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March 10, 1988
MARCH 10, 1988
The regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda 'Mater District was called to order
by President Armstrong at 8:30 a.m., March 10, 1988, in the District offices at 4622 PIumosa,
Yorba Linda. Directors present: Whit Cromwell, Arthur C. Korn, Roy Knauft, Paul Armstrong and
Sterling Fox. Also present were: William P. Workman, General Manager, William J. Robertson,
Assistant General Manager, Cheryl E. Gunderson, Business Manager, Michael A. Payne, Engineering
Manager, and Ray Hersme, Operations Superintendent.
On a motion by Vice President Fox and seconded by Director Korn, the Board voted 5-0 to approve
the Consent Calendar as follows:
Item I. Approval of Minutes - Regular meeting of February 25, 1988.
Item 2. Approval of Minutes - Adjourned meeting of February 29, 1988.
Item 3. Authorization far the Directors to leave the State of California prior to next meeting.
Item 4. Approval of Sewer Connection Application and Permit with Mr. & Mrs. Fred Bacon, 5992
Short Street, Yorbe Linda, Service No. 29-21.
Item 5. Acceptance of the Treasurer's Report for the eight months ended February 29, 1988.
Item 6. Authorization to advertise for the construction bidding of the Zone 6 Chino Hills Reservoir.
Mike Payne, Engineering Manager, requested the Board to approve and authorize the advertising far
the construction of the Chino Hills Reservoir. The 500,000 gallon reservoir would serve Zone 6
and be located withi n the Chi no Hills State Park. Fundi ng would come from I D * 1 General Obligation
Bonds. After several questions about the rese rvoi is location and capacity, on a motion by Director
Cromwell and seconded by Director Korn, the Board voted 5-0 to authorize construction bidding on
the Zone 6 Chino Hills Reservoir.
Item 7. MWD in- Lieu Groundwater Conservation Program. William Robertson, Assistant General
Manager, reported that the District is now taking advantage of the In-Lieu Storage Program run by
MWD, MWDOC and OCWD. The purpose of the program is to maximize the groundwater basin by
purchasing imported water "in-lieu" of pumping District wells. The District expects to save about
$18,000 in water suppl y costs.
Item 8. Report on OCWD Replenishment Assessment Rate Hearing. William Robertson, Assistant
General Manager, reported that the OCWD Board had scheduled a public hearing on March 16, 1988
concerning the replenishment assessment for FY 1988-89. He indicated that the Board previously
opposed the 309 increase in the replenishment assessment. The Board briefly discussed the
February 29, 1988 meeting with representatives of OCWD and a number of concerns that are still
outstanding. The Board asked the General Manager to prepare a letter to William Mills, OCWD
General Manager and Larry Kraemer, OCWD Board member, thanking them for the February 29
meeti ng and repeati ng concerns about the assessment i ncrease. The Board also asked that Di rector
Korn review the letter before it is sent.
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March 10, 1988
Item 9. Nomination of Mr. John M. Coves to the Association of California Water Agencies/Joint
Powers Insurance Authority Executive Committee. William Robertson, Assistant General Manager,
presented a request from the Sentiago County Water District soliciting support for the nomination of
Mr. John M. Covas to the ACWA/JPIA Executive Committee. The Board discussed Mr. Covas'
qualifications and role of the JPiA Board members. On a motion by Director Cromwell and seconded
by Vice President Fox, the Board voted 5-0 on a roll call vote to approve Resolution 88-11
concurring with the nomination of Mr. John Coves to the ACWA/JPiA Executive Committee.
Item 10. Report on Electrical Power Outage. William Workman, General Manager, reported that a
District Operations Department crew had struck an Edison underground electrical line during the
repair of a fire hydrant on Los Angeles Street, March 9th. He explained that the staff was conducting
a safety i nvestigation regardi ng the i ncident. Mr. Workman also reported on two water Ii ne breaks
at the same general location on the same day as the power outage.
item 1 1. Executive Committee. No Executive Committee meeti ng report was scheduled.
Item 12. Finance-Accounting Committee - authorization for payment of bills. Director Knauft
inquired about a $23,000 billing for sewer /reconstruction. Mike Payne, Engineering Manager,
ex pl ai ned t hat a sewe r fai i u re off Los A ngel es St reet req ui red i m medi ate acti o n to fl x. T he re pai r
also involved repaving a section of street that failed. On a motion by Director Knauft and seconded by
Vice President Fox, the Board voted 5-0 to approve payment of bills and rate deposits in the amount
of $400,044.86 on Checks No. 14003,4,5,7; 14082 through 14100; 14138 through 14220;
7-1iyrcll Check No. 1060 to 1113; and two wires.
Item 13. 5b hedule Finance-Accounting Committee meeting. The Committee scheduled a meeting
for March 1 1, at 3:30 p.m.
Item 14. Personnel Committee. No Personnel Committee meeti ng report was scheduled.
Item 15. Planning-Operations- Engineering Committee meeting of February 25. The Committee
reported on their discussions regarding the scheduled construction of Phase 7 of the Bryant Crass
Feeder in Paseo De Toronto Avenue. The Committee also recapped the staff's presentation on a
proposal to allow developers to install their own facilities in the Western Service Area similar to
the procedures i n I D* 1 and I D *2.
Item 16. Schedule Planning-Operations-Engineering Committee meeting. The Committee
scheduled a meeting March 15, at 1:00 p.m.
Item 17. Schedule Public information Committee meeting. The Committee scheduled a meeting
March 21, at 2:00 p.m.
Item 18. Report on City Council meeting of March 1. Director Cromwell explained that the City
Council was proceeding with the annexation of the Country Club area that is currently
uni ncorporated.
to m 19. Re po rt o n MW DOC meeti ng of Ma rc h 2. Di recto r K na uft i ndi sated t hat t he re was not hi ng
of significance to report.
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March 10, 1988
Item 20. Report on OCW D meeting of March 2. Director Korn stated that there was nothing of
significance to report
Item 21. Report on ACWA Mini-Conference, March 4, 5 and 6. Vice President Fox led a discussion
of the water quality issues reviewed at the mini-conference.
Item 22. Report on WACO meeting of March 4. Director Knauft reported on MWD's presentation
on the Coachella Malley and All American Canal Lining Proposal before Congress.
Item 23. Report on Planning Commission meeting of March 9. Director Korn described the
Planning Commission action on a preschool, senior citizen's complex and packing house plan changes.
President Armstrong requested a closed session to discuss one closed session item. The item was
related to personnel. The Board met in closed session.
Upon return from closed session, President Armstrong indicated that no action had been required on
the item.
Item 24. Board of Di rectors' Tour of East Side Water Facilities. The Board of Di rectors reviewed
water facilities and future construction needs on the east side of the District during a two hour tour.
On a motion by Vice President Fox and seconded by Director Korn, the Board voted 4-0 to adjourn the
eeting at 12:25 p.m.
William P. Workman
General Manager /Secretary