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August 11, 1988
AUGUST 11, 1988
The regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda Water District was called
to order by President Armstrong at 8:30 a.m., August 11, 1988, in the District offices at
4622 Plumosa, Yorba Linda. Directors present: Paul R. Armstrong, Whit Cromwell,
Sterling Fox, and Roy Knauft. Also present were: William P. Workman, General Manager,
William J. Robertson, Assistant General Manager, Robb Quincey, Executive Assistant to
the General Manager, Michael Payne, Engineering Manager, Cheryl Gunderson, Business
Manager, Joe Cowan, Assistant Operations Superintendent, Michael Robinson, Assistant
Administrator 11 and Art Kidman, Legal Counsel. Director Korn was absent.
Director Knauft noted a change to the minutes correcting MWDOC Director Ken Witt's
name. President Armstrong suggested the "Water Barons" recognition award wording be
changed from "have conferred upon" to "does hereby confer upon". On a motion by Vice
President Fox and seconded by Director Knauft, the Board voted 4-0 to approve the
Consent Calendar as follows:
Item 1. Approval of Minutes - Regular Meeting of July 28, 1988.
Item 2. Authorization for the Directors to leave the State of California prior to next
Item 3. Approval of purchase of two pick-up trucks from McCoy and Mills Ford for
Item 4. Acceptance of Treasurer's Report for July 31, 1988.
Item 5. Approval of the "Water Barons" recognition award.
Item 6. Sam W. Peterson & Associates, Inc. hourly rates. Mike Payne, Engineering
Manager, briefly presented a request for approval of an agreement with Sam W. Peterson
and Associates, Inc. for engineering services. He explained that Peterson and Associates
have been providing engineering services to the District since 1981.
Mr. Payne proceeded to present proposed agreements which outline the scope of work,
compensation and conditions related to providing engineering services for the period of
August 1, 1988 to July 30, 1989. After several Board questions regarding the feasibility of
using Peterson and Associates survey teams on other District related activities, on a
motion by Director Cromwell and seconded by Vice President Fox, the Board voted 4-0 to
approve the aforementioned agreement with Sam W. Peterson and Associates, Inc.
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Item 7. Radio Communication Systems bid. Assistant General Manager, William
Robertson, presented a request for approval to negotiate a radio contract with General
Electric Mobile Communications for the implementation of an 800 MHZ Two-Way Radio
System. Mr. Robertson explained that the Radio Bid Review Team, which included Jerry
Campbell, Diversified Communications Consultant, Jack McDavid and himself from the
District, received two bids from the Request for Proposal. The team reviewed extensively
the two bids from both GE and Motorola, including their request for additional information
form these vendors.
The review team chose General Electric as the vendor who best met the RFQ
requirements. Mr. Robertson highlighted the advantage of the radio system and the cost
On a motion by President Armstrong and seconded by Director Cromwell, the Board voted
4-0 for approval to negotiate a contract with General Electric for the acquisition and
installation of an 800 MHZ Radio Communications System.
Item 8. Ground breaking ceremony for Chino Hills Reservoir. Assistant Administrator
Mike Robinson requested Board direction for planning a ground breaking ceremony for the
Chino Hills Reservoir. After a general discussion regarding the idea, the list of invitees
and the date, on a motion by Director Cromwell and seconded by Vice President Fox, the
Board voted 4-0 to approve planning for the ceremony to be held on Friday, September 2,
at 2:00 p.m.
Item S. Development Fees related to Water Facilities. President Armstrong opened the
public hearing. General Manager/Secretary William Workman advised the Board that no
petitions or correspondence was received on the matter and that the public notice on this
issue was published in the Orange County Register on July 28 and August 4, 1988.
Assistant General Manager William Robertson made an extensive presentation regarding
the development fees related to water facilities.
Mr. Robertson began by explaining the purpose of the study and the proposed fees related
to water facilities. So as to discontinue the District's direct participation in Western Service
Area construction, and to revise existing fees and implement new fees, he explained the
current laws, AB 1600 and Government Code Section 54991, which pertain to this issue.
He stated that the study was designed in part to comply with the law that fees or charges
shall not exceed the estimated reasonable cost of providing the service for which the fees
are imposed. Mr. Robertson then proceeded to describe the current Yorba Linda Water
District practices relative to fees. He explained the difference between Western and
Eastern Service Areas, their history and costs associated with the practices in these areas.
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Mr. Robertson next explained and discussed the proposed policies and charges, in
addition to the results of the study which supported these charges. He proceeded to
outline the specifications of the proposed charges and the itemization of the proposed new
fees. He explained that in addition to new service and meter installation fees, an
administrative, plan check, inspection, records and billing, and single service fee had been
established. Mr. Robertson defined the basis for the establishment of these fees and
further described how the fees were calculated. The following description of how the fees
were calculated is included for the public record:
Extension Charge: The Extension Charge consists of two components, main line pipe
and fire hydrants. Revisions to the present Extension Charge are based on thefollmAng:
1. Main tines: The main line extension cost per linear foot is based on an average
actual cost perfoot of the ten most recent job closings.
2. Fire Hyrdranta: The Fire Hydrants Fee is based on the average actual cost forthe
ten most recent fire hydrant installations.
Service Fee: The Service Fee calculation consists of three components. Revisions to the
present Service Fee are based on the following:
1. Per-Foot Charge: The per4oot charge (sometimes called the Frontage Charge)
is based on the foll owing formula:
(EAens! onCharga perfoot115 0%3 4 Pro p edy Frontag a in fin ear f a at
2. Fire Hydrant: The Fire Hydrant component is charged out at their fun rake as
identified inthe Bdension Charge.
3. Minimum Charge: The Minimum Charge 13 based on the f ollowing f ormula:
(E)denslonCharge • 50%) • 75 Linear Feet of Property Frontage
Meter Fee: The Meter Set Fee is based on the actual cost of materials, plus 15% Overhead
onmatefielsto purchase ameter, meter boxandmeterconnection parts, 3ucha3 Angle Meter
Stopforthe314"and 1"metersorMeterFlangesforthe 1112" and 2"metem. Additionadly,for
314" and In meter assemblies, installation tabor 13 one hour at the average hourly rate for
Operations Department personnel not including fringe benefits, plus 819 Overhead on labor,
plus one hour of equipment at $12 per hour. For 1 112" and 2" meter assemblies, installation
labor is two hours at the average hourly rate for Operations Department personnel not
including fringe benefits, plus 1% Overhead on labor, plus two hours of equipment at $12
per hour.
Temporary►Meton: T he Temporary Service Fee is established at &rate equal to on amount
to replace the meter assembly in the event it is not returned by the applicant. The Fee fora
standard fire hydrant construction meter is based on the current cost to purchase a 2 112 inch
construction meter, plus material costs for a fire hydrant-to-meter adapter and gate valve,
including 15% Overhead on materials. Additionally, one hourlabor, at the average houriyrate
for Operations Department personnel not including fringe benefits, plus 81% Overhead on
labor, to assemble the components is added.
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Administrative Fee: The Administrative Fee is based on 24 hours of Engineeringle.bor,at
the average houriyrate for EngineeringDepartment personnel not includingfringe benefits,
plus 8196 Oyerhead on labor.
Plan Check Fee: The RlanCheck Feels based ontheaverage amount oftimerequired to
plan check drawings for different sized developments. The following table is based on the
average time spent to plan check drawings within each specified range of connections:
3.84 hours per connection
2.08 hours per connection
1.44 hours per connection
136 hours per connection
0.96 hours per corewchon
51 and up
0.80 hours per connection
For each range of connections specified in the table, the fee p er c onnection is determined by
multiplying the labor hours indicated in the table bythe average hourlyt to for Engineering
Department personel not including fringe benefits, plus 81% Overhead on labor, plus
equipment hours al 509 of the labor hours at $12 per hour.
Inspection Fee: The Inspection Fee is based on the average amount of time required to
inspect construction for different sized developments. The following table is based on the
average time spent to inspect construction within each specified range of connections:
Conneetians Labor
1-10 8.40 hours per connection
11-20 4.72 hours per connection
21-30 3.28 hours per connection
31-40 2.64 hours per connection
4150 2.24 hours per connection
51 and up 2.00 hours per connection
For each range of connections specified in the table, the fee per connection is determined by
multiplying the labor hours indicated In the table by the average hourly rate for Engineering
Department personel, not including fringe benefits, plus 819 Overhead on labor, in addition
to an equal amount of equipment hours at $12 per hour.
Flecorda and Billing Fee: The Records end Billing Fee is based on two hours of
Customer Service labor, at the average hourly rate for Business department personnel not
including fringe benefits, plus 1.5 hours of Engineering labor, at the average hourly rate for
Engineering Department personnel not including fringe benefits. Additionally, 819
Overhead on labor of labor, plus one hour of equipment at $12 per houris added.
Single Service Fee: The Single Service Fee Is based on five hours of Engineering labor,
&I the average hourly rate for Engineerrng personnel not including fringe benefits, plus three
hours for inspection, al the average hourly rate for Engineering Department personnel not
Including hinge benefits. Additonally, 81%Overhead on Kbor end three hours of equipment
at $12 per hour plus the Records and Billing Fee is added.
The Single Service Fee does not include the meter set fee and, if applicable, the Western
Area Service Fee.
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Mr. Robertson concluded his presentation by presenting beforetafter scenarios of projects
to be completed, using the old and new fees, comparatively. He explained the differences
in outcome and the justifications for these differences. President Armstrong dosed the
hearing after asking for public testimony but received none. On a motion by Director
Knauft and seconded by Director Cromwell, the Board voted 4-0 to accept the Yorba Linda
Water District Development Fee Study and adopt Resolution No. 88-35 amending the
District's Rules and Regulations for rendition of water service.
Item 10. Allen-McColloch Pipeline Flow Augmentation Project. General Manager
William Workman presented a request to the Board for approval of a Commitment Letter
and Memorandum of Understanding related to the development of additional capacity in
the Allen-McColloch Pipeline Flow Augmentation Project. Mr. Workman explained that
over the past several months, the participants in the AMP have been discussing the
feasibility of a project to increase the capacity of the pipeline for AMP participants, as well
as creating new capacity that could be conveyed to South Orange County Water Agencies.
Mr. Workman went on to explain that although it does not appear that the Yorba Linda
Water District needs additional AMP capacity, the potential additional 3.2 cfs to be
allocated to the District may be reallocated to other agencies; and henceforth, putting the
District in a "refund" position. Moreover, it does not appear that the hydraulics at D1-02
would be negatively impacted by the project's construction. The General Manager went
on to explain the Memorandum of Understanding document as an instrument of consent
by AMP participants to proceed with the preliminary activities associated with the project.
The Commitment Letter, Mr. Workman explained, is an agreement to reimburse the cost of
the preliminary activities associated with the AMP Project.
In conclusion, Mr. Workman explained that the District's share of the costs associated with
the preliminary AMP project is approximately $14,000. And, as a result of the District's
unique "refund" position, if the project is completed, the District could receive in excess of
$200,000 from financial arrangements made with other South County agencies requiring
the additional AMP capacity that is not utilized by the Yorba Linda Water District.
After a discussion between the Board and the General Manager regarding the issue, and
the effects of spending $14,000 of unappropriated capital, on a motion by Director Knauft
and seconded by Vice President Fox, the Board voted 4-0 to approve the AMP Harr
Augmentation Commitment Letter and Memorandum of Understanding, and authorize the
execution of said documents and allocation of $14,000 from the Unappropriated Capital
Improvement Fund for this purpose.
Item 11. No Legal Counsel report scheduled.
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Item 12. No Executive Committee report scheduled.
Item 13. The Finance-Accounting Committee scheduled a meeting for Tuesday, August
16, 1988 at 9:00 a.m.
Item 14. Authorization for payment of bills. On a motion by Director Knauft and seconded
by Vice President Fox , the Board voted 4-0 to approve payment of bills and rate deposits
in the amount of $408,316.53 on Checks No. 15198 through 15299, Payroll Checks No.
1834 through 1901 and one wire dated August 12, 1988, to MWDOC, in the amount of
Item 15. No Personnel Committee report was scheduled.
Item 16. No Planning-Operations-Engineering Committee report scheduled.
Item 17. Public Information Committee. Assistant Administrator Mike Robinson
explained that the primary topic at the last Xeriscape meeting of August 3, 1988 concerned
the continued planning of Xeriscape in front of the Fairmont Reservoir. He indicated that a
plot plan was in the working.
Item 16. Report on City Council meeting of August 2. Vice President Fox slated that
there was nothing of significance to report.
Item 19. Report on MWDOC meeting of August 2. Vice President Fox reported that he
was unable to attend the meeting.
Item 20. Report on WACO meeting of August 5. President Armstrong reported that two
interesting speakers were featured at this meeting. Namely, Lynn Anderson from the
County of Ventura, who discussed water development and conservation in the Ventura
County area, indicating that 67% of water utilized in the area is ag water provided through
some 140 water districts. President Armstrong then reported that Mr. John Gasden spoke
to the group about new state health standards for water providers and conservation
actions. Mr. Gasden also presented data and illustrations comparing utility costs per
household over the past five year period.
Item 21. Report on Planning Commission meeting of August 10. President Armstrong
explained that the big agenda item for this meeting was the approval of plans for the Savi
Ranch area which is zoned for automobile sales and service. Citizens of the area are
concerned with the quality of life issues pertaining to the plan and area.
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On a motion by Director Knauft and seconded by Director Cromwell, the Board voted 4-0 to
adjourn the meeting.
William P. Workman
General Manager/Secretary