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February 9, 1989
FEBRUARY 9, 1989
The regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda Water District was called
to order by Sterling Fox, President, at 8:30 a.m., February 9, 1989, in the District offices at
4622 Plumosa, Yorba Linda. Directors present were: Paul Armstrong, Sterling Fox, Roy
Knauft and Arthur C. Korn. Also present were: William P. Workman, General Manager,
William Robertson, Assistant General Manager, Robb Quincey, Executive Assistant to the
General Manager, Mike Payne, Engineering Manager, Cheryl Gunderson, Business
Manager, Michael Robinson, Assistant Administrator, Ray Harsma, Operations
Superintendent, Jim Van Haun, Public Information Consultant, property owner Fred Kavli,
Administrative Assistant Bonnie Mooney, Engineer James Libby, Attorney Mike Cathcart,
Project Superintendent Bob Pender, City of Yorba Linda Building Official Ahmad Tabbah
and Bob Seeman with James Montgomery Engineers. Whit Cromwell was absent.
On a motion by Vice President Korn and seconded by Director Armstrong, the Board of
Directors voted 4-0 to approve the consent calendar as follows:
Item 1. Approval of Minutes - Regular meeting of January 26, 1989.
Item 2. Authorization for the Directors to leave the State of California prior to next
Item 3. Approval of releasing the Guarantee Bond for Tract No. 11174 with John D. Lusk
and Sons Co.
Item 4. Approval of Application to and Agreement for Water Service with Belcanto
Associates, a California general partnership By: Woodcrest Development of Orange
County Inc., Managing Partner for Tract No. 13233, located north of La Palma and east of
Camino De Bryant, Job No. 8805, in the amount of $10,169.00.
Item 5. Approval of Application to and Agreement for Water Service with Belcanto
Associates, a California general partnership By: Woodcrest Development of Orange
County Inc., Managing Partner for Tract No. 13483, located north of La Palma and east of
Camino De Bryant, Job No. 8834, in the amount of $9,546.00.
Item 6. Approval of Application to and Agreement for Water Service with Belcanto
Associates, a California general partnership By: Woodcrest Development of Orange
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County Inc., Managing Partner for Tract No. 13486, located north of La Palma and east of
Camino De Bryant, Job No. 8840, in the amount of $11,106.00.
Rem 7. Approval of Application to and Agreement for Water Service with Belcanto
Associates, a California general partnership By: Woodcrest Development of Orange
County Inc., Managing Partner for Tract No. 13487, located north of La Palma and east of
Camino De Bryant, Job No. 8841, in the amount of $15,044.00.
Rem 8. Approval of Application to and Agreement for Water Service with Hoffman
Associates No. 6, C.L.P. a California Limited Partnership, for Lots 11 and 12 of Tract
11662, Job 8846, in the amount of $4,282.00.
them 9. Approval of Progress Payment No. 5 to Fred H. Woodard Company, Inc. in the
amount of $48,960.00 and also approval of the 16 day time extension for construction of
the Chino Hills Reservoir, Job No. 8136.
Item 10. Resolution honoring Jim Van Haun. President Fox presented a resolution to Mr.
Jim Van Haun, honoring him for his service as the District's Public Information Consultant.
Mr. Van Haun made several parting comments regarding his role with the District and the
achievements of the Xeriscape Committee. On a motion by Director Armstrong and
seconded by Vice President Korn, the Board of Directors voted 4-0 to adopt Resolution
89-1 honoring Jim Van Haun's service to the District as Public Information Consultant.
Item 11. Request by Mr. Kavli to appeal the staffs administrative decision not to allow
building closer than 7.5' of the District's 20" transmission water main. Engineering
Manager Mike Payne reported that Building #5 of the Packing House project, located on
Yorba Linda Boulevard, was being constructed in a manner that endangered the District's
20" water transmission main crossing the property. Mr. Payne presented the following
chronology of events:
November 13. 1980 - District and Mr. Kavli agree to removal of blanket easement
and substitute a 20' (12'6" - 7'6") easement.
January 25. 1988 - District requested a full set of plans for the Packing House project
which was received except for Building #5.
December 22. 1988 - District meets with project superintendent and contractor to
discuss findings by surveyor regarding location of water main and Building #5.
January 19. 1989 - District tells project engineer and project administrative assistant
that the Building #5 location to the water main was unacceptable.
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January 20, 1989 - Project personnel obtain building permits for Building #5.
January 25, 1989 - District meets with Mr. Kavli and tells him that the Building #5
location to the water main was unacceptable. Mr. Kavli requests Board appeal.
February 3. 1989 - District observes construction in vicinity of water main. P.O.E.
Committee is informed. District issues notice of violation.
February 4, 1989 - District makes site inspection confirming Building #5 location
adjacent to water main.
February 6, 1989 - Project construction continues unabated. District negotiates with
Mr. Kavli's representative.
February 7, 1989 - City issues "Stop Work" order for project based on peril to public
health, safety and welfare.
February 8. 1989 - Negotiations with Mr. Kavli's representative continue.
February 9. 1989 - Appeal to Board of Directors regarding location of Building #5
and the District's water main.
Mr. Payne indicated that the actions taken by the District have been done to protect the
public's health, safety and welfare. Over 1,900 customers would lose service if a break
occurred in the water transmission main at this location and up to a million dollars in
damage could result. He showed a map outlining the area that would be effected by an
outage. Also presented was a diagram that showed Building #5 to be constructed within
38" of the water transmission line at its closest point.
President Fox requested District Counsel Art Kidman's comments with regard to the issue
and the negotiations currently underway. Mr. Kid man noted the District's concern that all
work stop with respect to the Kavli Building in question until such time that the
engineering and design work have been reviewed. He noted that the District requires
some assurance that the building has been built to specifications, and that it does not in
any way affect the stability of the 20' water main, and the ability to maintain or otherwise
gain access to the main. Attorney Kid man also expressed concern about the accuracy of
the existing easement that affects this property, an appropriate allocation of liability in the
event that any damage is made to the water main, and concluded by recommending that
the District be made whole in having to deal with the costs related to this problem. He
stated that he would reserve any further comments until the closed session of the Board
meeting convenes, at which time potential litigation would be discussed.
President Fox asked Mr. Kavli for his testimony. Mr. Kavli stated that he in no way
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attempted to place the District's water main in peril, nor was it his intent to create an
undue nuisance or problem regarding this project. He stated that Building #5 was
engineered and constructed in a way that the footings were extended to a level lower than
the water main so that any "loading" that might occur from the location of the building
would be to the ground under the pipe and not on the pipe itself. Mr. Kavli also stated that
he felt the recently enacted Stop Work Order was fueled by emotion on behalf of the
District's staff. He stated that it was the desire of his group to amicably resolve this
problem without the necessity of litigation, and that he would to the extent possible
cooperate completely with the appropriate resolution to the issue at hand.
Mr. Kavli concluded his comments by again stating that the footings of Building #5 were
constructed in such a way that they themselves, nor the building in question would place
no additional stress on the District's 20" water main. He then asked his Contract Engineer
Mr. James Libby to make a statement relative to this issue. Mr. Libby reaffirmed the
existence and placement of the cement footings described by Mr. Kavli, and summarily
stated that while the placement of the building relative to the pipe line was unfortunate, he
believed that there should be plenty of pipeline access room even in the three spots of
which the building encroaches upon the easement.
Kavli Attorney Mike Cathcart spoke next, and disseminated information to the Board
regarding the original easement and agreement between Mr. Kavli and the District. Mr.
Cathcart maintained that his client felt that the Stop Work Order that the City placed on this
project was invalid. Mr. Cathcart stated that it was not the intent of Mr. Kavli to place the
public or the District's water line in jeopardy as a result of their building; and quite to the
contrary, he felt that the placement of cement footings relative to the pipe line would
potentially strengthen the line. He stated that the District, and not the Contractor on this
project, had harmed the pipe while in the process of locating the line.. Mr. Cathcart
concluded by requesting that the issue be dealt with in an amicably agreed upon manner,
and that emotion relative to this issue should be minimized as he felt that it contributed to
the overall problem.
President Fox adjourned the meeting into closed session at approximately 9:35 a.m. to
discuss the possibility of litigation relative to this matter. At 10:40 a.m. President Fox
reconvened the Board meeting, and asked District Counsel Art Kidman to summarize the
results of the Closed Session. Mr. Kidman reported that the staff is directed to continue to
work with Mr. Kavli in an amicable solution to the problem; the Stop Work Order is to be in
full force and enforced until such a time that the District, through it's representative
General Manger Workman, is satisfied that the problem has been corrected; and the
District is to be made whole for the legal costs expended as a result of this issue. Attorney
Kidman also recommended that a Reformation of Easement be undertaken to accurately
identify the location of the water pipe relative to the building in question, and that the
agreement between Mr. Kavli and the District be reviewed relative to the allocation of
liability. On a motion by Director Armstrong and seconded by Director Knauft, the Board
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of Directors voted 4-0 to approve the recommendations of the District Counsel as
Item 12. Consideration of Resolution 89-2, proposing Annexation 88-1 to the Yorba Linda
Water District. Engineering Manager Mike Payne explained that Covington Technologies
has requested that their property located south of Buena Vista Avenue and east of Van
Buren Street, be annexed to the Yorba Linda Water District. He explained that the project
is consistent with the land use plan for this area and the City of Yorba Linda has reviewed
the plan and has filed a Negative Declaration on the project. Mr. Payne explained that on
October 19, 1989, the Finance Committee reviewed the current District Annexation policy
with regard to this request, and for the time being, they requested that staff handle this
annexation pursuant to existing District policy.
Mr. Payne stated that if the Board were to approve the resolution, it then would be
provided to LAFCO for their consideration. He briefly reviewed the annexation costs
involved and answered several Board questions concerning sewers and annexation
charges for future annexations. On a motion by Director Knauft and seconded by Director
Armstrong, the Board of Directors voted 4-0 to adopt Resolution 89-2 proposing
Annexation 88-1 to the Yorba Linda Water District pursuant to Government Code 56195
and consenting to zero tax exchange on Annexation 88-1 to the Yorba Linda Water
Item 13. Consideration of revisions to the 1978 Water Facilities Plan pertaining to Capital
Facilities within Improvement District No. 2. Engineering Manager Mike Payne stated that
the District's 1978 Water Facilities Plan was designed to be used as a planning tool to
guide construction of District facilities. As a result of the development approved for
eastern Yorba Linda, an update to the Plan was needed.
Mr. Payne explained that plan revisions were based on meetings with developers and
Tentative Tract Maps that were approved for Improvement District No. 2. He briefly
reviewed the proposed capital facilities, their location and their estimated costs. After a
general discussion by the Board of Directors, on a motion by Director Armstrong and
seconded by Vice President Korn, the Board of Directors voted 4-0 to approve the 1989
update to the 1978 Water Facilities Plan for that portion within Improvement District No. 2.
Item 14. Report on the Zone 4 Terminous Reservoir and Zone 5 Booster Station Project.
Mr. Payne, Engineering Manager, updated the Board regarding the status of the Zone 4
Reservoir, and stated that the staff has completed the environmental impact checklist for
the construction and use of the Zone 4 Reservoir and Booster Station Project.
Mr. Payne noted that the Engineering staff is recommending that the Board of Directors
make a determination that a Negative Declaration will be filed for this project. Additionally,
staff was requesting that the Board authorize them to seek proposals from prequalified
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engineering consultants for the engineering work on this project, and to seek proposals to
conduct additional soils studies of the site. Mr. Payne stated that the P.O.E. Committee
reviewed this matter at their meeting of February 3, 1989, and that the project will be
funded by Improvement District No. 2 General Obligation Bonds.
Mr. Payne asked Mr. Si Jones from the Placentia School District to address the Board.
Mr. Jones stated that the School District is desirous of building a new school in the area
that would potentially be affected by the Reservoir and Booster Station in question. He
stated that in order to gain State of California approval to build such a school site, it is
necessary to have the District issue a determination that the potential school site would
remain unaffected from flooding in the event of a natural disaster affecting the Terminous
Reservoir. Mr. Jones stated that the State of California is very particular about the sites
that it authorizes schools to be built for the obvious reasons of the responsibilities
surrounding the care and education of children. He asked if it would be possible for the
District to issue such a determination or letter to the State so as to move forward their
school plans.
After a general discussion, it was concluded that no such determination could be be
provided other than the Negative Declaration for the project. The Board directed the staff
to work with Mr. Jones and jointly meet with the State of California to provide whatever
information that is available to help the School District. On a motion by Director Knauft
and seconded by Vice President Korn, the Board of Directors voted 4-0 to determine that
the Zone 4 Terminous Reservoir and Booster Station Project will not have a significant
effect in this case because the mitigation measures described on the checklist have been
added to the project, and that a Negative Declaration will be prepared; authorize the
request of proposals from the list of prequalified engineering consultants for the
engineering design of the reservoir and booster station; and authorize staff to obtain
proposals for additional soil studies of the reservoir site at an estimated cost of
them 15. Consideration of request from Water Education Foundation for funding support.
Assistant Administrator Mike Robinson briefly stated that the Water Education is a
non-profit organization with four full time employees, which produce water-related
publications such as the "Western Water" magazine on a bimonthly basis, "Layperson's
Guides" to various water related-issue, school education programs, teacher workshops
and business briefings, and tours of the Bay\Delta area. Mr. Robinson explained that the
Foundation requested a contribution of $100.00 from the Yorba Linda Water District but
no funds have been approved for such purposes in the 1988-89 Budget.
After a general discussion about the benefits provided by the Foundation's work, on a
motion by Vice President Korn and seconded by Director Knauft, the Board of Directors
voted 4-0 to approve a contribution of $250.00 to the Water Education Foundation.
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Item 16. Consideration of Orange County Water District's request to send a letter to State
Senator Bergeson in support of OCWD's District Act Modifications. Assistant
Administrator Robinson explained to the Board of Directors that the Orange County Water
District has recently begun efforts to modify it's enabling act through a bill in the State
Senate. Mr. Robinson explained that OCWD is asking affiliated water districts to support
this action by sending a letter of support to Sate Senator Marian Bergeson, who is also
the Chairwoman of the Senate Local Government Committee.
Mr. Robinson briefly reviewed the major changes proposed, and stated that OCWD feels
that the changes are necessary to further protect the quality and quantity of the water in
the Orange County ground water basin. After a general discussion regarding the
proposed changes and how they potentially affect the Yorba Linda Water District, on a
motion by Director Knauft and seconded by President Fox, the Board of Directors voted
3-0 to receive and file the request from the orange County Water District. Director Korn
left the Board meeting at 11:35 a. m. to attend a CS DA Board meeting.
Item 17. Consideration of the draft 1989 Annual Report. Assistant Administrator Mike
Robinson explained that last year the District published it's first annual report, which was
designed to provide specific customer service information and general information
concerning the District' s programs and activities. The proposed 1989 Annual Report
galley proofs were presented for Board consideration. After a general discussion
regarding the Annual Report, including comments about minor changes and the overall
positive appearance of the document, on a motion by Director Armstrong and seconded
by Director Knauft, the Board of Directors voted 3-0 to approve the publication of the 1989
Annual Report. The Board also asked that the Dual Use Reservoir be renamed as
Santiago Reservoir.
Item 18. No General Manager's report scheduled; however, Mr. Workman did remind the
Board that another closed session of the Board would be held to discuss personnel and
labor relations items.
Item 19. 1988 Legislative Report. District Counsel Art Kidman briefly reviewed the 1988
Legislative Review, with an emphasis on laws regarding agency publications, asbestos
notification, standby assessments, sewer charges and utility service termination.
Item 20. No Executive-Administrative-Organizational Committee meeting report
Item 21. No Finance Committee meeting report scheduled.
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Item 22. Authorization for Payment of Bills. On a motion by Director Knauft and seconded
by President Fox, the Board of Directors voted 3-0 to approve payment of bills and rate
deposits in the amount of $508,393.38 on Check No. 16556, Payroll Check Nos. 2770
through 2830 and one wire dated February 14, 1989 to MWDOC in the amount of
Item 23. Report on Personnel Committee meeting of February 2, 1989. President Fox
indicated that the Engineering Department workload, health benefits and the General
Manager's evaluation were topics reviewed at the meeting.
Item 24. Planning-Operations-Engineering Committee meeting of February 3, 1989.
Briefly, President Fox said that the following issues were reviewed: Packing House
Development; D1-02 meter; Water Facility Plan update; ID #2 Agreement; Zone 4
Reservoir and Rhoads-Ewing Development.
Item 25. Public Information Committee meeting of February 1, 1989. President Fox noted
that the minutes of this meeting showed discussion regarding the Plant No. 1 Open
House, scheduled tours, a special agricultural water user newsletter, bill stuffing policy,
Xeriscape Conference and 1989 Annual Report.
Item 26. No report was made on the OCWD meeting of February 1, 1989.
Item 27. Report on MWDOC meeting of February 1, 1989. Director Knauft briefly reported
that new officers have been installed at MWDOC, and that currently one director position
is open at both MWDOC and MWD.
Item 28. Report on WACO meeting of February 3, 1989. Director Knauft reported that a
local citizen has been appointed to the State Water Resources Control Board. He also
reported that WACO staff' has been requested to reassemble the Preliminary Report
concerning the Bay\Delta area and the water impacts.
Item 29. Report on City Council meetirig of February 7, 1989. President Fox reported that
most of the meeting focused on citizens concerned about park development and an
AQMD report on the quality of air in the area.
President Fox directed at 12:05 p.m. that the Board enter closed session to discuss
personnel and labor relations matters. Upon returning from closed session at 12:30 p.m.
General Manager William Workman stated that the Board discussed a personnel matter
and labor relations matter and that direction was provided to the staff.
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On a motion by Director Armstrong and seconded by Director Knauft, the Board of
D i rectors voted 3-0 to adjourn the meeting at 12:32 p.m.
William P. Workman
General Manager/Secr