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November 22,19M
NOVEMBER 22, 1988
The ad ourned meeting of the Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda Water District was
called to order by Paul Armstrong, President, at 8:30 a.m., November 22, 1958, in the
District offices at 4622 Plumosa, Yorba Linda. Directors present were: Paul
Armstrong, Whit Cromlvvell, Sta-ding Fox and Arthur C. Korn. Also present were:
William P. Workman, General Manager, Willliam Robertson, Assistant General
Manager, Robb Ouincey, Executive Assistant to the General Manager, Michael Payne,
Engineering Manager, Cheryl Gunderson, Business Manager, Michael Robinson, '
Assistant Administrator, Ray Harsma, Operations Superintendent, Amador Gonzales,
A.W. Associates, Bill Mills, Orange County Water District General Manager and Larry
Kraemer, Director of Orange County Water District. Director Knaun arrived after the
Public Hearing.
On a motion by Vice President Fox and seconded by Director Cromwell, the Board
voted 4-0 to approve the Consent Calendar as follows:
item 1. Approval of Minutes - Regular Meeting of November 10, 1988.
Item 2_ Authorization for the Directors to leave the State of California prior to next
item 3. Approval for Sewer Connection with Harold L. Leasure, 5990 Richfield Road,
Yorba Linda, Service No. 25-675, in the amount of $13,610.00.
Item 4. Approval of Application to and Agreement for Water Service with Upper
K/Shapeli Joint Venture for Tract No. 1344414, located at the south-west corner of Paseo
de Las Palomas and Village Center Drive, Job No. 8549, in the amount of S13,041.00.
Item 5. Approval of Progress Payment No. 3 to Fred H. Woodard Co., Inc. in the
amount of 513,3JO.00 for corstruc`on of the Chino Hills Reservoir, Job No. 8136.
item 6. Approval of Progress Payment No. 2 to the City of Yorba Linda in the amount
of 537,611.00 for construction of. the Highland Avenue Trunk Sewer.
ftem 7. Approval of Change Order to construction agreement with IMS Instrumentation
and Mechanical System Inc. in the amount of _S2,370.00 for construction of the
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No eml er 22, 195-R
tchandly W e
ftem 8_ Acceptance of 71rea-surer's tReoort for October 31, 1938. President A rmstrono
asked C^e ;i Gun~erson, Busine,.ss Manager, to review the Treasurer's Report. Ms.
Gunderson described t~, District's portfolio and current earnings. The Board
disc-ussed me report and ACV A's JPIA investment policy. On a motion by Director
Crom re'l and seconded by Vice President Fox, the Board voted 4-0 to accept the
Treasjre~s Report for O--,--be-31, 1936.
Item 9_ Approval of i or~oraria for "Xeriscape-Yo;ba Linda" speakers. Assistant.
Administrator Michael Robinson explained that the Xeriscape Committee
recommended that the D's - ict offer a $5&0.00 honorarium to Ms. Iwata and Mr.
Pedicone to compensate tr~cm for their expenses and services renderer in
conjunction vvllTh their Xe-sce.pe Conference presentations. After a br of discussion by
the Board, cn a motic^ by Director Cromwell and seconded by Di;'ector Korn, the
Beard ct Dire tors voted 4-0 to approve the Honoraria Xeriscaae-Yorba Linda
assn 11. Report on the proposed construct6on budget for the Zone 6 Dual Use Booster
StaJo^, Fro ect. Mike Payne, Engineering Manager, requested the Board's approval
of the proposed construct'on budget for the Zone 6 Dual Use Booster Station in
accordance with the re rnbursement agreement with A.W. Associates. The staff
reviewed the budget subrnit`d by the developer and recommended approval. Mr.
Payne fL^!er expiair---' that AW Associates requested that a previotus!y submitte't
proposal from Montgomery Engineering for inspection services be awarded so that
their work would not be delayed while the District selected engineering consultants
under the Board's new e rig i neeri ng services procedures.
In conclusion, Mr. Payne indicated that the $480,000.00 Zone 6 Booster Station
project is be'ng funded by Improvement District No. 2 General Obligation Bonds. Mr.
Amador Gonzales from A -V,,'. Associates, addressed the Board requesting that the nee
policy on se'e :tion of professional services be set aside for the purpose of this project
and that Montgomery Eng ineering be used for inspection services.
After a ceneral discussion among the Board concerning the newly adopted policy
ooroerntr?g professional services, and the budget for this project, on a motion by tfice
President Fox and seconided by Director Korn, the Board of Directors voted 4-0 to
appro4}¢e the proposed cor. truction budget in the amount of $480,000.00, approve ar,
additional allocation of 5230,000.00 from the unappropriated Capital Improvement
Fund balance for ID --2 to r^t the $480,000.00 reimbursement obligations for this
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Navsrnber 22. 1 S38
project. and apt;rov-e an agreement with Montgomery Cngine'enng in t k amount cf
528,075.00- for irzpecto n serVices on the p,'oiect, contngen on a fI~nanc*a' ad ustr''e^t
from A.Vr. Associates for any added cost the District incurred by retaininc f;"ot ~ttgo7ne"
versus ar,o r firm.
ttem 12 Corrsideraton of adjustments to and establishment of Server De eelopment
Processing Fees. President Armstrong opened the public hearing. Gerseral
Manager,Secre`.any William Workman advised the Board that no iāettions or
correspor encewas received on the matter and that the proof of public her a ing notice
that was included in the Agenda Packet.
Assistant General Manager William Robertson presented the Yorba Linda Water
District Sewer De~telepmen* Processing Fee Study, which set forth the need to update
se-Yer fees to m----t recently enacted State laws and contemporary const-ucton
Mr. Robertson explainer that the format 41for the new fees is similar to that format used
re^enty in the deve opment of new water development processing feeq. He brief'y
noted the proposed administrative , plan check , inspection, records ar~d billing and
the single servSw fees. Additionally, Mr. Robertson explained that during the re-vlaw
of the sewer developrent processing fees, it was concluded by sta" that capita'
charges also need to be updated. The staff is recommended that in addition to
updating the fees, the Board authorize Samuel Peterson to conduct a study to
determine the capital facilities and costs needed to c--mplete the serer system.
Finally, Mr. Robeson explained that enclosed in the agenda report was a propose
set of Server Rues and Regulations that have been updated to re`ert current
standards and are being transmitted to the Board for review.
The Sewer Rules and Regulations are scheduled for consideration at the December 8,
1 %-8 Board meet; ng.
Upon completion of Mr. Robertson's presentation, President Armstrorg asked for
public testimony and receiving none closed the hearing. After a general discussion
regarding this issue, on a motion by Director Cromwell and seconded by Vice
President Fox, the Board of Directors voted 4-0 to accept and receive the Yorba Lima
Water District Se;-jer Development Processing Fee Study and adopt Ordinance 85-3
setting forth rew Se-rrer Devielopment Processing fees; authorize Samue' Peterson to
conduct a study to update the District's Sewer Mlaster Plan, and apprmee the
appropriation of 513,5X.00 from the Sewer Unappropriated Capital Improvement
fund balance for the study; and receive the proposed Sewer Rules and iulation for
considerati on at the December 8, 1988 Board meeting.
Pave 2273
November 22. 19M
Director Knauft arrive': to the meeting at this tire, 9:15 a.m..
!tech 14. General Manager Bill Mills of the Orange County Wa~r District made a
lengt,t-,y and comprehensive slide presentation concerning their annual budget ar'dj
chances to their Enab ing Act. Mr. Mills reviewed proposed charges in the OCW10
Enabling Act to allo-w basin management flexibility, restore basin quality, solve future
contamination problems and to collect delinquent accounts.
Atter the review of the Enabling Act, President Armstrong recessed the meeting at
10:50 a.m. to allow the Board's participation in the planned Etchandy Well Dedication.
Upon return from the Dedication, the meeting was reconvened at 11:40 a.m. and Mr.
Mills reviewed Orange County Water District's annual budget Mr. f IHIs ou+Jined +.!-;e
various projects and long range plans that OCWD is undertak ng and the fiscal impact
of such activities. Additionally, he presented proposed staffing reeds to undertake this
plan of activity. He concluded by reviewing the potential impacts of their charter
E ive to the Yorba Li :da Water District
The Board discussed several concerns with the OCWD's activities and expressed that
they hoped for incremental rather than large leaps in the assessments charged ty
The Board of Directors formally thanked Mr. Mills for his presentation, and indicated
their invent to continue to work with his agency very closely in the months and years to
ttem 13. No General Manager's report scheduled.
Item 14. No Executi,re-Administrative-Organizat<onai Comm 'ftt ee report was scheduled.
tin 15. No Financ-eAccounting Committee report was scheduled; however, a
meeting was scheduled for December 1, 1953 at 1:00 pm.
Item 16- Authorization for Payment of Bills. On a motion by Director Knauft and
seconded by President Armstrong, the Board voted 5-0 to approve payment of bi' s
and rate deposits in the amount of $266,501.39 on Check Nos. 15935 through 16033,
Payroll Check Nos. 2458 through 2497, 1257 and 1258.
Item 17. Personnel Comm:Ltee Meeting report. Consideration of compensation
adjustment for the General Manager. After a brief discussion, the Board of Directors
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November 22, 1988
voted 5-0 to adopt Resolution 88-40 adopting a 4.0- sa ary increase for the District S
General f-.tanager, retroactive to July{ 1, 1x38.
Item 18. No Planning-Operations-Engine ring Commie report was scheduled;
however, a meetng was scheduled for Tuesday, November 2`g, 1988 at 8:30 a.m.
ttem 19. Public information Committee report Oral report o Xenscape-Yorba Linda
Seminar. Director Cromwell reported that the seminar was a success, and the
Committee 'will meet again shortly to begin planning for other Xeriscape activities in
the year to cone.
Item 20_ Report on CSDA meeting of November 11. 1938. Director Korn reported that
he amended he meeting; however, there was nothing of significance to report
ttem 21. Report on ACVVA Fall Conference of No~f rnber 15-18,1988. Director Knaut
reported that the sessions conceming water supplies were of great significance.
President Armstrong reported that he attended a seminar concerning computers and
computer user groups and found it quite interesting.
ttem 22- As mentioned earlier in Item 10, the i3.:ard of Directors recessed" to 1231
North Lake-:FY.v Avenue and dedicated the Etchandy Well.
ADJOURNMENT On a motion by Vice President Fox and seconder by C)=rector Korn,
the Bcard vc`wd 5-0 to adjourn the m-_-ti no at 12:18 pm.
William P. Workman
General EJ!anager/Secretary