11% 1,897,346 5,796 0.31% Water Revenue (Landscape/Irrigation) 3,863,805 $3,979,746 115,941 3.00% 4,031,103 (51,357) -1.27% Water Revenue (Service Charge) 10,116,528 $10,107,081 (9,447) -0.09% 10,002,493 104,588 1.05% Sewer Charge Revenue 2,229,246 2,188,390 (40,856) -1.83% 2,064,083 124,307 6.02% Locke Ranch Assessments 273,250 278,967 5,717 2.09% 266,726 12,241 4.59% Other Operating Revenue 894,617 971,090 76,473 8.55% 840,305 130,785 15.56% Total Operating Revenue: 35,934,087 34,642,771 (1,291,317) -3.59% 35,253,266 (610,495) -1.73% Revenue (Non-Operating): Interest 358,000 684,563 $326,563 91.22% 518,600 165,963 32.00% Property Tax 1,850,000 1,768,418 (81,582) -4.41% 1,749,957 18,461 1.05% Other Non-Operating Revenue 639,846 784,319 $144,473 22.58% 467,250 317,069 67.86% Total Non-Operating Revenue: 2,847,846 3,237,300 $389,454 13.68% 2,735,807 501,493 18.33% Total Revenue 38,781,933 37,880,070 (901,863) -2.33% 37,989,073 (109,003) -0.29% 4 MATERIALS SUBMITTED BY: Kaden Young MEETING DATE: February 26, 2019 ITEM NO. 8.3. Summary Financial Report: Expenses Yorba Linda Water District Summary Financial Report Water&Sewer Fund(s) Projections For the Period Ending June 30, 2019 (With June 30, 2018 comparison purposes) Annual FYE19 FYE Projection FYE Projection Prior YTD FYE Projections FYE Projections Budget Projections (Under) Over %of Annual Actual (thru vs vs FY19 Annual Budqet Budget June 2018) PY Actual $ PY Actual % Expenses (Operating): Variable Water Costs (G.W., Import & Power) 14,793,377 14,446,044 (347,333) -2.35% 15,028,132 (582,088) -3.87% Salary Related Expenses 10,784,493 10,662,234 (122,260) -1.13% 9,874,215 788,019 7.98% Supplies & Services 4,571,268 4,157,466 (413,802) -9.05% 4,298,863 (141,397) -3.29% Total Operating Expenses 30,149,138 29,265,744 (883,394) -2.93% 29,201,210 64,534 0.22% Expenses (Non-Operating): Interest on Long Term Debt 1,325,785 1,350,615 $24,830 1.87% 1,106,515 244,100 22.06% Other Expense 14,200 1,226,860 1,212,660 8539.86% 151,377 1,075,483 710.47% Total Non-Operating Expenses: 1,339,985 2,577,475 1,237,490 92.35% 1,257,892 1,319,583 104.90% Total Expenses 31,489,123 31,843,219 354,096 1.12% 30,459,102 1,384,117 4.54% 5 MATERIALS SUBMITTED BY: Kaden Young MEETING DATE: February 26, 2019 ITEM NO. 8.3. Summary Financial Report: Net Position Yorba Linda Water District Summary Financial Report Water&Sewer Fund(s) Projections For the Period Ending June 30, 2019 (With June 30, 2018 comparison purposes) Annual FYE19 FYE Projection FYEProjectionj Prior YTD I FYE Projections FYE Projections Budget Projections rBudgetl 0/a Budget Ju2 of Annual Actual 1 ( thru vs vs FY9 Ann al 018) PYA tual $ PY Actual % Net Position Before Capital Contributions 7,292,810 6,036,852 (1,255,959) -17.22% 7,529,971 (1,493,119) -19.83% Special Item - - $0 (2,205,847) 2,205,847 -100.00% Capital Contributions (Non-Cash - 360,156 $360,156 3,554,123 (3,193,967) -89.87% Transaction GASB 34 Compliant) - Net Position Before Depreciation 7,292,810 6,397,008 (895,802) -12.28% 8,878,247 (2,481,239) -27.95% Depreciation& Amortization 7,726,142 7,336,524 (389,618) -5.04% 7,465,977 (129,453) -1.73% Total Net Position ($433,332) (939,516) (506,184) -116.81% 1,412,270 (2,351,786) -166.53% 6 MATERIALS SUBMITTED BY: Kaden Young MEETING DATE: February 26, 2019 ITEM NO. 8.3. ProForma: Revenue [Water Only] FY19 ProForma - Use of Funds FY19 Projection FY19 Annual FYE19 YTD % of Budget Projection Budget Water Revenue (Residential) $ 16,592,437 $ 15,214,356 91.69% Water Revenue (Commercial & Fire Det.) $ 1,964,205 $ 1,903,142 96.89% Water Revenue (Landscape/Irrigation) $ 3,863,805 $ 3,979,746 103.00% Service Charges $ 10,116,528 $ 10,107,081 99.91% Other Operating Revenue $ 827,887 $ 917,173 110.78% Total Operating Revenue $ 33,364,861 $ 32,121,497 96.27% Revenue (Non-Operating): Interest $ 310,000 $ 593,272 191.38% Property Taxes $ 1,850,000 $ 1,768,418 95.59% Other Non-Operating Revenue $ 605,346 $ 760,002 125.55% Total Non-Operating Revenue $ 2,765,346 $ 3,121,692 112.89% Total Revenue $ 36,130,207 $ 35,243,189 97.54% 7 MATERIALS SUBMITTED BY: Kaden Young MEETING DATE: February 26, 2019 ITEM NO. 8.3. ProForma: Expenses [Water Only] FY19 ProForma - Use of Funds FY19 Projection FY19 Annual FYE19 YTD % of Budget Projection Budget Expenses (Operating): Variable Water Costs (G.W., Import & Power) _ Water-Related Costs $ 12,247,280 $ 12,173,876 _ 99.40% Fixed Costs $ 1,188,085 $ 734,604 61.83% Power-Related Costs $ 1,358,012 $ 1,537,564 113.22% Variable Water Costs Related Expenses Total $ 14,793,377 $ 14,446,044 97.65% Salary Related Expenses $ 9,931,772 $ 9,855,433 99.23% Reduction for Capital Project Labor $ (279,000) $ (275,037) 98.58% Salary Related Expenses Total $ 9,652,772 $ 9,580,397 99.25% Supplies & Services Supplies & Services Sub-Total $ 4,087,123 $ 3,696,894 90.45% Total Operating Expenses $ 28,533,272 $ 27,723,335 97.16% Expenses (Non-Operating) Other Expense $ 8,600 32,315 375.76% Total Non-Operating Expenses $ 8,600 $ 32,315 1 375.76% Total Expenses $ 28,541,872 $ 27,755,650 97.25% 8 MATERIALS SUBMITTED BY: Kaden Young MEETING DATE: February 26, 2019 ITEM NO. 8.3. ProForma: Net [Water Only] FY19 ProForma - Use of Funds FY19 Projection FY19 Annual FYE19 YTD % of Budget Projection Budget Net Revenues $ 7,588,335 $ 7,487,539J*. 98.67% Less: Debt Service (Principal & Interest) $ 2,738,258 2,738,256 _ 100.00% Less: Committed Capital Expenditures (PayGo) $ 3,542,500 $ 3,269,057 92.28% Transfer to/(from) Reserves $ 1,307,577 $ 1,480,226 113.20% Net $ - $ - 9 MATERIALS SUBMITTED BY: Kaden Young MEETING DATE: February 26, 2019 ITEM NO. 8.3. Water & Sewer Revenues/Expenses (excludes Depreciation,Special Items,and Contributed Capital) $45,000,000 $40,000,000 781 , , $38933 $37,989,073 $37,880,070 $35,119,511 $35,170,270 I $35,000,000 $32,111,774 $30,000,000 $31,489,123 $31,843,219 $30,459,102 $25,000,000 $26,118,989 $20,000,000 $15,000,000 - $10,000,000 $5,000,000 FY15 Actual FY16 Actual FYE17 Actual FYE18 Actual FY19 Budget FYE19 Projection Total Revenue f Total Expenses 10 MATERIALS SUBMITTED BY: Kaden Young MEETING DATE: February 26, 2019 ITEM NO. 8.3. VOLUMETRIC REVENUE MATERIALS SUBMITTED BY: Kaden Young MEETING DATE: February 26, 2019 ITEM NO. 8.3. SYSTEM PRODUCTION FYE19 Projections by Month 2,506.0 2,308.6 2,334.1 2,137.1 2,048.1 2,000.0 1,852,4 1,639, ,546.3 1,5DD.D 1,302, i 4 1,167.1 1,110.5 1,0000 kD 5 00.0 N N m m W m Ln 723$ 728.2 630.95.9 SA Jul-18 Aug-18 Sep-18 Out-19 Nov-18 Dec-18 Jan-19 Feb-19 Mar-19 Apr-19 May-19 Jun-19 �CPTP ADJUSTED FACTUAL --G�SUDGET GW IMPORT GW DEMAND (AF) (AF) {AF} (AE) T2 MATERIALS SUBMITTED BY: Kaden Young MEETING DATE: February 26, 2019 ITEM NO. 8.3. HE System Production Projection vs Budget Totals PROJECTION C=6o C�B% BUDGET 20,475.0 5,000.0 10,000.0 15,000.0 2c 000.0 25,000.0 Production Volume,AF 13 MATERIALS SUBMITTED BY: Kaden Young MEETING DATE: February 26, 2019 ITEM NO. 8.3. RETAIL CONSUMPTION FYE19 Projections by Month 1,000,000 903279 900,000 879113 833841 800,0()0 773350 769885 703146 700084 700,000 643000 606497 600,000 522753 LL Li 500,000 409056 555,281 415956 400,000 519 519,542 426,874 300,000 322,449 370,435 307, 258,778 200,000 100,000 i Jul-18 Aug-18 5ep-18 Oct-18 Nov-18 Dec-18 Jan-19 Feb-19 Mar-19 Apr-19 May-19 Jun-19 Commercial �Irrigation �Residential -Budgeted 14 MATERIALS SUBMITTED BY: Kaden Young MEETING DATE: February 26, 2019 ITEM NO. 8.3. HE Retail Consumption Projection vs Budget Totals 7,679,332 oQ 0 0 8,159,961 1,000,000 2,000,000 3,000,000 4,000,000 5,000,000 6,C00,000 7,000,000 8,000,000 9,000,000 Retail Consumption,CCF 15 MATERIALS SUBMITTED BY: Kaden Young MEETING DATE: February 26, 2019 ITEM NO. 8.3. WATER PURCHASE AND DELIVERY COSTS MATERIALS SUBMITTED BY: Kaden Young MEETING DATE: February 26, 2019 ITEM NO. 8.3. FYE19 Water Purchase& Delivery Costs Import Water Purchases $4,610,443 32% ■ MWDOC Fixed Costs $1,236,367 8% ■ Power Costs r Groundwater Purchases $1,537,564 $6,604,899 11% 46% ■ OCWD Annexation Fee $456,771 3% 17 MATERIALS SUBMITTED BY: Kaden Young MEETING DATE: February 26, 2019 ITEM NO. 8.3. SALARIES AND RELATED MATERIALS SUBMITTED BY: Kaden Young MEETING DATE: February 26, 2019 ITEM NO. 8.3. Yorba Linda Water District Projection of Salary and Related Expenses Water & Sewer Enterprise FY19 FYE19 FYE19 FYE19 Comparison Budget Consolidated Water Sewer as a %of Projection Projection Projection Consolidated to FY19 Budget Total Wages Regular Salaries $7,039,614 $6,546,380 $5,937,340 $609,039 Overtime & Comp Time 256,848 332,321 317,170 15,151 Standby Day Pay 32,150 32,213 32,213 - Mandatory Benefits CalPERS/SS/Medicare/UAL/GASB68 1 ,437,363 1 ,965,436 1 ,714,768 250,668 Fringe Benefits 1 ,625,509 1 ,365,595 1 ,227,755 137,840 Retiree Benefits Retiree Benefits 127,585 150,996 140,426 10,570 OPEB Annual Required Contribution 263,425 264,793 206,539 58,254 Unemployment Insurance 2,000 4,500 4,185 315 Total Salary and Related Expenses $10,784,493 $ 10,662,234 $ 9,580,396 $ 1,081,837 99% Without Pars Contribution 99% MATERIALS SUBMITTED BY: Kaden Young MEETING DATE: February 26, 2019 ITEM NO. 8.3. SUPPLIES AND SERVICES MATERIALS SUBMITTED BY: Kaden Young MEETING DATE: February 26, 2019 ITEM NO. 8.3. Yorba Linda Water District Projection of Supplies &Services Water&Sewer Enterprise FYI FYI FYI FYI FY18 Actuals FY19 Budget FYE19 Projection Projection Projection vs Projection Projection vs Budget vs Budget FY18 Actual vs FYI Actual(%) Supplies &Services: Communications $ 147,634 $ 171,097 $ 166,607 $ (4,489) -2.62% $ 18,973 12.85% Contractual Services $ 430,320 $ 505,732 $ 417,780 $ (87,952) -17.39% $ (12,540) -2.91% Data Processing $ 245,068 $ 282,451 $ 320,189 $ 37,738 13.36% $ 75,121 30.65% Dues &Memberships $ 84,263 $ 88,230 $ 93,910 $ 5,680 6.44% $ 9,647 11.45% Fees & Permits $ 254,832 $ 280,453 $ 312,922 $ 32,469 11.58% $ 58,090 22.80% Board Election $ - $ 75,000 $ 53,321 $ (21,679) $ 53,321 Insurance $ 269,236 $ 303,190 $ 299,162 $ (4,028) -1.33% $ 29,926 11.11% Materials $ 758,870 $ 687,336 $ 615,638 $ (71,698) -10.43% $ (143,232) -18.87% District Activities,Emp Recognition $ 29,033 $ 46,251 $ 46,196 $ (55) -0.12% $ 17,163 59.12% Maintenance $ 538,874 $ 604,601 $ 516,898 $ (87,703) -14.51% $ (21,976) -4.08% Non-Capital Equipment $ 150,182 $ 151,451 $ 140,336 $ (11,115) -7.34% $ (9,846) -6.56% Office Expense $ 43,080 $ 43,300 $ 40,560 $ (2,740) -6.33% $ (2,520) -5.85% Professional Services $ 710,380 $ 552,800 $ 482,070 $ (70,730) -12.79% $ (228,310) -32.14% Training $ 37,749 $ 78,239 $ 59,540 $ (18,699) -23.90% $ 21,791 57.73% Travel&Conferences $ 84,182 $ 139,339 $ 107,691 $ (31,648) -22.71% $ 23,509 27.93% Uncollectible Accounts $ 4,611 $ 3,000 $ 5,305 $ 2,305 76.82% $ 694 15.04% Utilities $ 183,057 $ 183,400 $ 170,098 $ (13,302) -7.25% $ (12,959) -7.08% Vehicle Equipment $ 327,492 $ 375,400 $ 309,244 $ (66,155) -17.62% $ (18,248) -5.57% Supplies &Services Sub-Total $ 4,298,863 $ 4,571,269 $ 4,157,466 $ (413,803) -9.05% $ (1417397) -3.29% 21 MATERIALS SUBMITTED BY: Kaden Young MEETING DATE: February 26, 2019 ITEM NO. 8.3. STATUS OF CIP MATERIALS SUBMITTED BY: Kaden Young MEETING DATE: February 26, 2019 ITEM NO. 8.3. FY19 Budget CIP Expenditures FYE Projection- FY19 Budget vs Project Name CIP thru FYE 17/18 CIP Expenditures FYE Projection Expenditures Capital Funds Available for Use(1/2-0010-2700-00) Capital Improvements S&W Well Project(Well No. 22) $ 300,000 $ 742,369 $ 163,000 $ 137,000 Fairmont BPS Upgrade - 4,994,053 - - Fairmont BPS Upgrade 2018(Pay Go) 400,000 49,158 531,313 (131,313) Capital Subtotal = 700,000 6,395,210 694,313 5,687 Rehabilitation& Restoration-WATER&SEWER PRS Rehabilitation Phase 2 500,000 204,611 505,476 (5,476) Mickel and Camino Verde Waterline Replace 500,000 50,000 450,000 Well Rehabilitation(#7) 150,000 260,786 (110,786) Well Rehabilitation(#10) - 53,039 (53,039) Well 18 Gas engine rebuild - 63,030 (63,030) Wells - 66,268 (66,268) Tract 15199 Waterline Replacement 750,000 688,897 61,103 Box Canyon PRS - - 7,347 (7,347) Camno de Bryant Reservoir - 7,239 - - Hidden Hills Reservoir - 23,155 - - Rehabilitation &Restoration-SEWER - - Lakeview Sewer Lift Station Decommissioning 1,500,000 1,621,670 (121,670) 2018 Cl PP Rehabilitation 200,000 168,594 31,406 Rehabilitation &Restoration Subtotal = 3,600,000 445,391 3,485,107 114,893 23 MATERIALS SUBMITTED BY: Kaden Young MEETING DATE: February 26, 2019 ITEM NO. 8.3. FY19 Budget CIP Expenditures FYE Projection- FY19 Budget vs Project Name CIP thru FYE 17/18 CIP Expenditures FYE Projection Expenditures Vehicle and Capital Equipment Replacement Hidden Hills Reservoir Landscape Mitigation Land Purch 170,000 130,709 39,291 SCADA Radio Communications System Repl 125,000 125,000 - Skid Steer Loader 75,000 60,908 14,092 Sweeper tool 10,000 5,051 4,949 Vehicle Replacement-Sewer-Camera truck-SEWER 300,000 - 300,000 Board Room Improvements 118,000 147,658 (29,658) CMMS Weather Station - 21,385 (21,385) Office Improvement Bldg 1/Pivot Interiors - 27,555 (27,555) Multi-passenger vehicle-District use#225 45,000 37,055 7,945 Safety Lighting 10,000 0 10,000 V-sphere hosts(server)R740XD SERVER 50,000 46,671 3,329 RTU PLC CABINET-WELL 1 - 10,598 (10,598) WELL 15 RTU Replacement 8,157 (8,157) WELL#12 RTU 13,000 (13,000) WELL#7 RTU 13,671 (13,671) WELL#19 RTU 1,080 (1,080) DELL NETWORKING N3048 6,493 (6,493) Terminal server replacement 21,500 - 21,500 Server-NAS(high visibility) 18,000 - 18,000 Personal computers,laptops,and tablets 26,000 26,714 (714) VOIP phone redundancy-Phase 2 6,000 - 6,000 Firewall Replacement(Administration) 17,000 17,658 (658) Network Infrastructure Security Upgrade 20,000 9,232 10,768 Security Suite Enterprise-Malware Software 11,000 10,645 355 Security System-Cameras(Yard) 29,000 7,731 21,269 CMMS laptops 15,000 15,000 - Pickup trucks(2)#221&#222 80,000 56,758 23,242 Pickup trucks(2)#223&#224 70,000 56,245 13,755 Meter reading equipment-Veh.Gateway Base station 26,000 24,928 1,072 Vehicle&Capital Equipment Subtotal = 1,242,500 - 879,901 362,599 Total of Capital Outlay(Water&Sewer) = I 5,542,500 I 7,209,938 I 5,059,321 I 483,1791 24 3,269,057 I =Water Pay Gol MATERIALS SUBMITTED BY: Kaden Young MEETING DATE: February 26, 2019 ITEM NO. 8.3. MATERIALS SUBMITTED BY: Kaden Young MEETING DATE: February 26, 2019 ITEM NO. 8.3. Yorba Linda Water District Water Enterprise FY19 ProForma-Use of Funds FY19 Projection FY19 Annual FYE19 YTD%of Budget Projection Budget Water Revenue(Residential) $ 16,592,437 $ 15,214,356 91.69% Water Revenue(Commercial &Fire Det.) $ 1,964,205 $ 1,903,142 96.89% Water Revenue(Landscape/Irrigation) $ 3,863,805 $ 3,979,746 103.00% Service Charges $ 10,116,528 $ 10,107,081 99.91% Other Operating Revenue $ 827,887 $ 917,173 110.78% Total Operating Revenue $ 33,364,861 $ 32,121,497 96.27% Revenue(Non-Operating): Interest $ 310,000 $ 593,272 191.38% Property Taxes $ 1,850,000 $ 1,768,418 95.59% Other Non-Operating Revenue $ 605,346 $ 760,002 125.55% Total Non-Operating Revenue $ 2,765,346 $ 3,121,692 112.89% Total Revenue $ 36,130,207 $ 35,243,189 97.54% Expenses(Operating): Variable Water Costs(G.W., Import&Power) Water-Related Costs $ 12,247,280 $ 12,173,876 99.40% Fixed Costs $ 1,188,085 $ 734,604 61.83% Power-Related Costs $ 1,358,012 $ 1,537,564 113.22% Variable Water Costs Related Expenses Total $ 14,793,377 $ 14,446,044 97.65% Salary Related Expenses $ 9,931,772 $ 9,855,433 99.23% Reduction for Capital Project Labor $ (279,000) $ (275,037) 98.58% Salary Related Expenses Total $ 9,652,772 $ 9,580,397 99.25% Supplies&Services Communications $ 159,120 $ 161,825 101.70% Contractual Services $ 475,966 $ 405,284 85.15% Data Processing $ 265,129 $ 303,762 114.57% Dues&Memberships $ 82,077 $ 76,422 93.11% Fees&Permits $ 264,546 $ 299,205 113.10% Insurance $ 281,967 $ 281,832 99.95% Materials $ 658,714 $ 557,381 84.62% District Activities, Emp Recognition $ 43,013 $ 35,296 82.06% Maintenance $ 432,971 $ 360,888 83.35% Non-Capital Equipment $ 115,294 $ 118,052 102.39% Office Expense $ 40,343 $ 37,804 93.71% Professional Services $ 518,804 $ 434,456 83.74% Training $ 65,188 $ 48,363 74.19% Travel &Conferences $ 125,279 $ 97,928 78.17% Uncollectible Accounts $ 2,790 $ 3,442 123.36% Utilities $ 169,911 $ 158,444 93.25% Vehicle Expenses $ 316,262 $ 263,767 83.40% Supplies&Services Sub-Total $ 4,087,123 $ 3,696,894 90.45% Total Operating Expenses $ 28,533,272 $ 27,723,335 97.16% Expenses(Non-Operating) Other Expense $ 8,600 32,315 375.76% Total Non-Operating Expenses $ 8,600 $ 32,315 375.76% Total Expenses $ 28,541,872 $ 27,755,650 97.25% Net Revenues $ 7,588,335 $ 7,487,539 98.67% Less: Debt Service(Principal &Interest) $ 2,738,258 2,738,256 100.00% Less: Committed Capital Expenditures(PayGo) $ 3,542,500 $ 3,269,057 92.28% Transfer to/(from) Reserves $ 1,307,577 $ 1,480,226 113.20% Net $ - $ - MATERIALS SUBMITTED BY: Delia Lugo MEETING DATE: February 26, 2019 ITEM NO. 8.3. Yorba Linda Water District Summary Financial Report Water&Sewer Fund(s)Projections For the Period Ending June 30,2019 (With June 30,2018 comparison purposes) Annual FYE19 FYE Projection FYE Projection Prior YTD FYE Projections FYE Projections Budget Projections (Under)Over I %of Annual Actual(thru vs vs FY19 Annual Budget Budget June 2018) PY Actual$ PY Actual% Revenue(Operating): Water Revenue(Residential) $16,592,437 $15,214,356 ($1,378,081) -8.31% $16,151,210 ($936,854) -5.80% Water Revenue(Commercial&Fire Det.) 1,964,205 $1,903,142 (61,063) -3.11% 1,897,346 5,796 0.31% Water Revenue(Landscape/Irrigation) 3,863,805 $3,979,746 115,941 3.00% 4,031,103 (51,357) -1.27% Water Revenue(Service Charge) 10,116,528 $10,107,081 (9,447) -0.09% 10,002,493 104,588 1.05% Sewer Charge Revenue 2,229,246 2,188,390 (40,856) -1.83% 2,064,083 124,307 6.02% Locke Ranch Assessments 273,250 278,967 5,717 2.09% 266,726 12,241 4.59% Other Operating Revenue 894,617 971,090 76,473 8.55% 840,305 130,785 15.56% Total Operating Revenue: 35,934,087 34,642,771 (1,291,317) -3.59% 35,253,266 (610,495) -1.73% Revenue(Non-Operating): Interest 358,000 684,563 $326,563 91.22% 518,600 165,963 32.00% Property Tax 1,850,000 1,768,418 (81,582) -4.41% 1,749,957 18,461 1.05% Other Non-Operating Revenue 639,846 784,319 $144,473 22.58% 467,250 317,069 67.86% Total Non-Operating Revenue: 2,847,846 3,237,300 $389,454 13.68% 2,735,807 501,493 18.33% Total Revenue 38,781,933 37,880,070 (901,863) -2.33% 37,989,073 (109,003) -0.29% Expenses(Operating): Variable Water Costs(G.W.,Import&Power) 14,793,377 14,446,044 (347,333) -2.35% 15,028,132 (582,088) -3.87% Salary Related Expenses 10,784,493 10,662,234 (122,260) -1.13% 9,874,215 788,019 7.98% Supplies&Services 4,571,268 4,157,466 (413,802) -9.05% 4,298,863 (141,397) 3.29% Total Operating Expenses 30,149,138 29,265,744 (883,394) -2.93% 29,201,210 64,53 0.22% Expenses(Non-Operating): Interest on Long Term Debt 1,325,785 1,350,615 $24,830 1.87% 1,106,515 244,100 22.06% Other Expense 14,200 1,226,860 1,212,660 8539.86% 151,377 1,075,483 710.47% Total Non-Operating Expenses: 1,339,985 2,577,475 1,237,490 92.35% 1,257,892 1,319,583 104.90% Total Expenses 31,489,123 31,843,219 354,096 1.12% 30,459,102 1,384,117 4.54% Net Position Before Capital Contributions 7,292,810 6,036,852 (1,255,959) -17.22% 7,529,971 (1,493,119) -19.83% Special Item - - $0 (2,205,847) 2,205,847 -100.00% Capital Contributions(Non-Cash 360,156 $360,156 3,554,123 (3,193,967) -89.87% Transaction GASB 34 Compliant) - Net Position Before Depreciation 7,292,810 6,397,008 (895,802) -12.28% 8,878,247 (2,481,239) -27.95% Depreciation&Amortization 7,726,142 7,336,524 (389,618) -5.04% 7,465,977 (129,453) -1.73% Total Net Position ($433,332) (939,516) (506,184) -116.81% 1,412,270 (2,351,786) -166.53% MATERIALS SUBMITTED BY: Delia Lugo MEETING DATE: February 26, 2019 J PPO i Al 1 RATE STUDY ITEMS NEEDING BOARD CONSENSUS slill I - • I ITEM NO. 8.4. RATE STUDY PROCESS Effective Date Rate Structure January 2021 Uniform+Emergency Rates • Tiered(Simple/Complex) • Budget Based Time Period Credit Rating Rate study effective Strong AA? for 5 years Days in Cash? MATERIALS SUBMITTED BY: Kaden Young MEETING DATE: February 26, 2019 ITEM NO. 8.4. Rate Study Process, cont. PAYGO vs Debt Funding • Ratio • Per Project(s) liiplo MATERIALS SUBMITTED BY: Kaden Young MEETING DATE: February 26, 2019 ITEM NO. 8.4. Rate Study Process, cont. Pass Through • OCWD • MWDOC • Energy PAYGO vs Debt Funding • Ratio • Per Project(s) MATERIALS SUBMITTED BY: Kaden Young MEETING DATE: February 26, 2019 ITEM NO. 8.4. Rate Study Process, cont. Develop RFP Issue RFP or work with Raftelis? Pass Through • OCWD • MWDOC • Energy PAYGO vs Debt Funding • Ratio • Per Project(s) MATERIALS SUBMITTED BY: Kaden Young MEETING DATE: February 26, 2019 ITEM NO. 8.4. Development/Issuance of RFP Timeline _+ Mar Apr May Jun Ju0 Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Scope ol, submittals,Work Issuance, review • COD approval to initiate rate study 3-6 months for development of Rate Study and Prop. 218 Notice MATERIALS SUBMITTED BY: Kaden Young MEETING DATE: February 26, 2019 ITEM NO. 8.4. Rate Study Process, cont. Revise Billing Statement Cogsdale —1 month $7,000 - $20,000 Develop RFP Issue RFP or work with Raftelis? Pass Through XWD • MWDOC • Energy PAYGO vs Debt Funding rnaLIU • Per Project(s) MATERIALS SUBMITTED BY: Kaden Young MEETING DATE: February 26, 2019 ITEM NO. 8.4. BOARD • A , , 1. Effective Date for Rate Adjustment: 2. Rate Study Effective Time Period: CONSENSUS 3. Rate Structure: 4. Credit Rating: • Days in Cash: 5. PAYGO vs Debt Funding: 6. Pass Through: 7. Issue RFP: MATERIALS SUBMITTED BY: Kaden Young MEETING DATE: February 26, 2019