HomeMy WebLinkAbout1988-04-14 - Board of Directors Meeting MinutesPage 2194 April 14, 1988 MINUTES OF THE YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS REGULAR MEETING APRIL 14, 1968 The regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda Water District was called to order by President Armstrong at 8:30 a.m., April 14, 1988, in the District offices at 4622 Plumosa, Yorba Linda. Directors present: Whit Cromwell, Roy Knauft, Arthur C. Korn, Sterling Fox, Paul R. Armstrong. Also present were: William P. Workman, General Manager, William J. Robertson, Assistant General Manager, Cheryl Gunderson, Business Manager, Michael A. Payne, Engineering Manager, Michael Robinson, Assistant Administrator II, Ray Harsma, Operations Superintendent, Guerillo Clencia, Engineering Aide I, Rochelle Hastings, Customer Service Clerk II, Chuck Gray, Engineering Aide I, Art Kidman, Legal Counsel, and Sonya Steeby, from Covington Homes. CONSENT CALENDAR On a motion by Director Cromwell and seconded by Vice President Fox, the Board voted 5-0 to approve the following Consent Calendar items: Item I. Approval of Minutes - regular meeting of March 24, 1988. _ Item 2 Authorization for the Directors to leave the State of California prior to next meeting. teem 5. Approval of Agreement with Conrad and Associates for the annual audit in the amount of $8,400, and authorization for the General Manager to execute the documents. Rem 6. Acceptance of the March 31, 1988 Treasurer's Report. DISCUSSION CALENDAR Item 3. Approval of Application to and Agreement for Water Service and Sewer Connection Application Permit with Fred Kavli, 18180 through 18430 Yorba Linda Boulevard. President Armstrong asked that this item be removed from the Consent Calendar for an oral report by the staff. Engineering Manager, Mike Payne, described the, plans for water and sewer service for the proposed shopping center site, as well as, detailing the fire protection system at the location. On a motion by Director Korn and seconded by Director Cromwell, the Board voted 5-0 to approve the Application to and Agreement for Water Service (Job No. 8737) in the amount of $19,553.46 and Sewer Connection Application and jPermit Service (Service No. 22-500) in the amount of $26,832.45 with Fred Kavli, 18180 through 18430 Yorba Linda Boulevard, Yorba Linda. Item 4. Approval of Etchandy Well construction agreements. President Armstrong asked that this item be removed from the Consent Calendar for an oral report by the staff. Engineering Manager, Mike Payne, described the status of the project and specifically answered questions about the engines to be used. On a motion by Director Cromwell and seconded by Director Korn, the Board voted 5-0 to approve the Etchandy Well construction agreements with Orange County Pump Company for the pump installation in the amount of $13,640 and with J. M. Dickens and Sons for the electrical installation in the amount of $21,400 and authorization for the President and the Secretary to execute the documents. Page 2195 April 14, 1988 tem 7. Consideration of Annexation No. 87-1 and Application to and Agreements for Water and Sewer Service with Covington Technologies, Inc. Engineering Manager, Mike Payne; reported on the progress in annexing 22.43 acres on the southwest corner of Buena Vista Avenue and Van Buren Street. The Board and the Local Agency Formation Commission had previously approved the annexation applications. This step would finalize the process and permit water and sewer service to the proposed development. The Board discussed the fiscal impact of the annexation along with its required services. On a motion by Director Cromwell and seconded by Vice President Fox, the Board voted 5-0 to authorize the President and Secretary to execute Resolution No. 88-16 determining and ordering Annexation No. 87-1 and also to approve the Applications to and Agreements for Water and Sewer Service with Covington Technologies. ftfn 8. Authorization of additional financial institutions for investments over $100,000 and limit investment in any institution to $1,000,000. Business Manager, Cheryl Gunderson, requested the Board's approval of three new institutions authorized for investments over $100,000 and limit investment in any institution to $1,000,000. The Board discussed the District's investment policy and the need to provide flexibility for the District's portfolio with new institutions and a one million limit. On a motion by Director Cromwell and seconded by Director Korn, the Board voted 5-0 on a roll call vote to adopt Resolution No. 88-15 authorizing Great Western, Glendale Federal, Gibralter Savings, Valley Federal, California Federal and Great American for deposits over $100,000 and limiting investment to $1,000,000 in any single institution. Rem 9. WACO request for an additional pledge to its Bay/Delta Legal Fund. Mike Robinson, Assistant Administrator II, reported that the Water Advisory Committee of Orange County (WACO) had requested an additional pledge to its Bay/Delta Legal Fund. This fund is used to effectively present information to the State Water Resources Control Board regarding Orange County's water needs. The Board discussed its participation in WACO and the need to supplement its $500.00 original pledge. On a motion by Director Cromwell and seconded by Director Knauft, the Board voted 5-0 to pledge $500.00 to WACO for its Bay/Delta Legal Fund. them 10. Approval of a resolution supporting State Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 68 (Campbell) relative to Xeriscape landscaping of new State buildings. Assistant Administrator, Mike Robinson, described State Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 68 that urges utilization of drought resistant plants for landscaping new State buildings. The Board considered its support for the Concurrent Resolution, as well as, discussed how to urge the City's further support of Xeriscape. On a motion by Director Cromwell and seconded by Director Fox, the Board voted 5-0 on a roll call vote to adopt Resolution No. 88-17 authorizing approval of State Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 68 (Campbell) relative to Xeriscape landscaping of new State buildings. Additionally, the Board requested that a letter be sent to the City urging its support of the Concurrent Resolution and furthering Xeriscape in the community. Page 2196 April 14, 1988 Item 11. Computer Automation Workshop. Bill Robertson, Assistant General Manager, requested the Board set a date for the Board workshop to review the proposed RFP and Automation Plan regarding computerization of the District. The Board selected May 5 at 9:30 for the workshop. GENERAL MANAGER'S REPORT Item 12 Report on renovation of the District Office. General Manager, William Workman, presented the schematic plans for renovation of the District Offices that were prepared by the Danielson Design Group. He described the staffs participation with the architects to create a very workable plan that could house the staff for at least the next four years. The architects plan to develop a cost figure for the renovation and a comparative cost figure for a new building for the Board's review at the next meeting. LEGAL COUNSEL'S REPORT Item 13. Legal Counsel, Art Kidman, reported on the new San Marcos legislation and its implications; water conservation measures being taken around the state; and MWD's notification to agricultural users that they may have their water interrupted should the drought continue. STANDING COMMITTEE REPORTS Item 14. Executive Committee. The Executive Committee rescheduled its meeting to April 26th at 8:30 a.m. Item 15. Finance Committee. Authorization for payment of bills. After a brief discussion of state unemployment benefit payments by the District, on a motion by Director Knauft and seconded by Director Fox, the Board voted 5-0 to approve payment of Bills and Rate Deposits in the amount of $311,397.71 on Checks No. 14221, 14222 and 14320 through 14450; Payroll Checks No. 1328 through 1380 and 1270 through 1322; and one wire dated april 15, 1988. Item 16. Finance Committee. Report on Finance Committee meeting of April 8. The Committee reported that it discussed the Conrad and Associates Audit proposal for next year and Institutions authorized for over $100,00, with a one million dollar limit. Item 17. Personnel Committee. No Personnel Committee report was scheduled. Item 18. Engineering Committee. The Engineering Committee scheduled a meeting for April 14. Item 19. Public Information Committee. No Public Information Committee meeting report was scheduled. INTERGOVERNMENTAL MEETINGS Item 20. Report on WACO meeting of April 1. Director Knauft explained that WACO is modifying its charter to expand its membership. The Board expressed a desire to have a letter sent to WACO telling of our interest in being included in their expansion plans. Page 2197 April 14, 1988 them 21 Report on City Council meeting of April S. Director Knauft reported on the approval of development plans and annexation of the Hancock property. He also expressed concern that we assure ourselves that the District's annexation fees are at the appropriate level. item 22. Report on MWDOC meeting of April 6. Director Knauft indicated there Was nothing of significance to report. them 23. Report on OCWD meeting of April 6. Director Korn said the highlight of the meeting was the new OCWD well testing program. them 24. Report on CSDA meeting of April 8. Director Korn reminded the Board and staff that Legislative Day is May 10. The Board desired a staff representative attend. Idem 25. Report on Planning Commission meeting of April 13. Director Korn stated that second story room additions were the focus of the meeting. them 26. Report on Regional Xeriscape Conference. Director Cromwell said that the recent Regional Xeriscape Conference was excellent. Item 27. Report on ISDA Conference of April 23. Director Cromwell invited Board and staff members to the ISDA Conference on April 23. ADJOURNMENT The Board discussed its May meeting schedule agreeing to hold meetings on May 5, May 17 and May 26. On a motion by Director Knauft and seconded by Director Korn, the Board voted 5-0 to adjourn at 10:08 a.m. IVA4M William P. Workman General Manaaer/Si