HomeMy WebLinkAbout2019-06-11 - Board of Directors Meeting Agenda PacketAGENDA YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS REGULAR MEETING Tuesday, June 11, 2019, 6:30 PM 1717 E Miraloma Ave, Placentia CA 92870 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. ROLL CALL Brooke Jones, President Phil Hawkins, Vice President Andrew J. Hall, Director J. Wayne Miller, Director Al Nederhood, Director 4. ADDITIONS/DELETIONS TO THE AGENDA 5. INTRODUCTIONS AND PRESENTATIONS 5.1. Elected Official Liaison Reports 5.2. Federal and State Legislative Update 6. PUBLIC COMMENTS Any individual wishing to address the Board is requested to identify themselves and state the matter on which they wish to comment. If the matter is on the agenda, the Board will recognize the individual for their comment when the item is considered. No action will be taken on matters not listed on the agenda. Comments are limited to matters of public interest and matters within the jurisdiction of the Water District. Comments are limited to three minutes. 7. CONSENT CALENDAR All items listed on the consent calendar are considered to be routine matters, status reports, or documents covering previous Board instructions. The items listed on the consent calendar may be enacted by one motion. There will be no discussion on the items unless a member of the Board, staff, or public requests further consideration. 7.1. Minutes of the Board of Directors Workshop Meeting Held April 23, 2019 Recommendation: That the Board of Directors approve the minutes as presented. 7.2. Payments of Bills, Refunds, and Wire Transfers Recommendation: That the Board of Directors ratify and authorize disbursements in the amount of $615,534.41. 7.3. Appropriations Limit for Fiscal Year 2020 Recommendation: That the Board of Directors approve Resolution No. 2019-XX adopting the Appropriations Limit for Fiscal Year 2020. 7.4. Budgeted Positions for Fiscal Year 2020 Recommendation: That the Board of Directors adopt Resolution No. 2019-XX ratifying the budgeted positions for Fiscal Year 2020. 7.5. Amendments to the Memorandum of Understanding with the YLWD Employees Association and Personnel Manual for Unrepresented Employees Recommendation: That the Board of Directors: (1) adopt Resolution No. 2019-XX amending Exhibit A of the Memorandum of Understanding between the District and the Yorba Linda Water District Employees Association for the remainder of Fiscal Years 2019-2023; and (2) adopt Resolution No. 2019-XX amending Exhibit A of the Personnel Manual for Unrepresented Employees for the remainder of Fiscal Years 2019-2023. 7.6. Terms and Conditions for Water Service with Ajax Lakeview Development, LLC, 719 S Lakeview Ave, Placentia Recommendation: That the Board of Directors approve the Terms and Conditions for Water Service with Ajax Lakeview Development, LLC, 719 S Lakeview Ave, Job No. 201929. 8. DISCUSSION ITEMS This portion of the agenda is for matters that cannot reasonably be expected to be concluded by action of the Board of Directors at the meeting, such as technical presentations, drafts of proposed policies, or similar items for which staff is seeking the advice and counsel of the Board of Directors. Time permitting, it is generally in the District’s interest to discuss these more complex matters at one meeting and consider formal action at another meeting. This portion of the agenda may also include items for information only. 8.1. Status of Engineering Activities 8.2. Cost-Benefit Analysis of Electronic vs. Paper Billing (Nederhood) 8.3. Public Funds Investment Policy for Fiscal Year 2020 8.4. Budget to Actual Reports for the Month Ending April 30, 2019 8.5. Cash and Investment Report for Period Ending April 30, 2019 9. REPORTS, INFORMATION ITEMS, AND COMMENTS 9.1. Directors' Reports · Intergovernmental Meetings, Conferences, and Events 9.2. General Manager's Report 9.3. General Counsel's Report 9.4. Future Agenda Items and Staff Tasks 10. COMMITTEE REPORTS 10.1. Interagency Committee with MWDOC and OCWD (Jones/Hawkins) · Meeting on May 23, 2019 at 4:00 p.m. was cancelled and will be rescheduled. 10.2. Joint Agency Committee with City of Yorba Linda (Jones/Hawkins) · Next meeting scheduled June 17, 2019 at 4:00 p.m. at Yorba Linda City Hall. 10.3. Joint Agency Committee with City of Placentia (Jones/Hawkins) · Next meeting yet to be scheduled. 11. BOARD OF DIRECTORS ACTIVITY CALENDAR 11.1. Meetings from June 12 - July 31, 2019 12. ADJOURNMENT 12.1. The next Regular Board Meeting will be held Tuesday, June 25, 2019. Closed Session (if necessary) will begin at 5:30 p.m. and regular business at 6:30 p.m. Items Distributed to the Board Less Than 72 Hours Prior to the Meeting Pursuant to Government Code section 54957.5, non-exempt public records that relate to open session agenda items and are distributed to a majority of the Board less than seventy-two (72) hours prior to the meeting will be available for public inspection in the lobby of the District’s business office located at 1717 E. Miraloma Avenue, Placentia, CA 92870, during regular business hours. When practical, these public records will also be made available on the District’s internet website accessible at http://www.ylwd.com/. Accommodations for the Disabled Any person may make a request for a disability-related modification or accommodation needed for that person to be able to participate in the public meeting by telephoning the Executive Secretary at 714-701-3020, or writing to Yorba Linda Water District, P.O. Box 309, Yorba Linda, CA 92885-0309. Requests must specify the nature of the disability and the type of accommodation requested. A telephone number or other contact information should be included so the District staff may discuss appropriate arrangements. Persons requesting a disability-related accommodation should make the request with adequate time before the meeting for the District to provide the requested accommodation. ITEM NO. 7.1 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: June 11, 2019 Subject:Minutes of the Board of Directors Workshop Meeting Held April 23, 2019 STAFF RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors approve the minutes as presented. ATTACHMENTS: Name:Description:Type: 2019-04-23_-_Minutes_-_BOD.docx Minutes Minutes Minutes of the YLWD Board of Directors Workshop Meeting April 23, 2019 at 5:30 p.m. 1 2019-XXX MINUTES OF THE YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS WORKSHOP MEETING Tuesday, April 23, 2019, 5:30 p.m. 1717 E Miraloma Ave, Placentia CA 92870 1. CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 5:30 p.m. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. ROLL CALL DIRECTORS PRESENT STAFF PRESENT Brooke Jones, President Marc Marcantonio, General Manager Phil Hawkins, Vice President Brett R. Barbre, Asst General Manager Andrew J. Hall John DeCriscio, Operations Manager J. Wayne Miller Gina Knight, Human Resources/Risk Manager Al Nederhood Delia Lugo, Finance Manager Pasquale Talarico, Director of Public Affairs Rosanne Weston, Engineering Manager Annie Alexander, Executive Asst/Board Secretary Bryan Hong, Principal Engineer Vivian Lim, Human Resources Analyst Kaden Young, Senior Management Analyst ALSO PRESENT Andrew Gagen, General Counsel, Kidman Gagen Law LLP 4. PUBLIC COMMENTS Jim Fisler, Director for Mesa Water District, addressed the Board and requested the District’s support for his candidacy in the upcoming election for OC LAFCO’s regular special district member seat. 5. DISCUSSION ITEMS 5.1. Summary of District’s Draft Operating Budgets for Fiscal Years 2020-21 Staff summarized historical, projected, and budgeted expenses for supplies and services and responded to questions from the Board regarding expense categories with notable changes. Minutes of the YLWD Board of Directors Workshop Meeting April 23, 2019 at 5:30 p.m. 2 2019-XXX The Board requested staff to provide additional detail for the proposed supplies and services budgets (specifically materials, professional services, and travel and conference expenses) separating the water and sewer enterprises and costs associated with the formation of a Community Facilities District. Staff then reviewed projected and budgeted volumetric water revenue, revenue from water and sewer service charges (based on proposed 10% water service rate adjustment effective January 1st of 2020 and 2021), other operating and non-operating revenues, and total revenues. Staff also reviewed the projected and budgeted variable and fixed costs, and salaries and related expenses. Staff presented three versions of a draft Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) for Fiscal Years 2020 through 2024 with different funding scenarios. Staff also provided an overview of the listed projects and assigned priority. President Jones declared a recess at 6:59 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 7:07 p.m. Lengthy discussion followed regarding the District’s Asset Management Plan (AMP), associated project prioritization, and funding philosophies. The Board requested staff to provide additional detail related to projected salaries for Fiscal Years 2020 and 2021, and projected water service rate adjustments for Fiscal Years 2022 through 2024 if the proposed 10% adjustments in Fiscal Years 2020 and 2021 were adopted and a ProForma for the same period. Staff then summarized Fitch’s rating criteria and the District’s projected ability to maintain its current AA rating with the proposed water service rate adjustments in Fiscal Years 2020 and 2021. Following further discussion, the Board requested staff to provide the change in metrics resulting from the application of a 9% rather than 10% water service rate adjustment. Staff indicated that all requested detail and metrics would be ready at the end of the following week. 5.2. Estimated Costs for Strategic Plan Initiatives (Hall) Staff reviewed the status and estimated costs for initiatives identified in the District’s Strategic Plan. Director Hall requested additional detail on the costs and timeline for updating the District’s security (Goal 1 – Initiative 3). Minutes of the YLWD Board of Directors Workshop Meeting April 23, 2019 at 5:30 p.m. 3 2019-XXX Staff briefed the Board on the status of potential grant funding for Wells 22 and 23 (Goal 1 – Initiative 1). Brief discussion followed regarding planning for the next Proposition 218 process. 6. ADJOURNMENT 6.1. The meeting adjourned at 8:11 p.m. Annie Alexander Board Secretary ITEM NO. 7.2 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: June 11, 2019 To:Board of Directors From:Marc Marcantonio, General Manager Presented By:Delia Lugo, Finance Manager Prepared By:Richard Cabadas, Accounting Assistant I Subject:Payments of Bills, Refunds, and Wire Transfers SUMMARY: Section 31302 of the California Water Code says the District shall pay demands made against it when they have been approved by the Board of Directors. Pursuant to law, staff is hereby submitting the list of disbursements for Board of Directors’ approval. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors ratify and authorize disbursements in the amount of $615,534.41. DISCUSSION: The items on this disbursement list include: a check of $72,787.00 to City of Anaheim for April 2019 electricity charges; and a check of $117,412.08 to Shea Homes Limited Partnership for Lakeview sewer replacement progress payment #04. The balance of $126,298.69 is for routine invoices. The Accounts Payable check register total is $316,497.77, Payroll No. 10 total is $299,036.64; where the total of all listed disbursements for this agenda report is $615,534.41. A summary of the disbursements is attached. PRIOR RELEVANT BOARD ACTION(S): The Board of Directors approves bills, refunds and wire transfers semi-monthly. ATTACHMENTS: Name:Description:Type: 19-CS_0611.pdf Cap Sheet Backup Material CkReg061119.pdf Check Register Backup Material 19_CC_0611.pdf Credit Card Summary Backup Material Summary of Disbursements June 11, 2019 CHECK NUMBERS: 06/11/2019 Computer Checks 74377-74426 $ 316,497.77 ____________ $ 316,497.77 TOTAL OF CHECKS $ 316,497.77 PAYROLL NO. 10: Direct Deposits $ 187,685.94 Third Party Checks 7191-7195 $ 19,987.71 Payroll Taxes $ 50,142.43 EFT – TASC #10 $ 2,308.05 EFT – CalPERS Payroll #10 $ 38,912.51 $ 299,036.64 TOTAL OF PAYROLL $ 299,036.64 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DISBURSEMENT TOTAL: $615,534.41 ================================================================== APPROVED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS MINUTE ORDER AT BOARD MEETING OF JUNE 11, 2019 ==================================================================. Check No.Date Vendor Name Amount Description 74381 06/11/2019 A Plus Awards By Dewey 43.53 (2) NAME PLATES 74380 06/11/2019 Adorn Premiums, LLC 2,202.85 J2019-16 - PROMOTIONAL PRODUCTS - OPEN HOUSE 74382 06/11/2019 Aramark 221.11 UNIFORM SERVICE 74426 06/11/2019 ARC 20.00 PW DOC MANAGEMENT 74384 06/11/2019 AT & T - Calnet3 2,749.37 ATT CALNET 3 74383 06/11/2019 ATS Communications 740.00 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES - APRIL 2019 - ENGINEERING 74385 06/11/2019 Autoscribe Corporation 1,406.25 TRX VISION GATEWAY - APRIL 2019 74386 06/11/2019 BC Traffic Specialist 1,340.38 SAFETY EQUIPMENT 74387 06/11/2019 Bee Busters, Inc 150.00 BEE COLONY ABATEMENT 74388 06/11/2019 Brooke Jones 469.22 TRAVEL & EXPENSE - ACWA COMMITTEE & CONFERENCE 74389 06/11/2019 CalCard US Bank 36,174.60 CREDIT CARD TRANSACTIONS - APRIL & MAY 2019 74390 06/11/2019 Chambers Group Inc.13,899.87 J18-23 - HIDDEN HILLS MITIGATION 74391 06/11/2019 City Of Anaheim 72,787.00 ELECTRICITY CHARGES - MULTIPLE LOCATIONS - APRIL 2019 74392 06/11/2019 Cla-Val Co.639.52 PRODUCTION REPAIR PARTS 74393 06/11/2019 Coastal Ignition & Controls 2,283.61 4 CYLINDER UNIT 74394 06/11/2019 Culligan of Santa Ana 365.00 EQUIPMENT PE SOFTENER 74395 06/11/2019 Diane Dalton 60.00 CERTIFICATE REIMBURSEMENT - WATER TREATMENT OPERATOR 2 74397 06/11/2019 Economy Radiator Repair 737.38 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE - UNIT #139 74398 06/11/2019 Eisel Enterprises, Inc.551.68 J16-06 - METER BOX & LIDS 74378 06/11/2019 ELENA ARGANDA 149.41 CUSTOMER REFUND 74399 06/11/2019 Energy Environmental Soln, Inc 2,400.00 ICE TESTING HIGHLAND 74400 06/11/2019 Haaker Equipment Co.748.79 SEWER VEHICLE MAINTENANCE 74401 06/11/2019 Hydrex Pest Control 175.00 PEST CONTROL 74402 06/11/2019 Infosend Inc.2,531.16 BILLING & POSTAGE - CUST BILLING 74377 06/11/2019 JOE LOCKHART 170.70 CUSTOMER REFUND 74403 06/11/2019 Liebert Cassidy Whitmore 3,446.50 LEGAL SERVICES - APRIL 2019 & CONFERENCE FOR 2019 AB HARASSMENT (2)74404 06/11/2019 Marc Marcantonio 425.56 TRAVEL & EXPENSE - ACWA COMMITTEE & CONFERENCE 74405 06/11/2019 Mc Fadden-Dale Hardware 133.83 HARDWARE SUPPLIES 74406 06/11/2019 Mobile Industrial Supply 194.61 REPAIR PARTS OF POWER MIG 210 MP 74407 06/11/2019 NatPay Online Business Solutions 26.35 DOCULIVERY - APRIL 2019 74408 06/11/2019 Nickey Kard Lock Inc 6,512.12 FUEL - 05/01/19 - 05/15/19 74409 06/11/2019 Occu-Med, Ltd.1,622.00 PRE EMPLOYMENT PHYSICALS (8) 74410 06/11/2019 Omni Enterprise Inc.6,640.00 JANITORIAL SERVICE - APRIL & MAY 2019 74411 06/11/2019 Quinn Company 4,506.01 STATIONARY ENGINE MAINTENANCE 74379 06/11/2019 REALOGY GROUP LLC 413.96 CUSTOMER REFUND 74412 06/11/2019 RKI Engineering, LLC 3,260.00 SCADA CONTROL SUPPORT - SEVERAL LOCATIONS 74413 06/11/2019 Safety-Kleen Systems Inc 545.96 HAZARDOUS MATERIAL DISPOSAL 74414 06/11/2019 Security Solutions 7,100.00 UPGRADE DOOR FOR DURESS LOCKDOWN & ONGUARD SOFTWARE 74415 06/11/2019 Shea Homes Limited Partnership 117,412.08 J18-24S - LAKEVIEW SEWER RPLACEMENT - PROGRESS PAYMENT #4 74416 06/11/2019 Sunrise Medical Group 938.27 POST EMPLOYEE PHYSICALS 74417 06/11/2019 Sunstate Equipment Co 34.48 PROPANE 74418 06/11/2019 Switch Ltd 552.00 DATA HOSTING - COLOCATION 74419 06/11/2019 Total Administrative Service Corp 511.50 FSA - ADMIN FEES - JULY - SEPTEMBER 2019 74421 06/11/2019 United Industries 1,947.50 PPE EQUIPMENT 74423 06/11/2019 United Water Works, Inc.3,373.24 OPERATIONS WORK MATERIAL 74422 06/11/2019 UNUM Life Insurance Co. of America 3,138.54 LIFE, AD&D, STD&LTD-JUNE 2019 74420 06/11/2019 VOID 0.00 VOID 74396 06/11/2019 White Nelson Diehl Evans LLP 60.00 WNDE ANNUAL GOVERNMENTAL ACCOUNTING UPDATE 74424 06/11/2019 Wild Zebra Creative 1,500.00 PUBLIC INFORMATION - VIDEO PRODUCTION & EDITING 74425 06/11/2019 YO Fire 9,186.83 OPERATIONS WORK MATERIAL 316,497.77 Yorba Linda Water District Check Register For Checks Dated: 05/29/2019 thru 06/11/2019 Vendor Name Amount Description Mc Master-Carr Supply Co.89.62 Maintenance parts - Highland Booster #6 Starbucks Store 100.00 Retiree recognition - Walkemeyer, K Long Beach Airport Parking 17.00 Travel & expense - Water Tax Hearing - Pres. Jones City of Monterey Parking 23.50 Travel & expense - ACWA Spring Conference - Pres. Jones Arden Hills Resort Club 25.55 Travel & expense - Water Tax Hearing - Talarico, P CalCard US Bank -103.00 Refund - Travel & expense - Water Tax Hearing - Talarico, P Saymore Trophy 2,255.71 J2010-11B - Plaques for Fairmont Smart & Final 30.05 Districts Quarterly All Hands meeting Home Depot 102.88 BBQ - Team building Keno's 74.32 Retiree recognition lunch - Walkemeyer, R Amazon.com 108.74 Office equipment - Shredder - HR Statehouse 9.25 Travel & expense - Water Tax Hearing - Pres. Jones Statehouse 6.25 Travel & expense - Water Tax Hearing - Talarico, P Long Beach Airport Parking 37.00 Travel & expense - Water Tax Hearing - Talarico, P Answer One Communications 435.00 Virtual receptionist service - After hours Eventbrite 479.02 Peer to Peer 2019 Conference - Young, K Amazon.com 9.99 Reimburseable - Amazon monthly subscription Claim Jumper 11.72 Travel & expense - Water Tax Hearing - Talarico, P Lyft 29.03 Travel & expense - Water Tax Hearing - Talarico, P Amazon.com 549.00 Operations equipment Chipotle Mexican Grill 55.17 Lunch for new hires - (5) attendees Light Bulbs Etc 264.10 Facility maintenance - light bulbs Home Depot 121.16 Tools for leak crews Verizon Wireless 2,490.07 Verizon wireless - 02/21/19 - 03/20/19 Stater Bros. Markets 12.98 Districts Quarterly All Hands meeting Smart & Final 159.61 Districts Quarterly All Hands meeting Francisco Meat Co 228.17 Districts Quarterly All Hands meeting Red Wing Shoe Store 172.39 Boot allowance - Flores, C Red Wing Shoe Store 172.39 Boot allowance - Babashuff, P Fairway Ford Sales, Inc.125.45 Vehicle maintenance - Unit #191 SCIE ARMA 180.00 2019 Annual RIM seminar - (2) attendees Amazon.com 109.97 Office equipment Grainger 289.75 Repair - (2) table post & plate ACWA-Assn Of Ca Water Agencies 725.00 Travel & expense - ACWA Spring Conf - Pres. Jones Orange County Water District 1,600.00 OC Water Summit - Event sponsorship Amazon.com 125.80 Computer supplies Powerstride Battery 270.21 Battery replacements - Valley View Booster & Unit #191 Best Value Tire & Wheel 103.31 Vehicle maintenance - Unit #151 Mobile Industrial Supply 484.66 Welding gas bottles Fleet Services, Inc 26.16 Vehicle maintenance - Unit #197 Factory Motor Parts 135.60 Vehicle maintenance - Unit #155 Factory Motor Parts 38.60 Vehicle maintenance - Unit #155 Smart & Final 134.15 Districts Quarterly All Hands meeting Costco 200.49 Districts Quarterly All Hands meeting 11-Jun-19 Cal Card Credit Card U S Bank Home Depot 95.41 Leak crew - welding supplies Ralphs 23.64 Districts Quarterly All Hands meeting Francisco Meat Co 54.29 Districts Quarterly All Hands meeting Stater Bros. Markets 125.54 Districts Quarterly All Hands meeting Saymore Trophy 320.00 J2010-11B - Plaques for Fairmont Harrington Industrial 519.94 CL2 parts for production Fujitsu Scanner Store 489.38 Cleaning supplies - Fujitsu scanner Red Wing Shoe Store 274.75 Safety boots - Madrid, J ONLINE Information Services, Inc.510.60 Online collection & utility exchange TDC Group Inc 500.00 Freeance web software - 4 month maintenance & support Factory Motor Parts 75.58 Vehicle maintenance - Unit #168 Blackgold Golf Club 500.00 Deposit - Employee appreciation christmas dinner ARMA International 40.00 Glossary of record and information management terms - HR Symmetry Electronics 787.07 (2) LTE CAT3 routers - SCADA Amazon.com 80.30 Facilities - Igloo coolers Schorr Metals, Inc.6.53 Vehicle maintenace - Unit #168 Fleet Services, Inc 73.02 Vehicle maintenace - Unit #168 Starbucks Store 33.90 Admin safety meeting ePlastics 1,655.48 Cast acrylic tubing - sewer crew Factory Motor Parts 92.67 Vehicle maintenance - Unit #197 & #210 Stater Bros. Markets 48.26 Meeting supplies Fullerton Paint & Flooring 277.48 Marking paint - various colors Home Depot 64.55 Hardware supplies - facilities Nexus Office Environments 588.00 Roof repair - Building 1 Ridgid 356.85 Tools & equipment Medii Kitchen 193.00 Staff recognition luncheon - (8) attendees State of CA - Board of Equalization 1,625.77 Sales Use Tax 2018 Time Warner Cable 2,429.71 District TV & internet Mc Fadden-Dale Hardware 32.65 Shop supplies Amazon.com 19.19 Office supplies Home Depot 21.79 Hardware supplies Roseburrough Tool Company 157.49 Tools & equipment Orange County Water Assn.-Dues 45.00 OCWA Luncheon - Pres. Jones Minuteman Press 91.59 Business cards - Dir. Nederhood Amazon.com 215.44 (4) Professional record journals - Engineering Schorr Metals, Inc.94.79 Material for valve display Amazon.com 44.88 Shop supplies Alliant Insurance Services, Inc.340.00 J2019-16 - Special event insurance - Open house Schorr Metals, Inc.58.82 Materials for valve display Mobile Industrial Supply 161.66 Welding supplies NEOGOV, Inc.1,950.00 Travel & expense - NeoGov Conference - Lim, V & Segura, J Amazon.com 452.94 Tabquik Full Tab Labels - Vault files Mirage Hotel & Casino 134.92 Travel & expense - NeoGov Conference - Segura, J Mirage Hotel & Casino 134.92 Travel & expense - NeoGov Conference - Lim, V Mc Fadden-Dale Hardware 36.10 Shop supplies BNI Building News 224.66 (15) Traffic watch books Red Wing Shoe Store 440.65 Safety boots - Murillo & Pace R.E. Michel Company, LLC 46.22 (2) line set covers Grainger 400.49 A/C pipe insulation - Building 4 Urban Water Institute 425.00 Travel & expense - UWI Conference - Pres. Jones Hilton Hotels 236.67 Travel & expense - UWI Conference - Pres. Jones ESRI 1,950.00 Travel expense - ArcGIS Pro Training - Vargas, A Amazon.com 138.99 Office supplies State of CA - Franchise Tax Board 20.00 Statement of Information - Financial Corporations Placentia Disposal #676 564.18 (2) front loads - disposal services Black Bear Diner 20.07 Travel & expense - ACWA Spring Conf - Marcantonio, M Hyatt Regency Hotels 43.00 Travel & expense - ACWA Spring Conf - Marcantonio, M Orange County Water Assn.-Dues 30.00 OCWA luncheon - Dir. Miller Project Management Institute 164.00 Project Management Institute - annual renewal Jackson's Auto Supply - Napa 44.64 Vehicle maintenace - Unit #139 Stater Bros. Markets 21.81 Maintenance supplies - Well #5 Village Nurseries 68.10 Sod - landscape repair Hyatt Regency Hotels 53.00 Travel & expense - ACWA Spring Conf - Marcantonio, M Jacks 21.00 Travel & expense - ACWA Spring Conf - Marcantonio, M Orange County Water Assn 30.00 OCWA lunch - Groundwater Reliability presentation Orvac Electronics 64.23 Miscellaneous SCADA parts Amazon.com 147.89 Health & Wellness - equipment Sherwin Williams 106.53 Paint for facility work Decorative Light Covers 32.85 Light cover diffuser Home Depot 75.20 Electrical supplies facilities Minuteman Press 66.15 Business cards - Dir. Miller Home Depot 154.19 Landscape repair parts Home Depot 195.36 Hardware supplies - Sewer Monterey Tides 954.65 Travel & expense - ACWA Spring Conference - Pres. Jones Portola Hotel 1,075.36 Travel & expense - ACWA Spring Conf - Marcantonio, M Amazon.com 9.99 Reimburseable - Amazon monthly subscription 36,174.60 ITEM NO. 7.3 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: June 11, 2019 To:Board of Directors From:Marc Marcantonio, General Manager Presented By:Delia Lugo, Finance Manager Dept:Finance Prepared By:Kelly McCann, Senior Accountant Subject:Appropriations Limit for Fiscal Year 2020 SUMMARY: Each year the District must adopt the Appropriations Limit and factors used to calculate this number, in accordance with Proposition 13, Government Code Section 7900 and Article XIIIB of the California Constitution. The Appropriations Limit assures government agencies do not assess and collect taxes in excess of the controlled limits. The District receives a relatively small amount of revenue from property taxes annually and it is historically well below the Appropriations Limitation each year. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors approve Resolution No. 2019-XX adopting the Appropriations Limit for Fiscal Year 2020. DISCUSSION: In 1977, California voters passed Proposition 13, which limited property tax assessments to 1% of a property’s market value and limited assessed value increases to 2% per year. Concurrent with the reduction of property taxes, the voters also passed Proposition 4, the Gann Spending Limit Initiative, which added Article XIIIB to the California Constitution. Under Article XIIIB, a government agency is restricted in the amount of annual appropriations from the proceeds of taxes except taxes to pay voter-approved bond debt service. If proceeds of taxes exceed allowed appropriations, the excess must either be refunded to the State Controller or returned to the taxpayers through revised tax rate or through revised fee schedules. An excess in one year may be offset against a deficit in the following year, so effectively the limitation may be exceeded in a single year but not over any consecutive two-year period. District staff performed the required calculation to determine the appropriations limits for FY20, in compliance with the terms of Article XIIIB of the California Constitution and the Government Code Section 7900. The starting point for computing the Appropriations Limit is the Appropriations Subject to Limitation in the Base Year of FY79. This number is multiplied by the controlled factors each successive year to determine the current year’s appropriation limit. The State Department of Finance, Population Research Unit, provides inflation and population figures each year. These two are multiplied together to determine the final percentage by which the prior year’s limit is increased or decreased. The District’s property tax revenue of $1,820,471, budgeted for FY20, is substantially lower than the calculated limitation of $7,637,486. Therefore, there are no excess appropriations that must be returned to the taxpayers. STRATEGIC PLAN: G2 3D - Review and adopt an appropriate fee schedule on an annual basis. PRIOR RELEVANT BOARD ACTION(S): The Board of Directors adopted Resolution No. 18-18 on June 26, 2018, adopting the Appropriations Limit for Fiscal Year 2019. ATTACHMENTS: Name:Description:Type: Resolution_No._2019-XX_-_Appropriations_Limit.docx Resolution Resolution GANN_Limit_Exhibit.pdf Exhibit Exhibit Resolution No. 2019-XX Adopting the Appropriations Limit for Fiscal Year 2020 1 RESOLUTION NO. 2019-XX RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT ADOPTING THE APPROPRIATIONS LIMIT FOR FISCAL YEAR 2020 WHEREAS, under the terms of Article XIIIB of the California Constitution and Government Code Section 7900 et seq., all local agencies are required to establish, by resolution, an appropriations limit for each fiscal year; and WHEREAS, in June 1990, voters in the State of California approved Proposition 111 which amended Government Code Section 7900 et seq., modifying the method of calculation for the appropriations limit and requiring all local agencies to select, by resolution, the annual adjustment factors used to perform the calculations; and WHEREAS, the District staff has performed the required calculations to determine the limit for Fiscal Year 2020, in compliance with the above provisions and made the documentation used in the determination of the appropriations limit and other necessary determinations available to the public at least fifteen days prior to the date of this meeting. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda Water District as follows: Section 1. That there is hereby adopted, pursuant to Article XIIIB of the California Constitution and Government Code Section 7900 et seq., as amended by Proposition 111, an appropriations limit for Fiscal Year 2020 of $7,637,486. Resolution No. 2019-XX Adopting the Appropriations Limit for Fiscal Year 2020 2 Section 2. The annual adjustment factors are the weighted average percentage change in the population of the cities within the District’s jurisdiction, and the percentage change in the California Per Capita Income. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 11th day of June 2019 by the following called vote: AYES: NOES: ABSTAIN: ABSENT: Brooke Jones, President Yorba Linda Water District ATTEST: Annie Alexander, Board Secretary Yorba Linda Water District Reviewed as to form by General Counsel: Andrew B. Gagen, Esq. Kidman Gagen Law LLP APPROPRIATIONS SUBJECT TO LIMITATION Special District: Yorba Linda Water District Fiscal Year: 2019-2020 Budget vs.Actual: Budget REVENUE AMOUNT SOURCE A. LAST YEAR'S LIMIT ' 7,333,078 f B.ADJUSTMENT FACTORS I J 1. Population% 0.29% 1.0029 (Weighted Avg Calc) 2. Inflation% 3.85% 1.0385 (State Finance) Total Adjustment% 1.04151(b1*b2) C. ANNUAL ADJUSTMENT$ BUDGET 7,637,486IB"A D. OTHER ADJUSTMENTS sub total If E. TOTALADJUSTMENTS 7,637,4861(C+D) f F. THIS YEAR'S LIMIT 7,637,4861(A+E) E Wr a,r �ti C� u Z U1 III n O � tc DEPARTMENT OF C+,q,,,0R%4,-F 1 N A N f *� I'a -C" N E W S p M 0 G OV E R N O R i ®�1 �"1®�I �® 91 S L STREET■ SACRAMENTS CA ■ 9814-3706 ■WWW,OC F.CA.GOV May 2019 Dear Fiscal Officer: Subject: Price Factor and Population Information Appropriations Limit California Revenue and Taxation Code section 2227 requires the Department of Finance to transmit an estimate of the percentage change in population to local governments. Each local jurisdiction must use their percentage change in population factor for January 1, 2019, in conjunction with a change in the cost of living, or price factor, to calculate their appropriations limit for fiscal year 2019-20. Attachment A provides the change in California's per capita personal income and an example for utilizing the price factor and population percentage change factor to calculate the 2019-20 appropriations limit. Attachment B provides the city and unincorporated county population percentage change. Attachment C provides the population percentage change for counties and their summed incorporated areas. The population percentage change data excludes federal and state institutionalized populations and military populations. Population Percent Change for Special Districts Some special districts must establish an annual appropriations limit. California Revenue and Taxation Code section 2228 provides additional information regarding the appropriations limit. Article XIII B, section 9(C) of the California Constitution exempts certain special districts from the appropriations limit calculation mandate. The code section and the California Constitution can be accessed at the following website: httr)://Ieginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/codes.xht i. Special districts required by law to calculate their appropriations limit must present the calculation as part of their annual audit. Any questions special districts have on this requirement should be directed to their county, district legal counsel, or the law itself. No state agency reviews the local appropriations limits. Population Certification The population certification program applies only to cities and counties. California Revenue and Taxation Code section 11005.6 mandates Finance to automatically certify any population estimate that exceeds the current certified population with the State Controller's Office. Finance will certify the higher estimate to the State Controller by June 1, 2019. Please Note: The prior year's city population estimates may be revised. If you have any questions regarding this data, please contact the Demographic Research Unit at (916) 323-4086. KEELY BOSLER Director By: Vivek Viswanathan Chief Deputy Director Attachment May 2019 Attachment A A. Price Factor: Article XIII B specifies that local jurisdictions select their cost of living factor to compute their appropriation limit by a vote of their governing body. The cost of living factor provided here is per capita personal income. If the percentage change in per capita personal income is selected, the percentage change to be used in setting the fiscal year 2019-20 appropriation limit is: Per Capita Personal Income Fiscal Year Percentage change (FY) over prior year 2019-20 3.85 B. Following is an example using sample population change and the change in California per capita personal income as growth factors in computing a 2019-20 appropriation limit. 2019-20: Per Capita Cost of Living Change = 3.85 percent Population Change = 0.47 percent Per Capita Cost of Living converted to a ratio: 3.85 + 100 = 1.0385 100 Population converted to a ratio: 0.47 + 100 = 1.0047 100 Calculation of factor for FY 2019-20: 1.0385 x 1.0047 = 1.0434 Fiscal Year 2019-20 Attachment B Annual Percent Change in Population Minus Exclusions* January 1,2018 to January 1, 2019 and Total Population,January 1, 2019 Total County Percent Chanae --- Pooulation Minus Exclusions --- Ponulation City 2018-2019 1-1-18 1-1-19 1-1-2019 Orange Aliso Viejo -0.57 51,664 51,372 51,372 Anaheim 0.18 358,686 359,322 359,339 Brea 2.40 44,539 45,606 45,606 Buena Park -0.25 83,594 83,384 83,384 Costa Mesa 1.17 114,396 115,739 115,830 Cypress 0.12 49,774 49,833 49,833 Dana Point -0.34 34,365 34,249 34,249 Fountain Valley -0.46 56,914 56,652 56,652 Fullerton -0.34 143,313 142,824 142,824 Garden Grove 0.12 174,951 175,155 175,155 Huntington Beach 0.82 202,097 203,761 203,761 Irvine 2.24 274,055 280,202 280,202 Laguna Beach -0.49 23,474 23,358 23,358 Laguna Hills -0.56 31,751 31,572 31,572 Laguna Niguel 1.48 65,777 66,748 66,748 Laguna Woods -0.57 16,612 16,518 16,518 La Habra 1.57 62,558 63,542 63,542 Lake Forest 1.53 85,048 86,346 86,346 La Palma -0.59 15,914 15,820 15,820 Los Alamitos -0.59 11,790 11,721 11,721 Mission Viejo -0.44 96,856 96,434 96,434 Newport Beach -0.50 87,614 87,180 87,180 Orange 0.41 141,116 141,691 141,691 Placentia -0.51 52,602 52,333 52,333 Rancho Santa Margarita -0.56 49,238 48,960 48,960 San Clemente -0.50 65,732 65,405 65,405 San Juan Capistrano 0.77 36,541 36,821 36,821 Santa Ana -0.44 339,192 337,716 337,716 Seal Beach -0.54 24,606 24,473 25,073 Stanton -0.45 39,483 39,307 39,307 Tustin -0.47 81,755 81,369 81,369 Villa Park -0.47 5,961 5,933 5,933 Westminster -0.46 93,035 92,610 92,610 Yorba Linda -0.14 68,804 68,706 68,706 Unincorporated 0.31 128,726 129,128 129,128 County Total 0.29 3,212,533 3,221,790 3,222,498 `Exclusions include residents on federal military installations and group quarters residents in state mental institutions,state and federal correctional institutions and veteran homes. ITEM NO. 7.4 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: June 11, 2019 To:Board of Directors From:Marc Marcantonio, General Manager Presented By:Gina Knight, HR/Risk and Safety Manager Dept:Human Resources/Risk Management Prepared By:Vivian Lim, Human Resources Analyst Subject:Budgeted Positions for Fiscal Year 2020 SUMMARY: The Board of Directors on an annual basis adopts a budget. In addition, the Board ratifies the budgeted positions for any given fiscal year to comply with both California Code of Regulations (CCR) Section 570.5 and the Public Employees' Retirement Law (PERL). STAFF RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors adopt Resolution No. 2019-XX ratifying the budgeted positions for Fiscal Year 2020. DISCUSSION: The District's Board of Directors will consider adopting a budget for FY20 that will fund eighty-one (81) regular, full-time positions and one (1) part-time intern position. The following classifications will be reclassified along with a salary adjustment: • one (1) Construction Project Manager (R30) to Associate Engineer (R28) • one (1) Meter Reader II (R18) to Meter Reader I (R16) • one (1) Meter Reader II (R18) to Field Customer Service Representative/Meters II (R20) The fiscal impact to the budget for FY20 will be a savings of approximately $9,000. The changes will have a positive effect on work flow efficiencies and reallocation of essential job functions. Staff revised the job descriptions for all classifications affected by the above recommendations. PRIOR RELEVANT BOARD ACTION(S): The Board of Directors considers ratifying the budgeted positions for a specific fiscal year, in accordance with District policy and CalPERS' statutory and regulatory requirements for publicly available pay schedules clarified under California Code of Regulations (CCR) Section 570.5. The Board last adopted Resolution No. 2019-02 ratifying Budgeted Positions for the remainder of FY19 on February 26, 2019. ATTACHMENTS: Name:Description:Type: Resolution_No._2019-XX_-_Budgeted_Positions.docx Resolution Resolution Budgeted_Positions_Exhibit.pdf Exhibit Exhibit Resolution No. 2019-XX Ratifying Budgeted Positions for Fiscal Year 2020 1 RESOLUTION NO. 2019-XX RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT RATIFYING THE BUDGETED POSITIONS FOR FISCAL YEAR 2020 WHEREAS, the Board of Directors adopts a budget on an annual basis; and WHEREAS, the Board of Directors is required to ratify the budgeted positions for each fiscal year in compliance with California Code of Regulations (CCR) Section 570.5 and the Public Employees’ Retirement Law (PERL). WHEREAS, it is the desire of the Board of Directors to ratify the Budgeted Positions for Fiscal Year 2020. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda Water District as follows: Section 1. Effective July 1, 2019, the number of Budgeted Positions as set forth in Exhibit A and attached hereto is hereby ratified for Fiscal Year 2020. Section 2. The General Manager is hereby authorized to employ up to the number of employees budgeted and funded in each fiscal year without further approval of the Board of Directors. Section 3. The General Manager is hereby authorized while this Resolution is active to fill a budgeted position that is vacated with a new employee at a lower or equal classification and/or with a part time employee or contract staff. The General Manager is further authorized to fix and alter the compensation of employees subject to budget limitations. Section 4. That Resolution No. 2019-02 is hereby rescinded effective July 1, 2019. Resolution No. 2019-XX Ratifying Budgeted Positions for Fiscal Year 2020 2 PASSED AND ADOPTED this 11th day of June 2019 by the following called vote: AYES: NOES: ABSTAIN: ABSENT: Brooke Jones, President Yorba Linda Water District ATTEST: Annie Alexander, Board Secretary Yorba Linda Water District Reviewed as to form by General Counsel: Andrew B. Gagen, Esq. Kidman Gagen Law LLP Exhibit A Resolution No. 2019-XX Budgeted Positions for FY20 Effective July 1, 2019 Salary Range Position Classification Budgeted as of 3/3/2019 Proposed Change Budgeted as of 7/1/2019 12 Office Clerk 0 0 16 Meter Reader I 1 12 Accounting Assistant I 0 0 Customer Service Rep II 3 3 Maintenance Worker I 9 9 Public Affairs Representative 1 1 18 Meter Reader II 2 -2 0 Customer Service Rep III 2 2 Operations/Warehouse Assistant 0 0 Records Management Specialist 1 1 Field Customer Services Rep/Meters II 0 1 1 Maintenance Worker II 6 6 Water Quality Technician I 0 0 Accounting Assistant II 2 2 Facilities Maintenance 1 1 Mechanic II 1 1 Operator I (Operator In Training)11 Information Systems Tech I 1 1 Water Quality Technician II 1 1 Human Resources Technician 1 1 Maintenance Worker III 5 5 Mechanic III 1 1 Meter Services Lead 0 0 Operations Assistant 1 1 Plant Operator II 3 3 Safety and Training Technician 0 0 Sr. Field Customer Service Rep/Meters 1 1 Construction Inspector 1 1 Engineering Technician II 2 2 Accountant 1 1 Instrumentation Technician 0 0 GIS Analyst 1 1 Sr. Construction Inspector 1 1 Sr. Fleet Mechanic 0 0 Sr. Mechanic 1 1 Sr. Maintenance Worker 4 4 Sr. Plant Operator 1 1 Human Resources Analyst 1 1 Safety and Training Analyst 1 1 Sr. SCADA Technician 1 1 28 Management Analyst 0 0 Associate Engineer 0 1 1 Construction Project Manager 1 -1 0 26 23 24 27 30 19 20 22 17 25 21 Page 1 of 2 Exhibit A Resolution No. 2019-XX Budgeted Positions for FY20 Effective July 1, 2019 Customer Service Billing Administrator 1 1 IS Administrator 2 2 Maintenance Superintendent 1 1 Operations Superintendent 1 1 Records Management Administrator 1 1 Sr. Accountant 1 1 Sr. Engineer 1 1 31 Production Superintendent 1 1 32 Executive Assistant 1 1 Principal Engineer 1 1 33 Sr. Management Analyst 1 1 34 Director of Public Affairs 1 1 Sr. Project Manager 1 1 37 IT Manager 1 1 39 Engineering Manager 1 1 Finance Manager 1 1 Human Resources/Risk and Safety Manager 1 1 Operations Manager 1 1 42 Assistant General Manager 1 1 General Manager 1 1 Total 81 0 81 Engineering Intern 0 1 1 * 011 * The Engineering Intern position is based on part-time work not to exceed 960 hours per fiscal year. Salary Set by Board Page 2 of 2 Exhibit A Resolution No. 2019-XX Budgeted Positions for FY20 Effective July 1, 2019 Salary Range Position Classification Budgeted as of 3/3/2019 Proposed Change Budgeted as of 7/1/2019 12 Office Clerk 0 0 16 Meter Reader I 1 1 2 Accounting Assistant I 0 0 Customer Service Rep II 3 3 Maintenance Worker I 9 9 Public Affairs Representative 1 1 18 Meter Reader II 2 -2 0 Customer Service Rep III 2 2 Operations/Warehouse Assistant 0 0 Records Management Specialist 1 1 Field Customer Services Rep/Meters II 0 1 1 Maintenance Worker II 6 6 Water Quality Technician I 0 0 Accounting Assistant II 2 2 Facilities Maintenance 1 1 Mechanic II 1 1 Operator I (Operator In Training)11 Information Systems Tech I 1 1 Water Quality Technician II 1 1 Human Resources Technician 1 1 Maintenance Worker III 5 5 Mechanic III 1 1 Meter Services Lead 0 0 Operations Assistant 1 1 Plant Operator II 3 3 Safety and Training Technician 0 0 Sr. Field Customer Service Rep/Meters 1 1 Construction Inspector 1 1 Engineering Technician II 2 2 Accountant 1 1 Instrumentation Technician 0 0 GIS Analyst 1 1 Sr. Construction Inspector 1 1 Sr. Fleet Mechanic 0 0 Sr. Mechanic 1 1 Sr. Maintenance Worker 4 4 Sr. Plant Operator 1 1 Human Resources Analyst 1 1 Safety and Training Analyst 1 1 Sr. SCADA Technician 1 1 28 Management Analyst 0 0 Associate Engineer 0 1 1 Construction Project Manager 1 -1 0 19 20 22 17 25 21 26 23 24 27 30 Page 1 of 2 Exhibit A Resolution No. 2019-XX Budgeted Positions for FY20 Effective July 1, 2019 Customer Service Billing Administrator 1 1 IS Administrator 2 2 Maintenance Superintendent 1 1 Operations Superintendent 1 1 Records Management Administrator 1 1 Sr. Accountant 1 1 Sr. Engineer 1 1 31 Production Superintendent 1 1 32 Executive Assistant 1 1 Principal Engineer 1 1 33 Sr. Management Analyst 1 1 34 Director of Public Affairs 1 1 Sr. Project Manager 1 1 37 IT Manager 1 1 39 Engineering Manager 1 1 Finance Manager 1 1 Human Resources/Risk and Safety Manager 1 1 Operations Manager 1 1 42 Assistant General Manager 1 1 General Manager 1 1 Total 81 0 81 Engineering Intern 0 1 1 * 011 * The Engineering Intern position is based on part-time work not to exceed 960 hours per fiscal year. Salary Set by Board Page 2 of 2 ITEM NO. 7.5 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: June 11, 2019 To:Board of Directors From:Marc Marcantonio, General Manager Presented By:Gina Knight, HR/Risk and Safety Manager Dept:Human Resources/Risk Management Prepared By:Vivian Lim, Human Resources Analyst Subject:Amendments to the Memorandum of Understanding with the YLWD Employees Association and Personnel Manual for Unrepresented Employees STAFF RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors: (1) adopt Resolution No. 2019-XX amending Exhibit A of the Memorandum of Understanding between the District and the Yorba Linda Water District Employees Association for the remainder of Fiscal Years 2019-2023; and (2) adopt Resolution No. 2019-XX amending Exhibit A of the Personnel Manual for Unrepresented Employees for the remainder of Fiscal Years 2019-2023. DISCUSSION: The changes will have a positive effect on work flow efficiencies and streamlined essential job functions. The following changes will be effective July 1, 2019: Reclassification and Salary Adjustment: • Meter Reader II (R18) to Field Customer Service Representative/Meters II (R20) • Construction Project Manager (R30) to Associate Engineer (R28) The fiscal impact for the above changes will be a savings of approximately $9,000. PRIOR RELEVANT BOARD ACTION(S): The Board of Directors routinely amends the Memorandum of Understanding and Personnel Manual as required. ATTACHMENTS: Name:Description:Type: Resolution_No._2019-XX_-_BU_Amend_Exhibit_A.docx Resolution Resolution Amend_MOU_Exhibit.pdf Exhibit Exhibit Resolution_No._2019-XX_-_UN_Amend_Exhibit_A.docxResolution Resolution Amend_UN_Exhibit.pdf Exhibit Exhibit Resolution No. 2019-XX Amending Exhibit A of the MOU 1 RESOLUTION NO. 2019-XX RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT AMENDING EXHIBIT A OF THE MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN THE DISTRICT AND THE YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT EMPLOYEES ASSOCIATION FOR THE REMAINDER OF FISCAL YEARS 2019-2023 WHEREAS, the Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda Water District previously adopted the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the District and the Yorba Linda Water District Employees Association (Association) for Fiscal Years 2019-2023 (Resolution No. 18-10); and WHEREAS, the Board of Directors then adopted Resolution No. 18-16 amending the effective dates of Exhibits A through F of the MOU to reflect the 1st day of July of the applicable fiscal year; and WHEREAS, the Board of Directors then adopted Resolution No. 18-28 and subsequently Resolution No. 18-34 amending Exhibit A of the MOU to modify the classifications and salary ranges for employees of the Association for the remainder of Fiscal Years 2019-2023; and WHEREAS, the Board of Directors then adopted Resolution No. 2019-03 amending Section 6.02 of the MOU to remove the Meter Services Lead, Sr. Plant Operator, Sr. Maintenance Worker, and Sr. Mechanic from the Certificate Pay section and to further amend Exhibit A of the MOU to modify the classifications and salary ranges for employees of the Association for the remainder of Fiscal Years 2019-2023. WHEREAS, it is the desire of the Board of Directors to further amend Exhibit A of the MOU to remove the Meter Reader II and add the Field Customer Service Representative/Meters II classification and salary range effective July 1, 2019. Resolution No. 2019-XX Amending Exhibit A of the MOU 2 NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda Water District as follows: Section 1. That effective July 1, 2019, Exhibit A of the Memorandum of Understanding between the District and the Yorba Linda Water District Employees Association for Fiscal Years 2019-2023 be amended to read as attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 11th day of June 2019 by the following called vote: AYES: NOES: ABSTAIN: ABSENT: Brooke Jones, President Yorba Linda Water District ATTEST: Annie Alexander, Board Secretary Yorba Linda Water District Reviewed as to form by General Counsel: Andrew B. Gagen, Esq. Kidman Gagen Law LLP Exhibit A Yorba Linda Water District – Bargaining Unit Employees Association Classifications and Salary Ranges Effective July 1, 2019March 3, 2019 CLASSIFICATION TITLE SALARY RANGES FLSA Accounting Assistant I BU 17 Non-Exempt Construction Inspector BU 24 Non-Exempt Customer Service Representative I BU 15 Non-Exempt Customer Service Representative II BU 17 Non-Exempt Customer Service Representative III BU 19 Non-Exempt Engineering Technician I BU 20 Non-Exempt Engineering Technician II BU 24 Non-Exempt Facilities Maintenance BU 21 Non-Exempt Field Customer Service Representative/Meters II BU 20 Non-Exempt GIS Analyst BU 26 Non-Exempt GIS Technician BU 24 Non-Exempt Information Systems Technician I BU 22 Non-Exempt Maintenance Worker I BU 17 Non-Exempt Maintenance Worker II BU 20 Non-Exempt Maintenance Worker III BU 23 Non-Exempt Mechanic I BU 17 Non-Exempt Mechanic II BU 21 Non-Exempt Mechanic III BU 23 Non-Exempt Meter Reader I BU 16 Non-Exempt Meter Reader II BU 18 Non-Exempt Office Clerk BU 12 Non-Exempt Operations Assistant BU 23 Non-Exempt Plant Operator I BU 21 Non-Exempt Plant Operator II BU 23 Non-Exempt Public Affairs Representative BU 17 Non-Exempt Sr. Construction Inspector BU 26 Non-Exempt Sr. SCADA Technician BU 27 Non-Exempt Water Quality Technician I BU 20 Non-Exempt Water Quality Technician II BU 22 Non-Exempt Exhibit A Yorba Linda Water District – Bargaining Unit Employees Association Classifications and Salary Ranges Effective July 1, 2019 CLASSIFICATION TITLE SALARY RANGES FLSA Accounting Assistant I BU 17 Non-Exempt Construction Inspector BU 24 Non-Exempt Customer Service Representative I BU 15 Non-Exempt Customer Service Representative II BU 17 Non-Exempt Customer Service Representative III BU 19 Non-Exempt Engineering Technician I BU 20 Non-Exempt Engineering Technician II BU 24 Non-Exempt Facilities Maintenance BU 21 Non-Exempt Field Customer Service Representative/Meters II BU 20 Non-Exempt GIS Analyst BU 26 Non-Exempt GIS Technician BU 24 Non-Exempt Information Systems Technician I BU 22 Non-Exempt Maintenance Worker I BU 17 Non-Exempt Maintenance Worker II BU 20 Non-Exempt Maintenance Worker III BU 23 Non-Exempt Mechanic I BU 17 Non-Exempt Mechanic II BU 21 Non-Exempt Mechanic III BU 23 Non-Exempt Meter Reader I BU 16 Non-Exempt Office Clerk BU 12 Non-Exempt Operations Assistant BU 23 Non-Exempt Plant Operator I BU 21 Non-Exempt Plant Operator II BU 23 Non-Exempt Public Affairs Representative BU 17 Non-Exempt Sr. Construction Inspector BU 26 Non-Exempt Sr. SCADA Technician BU 27 Non-Exempt Water Quality Technician I BU 20 Non-Exempt Resolution No. 2019-XX Amending Exhibit A of the Personnel Manual for Unrepresented Employees 1 RESOLUTION NO. 2019-XX RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT AMENDING EXHIBIT A OF THE PERSONNEL MANUAL FOR UNREPRESENTED EMPLOYEES FOR THE REMAINDER OF FISCAL YEARS 2019-2023 WHEREAS, the Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda Water District previously adopted the Personnel Manual (Manual) for Unrepresented Employees for Fiscal Years 2019-2023 (Resolution No. 18-11); and WHEREAS, the Board of Directors then adopted Resolution No. 18-17 amending the effective dates of Exhibits A through F of the Manual to reflect the 1st day of July of the applicable fiscal year; and WHEREAS, the Board of Directors then adopted Resolution No. 18-29 amending Section 6.02 of the Manual to clarify the benefits and special conditions offered by the District for Unrepresented Employees as related to Certificate Pay and amending Exhibit A of the Manual to modify the classifications and salary ranges for Unrepresented Employees for the remainder of Fiscal Years 2019-2023; and WHEREAS, the Board of Directors then adopted Resolution No. 18-35 amending Section 4.07 and Articles 6 and 7 of the Manual to clarify the benefits and special conditions offered by the District for Unrepresented Employees as related to Merit Increases, Certificate Pay, Commercial Drivers’ License Pay, Uniforms, Fatigue Accommodation, Standby Compensation, and Call- out Compensation and amending Exhibit A of the Manual to modify the classifications and salary ranges for Unrepresented Employees for the remainder of Fiscal Years 2019-2023; and WHEREAS, the Board of Directors then adopted Resolution No. 2019-04 amending Sections 3.01 and 6.02 to add Director of Public Affairs to the Management Resolution No. 2019-XX Amending Exhibit A of the Personnel Manual for Unrepresented Employees 2 Employees definition and add Sr. Field Customer Service Representative/Meters to the Certificate Pay section and to further amend Exhibit A of the Manual to modify the classifications and salary ranges for Unrepresented Employees for the remainder of Fiscal Years 2019-2023. WHEREAS, it is the desire of the Board of Directors to further amend Exhibit A of the Manual for Unrepresented Employees to remove the Construction Project Manager and add the Associate Engineer classification and salary range effective July 1, 2019. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda Water District as follows: Section 1. That effective July 1, 2019, Exhibit A of the Personnel Manual for Unrepresented Employees for Fiscal Years 2019-2023 be amended to read as attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 11th day of June 2019 by the following called vote: AYES: NOES: ABSTAIN: ABSENT: Brooke Jones, President Yorba Linda Water District ATTEST: Annie Alexander, Board Secretary Yorba Linda Water District Reviewed as to form by General Counsel: Andrew B. Gagen, Esq. Kidman Gagen Law LLP Exhibit A Yorba Linda Water District – Unrepresented Employees Classifications and Salary Ranges Effective July 1, 2019March 3, 2019 CLASSIFICATION TITLE SALARY RANGES FLSA Accountant UN 25 Exempt Accounting Assistant II UN 21 Non-Exempt Assistant General Manager*UN 42 Exempt Associate Engineer UN 28 Exempt Construction Project Manager UN 30 Exempt Customer Service Billing Administrator UN 30 Exempt Director of Public Affairs*UN 34 Exempt Engineering Manager*UN 39 Exempt Executive Assistant UN 32 Non-Exempt Finance Manager*UN 39 Exempt Human Resources Analyst UN 27 Exempt Human Resources Technician UN 23 Non-Exempt Human Resources/Risk and Safety Manager*UN 39 Exempt Information Systems Administrator UN 30 Exempt Information Technology Manager*UN 37 Exempt Maintenance Superintendent UN 30 Exempt Operations Manager*UN 39 Exempt Operations Superintendent UN 30 Exempt Principal Engineer UN 32 Exempt Production Superintendent UN 31 Exempt Records Management Administrator UN 30 Exempt Records Management Specialist UN 19 Non-Exempt Safety and Training Analyst UN 27 Exempt Safety and Training Technician UN 23 Non-Exempt Sr. Accountant UN 30 Exempt Sr. Field Customer Service Representative/Meters UN 23 Non-Exempt Sr. Engineer UN 30 Exempt Sr. Maintenance Worker UN 26 Non-Exempt Sr. Management Analyst UN 33 Exempt Sr. Mechanic UN 26 Non-Exempt Sr. Plant Operator UN 26 Non-Exempt Sr. Project Manager UN 34 Exempt * Management Classifications Exhibit A Yorba Linda Water District – Unrepresented Employees Classifications and Salary Ranges Effective July 1, 2019 CLASSIFICATION TITLE SALARY RANGES FLSA Accountant UN 25 Exempt Accounting Assistant II UN 21 Non-Exempt Assistant General Manager*UN 42 Exempt Associate Engineer UN 28 Exempt Customer Service Billing Administrator UN 30 Exempt Director of Public Affairs*UN 34 Exempt Engineering Manager*UN 39 Exempt Executive Assistant UN 32 Non-Exempt Finance Manager*UN 39 Exempt Human Resources Analyst UN 27 Exempt Human Resources Technician UN 23 Non-Exempt Human Resources/Risk and Safety Manager*UN 39 Exempt Information Systems Administrator UN 30 Exempt Information Technology Manager*UN 37 Exempt Maintenance Superintendent UN 30 Exempt Operations Manager*UN 39 Exempt Operations Superintendent UN 30 Exempt Principal Engineer UN 32 Exempt Production Superintendent UN 31 Exempt Records Management Administrator UN 30 Exempt Records Management Specialist UN 19 Non-Exempt Safety and Training Analyst UN 27 Exempt Safety and Training Technician UN 23 Non-Exempt Sr. Accountant UN 30 Exempt Sr. Field Customer Service Representative/Meters UN 23 Non-Exempt Sr. Engineer UN 30 Exempt Sr. Maintenance Worker UN 26 Non-Exempt Sr. Management Analyst UN 33 Exempt Sr. Mechanic UN 26 Non-Exempt Sr. Plant Operator UN 26 Non-Exempt Sr. Project Manager UN 34 Exempt * Management Classifications ITEM NO. 7.6 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: June 11, 2019 Budgeted:N/A To:Board of Directors Funding Source:Developer Funded From:Marc Marcantonio, General Manager Account No:1-2600 Job No:201929 Presented By:Rosanne Weston, Engineering Manager Dept:Engineering Reviewed by Legal:N/A Prepared By:Ricardo Hipolito Jr., Engineering Tech II Subject:Terms and Conditions for Water Service with Ajax Lakeview Development, LLC, 719 S Lakeview Ave, Placentia SUMMARY: The applicant is proposing to develop two vacant lots measuring 3.3 acres and 2.4 acres for the construction of two industrial buildings. The subject lots are located south of Orangethorpe Avenue, and west of Lakeview Avenue on Lakeview Loop Way in the City of Placentia. The exhibit is attached. The District will provide water service, and the City of Placentia will provide sewer service. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors approve the Terms and Conditions for Water Service with Ajax Lakeview Development, LLC, 719 S Lakeview Ave, Job No. 201929. DISCUSSION: The applicant, Ajax Lakeview Development, LLC, is proposing to construct two commercial industrial buildings. The subject lot was subdivided and developed as part of the 2014 Orange County Transportation Authority (OCTA) grade separation bridge project. The District has an existing 10-inch water main at the north side of this development in Lakeview Loop Way, and an existing 18-inch water main east of and adjacent to Lakeview Avenue. The applicant is required to construct a 10-inch onsite water main connecting to existing facilities along Lakeview Loop Way, and to the 18-inch water main as depicted on the attached exhibit. This will create a looped waterline system. The applicant will dedicate the onsite water main to the District. The applicant is also conditioned by the Orange County Fire Authority to provide private fire suppression facilities for the two buildings. The applicant is required to construct a double check detector assembly in association with this system. Additionally, the applicant will also construct two water services for domestic and irrigation to serve each building, and will be required to relocate an existing fire hydrant within the project site. Sewer service will be provided by the City of Placentia. The Terms and Conditions for Water Service with Ajax Lakeview Development, LLC are attached for the Board's consideration. ATTACHMENTS: Name:Description:Type: 201929_T___C.pdf Backup Material Backup Material 201929_-_Exhibit.pdf Backup Material Backup Material Date: June 11, 2019 YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR WATER AND SEWER SERVICE NAME OF APPLICANT: AJAX LAKEVIEW DEVELOPMENT, LLC. LOCATION OF PROJECT: 719 S. LAKEVIEW AVENUE TRACT NUMBER: N/A JOB NUMBER: 201929 SEWER: N/A LOT(S): 2 The applicant will be required to complete to the satisfaction of the District the following items that have an “X” following the number. 1) ☒ The applicant shall provide the District with a copy of the Grant Deed or Title Report of the property to be served. 2) ☒ The applicant shall include information deemed necessary by the District in the event the applicant is required to file a Department of Real Estate Tax Disclosure statement. 3) ☒ The applicant shall submit two (2) sets of the improvement plans to the District for plan check processing. a) Improvement Plans b) Grading Plans c) Tract, Parcel or Vesting Map d) Landscaping Plans 4) ☒ Improvement Plans submitted for plan check shall comply with the submittal requirements established by the YLWD Engineering Department. 5) ☒ The applicant shall dedicate or obtain all easements deemed necessary by the District in accordance with the Rules and Regulations of the District. All easement documents shall be prepared under the supervision of and stamped by a Professional Land Surveyor or a Registered Civil Engineer (licensed prior to January 1, 1982) licensed to practice in the State of California. 6) ☒ The applicant shall provide the District with a copy of the Recorded Tract/Parcel Map(s) or Easement Documents illustrating all District easements required by Term and Condition No. 7, prior to requesting occupancy releases. 7) ☒ The applicant shall prepare and process all easements to be quitclaimed by the District in accordance with the Rules and Regulations of the District. Page 2 of 5 NAME OF APPLICANT: AJAX LAKEVIEW DEVELOPMENT, LLC. LOCATION OF PROJECT: 719 S. LAKEVIEW AVENUE 8) ☒ The applicant shall furnish the District with a 24-hour emergency telephone number prior to the District’s approval of the construction plans. 9) ☒ The applicant shall notify the District 48 hours prior to initiating any work related to required or proposed improvements. 10) ☒ The applicant shall complete a Temporary Construction Meter Permit application for all water to be used in construction work and all water used under such permit shall be taken from the approved construction meter. 11) ☒ The applicant shall provide, per the District specifications, the "As Built" AutoCAD file (version 2016 or earlier) of the Water and/or Sewer facilities. 12) ☒ The applicant shall complete an Application to and Agreement with the Yorba Linda Water District for Water Service. 13) ☒ The applicant shall pay all of the water fees as required by the Rules and Regulations for Water Service of the District. 14) ☒ The applicant shall pay meter fees associated with the installation of radio read meters for this project. 15) ☒ The applicant shall comply with the Rules and Regulations for Water Service of the Yorba Linda Water District. 16) ☒ The applicant shall provide the District with a set of plans stamped and approved by the Orange County Fire Authority, or fire agency having jurisdiction, that identifies approved fire hydrant locations. Such approved plan must be submitted to the District before staff will initiate a District plan check for water improvements. 17) ☒ The applicant shall have all water facilities designed in accordance with the District's Water Facilities Plan and the Standard Specifications and Drawings for Construction of Domestic Water and Sewer Facilities. All design plans shall be prepared under the supervision of and stamped by a Registered Civil Engineer licensed to practice in the State of California. 18) ☒ The applicant’s engineer shall provide a computer hydraulic analysis report to confirm that the District’s existing water system can accommodate the project. 19) ☒ The applicant’s water facilities (on-site) shall be District owned and maintained. Page 3 of 5 NAME OF APPLICANT: AJAX LAKEVIEW DEVELOPMENT, LLC. LOCATION OF PROJECT: 719 S. LAKEVIEW AVENUE 20) ☒ The applicant shall be required to conduct flow tests at their cost in the event the Orange County Fire Authority requires a flow test. A District representative shall be present to witness the flow test. 21) ☒ The applicant shall comply with all additional District requirements, relative to the fire protection system, fire hydrant construction and fire hydrant locations. 22) ☐ The applicant shall install water Sampling Station(s) in conformance with the District’s Standard Specifications and Drawings for Construction of Domestic Water and Sewer Facilities. 23) ☒ The applicant shall provide a completed Surety Bond for the water facilities prior to the District signing the Water Improvement Plans. The applicant shall also provide to the District an estimate of the construction costs of the proposed water facilities. 24) ☒ The applicant shall install the curb and gutters a minimum of one week prior to the installation of the water main and services. 25) ☒ All existing water services that are not useable in the new plan shall be cut and plugged at the main line. 26) ☒ The applicant shall coordinate through the District all connections of new water facilities to the existing District facilities. 27) ☒ The applicant shall provide a written copy of the Bacteriological Report prior to occupancy releases certifying that the water meets the Health Department's requirements. 28) ☒ The applicant shall adjust and raise to grade all valve covers within the limits of this project. 29) ☒ The applicant shall install a pressure regulator in all buildings that have over 80 p.s.i. static water pressure in accordance with the appropriate building codes. 30) ☒ The applicant shall install a District approved backflow device in connection with any private fire suppression sprinkler facilities that may be required by the Orange County Fire Authority or fire agency having jurisdiction. 31) ☒ The applicant shall install a reduced pressure principle backflow prevention device on all commercial buildings and landscape services. 32) ☒ The applicant shall install and provide a written test report to the District for each backflow device certifying that the backflow devices are operating properly. Page 4 of 5 NAME OF APPLICANT: AJAX LAKEVIEW DEVELOPMENT, LLC. LOCATION OF PROJECT: 719 S. LAKEVIEW AVENUE 33) ☒ The applicant shall install and provide a written test report to the District certifying that the double check detector assembly is operating properly prior to the double check detector assembly being turned on for service. 34) ☒ The applicant shall provide an annual written test report to the District certifying that the backflow devices and fire detector assemblies are operating properly pursuant to the District’s Backflow Prevention Program and the State of California Administrative Code, Title 17, Public Health Rules and Regulations Relating to Cross-Connections. 35) ☐ The applicant shall complete a Sewer Connection Application and Permit for Sewer Service. 36) ☐ The applicant shall complete an Application to and Agreement with the Yorba Linda Water District for Sanitary Sewer Service. 37) ☐ The applicant shall comply with the Rules and Regulations for Sewer Service of the Yorba Linda Water District. 38) ☐ The applicant shall pay all of the sewer fees as required by the Rules and Regulations for Sewer Service of the District. 39) ☐ The applicant shall have all sewer facilities designed in accordance with the District's Sewer Master Plan and the Standard Specifications and Drawings for Construction of Domestic Water and Sewer Facilities. All design plans shall be prepared under the supervision of and stamped by a Registered Civil Engineer licensed to practice in the State of California. 40) ☐ The applicant’s engineer shall provide sewer flow calculations to confirm that the District’s existing sewer system can accommodate the peak wastewater generation from the project. 41) ☐ The applicant shall provide a completed Surety Bond for the sewer facilities prior to the District signing the Sewer Improvement Plans. The applicant shall also provide to the District an estimate of the construction costs of the proposed sewer facilities. 42) ☐ The applicant’s sewer facilities (on-site) shall be Privately owned and maintained. 43) ☐ The applicant shall construct a sewer main and appurtenances in conformance with the approved plans and the District’s Standard Specifications and Drawings for Construction of Domestic Water and Sewer Facilities. Page 5 of 5 NAME OF APPLICANT: AJAX LAKEVIEW DEVELOPMENT, LLC. LOCATION OF PROJECT: 719 S. LAKEVIEW AVENUE 44) ☐ The applicant shall adjust and raise to grade all sewer manhole covers within the limits of this project. 45) ☐ The applicant shall install a sewer backflow prevention valve on all sewer service connections in which the pad elevations of the property being served is lower than the rim elevation of the upstream manhole. Installation of the backflow device shall comply with all requirements of the Building and Plumbing Codes of the appropriate agency having jurisdiction. 46) ☐ The applicant shall submit a video inspection report of their sewer project in DVD format. The video of the sewer facilities shall be conducted in the presence of the District inspector, which will include stationing locations of manholes, cleanouts, wyes, laterals, backflow devices and appurtenances. (END OF STANDARD TERMS AND CONDITIONS) PROJECT SPECIFIC TERMS AND CONDITIONS 47) ☒ The applicant shall construct a looped water system by installing a 10-inch water main from Lakeview Loop Way to the existing 18-inch water main east of Lakeview Avenue. 48) ☒ The applicant shall install two commercial water services, two irrigation water services, and two fire double detector check assemblies, per approved plans and District Specifications. 49) ☒ The applicant shall abandoned an existing fire hydrant and construct a new fire hydrant, per approved plans and District Specifications. I hereby certify that the foregoing Terms and Conditions were approved at the June 11, 2019 Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda Water District. The approved Terms and Conditions shall become void six (6) months from the approval date if a formal Water Service Agreement between Yorba Linda Water District and the applicant is not executed for the project under consideration. Marc Marcantonio, General Manager N L GElHOaP ., FASw c. _ i z ., . Ap \ \ •-�-�\---` 1 I EASTLgK�IEWLppP w I — `NANO A CI 3 1 IW iz o z Q PARKING I �SL I + LAKEVIEW LOOP I -- IS i �-- PRCJECT _ _ I Y -_ �'--- I L SIT g �/RIt�GI EX.18"WATER MAIN —EX.10"WATERLINE - - _ LJ LJ W PROPOSED SEWER BY { CITY OF PLACENTIA I] PROP.PUBIL • J FIRE HYDRANT f ` O_ PROPOSED 2-2" I� EX.WATER SERVICE I MIRALOMA AVE PROPOSED DCDA O IRRIGATIONS I� TO ABANDONED I - - - -----—-—tt-fel-�—- -; 5 LL — F.H.(PVT.) PROK)SE�2 D — — — VICINITY MAP a — Ww e EX.FIRE HYDRAN � I N.T.S. Y TO BE RELOCATEI W PD J.; J PROP.10"WATER MAIN I Q / EX.WATER SERVICE > a TO BE ABANDONED ui co I T171 PROPOSED 2-2"WATER I - - • �YSERVICES I I I. LAKEVIEW LOOP I —PROPOSED DCDA L EX.WATER SERVICE 1 TO ABANDONED EX.F.H. I `O I I LOCATION MAP PREPARED BY: EXHIBIT SCALE: N.T.S. YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT PROPOSED WATER IMPROVEMENT DATE: FOR 06/11/2019 El 1717 E. MIRALOMA AVENUE AJAX LAKEVIEW DEVELOPMENT, LLC. PLACENTIA, CALIFORNIA 92870 719 S. LAKEVIEW AVENUE, PLACENTIA, CA 92870 FILENAME: (714) 701-3100 2019-29 ITEM NO. 8.1 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: June 11, 2019 Subject:Status of Engineering Activities ATTACHMENTS: Name:Description:Type: Engineering_Report.pdf Backup Material Backup Material Status of Engineering Activities6/11/2019Presented by:Rosanne Weston, PMPEngineering Manager6/3/2019 1Yorba Linda Water District Acacia Hill Sewer Emergency Repair15” Vitrified Clay Pipe (VCP) Sewer Main installed in 19656/3/2019 2Yorba Linda Water District CCTV Inspection During Early Morning Low Flow6/3/2019 3Yorba Linda Water District Rock Intruding Into Pipe6/3/2019 4Yorba Linda Water District Location of Pipe Break - Kingsbriar Park6/3/2019 5Yorba Linda Water District Storm Drainage Bypass6/3/2019 6Yorba Linda Water District Storm Drainage Bypass6/3/2019 7Yorba Linda Water District Sewage Bypass6/3/2019 8Yorba Linda Water District Exposed Sewer6/3/2019 9Yorba Linda Water District 1965 Sewer Record Drawing6/3/2019 10Yorba Linda Water District Improper Backfill Found Over Pipe6/3/2019 11Yorba Linda Water District 1965 Sewer Record Drawing roc CY See -f9rCT4A l 1VOO. 7'7'cfr C r res ber /7r- r, rorx ! Cal 01' } rrr{or r sh Il .e } r7 PI erx f1'0 Cl'y 117eerls 01'frce 60J�Or/&e r?OJYl r ' r7�yr rr7 the a,#,n-. fCOr,,,a 49 0 6 & C..t y �Pe Jr%. r'r{/c/7'40 . ,4 0 0 0 O/cis l2 &1 C ,.;r r1 a rrr�x� x rr� a�' r�.� 2c>/rhes 00 Op Cr,-7 12 rrf'cs6veof }6c, 7 W17&r 7 C& b e 0 erg mer-/"f7 toe . eU fi70rOugA comp .? b rc / freiv rm Im-ge -c car, lurr7p,6 01-Oe-R0,171rrWf'CeV'O/ erlbre a"7 OCCCD fob le . m?ge ees/ is Cor-" /Cff�q& C/ .6�1r� V,70-' CP-7 hCIe covere he ve bee,7 & e.�h ,fix , c}/r' 0-oinga c/� r r {/ r r rr } rrc i /ems //?or7 '0ov �-;b;V,- -24) 117cLr7-5 0rrol- /0 C'O r77 en&r)Cr ;trcr 01-7 MC r r 0 Lf.PslVmay yr SAVA'r7 ; /he ccs reha//eNpv-le fie 0r-ba !rr/g.C?ltrcr ,C"P e a 4L1.95 so l a l /{pc IOCO�16,n O rlhe peps rr7ov a! 6/3/2019 r�A`}r rd. Rhrgr�&. 671-3440, _ rffa/ i 3 rlr7 12 r e 0f e ar.". i trerr y � r r'es s rr Concrete Cap Over Pipe Not Shown in Record Drawing6/3/2019 13Yorba Linda Water District Several Holes Found in Pipe6/3/2019 14Yorba Linda Water District Late Night Sewer Repair6/3/2019 15Yorba Linda Water District Pipe and Backfill Removal6/3/2019 16Yorba Linda Water District Pipe Bedding Installation6/3/2019 17Yorba Linda Water District New Pipe Installation6/3/2019 18Yorba Linda Water District New 6 foot Section of VCP6/3/2019 19Yorba Linda Water District Pipe Backfill6/3/2019 20Yorba Linda Water District Filter Fabric Around Pipe6/3/2019 21Yorba Linda Water District Rip Rap Replaced6/3/2019 22Yorba Linda Water District Storm Drainage Bypass Removed6/3/2019 23Yorba Linda Water District CCTV Inspection Revealed Buried Junction Structure6/3/2019 24Yorba Linda Water District Junction Structure Excavation6/3/2019 25Yorba Linda Water District 6/3/2019 26Yorba Linda Water DistrictExisting Junction Structure Manhole Base Pour6/3/2019 27Yorba Linda Water District Manhole Installation6/3/2019 28Yorba Linda Water District Manhole Installation to Grade6/3/2019 29Yorba Linda Water District Backfill Around Manhole6/3/2019 30Yorba Linda Water District Sidewalk Completed6/3/2019 31Yorba Linda Water District •Sewer Repair: $50,799•Manhole Installation: $31,570•Total Repair Cost: $82,369•Sewer to be included in FY20 CIPP project•Discussions with City of Yorba Linda regarding damage to sewerRepair Costs and Follow-up6/3/2019 32Yorba Linda Water District 6/3/2019 33Yorba Linda Water DistrictFairmont Booster Pump Station 6/3/2019 34Yorba Linda Water DistrictCamino Verde and Mickel Lane Waterline Improvements Camino Verde Waterline Improvements Countrywood DrPalm DrivewayMickel LaneEasy St.Mickel Lane Waterline Improvements •PFOA and PFOS Draft Notification Letters to governing bodies•Public Health Goals Report due 7/1/2019•Staffing changes and consultant assistance•Updated Asset Management Plan model•Assessment District Pilot Studies6/3/2019Yorba Linda Water District37Other Engineering Activities 6/3/2019Yorba Linda Water District38 6/3/2019Yorba Linda Water District39 ITEM NO. 8.2 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: June 11, 2019 Subject:Cost-Benefit Analysis of Electronic vs. Paper Billing (Nederhood) ATTACHMENTS: Name:Description:Type: Electronic_vs._Paper_Invoicing.pdf Backup Material Backup Material Cost Analysis Manual Invoice versus Electronic   Type of Cost US Mail Bill         (cost  per bill)  Electronic Bill (cost  per bill) 0.0230$                        0.0230$                    0.1048$                         ‐$                           0.0141$                         ‐$                             0.0140$                         ‐$                           0.0133$                         ‐$                             0.3819$                         ‐$                            InfoSend Print Image Archiving Cost  =0.0100$                       0.0100$                    Subtotal  = 0.5611$                       0.0330$                    17,175                     7,535                    Monthly Costs  = 9,636.07$                    248.66$                    Annual Costs  = 115,632.79$               2,983.86$                 Count of Customers  =    InfoSend eBill Processing & Storage Count  =   InfoSend Data Processing Count  =   InfoSend 8.5 X 11 Printed Invoice Form  =   InfoSend #10 Outgoing Envelope Count  =   InfoSend #9 Return Envelope Count  =   InfoSend Statement Postage Cost  =   ITEM NO. 8.3 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: June 11, 2019 To:Board of Directors From:Marc Marcantonio, General Manager Dept:Finance Prepared By:Delia Lugo, Finance Manager Subject:Public Funds Investment Policy for Fiscal Year 2020 DISCUSSION: The California Government Code (CGC) requires that "the treasurer or chief fiscal officer of a local entity render to the legislative body of that local agency and any oversight committee of that local agency, a statement of investment policy, which should be considered at a public meeting." The Public Funds Investment Policy for the Yorba Linda Water District ("the District") establishes procedures that are formulated in compliance with governing provisions of law (Government Code Sections 53600 et seq.) for a prudent and systemic investment program in support of the District’s overall mission. The District’s Treasurer shall annually prepare or cause to be prepared a statement of investment policy and such policy, and any changes thereto, shall be reviewed and approved by the Board at a public meeting; (CGC 53646(a)). Staff has completed their annual review of the District's current Public Funds Investment Policy and is recommending to retain the policy as adopted in Resolution No. 18-12 for FY20. ATTACHMENTS: Name:Description:Type: Investment_Policy.pdf Backup Material Backup Material 3010-004 Public Funds Investment Policy Page 1 of 14 Policies and Procedures Policy No.: 3010-004 Adoption Method: Resolution No. 18-12 Effective Date: July 1, 2018 Last Revised: July 1, 2017 Prepared By: Delia Lugo, Finance Manager Applicability: District Wide POLICY: PUBLIC FUNDS INVESTMENT TABLE OF CONTENTS Section 1.0 Policy Section 2.0 Scope Section 3.0 Delegation of Authority Section 4.0 Investment Objectives Section 5.0 Prudence Section 6.0 Ethics and Conflicts of Interest Section 7.0 Authorized Broker/Dealers Section 8.0 Authorized Investments Section 9.0 Review of Investment Portfolio Section 10.0 Investment Pools Section 11.0 Collateralization Section 12.0 Safekeeping and Custody Section 13.0 Diversification and Maximum Maturities Section 14.0 Internal Controls Section 15.0 Performance Standards Section 16.0 Reporting Section 17.0 Investment Policy Adoption Appendix A Description of Authorized Investments and Restrictions Appendix B Glossary 3010-004 Public Funds Investment Policy Page 2 of 14 1.0 POLICY 1.1 It is the policy of the Yorba Linda Water District (“District”) to invest public funds in a manner which ensures the safety and preservation of capital while meeting reasonably anticipated operating expenditure needs, achieving a reasonable rate of return and conforming to all state and local statutes governing the investment of public funds. 1.2 The purpose of this policy is to provide guidelines for the prudent investment of funds of the District and to outline the policies for maximizing the efficiency of the District’s cash management. The District’s goal is to enhance the economic status of the District consistent with the prudent protection of the District’s investments. This investment policy has been prepared in conformance with all pertinent existing laws of the State of California. 2.0 SCOPE 2.1 This Investment Policy applies to all funds and investment activities of the District, except for the proceeds from capital project financing instruments, which are invested in accordance with provisions of their specific documents. These funds are accounted for as Enterprise Funds and are identified in the District’s Comprehensive Annual Financial Report. 3.0 DELEGATION OF AUTHORITY 3.1 The authority of the Board of Directors to invest funds is derived from Section 53601 of the California Government Code (“CGC”). Section 53607 of the CGC grants the Board of Directors the authority to delegate that authority, for a one-year period, to the District’s Treasurer. Therefore, management responsibility for the investment program is hereby delegated to the District’s Treasurer, who shall be responsible for all transactions undertaken and shall establish a system of controls to regulate the activities of subordinate officials and their procedures in the absence of the Treasurer. The Treasurer shall establish procedures for the management of investment activities, including the activities of staff consistent with this Policy. 3.2 The Treasurer may retain the services of an outside investment advisor or manager as approved by the Board to assist with the District’s investment program. Any investment advisor selected shall make all investment decisions and transactions in strict accordance with State law, and this Policy. 4.0 INVESTMENT OBJECTIVES 4.1 The primary objectives, in priority order, of the District’s investment activities shall be: 4.1.1 Safety: Safety and preservation of principal is the foremost objective of the investment program. Investments shall be selected in a manner that seeks to ensure the preservation of capital in the District’s overall portfolio. This will be accomplished through a program of diversification and maturity limitations, more fully described in Section 13, in order that potential losses on individual 3010-004 Public Funds Investment Policy Page 3 of 14 securities do not exceed the income generated from the remainder of the portfolio. 4.1.2 Liquidity: The District’s investment portfolio will remain sufficiently liquid to enable the District to meet all operating requirements which might be reasonably anticipated. Securities should mature concurrent with cash needs to meet anticipated demands. 4.1.3 Return on Investments: The District’s investment portfolio shall be designed with the objective of attaining the best yield or returns on investments, taking into account the investment risk constraints and liquidity needs. Return on investment is of secondary importance compared to the safety and liquidity objectives. 5.0 PRUDENCE 5.1 The standard of prudence to be used by the designated representative shall be the “prudent investor” standard and shall be applied in the context of managing the overall portfolio. The meaning of the standard of prudent investor is explained in CGC Section 53600.3, which states that “when investing, reinvesting, purchasing, acquiring, exchanging, selling or managing public funds, a trustee shall act with care, skill, prudence, and diligence under the circumstances then prevailing, including, but not limited to, the general economic conditions and the anticipated needs of the agency, that a prudent person acting in a like capacity and familiarity with those matters would use in the conduct of funds of a like character and with like aims, to safeguard the principal and maintain the liquidity needs of the agency.” 5.2 The Treasurer and delegated investment officers, acting in accordance with District procedures and the Policy and exercising due diligence, shall be relieved of personal responsibility for an individual security’s credit risk or market price changes, provided deviations from expectations are reported in a timely fashion and appropriate action is taken to control adverse developments. 5.3 Investments shall be made with judgment and care - under circumstances then prevailing - which persons of prudence, discretion and intelligence exercise in the management of their own affairs, not for speculation, but for investment, considering the probable safety of their capital as well as the probable income to be derived. 6.0 ETHICS AND CONFLICTS OF INTEREST 6.1 Officers and employees involved in the investment process shall refrain from personal business activity that could conflict with proper execution of the investment program, or which could impair their ability to make impartial investment decisions. Employees and investment officials shall disclose to the District’s General Manager any material financial interests in financial institutions that conduct business with the District’s boundaries, and they shall further disclose any large personal financial/investment positions that could be related to the performance of the District. 3010-004 Public Funds Investment Policy Page 4 of 14 7.0 AUTHORIZED BROKER/DEALERS 7.1 The Treasurer will maintain a list of authorized broker/dealers and financial institutions that are approved for investment purposes. Broker/dealers will be selected for credit worthiness and must be authorized to provide investment services in the State of California. These may include “primary” dealers or regional dealers that qualify under Securities & Exchange Commission Rule 15(C)3-1 (uniform net capital rule). No public deposit will be made by the broker/dealer except in a qualified public depository as established by the established state laws. Before a financial institution or broker/dealer is used, they are subject to investigation and approval by the Treasurer or his/her designated representative, and must submit the following: 7.1.1 Certification of having read and understood this investment policy resolution and agreeing to comply with the District’s investment policy; 7.1.2 Proof of Federal Investment Regulatory Authority certification; 7.1.3 Proof of State of California registration; 7.1.4 Audited financial statements for the institution’s three (3) most recent fiscal years; 7.1.5 References of other public-sector clients that similar services are provided to. 7.2 If a third party investment advisor is authorized to conduct investment transactions on the District’s behalf, the investment advisor may use their own list of approved independent broker/dealers and financial institutions. The investment advisor’s approved list must be made available to the District upon request. 8.0 AUTHORIZED INVESTMENTS 8.1 The District is provided a broad spectrum of eligible investments under the CGC Sections 53601 et seq. Authorized investments shall also include, in accordance with CGC section 16429.1 et seq., investments into the Local Agency Investment Fund (LAIF) and the Orange County Treasurer’s Commingled Investment Pool in accordance with CGC section 53684. Within the investments permitted by the CGC, the District seeks to further restrict eligible investment to the investments listed in Section 8.3 below. Percentage holding limits listed in this section apply at the time the security is purchased. Ratings, where shown, specify the minimum credit rating category required at purchased without regard to +/- or 1,2,3 modifiers, if any. 8.2 The purchase of any investment permitted by the CGC, but not listed as an authorized investment in this Policy is prohibited without the prior approval of the Board of Directors. 3010-004 Public Funds Investment Policy Page 5 of 14 8.3 Within the context of these limitations, the following investments are authorized: TABLE 1 Permitted Investments*/ Deposits CA Government Code % of Portfolio Limits / Maturity Limits YLWD % of Portfolio Limits / Maturity Limits Bank Deposits# No % limit, 5 years No % limit, 5 years CD Placement Service# 30% limit, 5 years 30% limit, 5 years Local Agency Investment Fund (LAIF)^ No % or maturity limit No % or maturity limit County Pooled Investment Funds^ No % or maturity limit No % or maturity limit Joint Powers Authority Funds (CalTRUST & CAMP)^ No % or maturity limit No % or maturity limit U.S. Treasury Obligations No % limit, 5 years No % limit, 5 years U.S. Agency Obligations No % limit, 5 years No % limit, 5 years Negotiable Certificates of Deposit# 30% portfolio, 5 years 30% portfolio, 5 years Money Market Funds* 20%, 10% per issuer, no limit 20%, 10% per issuer, no limit Medium-Term (or Corporate) Notes* 30% portfolio, 5 years 30% portfolio, 5 years Bankers Acceptances* 40%, 30% per issuer, 180 days 10% max, 5% per issuer, 180 days Commercial Paper* 25%, 10% per issuer, 270 days 25% max, 5% per issuer, 270 days * See Appendix A for more detailed descriptions and additional restrictions. ^ See Section 10.0 for additional restrictions. # See Section 11.0 for additional restrictions. 3010-004 Public Funds Investment Policy Page 6 of 14 9.0 REVIEW OF INVESTMENT PORTFOLIO 9.1 The securities held by the District must be in compliance with Section 8 Authorized Investments at the time of purchase. The Treasurer shall at least quarterly review the portfolio to verify that all securities are in compliance with Section 8 Authorized Investments. In the event a security held by the District is subject to a credit rating change that brings it below the minimum credit ratings specified in Appendix A Authorized Investments, the Treasurer should notify the Board of Directors of the change. The course of action to be followed will then be decided on a case-by-case basis, considering such factors as the reason for the change, prognosis for recovery or further rate drops, and the market price of the security. 10.0 INVESTMENT POOLS 10.1 A thorough investigation of any investment pool or mutual fund is required prior to investing, and on a continual basis. The investigation will, at a minimum, obtain the following information: 10.1.1 A description of eligible investment securities, and a written statement of investment policy and objectives; 10.1.2 A description of interest calculations and how it is distributed, and how gains and losses are treated; 10.1.3 A description of how the securities are safeguarded (included the settlement processes), and how often the securities are priced and the program audited; 10.1.4 A description of who may invest in the program, how often and what size deposit and withdrawal are allowed; 10.1.5 A schedule for receiving statements and portfolio listings; 10.1.6 Are reserves, retained earnings, etc. utilized by the pool/fund; 10.1.7 A fee schedule and when and how it is assessed; 10.1.8 Is the pool/fund eligible for bond proceeds and/or will it accept such proceeds; 11.0 COLLATERALIZATION 11.1 Bank Deposits: Under provisions of the CGC, California banks and savings and loan associations are required to secure the District’s deposits by pledging eligible securities with a value of 110% of principal and accrued interest. State law also allows financial institutions to secure District deposits by pledging first trust deed mortgage notes having a value of 150% of the District’s total deposits. 11.2 Waiver of Security: The Treasurer, at his/her discretion and in accordance with CGC section 53653, may waive security for the portion of any deposits as is insured pursuant to federal law. 3010-004 Public Funds Investment Policy Page 7 of 14 12.0 SAFEKEEPING AND CUSTODY 12.1 All security transactions entered into by the District shall be conducted on a delivery-versus-payment basis. Securities will be held by a third party custodian designated by the Treasurer and evidenced by safekeeping receipts. The only exception to the foregoing shall be depository accounts and securities purchases made with (i) local government investment pools, and (ii) money market mutual funds, since those purchased securities are not deliverable. 13.0 DIVERSIFICATION AND MAXIMUM MATURITIES 13.1 The District will diversify its investments by security type and institution. With the exception of U.S. Treasuries, U.S. Agency Securities, FDIC Insured Certificates of Deposit and authorized pools, no more than 30% of the District’s total investment portfolio will be invested in a single security type or with a single financial institution. 13.2 To the extent possible, the District will attempt to match its investments with anticipated cash flow requirements. Unless matched to a specific cash flow and approved in advance by the Board of Directors, the District will not directly invest in securities maturing more than 5 years from the date of purchase. 14.0 INTERNAL CONTROLS 14.1 The external auditors will annually review the investments and general activities associated with the investment program. This review will provide internal control by assuring compliance with the Investment Policy and District policies and procedures. 15.0 PERFORMANCE STANDARDS 15.1 The investment portfolio will be designed with the objective of obtaining a rate of return throughout budgetary and economic cycles, commensurate with the investment risk constraints and the cash flow needs. 15.2 The performance of the District’s investment portfolio will be evaluated and compared to an appropriate benchmark in order to assess the success of the investment portfolio relative to the District’s Safety, Liquidity and Return on Investments objectives. This review will be conducted annually by the District Treasurer. 16.0 REPORTING 16.1 Subject to CGC sections 53607 and 53646(b), the Treasurer will provide monthly and quarterly investment reports to the Board of Directors which provide a clear picture of the status of the current investment portfolio. The reports shall comply with the reporting requirements of CGC sections 53607 and 53646(b), respectively. 17.0 INVESTMENT POLICY ADOPTION 17.1 The District’s Investment Policy will be adopted by resolution of the Board of Directors. The policy will be reviewed on an annual basis and modification, if any, must be approved by the Board of Directors. 3010-004 Public Funds Investment Policy Page 8 of 14 APPENDIX A DESCRIPTION OF AUTHORIZED INVESTMENTS AND RESTRICTIONS The following descriptions of authorized investments, maximum maturities and limits are included here to assist in the administration of this policy. 1) BANK DEPOSITS The District may make bank deposits in accordance with California Government Code section 53630 et seq., which requires collateral. Per California Government Code Section, there are three classes of deposits: (a) inactive deposits, (b) active deposits and (c) interest-bearing active deposits. The collateral requirements apply to both active deposits (checking and savings accounts) and inactive deposits (non-negotiable time certificates of deposit). The maximum maturity shall be five years. No limit will be placed on the percentage total invested in this category. 2) CD PLACEMENT SERVICE – Government Code Sections 53601.8 and 53653.8 The District may invest in collateralized certificates of deposits in accordance with the requirements in California Government Code Sections 53601.8 and 53635.8. Purchases of certificates of deposit pursuant to Government Code Sections 53601.8, 53653.8, and 53601 shall not, in total, exceed 30 percent of District’s investment portfolio. The maximum maturity is limited to five years. 3) THE STATE LOCAL AGENCY INVESTMENT FUND (LAIF) – Government Code Section 16429.1 The LAIF is a special fund in the California State Treasury and an investment alternative for California’s local governments and special districts created and governed pursuant to CGC Section 16429.1 et seq. and managed by the State Treasurer’s Office. The District, with the consent of the Board of Directors, is authorized to remit money not required for the District’s immediate need, to the State Treasurer for deposit in this fund for the purpose of investment. Principal may be withdrawn on one day’s notice. The fees charged by LAIF are limited by statute. Investment of District funds in LAIF shall be subject to investigation and due diligence prior to investing, and on a continual basis to a level of review described in Section 10 Investment Pools. No limit will be placed on the percentage total in this category. 4) ORANGE COUNTY TREASURER’S COMMINGLED INVESTMENT POOL (OCCIP) – Government Code Section 53684 The OCCIP is a money market investment pool managed by the Orange County Treasurer’s Office. OCCIP is more fully described in the glossary at Appendix B. The District has no funds invested in OCCIP at this time. Investment of District funds in OCCIP would be subject to investigation and due diligence prior to investing, and on a continual basis to a level of review described in Section 10 Investment Pools. There is no maturity limit. No limit will be placed on the percentage total in this category. 5) THE INVESTMENT TRUST OF CALIFORNIA (CALTRUST) – Government Code Section 53601(p) The Investment Trust of California (CalTRUST) is a local government investment pool organized as a joint powers authority pursuant to California Government 3010-004 Public Funds Investment Policy Page 9 of 14 Code Section 6509.7. Wells Capital Management, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Wells Fargo, is the portfolio manager for each of the CalTRUST funds. Investment of District funds in CalTRUST shall be subject to investigation and due diligence prior to investing, and on a continual basis to a level of review described in Section 10 Investment Pools. No limit will be placed on the percentage total in this category. 6) CALIFORNIA ASSET MANAGEMENT PROGRAM (CAMP) – Government Code Section 53601(p) The Trust is currently governed by a Board of five Trustees, all of whom are officials or employees of Public Agencies. The Trustees are responsible for setting overall policies and procedures for the Trust. The Program’s Investment Adviser and Administrator is Public Financial Management, Inc. The amounts deposited in this category shall be limited to bond proceeds and are to be invested for the purpose of arbitrage management only. The District has no funds invested in CAMP at this time. Investment of District funds in OCCIP would be subject to investigation and due diligence prior to investing, and on a continual basis to a level of review described in Section 10 Investment Pools. Proceeds may be invested in the Treasury Portfolio and/or the Money Market Portfolio. There is no maturity limit. No limit will be placed on the percentage total in this category. 7) U.S. TREASURY OBLIGATIONS – Government Code Section 53601(b) United States Treasury notes, bonds, bills or certificates of indebtedness, or those for which the faith and credit of the United States are pledged for the payment of principal and interest. The maximum maturity shall be limited to five years. No limit will be placed on the percentage total invested in this category. 8) U.S. AGENCY OBLIGATIONS – Government Code Section 53601(f) Federal agency or United States government-sponsored enterprise senior debt obligations, participations, mortgaged-backed securities or other instruments, including those issued by or fully guaranteed as to principal and interest by Federal agencies or United States government-sponsored enterprises. Examples of these securities include Federal National Mortgage Association, Federal Farm Credit Bank, Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation and Federal Home Loan Bank. The maximum maturity shall be limited to five years with no limit placed on the percentage total in this investment category. 9) NEGOTIABLE CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT – Government Code Section 53601(i) Investments are limited to deposits issued by a nationally or state-chartered bank, a savings association or a federal association (as defined by Section 5102 of the Financial Code), a state or federal credit union, or by a state-licensed branch of a foreign bank. Individual investments shall be limited to Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation- insured limits of $250,000. Purchases of certificates of deposit pursuant to Government Code Sections 53601.8, 53653.8, and 53601 shall not, in total, exceed 30 percent of District’s investment portfolio. The maximum maturity is limited to five years. 3010-004 Public Funds Investment Policy Page 10 of 14 10) MONEY MARKET FUNDS – Government Code Section 53601(l)(2) Shares of a beneficial interest issued by diversified management companies that are money market funds registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission. The company shall have met either of the following criteria: (A) attained the highest ranking or the highest letter and numerical rating provided by not less than two nationally recognized rating services and (B) retained an investment adviser registered or exempt from registration with the Securities and Exchange Commission with not less than five years of experience managing money market mutual funds with assets under management in excess of five hundred million dollars ($500,000,000). There is no maturity limit. A maximum of 20 percent of the portfolio may be invested in this category, and a maximum of 10 percent of the portfolio may be invested in any single issuer. If the District has funds invested in a money market fund, a copy of the fund’s information statement shall be maintained on file. In addition, the Treasurer should review the fund’s summary holdings on a quarterly basis. 11) MEDIUM-TERM (OR CORPORATE) NOTES – Government Code Section 53601(k) Medium-term notes are defined as all corporate and depository institution debt securities with a maximum remaining maturity of five years or less. The corporation must be domestic, the notes must be domestic and the notes must be issued in the United States. The corporation must be rated A or its equivalent or better by a nationally recognized rating service. The maximum maturity is limited to five years and the maximum percentage allowable for investment is 30 percent of the investment portfolio in the aggregate. 12) BANKERS’ ACCEPTANCES – Government Code Section 53601 (g) Bankers’ acceptances, otherwise known as bills of exchange or time drafts, are drawn on and accepted by a commercial bank. Purchases are limited to bankers’ acceptances issued by domestic or foreign banks, which are eligible for purchase by the Federal Reserve System. Eligible bankers’ acceptances are restricted to issuing financial institutions with a short-term debt rating of at least “A-1” or its equivalent by a nationally recognized rating service. The maximum term may not exceed 180 days and the maximum percentage allowable for investment is 10 percent of the portfolio in the aggregate, and 5% for an individual issuer. 13) COMMERCIAL PAPER – Government Code Section 53601(h) Commercial paper rated the highest ranking or of the highest letter and number ratings as provided for by a nationally recognized rating service. The entity that issues the commercial paper shall meet either of the following two sets of criteria: (1) The corporation shall be organized and operating within the United States, shall have total assets in excess of $500,000,000, and shall have debt, other than commercial paper, if any, that is rated A or higher by a nationally recognized rating service. (2) The corporation shall be organized within the United States as a special purpose corporation, trust, or limited liability company, has program wide credit enhancements including, but not limited to, over collateralization, letters of credit, or surety bond; has commercial paper that is rated “A-1” or higher, or equivalent by a nationally recognized statistical-rating organization. Eligible commercial paper may not exceed 270 days’ maturity and may not represent more than the 25 percent of the investment portfolio in the aggregate, and 5% for an individual issuer. 3010-004 Public Funds Investment Policy Page 11 of 14 APPENDIX B GLOSSARY AGENCIES: Federal agency securities and/or Government-sponsored enterprises. ASKED: The price at which securities are offered. BANKERS’ ACCEPTANCE (BA): A draft or bill or exchange accepted by a bank or trust company. The accepting institution guarantees payment of the bill, as well as the issuer. BENCHMARK: A comparative base for measuring the performance or risk tolerance of the investment portfolio. A benchmark should represent a close correlation to the level of risk and the average duration of the portfolio’s investments. BID: The price offered by a buyer of securities. (When you are selling securities, you ask for a bid.) See Offer. BROKER: A broker brings buyers and sellers together for a commission. CERTIFICATE OF DEPOSIT (CD): A time deposit with a specific maturity evidenced by a Certificate. Large-denomination CD’s are typically negotiable. COLLATERAL: Securities, evidence of deposit or other property, which a borrower pledges to secure repayment of a loan. Also refers to securities pledged by a bank to secure deposits of public monies. COMPREHENSIVE ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT (CAFR): The official annual report of the District. It includes five combined statements for each individual fund and account group prepared in conformity with GAAP. It also includes supporting schedules necessary to demonstrate compliance with finance-related legal and contractual provisions, extensive introductory material, and a detailed Statistical Section. COUPON: (a) The annual rate of interest that a bond’s issuer promises to pay the bondholder on the bond’s face value. (b) A certificate attached to a bond evidencing interest due on a payment date. DEALER: A dealer, as opposed to a broker, acts as a principal in all transactions, buying and selling for his own account. DEBENTURE: A bond secured only by the general credit of the issuer. DELIVERY VERSUS PAYMENT: There are two methods of delivery of securities: delivery versus payment and delivery versus receipt. Delivery versus payment is delivery of securities with an exchange of money for the securities. Delivery versus receipt is delivery of securities with an exchange of a signed receipt for the securities. DERIVATIVES: (1) Financial instruments whose return profile is linked to, or derived from, the movement of one or more underlying index or security, and may include a leveraging factor, or (2) financial contracts based upon notional amounts whose value is derived from an underlying index or security (interest rates, foreign exchange rates, equities or commodities). 3010-004 Public Funds Investment Policy Page 12 of 14 DISCOUNT: The difference between the cost price of a security and its maturity when quoted at lower than face value. A security selling below original offering price shortly after sale also is considered to be at a discount. DISCOUNT SECURITIES: Non-interest bearing money market instruments that are issued a discount and redeemed at maturity for full face value (e.g., U.S. Treasury Bills.) DIVERSIFICATION: Dividing investment funds among a variety of securities offering independent returns. DURATION: A measure of the sensitivity of the price (the value of principal) of a fixed- income investment to a change in interest rates. Duration is expressed as a number of years. Rising interest rates mean falling bond prices, while declining interest rates mean rising bond prices. FEDERAL CREDIT AGENCIES: Agencies of the Federal government set up to supply credit to various classes of institutions and individuals, e.g., S&L’s, small business firms, students, farmers, farm cooperatives, and exporters. FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION (FDIC): A federal agency that insures bank deposits, currently up to $250,000 per entity. FEDERAL FUNDS RATE: The rate of interest at which Fed funds are traded. This rate is currently pegged by the Federal Reserve through open-market operations. FEDERAL HOME LOAN BANKS (FHLB): Government sponsored wholesale banks (currently 12 regional banks), which lend funds and provide correspondent banking services to member commercial banks, thrift institutions, credit unions and insurance companies. The mission of the FHLBs is to liquefy the housing related assets of its members who must purchase stock in their district Bank. FEDERAL NATIONAL MORTGAGE ASSOCIATION (FNMA): FNMA, like GNMA was chartered under the Federal National Mortgage Association Act in 1938. FNMA is a federal corporation working under the auspices of the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). It is the largest single provider of residential mortgage funds in the United States. Fannie Mae, as the corporation is called, is a private stockholder-owned corporation. The corporation’s purchases include a variety of adjustable mortgages and second loans, in addition to fixed-rate mortgages. FNMA’s securities are also highly liquid and are widely accepted. FNMA assumes and guarantees that all security holders will receive timely payment of principal and interest. FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM: The central bank of the United States created by Congress and consisting of a seven member Board of Governors in Washington, D.C., 12 regional banks and about 5,700 commercial banks are members of the system. GOVERNMENT NATIONAL MORTGAGE ASSOCIATION (GNMA or Ginnie Mae): Securities influencing the volume of bank credit guaranteed by GNMA and issued by mortgage bankers, commercial banks, savings and loan associations, and other institutions. Security holder is protected by full faith and credit of the U.S. Government. Ginnie Mae securities are backed by the FHA, VA or FHA mortgages. The term “pass- throughs” is often used to describe Ginnie Maes. LIQUIDITY: A liquid asset is one that can be converted easily and rapidly into cash without a substantial loss of value. In the money market, a security is said to be liquid if the spread between bid and asked prices is narrow and reasonable size can be done at those quotes. 3010-004 Public Funds Investment Policy Page 13 of 14 LOCAL GOVERNMENT INVESTMENT POOL (LGIP): The aggregate of all funds from political subdivisions that are placed in the custody of the State Treasurer for investment and reinvestment. MARKET VALUE: The price at which a security is trading and could presumably be purchased or sold. MASTER REPURCHASE AGREEMENT: A written contract covering all future transactions between the parties to repurchase—reverse repurchase agreements that establishes each party’s rights in the transactions. A master agreement will often specify, among other things, the right of the buyer-lender to liquidate the underlying securities in the event of default by the seller borrower. MATURITY: The date upon which the principal or stated value of an investment becomes due and payable. MONEY MARKET: The market in which short-term debt instruments (bills, commercial paper, bankers’ acceptances, etc.) are issued and traded. OFFER: The price asked by a seller of securities. (When you are buying securities, you ask for an offer.) See Asked and Bid. OPEN MARKET OPERATIONS: Purchases and sales of government and certain other securities in the open market by the New York Federal Reserve Bank as directed by the FOMC in order to influence the volume of money and credit in the economy. Purchases inject reserves into the bank system and stimulate growth of money and credit; sales have the opposite effect. Open market operations are the Federal Reserve’s most important and most flexible monetary policy tool. PORTFOLIO: Collection of securities held by an investor. PRIMARY DEALER: A group of government securities dealers who submit daily reports of market activity and positions and monthly financial statements to the Federal Reserve Bank of New York and are subject to its informal oversight. Primary dealers include Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)-registered securities broker-dealers, banks, and a few unregulated firms. PRUDENT PERSON RULE: An investment standard. In some states the law requires that a fiduciary, such as a trustee, may invest money only in a list of securities selected by the custody state—the so-called legal list. In other states the trustee may invest in a security if it is one which would be bought by a prudent person of discretion and intelligence who is seeking a reasonable income and preservation of capital. QUALIFIED PUBLIC DEPOSITORIES: A financial institution which does not claim exemption from the payment of any sales or compensating use or ad valorem taxes under the laws of this state, which has segregated for the benefit of the commission eligible collateral having a value of not less than its maximum liability and which has been approved by the Public Deposit Protection Commission to hold public deposits. RATE OF RETURN: The yield obtainable on a security based on its purchase price or its current market price. This may be the amortized yield to maturity on a bond the current income return. 3010-004 Public Funds Investment Policy Page 14 of 14 REPURCHASE AGREEMENT (REPO): A holder of securities sells these securities to an investor with an agreement to repurchase them at a fixed price on a fixed date. The security “buyer” in effect lends the “seller” money for the period of the agreement, and the terms of the agreement are structured to compensate him for this. SAFEKEEPING: A service to customers rendered by banks for a fee whereby securities and valuables of all types and descriptions are held in the bank’s vaults for protection. SECONDARY MARKET: A market made for the purchase and sale of outstanding issues following the initial distribution. SECURITIES & EXCHANGE COMMISSION: Agency created by Congress to protect investors in securities transactions by administering securities legislation. SEC RULE 15(C)3-1: See Uniform Net Capital Rule. STRUCTURED NOTES: Notes issued by Government Sponsored Enterprises (FHLB, FNMA, SLMA, etc.) and Corporations, which have imbedded options (e.g., call features, step-up coupons, floating rate coupons, and derivative-based returns) into their debt structure. Their market performance is impacted by the fluctuation of interest rates, the volatility of the imbedded options and shifts in the shape of the yield curve. TREASURY BILLS: A non-interest bearing discount security issued by the U.S. Treasury to finance the national debt. Most bills are issued to mature in three months, six months, or one year. TREASURY BONDS: Long-term coupon-bearing U.S. Treasury securities issued as direct obligations of the U.S. Government and having initial maturities of more than 10 years. TREASURY NOTES: Medium-term coupon-bearing U.S. Treasury securities issued as direct obligations of the U.S. Government and having initial maturities from two to 10 years. UNIFORM NET CAPITAL RULE: Securities and Exchange Commission requirement that member firms as well as nonmember broker-dealers in securities maintain a maximum ratio of indebtedness to liquid capital of 15 to 1; also called net capital rule and net capital ratio. Indebtedness covers all money owed to a firm, including margin loans and commitments to purchase securities, one reason new public issues are spread among members of underwriting syndicates. Liquid capital includes cash and assets easily converted into cash. YIELD: The rate of annual income return on an investment, expressed as a percentage. (a) INCOME YIELD is obtained by dividing the current dollar income by the current market price for the security. (b) NET YIELD or YIELD TO MATURITY is the current income yield minus any premium above par or plus any discount from par in purchase price, with the adjustment spread over the period from the date of purchase to the date of maturity of the bond. ITEM NO. 8.4 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: June 11, 2019 To:Board of Directors From:Marc Marcantonio, General Manager Presented By:Delia Lugo, Finance Manager Dept:Finance Prepared By:Saira Hernandez, Accountant Subject:Budget to Actual Reports for the Month Ending April 30, 2019 DISCUSSION: For the month ending April 30, 2019, staff is presenting Budget to Actual Reports for the District as a whole, as well as the individual water and sewer funds. Cumulative Volumetric Water Revenue, as reported through the month ending April 30, 2019, reflects an average decrease of 11.58% as compared to the prior year for the same reporting period. Commercial and Fire classified customer connections have the lowest decrease in consumption sales of 10.55% as compared to reported results from the prior year. Total Variable Costs results, as reported through the month ending April 30, 2019, reflect a 11.4% decrease when compared to prior year for the same reporting period. The decrease in costs is predominantly reflective of the decrease in total water demand, which as reported, is 10.61% below that of prior year. STRATEGIC PLAN: G2 3B - Regularly assess net position and steps to meet strategic goals. ATTACHMENTS: Name:Description:Type: Financial_Reports_Apr_19.pdf Backup Material Backup Material FY19 Annual Budget YTD Actuals thru April 2019 YTD % of Budget Water Revenue (Residential)16,592,437$ 11,270,013$ 67.92% Water Revenue (Commercial & Fire Det.)1,964,205 1,398,775 71.21% Water Revenue (Landscape/Irrigation)3,863,805 2,806,078 72.62% Service Charges 10,116,528 8,366,758 82.70% Other Operating Revenue 827,887 768,641 92.84% Total Operating Revenue 33,364,861 24,610,265 73.76% Revenue (Non-Operating): Interest 310,000 544,860 175.76% Property Taxes 1,850,000 1,778,243 96.12% Other Non-Operating Revenue 605,346 712,084 117.63% Total Non-Operating Revenue 2,765,346 3,035,187 109.76% Total Revenue 36,130,207$ 27,645,452$ 76.52% Expenses (Operating): Variable Water Costs (G.W., Import & Power) Water-Related Costs 12,247,280$ 8,865,852$ 72.39% Fixed Costs 1,188,085 613,901 51.67% Power-Related Costs 1,358,012 1,396,232 102.81% Variable Water Costs Related Expenses Total 14,793,377 10,875,985 73.52% Salary Related Expenses 9,931,772 7,368,217 74.19% Reduction for Capital Project Labor (279,000) (223,931) 80.26% Salary Related Expenses Total 9,652,772 7,144,286 74.01% Supplies & Services Communications 159,120 128,342 80.66% Contractual Services 475,966 314,348 66.04% Data Processing 285,129 222,937 78.19% Dues & Memberships 82,077 73,616 89.69% Fees & Permits 264,546 224,330 84.80% Board Election 69,750 52,742 75.62% Insurance 281,967 224,685 79.68% Materials 658,714 724,208 109.94% District Activities, Emp Recognition 43,013 26,630 61.91% Maintenance 432,971 377,561 87.20% Non-Capital Equipment 136,294 107,886 79.16% Office Expense 40,343 31,670 78.50% Professional Services 475,804 307,237 64.57% Training 67,188 30,588 45.53% Travel & Conferences 125,279 65,992 52.68% Uncollectible Accounts 2,790 3,244 116.26% Utilities 169,911 152,244 89.60% Vehicle Expenses 316,262 220,893 69.85% Supplies & Services Sub-Total 4,087,123 3,289,153 80.48% Total Operating Expenses 28,533,272 21,309,424 74.68% Expenses (Non-Operating) Other Expense 8,600 1,912 22.24% Total Non-Operating Expenses 8,600 1,912 22.24% Total Expenses 28,541,872$ 21,311,336$ 74.67% Net Revenues 7,588,335 6,334,116 83.47% Less: Debt Service (Principal & Interest)2,738,258 2,738,256 100.00% Less: Committed Capital Expenditures (PayGo)4,484,500 2,871,555 64.03% Transfer to/(from) Reserves 365,577 724,304 198.13% Net Total -$ -$ Yorba Linda Water District Water Enterprise FY19 ProForma - Use of Funds April 2019 1 Yorba Linda Water District Summary Financial Report Water & Sewer Funds For Period Ending April 30, 2019 Annual YTD April YTD YTD Actual Prior Year Prior Year YTD Actual YTD Actual Budget Budget Actual Actual (Under) Over Apr Actual Actual (thru vs vs FY19 FY19 FY19 FY19 YTD Budget FY18 Apr 2018)PY Actual $PY Actual % Revenue (Operating): Water Revenue (Residential)16,592,437$ 13,486,333$ 830,032$ 11,270,013 (2,216,319)$ 881,005$ 12,647,330$ (1,377,317)$ -10.89% Water Revenue (Commercial & Fire Det.)1,964,205 1,596,506 99,465 1,398,775 (197,731) 109,615 1,563,689 (164,914) -10.55% Water Revenue (Landscape/Irrigation)3,863,805 3,140,501 111,174 2,806,078 (334,423) 148,603 3,236,358 (430,280) -13.30% Water Revenue (Service Charge)10,116,528 8,430,440 838,655 8,366,758 (63,682) 833,155 8,332,247 34,511 0.41% Sewer Charge Revenue 2,229,246 1,857,705 182,211 1,837,440 (20,264) 168,151 1,707,509 129,931 7.61% Locke Ranch Assessments 273,250 270,990 105,909 296,129 25,139 77,001 260,072 36,056 0.00% Other Operating Revenue 894,617 745,514 63,633 821,376 75,862 35,215 656,465 164,911 25.12% Total Operating Revenue:35,934,087 29,527,988 2,231,079 26,796,569 (2,731,418) 2,252,745 28,403,670 (1,607,101) -5.66% Revenue (Non-Operating): Interest 358,000 298,333 118,687 649,213 350,880 66,200 395,369 253,844 64.20% Property Tax 1,850,000 1,772,855 592,929 1,778,243 5,389 480,913 1,658,780 119,463 0.00% Other Non-Operating Revenue 639,846 533,205 51,706 741,941 208,736 13,905 269,604 472,337 175.20% Total Non-Operating Revenue:2,847,846 2,604,393 763,322 3,169,397 565,004 561,018 2,323,753 845,644 36.39% Total Revenue 38,781,933 32,132,381 2,994,401 29,965,966 (2,166,414) 2,813,763 30,727,423 (761,457) -2.48% Expenses (Operating): Variable Water Costs (G.W., Import & Power)14,793,377 12,087,013 945,974 10,875,985 (1,211,028) 1,200,582 12,275,003 (1,399,018) -11.40% Salary Related Expenses 10,784,493 8,184,075 715,510 7,884,311 (299,764) 458,570 7,664,762 219,549 2.86% Supplies & Services 4,571,268 3,661,158 368,653 3,627,536 (33,622) 320,996 3,451,989 175,547 5.09% Total Operating Expenses 30,149,138 23,932,246 2,030,137 22,387,832 (1,544,414) 1,980,148 23,391,754 (1,003,922) -4.29% Expenses (Non-Operating): Interest on Long Term Debt 1,325,785 1,281,780 111,601 1,127,413 (154,367) 115,401 1,141,351 (13,938) -1.22% Other Expense 14,200 11,833 1,806 988,419 976,586 386 (55,236) 1,043,655 -1889.45% Total Non-Operating Expenses:1,339,985 1,293,614 113,407 2,115,832 822,218 115,787 1,086,115 1,029,717 94.81% Total Expenses 31,489,123 25,225,860 2,143,544 24,503,664 (722,196) 2,095,935 24,477,869 25,795 0.11% Net Position Before Capital Contributions 7,292,810 6,906,521 850,857 5,462,302 (1,444,218) 717,828 6,249,554 (787,252) -12.60% Special Item - - - - - (2,205,847) 2,205,847 -100.00% Capital Contributions (Non-Cash - - 38,556 38,556 3,447,318 (3,408,762) 0.00% Transaction GASB 34 Compliant) Net Position Before Depreciation 7,292,810 6,906,521 850,857 5,500,858 (1,405,662) 717,828 7,491,025 (1,990,167) -26.57% Depreciation & Amortization 7,726,142 6,419,952 608,054 6,116,453 (303,498) 630,610 6,210,967 (94,514) -1.52% Total Net Position (433,332)$ 486,570$ 242,803$ (615,595)$ (1,102,164)$ 87,218$ 1,280,058$ (1,895,653)$ -148.09% Capital - Direct Labor (300,000)(250,000)(19,821) (288,287) (38,287) (16,589) (207,956) (80,331) 38.63% (With April 30, 2018 for comparison purposes) 2 Annual YTD April YTD YTD Actual Prior Year Prior YTD YTD Actual YTD - CUR Budget Budget Actual Actual (Under)Over Apr Actual Actual (thru vs vs FY19 FY19 FY19 FY19 YTD Budget FY18 Apr 2018) PY Actual $PY Actual % Revenue (Operating): Water Revenue (Residential)16,592,437$ 13,486,333$ 830,032$ 11,270,013$ (2,216,320)$ 881,005$ 12,647,330$ (1,377,317)$ -10.89% Water Revenue (Commercial & Fire Det.)1,964,205 1,596,506 99,465 1,398,775 (197,731) 109,615 1,563,689 (164,914) -10.55% Water Revenue (Landscape/Irrigation)3,863,805 3,140,501 111,174 2,806,078 (334,422) 148,603 3,236,358 (430,279) -13.30% Water Revenue (Service Charge)10,116,528 8,430,440 838,655 8,366,758 (63,682) 833,155 8,332,247 34,511 0.41% Other Operating Revenue 827,887 689,905 61,250 768,641 78,735 38,426 593,743 174,897 29.46% Total Operating Revenue:33,364,861 27,343,685 1,940,576 24,610,265 (2,733,419) 2,010,804 26,373,367 (1,763,102) -6.69% Revenue (Non-Operating): Interest 310,000 258,333 90,531 544,860 286,527 50,460 340,485 204,375 60.02% Property Tax 1,850,000 1,772,855 592,929 1,778,243 5,388 480,913 1,658,780 119,463 7.20% Other Non-Operating Revenue 605,346 504,455 51,706 712,084 207,629 12,699 289,319 422,765 146.12% Total Non-Operating Revenue:2,765,346 2,535,643 735,166 3,035,187 499,543 544,072 2,288,584 746,603 32.62% Total Revenue 36,130,207 29,879,328 2,675,742 27,645,452 (2,233,876) 2,554,876 28,661,951 (1,016,499) -3.55% Expenses (Operating): Variable Water Costs (G.W., Import & Power)14,793,377 12,087,013 945,974 10,875,985 (1,211,028) 1,200,582 12,275,003 (1,399,018) -11.40% Salary Related Expenses 9,652,772 7,343,871 636,787 7,144,286 (199,585) 400,652 6,837,428 306,858 4.49% Supplies & Services: Communications 159,120 132,600 13,097 128,342 (4,258) 5,228 109,825 18,518 16.86% Contractual Services 475,966 351,638 38,753 314,348 (37,290) 30,608 327,080 (12,732) -3.89% Data Processing 285,129 219,549 (8,629) 222,937 3,388 16,987 151,400 71,537 47.25% Dues & Memberships 82,077 73,049 283 73,616 567 304 76,811 (3,195) -4.16% Fees & Permits 264,546 220,455 13,520 224,330 3,875 16,747 204,243 20,087 9.84% Board Election 69,750 69,750 52,742 (17,008) - - 52,742 Insurance 281,967 234,973 19,403 224,685 (10,288) 21,242 207,693 16,991 8.18% Materials 658,714 548,928 73,392 724,208 175,280 39,189 601,045 123,163 20.49% District Activities, Emp Recognition 43,013 35,844 1,712 26,630 (9,214) 1,877 16,846 9,783 58.07% Maintenance 432,971 360,809 68,357 377,561 16,752 69,571 352,976 24,585 6.96% Non-Capital Equipment 136,294 113,578 25,188 107,886 (5,692) 7,559 97,782 10,105 10.33% Office Expense 40,343 33,619 3,423 31,670 (1,949) 3,263 30,807 863 2.80% Professional Services 475,804 349,503 18,837 307,237 (42,267) 51,212 513,135 (205,899) -40.13% Training 67,188 55,990 7,350 30,588 (25,401) 2,663 26,669 3,919 14.70% Travel & Conferences 125,279 98,899 8,367 65,992 (32,907) 5,661 51,305 14,687 28.63% Uncollectible Accounts 2,790 2,325 (879) 3,244 919 (569) 2,728 516 18.92% Utilities 169,911 141,593 25,796 152,244 10,651 16,245 142,069 10,175 7.16% Vehicle Equipment 316,262 249,602 20,456 220,893 (28,708) 11,954 190,234 30,659 16.12% Supplies & Services Sub-Total 4,087,123 3,292,704 328,426 3,289,153 (3,551) 299,741 3,102,648 186,505 6.01% Total Operating Expenses 28,533,272 22,723,588 1,911,187 21,309,424 (1,414,164) 1,900,975 22,215,079 (905,655) -4.08% Expenses (Non-Operating): Interest on Long Term Debt 1,325,785 1,281,780 111,601 1,127,413 (154,368) 115,401 1,141,351 (13,938) -1.22% Other Expense 8,600 7,167 1,806 979,045 971,878 386 (53,121) 1,032,166 -1943.05% Total Non-Operating Expenses:1,334,385 1,288,947 113,407 2,106,458 817,511 115,787 1,088,230 1,018,228 93.57% Total Expenses 29,867,657 24,012,534 2,024,594 23,415,881 (596,653) 2,016,762 23,303,309 112,572 0.48% Net Position Before Capital Contributions 6,262,550 5,866,794 651,148 4,229,571 (1,637,223) 538,114 5,358,642 (1,129,071) -21.07% Special Item - - - - - (2,205,847) 2,205,847 -100.00% Capital Contributions (Non-Cash Transaction -- - 34,500 34,500 - 1,847,505 (1,813,005) -98.13% GASB 34 Compliant) Net Position Before Depreciation 6,262,550 5,866,794 651,148 4,264,071 (1,602,723) 538,114 5,000,300 (736,229) -14.72% Depreciation & Amortization 6,329,146 5,255,788 493,202 4,970,445 (285,344) 515,652 5,072,819 (102,374) -2.02% Total Net Position (66,596)$ 611,005$ 157,946$ (706,374)$ (1,317,379)$ 22,462$ (72,519)$ (633,855)$ 874.05% Capital - Direct Labor (279,000) (232,500) (11,790) (223,931) 8,569 (14,392) (189,954) (33,977) 17.89% Yorba Linda Water District Water Fund For Period Ending April 30, 2019 (With April 30, 2018 for comparison purposes) 3 $25,639,453 $26,606,963 $25,999,256 $28,661,951 $27,645,452 -3.55% $21,134,732 $19,388,965 $21,223,457 $23,303,309 $23,415,881 0.48% $- $5,000,000 $10,000,000 $15,000,000 $20,000,000 $25,000,000 $30,000,000 $35,000,000 Apr. 2015 Apr. 2016 Apr. 2017 Apr. 2018 Apr. 2019 Water Revenues & Expenses -April (excludes Depreciation, Special Items, and Contributed Capital ) Total Revenue Total Expenses 4 Annual YTD April YTD YTD Actual Prior Year Prior Year YTD Actual YTD - CUR Budget Budget Actual Actual (Under)Over Apr Actual Actual (thru vs vs FY19 FY19 FY19 FY19 YTD Budget FY18 Apr 2018)PY Actual $PY Actual % Revenue (Operating): Sewer Charge Revenue 2,229,246$ 1,857,705$ 182,211$ 1,837,440$ (20,264)$ 168,151$ 1,707,509$ 129,932$ 7.61% Locke Ranch Assessments 273,250 270,990 105,909 296,129 25,138 77,001 260,072 36,056 0.00% Other Operating Revenue 66,730 55,608 2,383 52,735 (2,874) (3,211) 62,721 (9,987) -15.92% Total Operating Revenue:2,569,226 2,184,303 290,503 2,186,304 2,001 241,941 2,030,302 156,001 7.68% Revenue (Non-Operating): Interest 48,000 40,000 28,156 104,353 64,353 15,740 54,884 49,469 90.13% Other Non-Operating Revenue 34,500 28,750 29,858 1,108 1,206 (19,715) 49,573 -251.45% Total Non-Operating Revenue:82,500 68,750 28,156 134,210 65,460 16,946 35,169 99,041 281.62% Total Revenue 2,651,726 2,253,053 318,659 2,320,514 67,461 258,887 2,065,471 255,043 12.35% Expenses (Operating): Salary Related Expenses 1,131,721 840,204 78,723 740,025 (100,180) 57,918 827,334 (87,309) -10.55% Supplies & Services: Communications 11,977 9,980 986 6,894 (3,086) 394 6,483 411 6.33% Contractual Services 29,766 24,805 2,598 19,605 (5,200) 2,304 24,342 (4,738) -19.46% Data Processing 17,322 14,435 528 14,694 259 1,279 11,334 3,359 29.64% Dues & Memberships 6,153 5,128 21 5,541 413 23 5,938 (397) -6.69% Fees & Permits 15,907 13,256 716 9,266 (3,990) 1,061 9,316 (50) -0.54% Board Election 5,250 4,375 3,970 (405) - - 3,970 Insurance 21,223 17,686 1,460 16,842 (844) 1,599 15,521 1,320 8.51% Materials 28,622 23,852 9,769 43,432 19,581 566 33,151 10,282 31.02% District Activities, Emp Recognition 3,238 2,698 129 1,936 (762) 141 1,258 678 53.91% Maintenance 171,630 108,025 3,950 79,504 (28,521) 2,432 110,572 (31,067) -28.10% Non-Capital Equipment 36,157 30,131 4,785 23,047 (7,083) 462 18,626 4,422 23.74% Office Expense 2,957 2,464 258 2,176 (288) 246 2,281 (104) -4.56% Professional Services 33,996 28,330 8,661 42,343 14,013 5,538 28,699 13,645 47.54% Training 13,052 10,876 989 17,500 6,624 187 4,991 12,509 250.61% Travel & Conferences 14,061 11,717 204 5,607 (6,110) 426 3,840 1,767 46.02% Uncollectible Accounts 210 175 (210) 193 18 (56) 270 (77) -28.48% Utilities 13,489 11,241 1,942 11,823 583 1,284 11,159 665 5.96% Vehicle Equipment 59,138 49,281 3,441 34,007 (15,274) 3,367 61,560 (27,552) -44.76% Supplies & Services Sub-Total 484,145 368,454 40,227 338,383 (30,072) 21,253 349,341 (10,958) -3.14% Total Operating Expenses 1,615,866 1,208,659 118,950 1,078,408 (130,251) 79,171 1,176,675 (98,267) -8.35% Expenses (Non-Operating): Other Expense 5,600 4,667 9,374 4,708 - (2,116) 11,490 -543.11% Total Non-Operating Expenses:5,600 4,667 - 9,374 4,708 - (2,116) 11,490 -543.11% Total Expenses 1,621,466 1,213,325 118,950 1,087,782 (125,543) 79,171 1,174,559 (86,777) -7.39% Net Position Before Capital Contributions 1,030,259 1,039,728 199,709 1,232,732 193,004 179,716 890,913 341,820 38.37% Capital Contributions (Non-Cash - - 4,056 4,056 1,599,813 (1,595,757) -99.75% Transaction GASB 34 Compliant) Net Position Before Depreciation 1,030,259 1,039,728 199,709 1,236,788 197,060 179,716 2,490,725 (1,253,937) -50.34% Depreciation & Amortization 1,396,996 1,164,163 114,852 1,146,008 (18,155) 114,958 1,138,148 7,860 0.69% Total Net Position (366,736)$ (124,435)$ 84,857$ 90,780$ 215,215$ 64,758$ 1,352,577$ (1,261,797)$ -93.29% Capital - Direct Labor (21,000) (17,500) (8,031) (64,356)(46,856) (2,197) (18,002)(46,354)257.50% Yorba Linda Water District Sewer Fund For Period Ending April 30, 2019 (With April 30, 2018 for comparison purposes) 5 $1,593,144 $1,687,971 $1,954,986 $2,065,471 $2,320,514 12.35% $996,984 $1,065,586 $1,137,801 $1,174,559 $1,087,782 -7.39% $- $500,000 $1,000,000 $1,500,000 $2,000,000 $2,500,000 Apr. 2015 Apr. 2016 Apr. 2017 Apr. 2018 Apr. 2019 Sewer Revenues & Expenses -April (excludes Depreciation, Special Items, and Contributed Capital) Total Revenue Total Expenses 6 $3,606,449 $4,168,740 $8,449,800 $8,457,043 $8,332,247 8,366,758$1,665,286 $1,629,977 $1,403,746 $1,468,848 $1,563,689 1,398,775 $3,739,021 $3,530,640 $2,129,282 $2,603,462 $3,236,358 2,806,078 $13,934,703 $14,387,512 $10,075,333 $10,705,485 $12,647,329 $11,270,013 $22,945,459 $23,716,869 $22,058,161 $23,234,838 $25,779,623 -7.52%decrease compared to FY18 $23,841,625 $0 $5,000,000 $10,000,000 $15,000,000 $20,000,000 $25,000,000 $30,000,000 FY14 FY15 FY16 FY17 FY18 FY19 Water Revenue Comparison by Fiscal Year Water Revenue (Service Charge) Water Revenue (Commercial & Fire Det.) Water Revenue (Landscape/Irrigation) Water Revenue (Residential)Total 7 - 100,000 200,000 300,000 400,000 500,000 600,000 700,000 800,000 FY17 FY18 FY19 FY17 FY18 FY19 FY17 FY18 FY19 FY17 FY18 FY19 FY17 FY18 FY19 FY17 FY18 FY19 NOVEMBER DECEMBER JANUARY FEBRUARY MARCH APRIL 63,789 58,343 53,077 41,197 49,277 29,976 29,725 42,840 44,271 40,920 48,163 27,314 38,942 39,778 27,776 51,279 38,906 36,243 143,525 147,368 137,653 62,133 100,928 59,372 17,947 88,221 49,880 15,732 92,152 14,160 36,200 70,377 10,653 100,176 64,775 62,542 CONSUMPTION BY UNITS CCF Residential Commercial Landscape 8 0.000.501.001.502.002.500.0010.0020.0030.0040.0050.0060.0070.001‐Apr2‐Apr3‐Apr4‐Apr5‐Apr6‐Apr7‐Apr8‐Apr9‐Apr10‐Apr11‐Apr12‐Apr13‐Apr14‐Apr15‐Apr16‐Apr17‐Apr18‐Apr19‐Apr20‐Apr21‐Apr22‐Apr23‐Apr24‐Apr25‐Apr26‐Apr27‐Apr28‐Apr29‐Apr30‐AprinchesVolume, AFRainfall and EToGroundwaterOC‐36Import WaterConsumptionEToRainfall9 012243648607284961081200.0010.0020.0030.0040.0050.0060.0070.001‐Apr2‐Apr3‐Apr4‐Apr5‐Apr6‐Apr7‐Apr8‐Apr9‐Apr10‐Apr11‐Apr12‐Apr13‐Apr14‐Apr15‐Apr16‐Apr17‐Apr18‐Apr19‐Apr20‐Apr21‐Apr22‐Apr23‐Apr24‐Apr25‐Apr26‐Apr27‐Apr28‐Apr29‐Apr30‐AprTemperature, degrees FahrenheitVolume, AFTemperatureGroundwaterOC‐36Import WaterConsumptionTemperature10 981,755 1,069,354 494,671 494,190 886,166 1,080,372 1,143,948 1,518,953 939,601 1,019,271 788,116 1,200,582 981,384 1,019,234 657,883 460,667 590,007 945,974 0 200,000 400,000 600,000 800,000 1,000,000 1,200,000 1,400,000 1,600,000 Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar April Variable Costs Analysis FY17 Var Costs FY18 Var Costs FY19 Var Costs 11 ITEM NO. 8.5 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: June 11, 2019 To:Board of Directors From:Marc Marcantonio, General Manager Presented By:Delia Lugo, Finance Manager Dept:Finance Prepared By:Saira Hernandez, Accountant Subject:Cash and Investment Report for Period Ending April 30, 2019 SUMMARY: Government Code Section 530607, et. seq., requires the person delegated to invest funds to make monthly report of investments to the legislative body. DISCUSSION: The Cash & Investment Portfolio Report presents the market value and percent yield for all District investments by institution. The Cash & Investment Summary Report includes budget and actual interest and average term portfolio information as well as market value broken out by reserve categories. The Fair Value Measurement Report categorizes investments with the fair value hierarchy established by generally accepted accounting principles. The Unrestricted Reserves and Days in Cash Graph presents Water Unrestricted Reserve Balances and Days in Cash at a particular point in time for the last four years. The average portfolio yield for the month ending April 30, 2019 is 2.29%. The District's Total Cash and Investment balance at April 30, 2019 resulted in an increase of approximately $1,466,699 when compared to the ending balance of the previous month. A large balance change includes an increase in Water Operating Funds of $1,453,699 due to a large property tax payments received $692,913, a transfer from Water Capital Project Reserve in the amount of $353,699 to cover Pay-Go for the month, and a slight increase in water usage through the reporting month compared to that of the previous month causing an increase in sales. STRATEGIC PLAN: G2 1D - Retain cash on hand of 365+ days at fiscal year end. ATTACHMENTS: Name:Description:Type: Cash_Invest_Reports_Apr_19.pdf Backup Material Backup Material Market %Date of Percent Value Par of Total Institution Maturity Yield Checking Account: 461,242$ 461,242$ Wells Fargo Bank 461,242$ 461,242$ 1.29%Total 0.00% Money Market Accounts: 251$ 251$ US Bank (Revenue Bonds)2.04% 3,290,046 3,273,199 US Bank (Money Market)2.18% 255,526 255,526 Public Agency Retirement Svcs. (PARS) 3,545,824$ 3,528,976$ 9.90%Total 2.18% Certificates of Deposits: 199,832$ 200,000$ World's Foremost Bk Sydney 05/28/19 1.30% 247,918 248,000 Capital One Bk USA Natl Assn 05/13/19 1.20% 244,311 249,000 Comenity Cap Bk Salt Lake City 06/30/21 1.68% 244,273 248,000 EnerBank USA Salt Lake City 08/26/20 1.32% 246,993 248,000 EverBank Jacksonville Fla CTF 08/30/19 1.15% 177,404 180,000 HSBC BK USA, NA MC Clean CTF 08/31/21 1.27% 242,837 248,000 Wells Fargo Bank NA Sioux Falls D 08/31/21 1.63% 244,214 247,000 PrivateBank & Tr Chicago Ill CTF 03/30/22 2.23% 247,932 249,000 JP Morgan Chase Bk NA Columbus 03/31/22 2.46% 2,095,714$ 2,117,000$ 5.85%Total 1.60% Pooled Investment Accounts: 11,282,666$ 11,282,666$ Local Agency Investment Fund 2.45% 1,362,260 1,361,065 CalTRUST Short Term 2.74% 17,084,098 17,170,284 CalTRUST Medium Term 2.33% 29,729,024$ 29,814,015$ 82.97%2.39% 35,831,804$ 35,921,233$ 100%Total Investments 2.29% Per Government Code requirements, the Investment Report is in compliance with the Yorba Linda Water District's Investment Policy, and there are adequate funds available to meet budgeted and actual expenditures for the next six months. 4/30/19 Yorba Linda Water District Cash & Investment Portfolio Report April 30, 2019 ________________________________ Saira Hernandez, Accountant 1 Below is a chart summarizing the yields as well as terms and maturities for the month of April 2019: Average # of Month Portfolio Days to of 2019 Yield Maturity April 2.29%52 Below are charts comparing operating fund interest for current and prior fiscal years. Actual Interest 4/30/2018 4/30/2019 Monthly - April 66,200$ 118,687$ Year-to-Date 395,369$ 649,213$ Budget 2017/2018 2018/2019 Interest Budget, April YTD 258,333$ 298,333$ Interest Budget, Annual 310,000$ 358,000$ Interest earned on investments is recorded in the fund that owns the investment. The distribution of investments in the portfolio both in dollars and as a percentage of the total portfolio by funds is as follows: The table below displays the District's Cash and Investment balance of $35.8 million which is allocated between the established reserve funds, Wells Fargo Checking Account, and the restricted funds held at U.S. Bank for the construction of the Fairmont Booster Pump Station. The number of Days in Cash are 379 for the Un-Restricted Water Reserve balance and 1,118 for the Un-Restricted Sewer Reserve balances, as of April 30, 2019. FY19 Reserve Cash and Requirements Investments March 2019 % Alloc April 2019 % Alloc "Target Available for Fund Description Balance 3/31/2019 Balance 4/30/2019 Levels"CY Obligations Water Operating Reserve 13,206,060$ 37.61%14,709,995$ 41.89%7,593,220$ 7,116,775$ Water Emergency Reserve 7,066,038 20.12%7,083,221 20.17%5,813,701 1,269,520 Water Capital Project Reserve 4,235,567 12.06%3,897,652 11.10%6,327,500 (2,429,848) Rate Stabilization Reserve 4,059,565 11.56%4,067,991 11.58%1,600,999 2,466,992 Un-Restricted Water Reserve Balance 28,567,231 29,758,858 21,335,420 8,423,438 Conservation Reserve 103,546 0.29%104,236 0.30%- 104,236 Employee Liability Reserve 298,124 0.85%300,111 0.85%273,000 27,111 Restricted Reserve Balance 401,669 404,347 273,000 131,347 Sewer Operating Reserve 1,860,999 5.30%1,972,854 5.62%403,967 1,568,887 Sewer Emergency Reserve 2,607,911 7.43%2,620,497 7.46%1,899,951 720,546 Sewer Capital Project Reserve 356,516 1.02%358,228 1.02%2,000,000 (1,641,772) Un-Restricted Sewer Reserve Balance 4,825,427 4,951,579 4,303,918 647,661 Total Reserve Balances 33,794,327$ 96.24%35,114,784$ 100.00%25,912,338$ 9,202,446$ Water Operating 197,510 257,548 Sewer Operating 120,484 203,695 317,994 461,242 Rev. Bond 2012A & 2017A-Principal & Interest 95 251 Public Agency Retirement Svc. -PARS (Restricted)252,689 255,526 Total Cash and Investments 34,365,105$ 35,831,804$ Cash & Investment Summary Report Cash & Investment Summary Comparison Between Current and Previous Month Wells Fargo Bank Checking US Bank Held (Restricted) 2 Investment Balances (as of 4-30-2019) Checking Account: /1.29% Money Market Accounts: I 9.90% Certificates of Deposit: 5.85% Pooled Investment Accounts: 82.97% Checking Account: $ 461,242 1.29% Money Market Accounts: $ 3,545,824 9.90% Certificates of Deposit. $ 2,095,714 5.85% Pooled Investment Accounts: $ 29,729,024 82.97% Total $ 35,8319804 100.00% 3 Yorba Linda Water District Fair Value Measurement Report April 30, 2019 Quoted Observable Unobservable Prices Inputs Inputs Investments Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Total CalTRUST Investment Pool -$ 18,446,358$ -$ 18,446,358$ Local Agency Investment Fund - 11,282,666 - 11,282,666 U.S. Government Sponsored Agency Securities - - - - Negotiable Certificates of Deposit - 2,095,714 - 2,095,714 Total Investments -$ 31,824,738$ -$ 31,824,738$ 4 PARS (Public Agency Retirement Services) Funding Reconciliation Transaction Contributions PARS Expenses Investment Available Description Date & Gains & Losses Return (%)Balance Beginning Balance 7/1/2018 247,389.78$ 247,389.78$ Investment Return 7/31/2018 3,520.41$ 250,910.19$ Investment Expenses 7/31/2018 (51.54)$ 250,858.65$ Investment Return 8/31/2018 3,307.14$ 254,165.79$ Investment Expenses 8/31/2018 (52.26)$ 254,113.53$ Investment Return 9/30/2018 (332.13)$ 253,781.40$ Investment Expenses 9/30/2018 (52.94)$ 253,728.46$ Investment Return 10/31/2018 (10,505.63)$ 243,222.83$ Investment Expenses 10/31/2018 (52.86)$ 243,169.97$ Investment Return 11/30/2018 2,837.57$ 246,007.54$ Investment Expenses 11/30/2018 (50.66)$ 245,956.88$ Investment Return 12/31/2018 (9,674.65)$ 236,282.23$ Investment Expenses 12/31/2018 (51.24)$ 236,230.99$ Investment Return 1/31/2019 12,505.79$ 248,736.78$ Investment Expenses 1/31/2019 (49.21)$ 248,687.57$ Investment Return 2/28/2019 4,053.65$ 252,741.22$ Investment Expenses 2/28/2019 (51.81)$ 252,689.41$ Investment Return 3/31/2019 2,889.57$ 255,578.98$ Investment Expenses 3/31/2019 (52.64)$ 255,526.34$ subtotal =255,526.34$ Initial Deposit 12/28/2017 247,599.00$ Gain(Loss) from initial Deposit 7,927.34$ 5 $32,207,875 $26,675,034 $28,620,852 $29,758,858 439 377 391 379 60 110 160 210 260 310 360 410 460 $20,000 $5,020,000 $10,020,000 $15,020,000 $20,020,000 $25,020,000 $30,020,000 $35,020,000 Apr. 2016 Apr. 2017 Apr. 2018 Apr. 2019 Unrestricted Reserves & Days in Cash (Water) Unrestricted Reserves (Water)Days in Cash (Water) 6 ITEM NO. 9.1 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: June 11, 2019 Subject:Directors' Reports · Intergovernmental Meetings, Conferences, and Events SUMMARY: The Directors will report on their attendance at the following events: 1. Special Districts Summit - May 30, 2019 (Jones) 2. OC Water Summit - May 31, 2019 (Hawkins/Jones/Miller/Nederhood) 3. SAWPA Commission - June 4, 2019 (Jones - As Needed) 4. YL City Council - June 4, 2019 (Jones - As Needed) 5. OCSD Operations Committee - June 5, 2019 (Jones) 6. WACO - June 7, 2019 (Hawkins/Jones/Nederhood) ITEM NO. 11.1 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: June 11, 2019 Subject:Meetings from June 12 - July 31, 2019 ATTACHMENTS: Name:Description:Type: BOD_-_Activities_Calendar.pdf Backup Material Backup Material Board of Directors Activity Calendar Event Date Time Attendance By June AWWA Annual Conference Wed, Jun 12 8:00 AM Jones OC LAFCO Wed, Jun 12 8:15 AM Nederhood (As Needed) YL Planning Commission Wed, Jun 12 6:30 PM Hawkins (As Needed) FBPS Dedication Ceremony Sat, Jun 15 10:00 AM Joint Committee Meeting with City of Yorba Linda Mon, Jun 17 4:00 PM Jones/Hawkins WACO Planning Committee Tue, Jun 18 7:30 AM Jones/Nederhood SAWPA Commission Tue, Jun 18 9:30 AM Jones (As Needed) YL City Council Tue, Jun 18 6:30 PM Hawkins MWDOC Board Wed, Jun 19 8:30 AM Miller/Nederhood OCWA Luncheon Wed, Jun 19 11:30 AM OCWD Board Wed, Jun 19 5:30 PM Jones Board of Directors Regular Meeting Tue, Jun 25 6:30 PM OCSD Board Wed, Jun 26 6:00 PM Hawkins YL Planning Commission Wed, Jun 26 6:30 PM Hawkins (As Needed) ISDOC Thu, Jun 27 11:30 AM Hawkins/Jones/Nederhood July ISDOC Executive Committee Tue, Jul 2 7:30 AM Nederhood SAWPA Commission Tue, Jul 2 9:30 AM Jones (As Needed) YL City Council Tue, Jul 2 6:30 PM Hall MWDOC Board Wed, Jul 3 8:30 AM Miller/Nederhood OCWD Board Wed, Jul 3 5:30 PM Jones District Offices Closed Thu, Jul 4 7:00 AM Board of Directors Regular Meeting Tue, Jul 9 6:30 PM OC LAFCO Wed, Jul 10 8:15 AM Nederhood (As Needed) YL Planning Commission Wed, Jul 10 6:30 PM Hawkins (As Needed) WACO Fri, Jul 12 7:30 AM WACO Planning Committee Tue, Jul 16 7:30 AM Jones/Nederhood SAWPA Commission Tue, Jul 16 9:30 AM Jones (As Needed) YL City Council Tue, Jul 16 6:30 PM Miller MWDOC Board Wed, Jul 17 8:30 AM Miller/Nederhood OCWA Luncheon Wed, Jul 17 11:30 AM OCWD Board Wed, Jul 17 5:30 PM Jones Board of Directors Regular Meeting Tue, Jul 23 6:30 PM MWDOC/OCWD Joint Planning Committee Wed, Jul 24 8:30 AM OCSD Board Wed, Jul 24 6:00 PM Hawkins YL Planning Commission Wed, Jul 24 6:30 PM Hawkins (As Needed) Interagency Committee Meeting with MWDOC and OCWD Thu, Jul 25 4:00 PM Jones/Hawkins As of June 4, 2019 BACKUP MATERIALS DISTRIBUTED LESS THAN 72 HOURS PRIOR TO THE MEETING RESOLUTION NO. 2019-XX RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT RATIFYING THE BUDGETED POSITIONS FOR FISCAL YEAR 2020 WHEREAS, the Board of Directors adopts a budget on an annual basis; and WHEREAS, the Board of Directors is required to ratify the budgeted positions for each fiscal year in compliance with California Code of Regulations (CCR) Section 570.5 and the Public Employees’ Retirement Law (PERL). WHEREAS, it is the desire of the Board of Directors to ratify the Budgeted Positions for Fiscal Year 2020. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda Water District as follows: Section 1. Effective July 1, 2019, the number of Budgeted Positions as set forth in Exhibit A and attached hereto is hereby ratified for Fiscal Year 2020. Section 2. The General Manager is hereby authorized to employ up to the number of employees budgeted and funded in each fiscal year without further approval of the Board of Directors. Section 3. The General Manager is hereby authorized while this Resolution is active to fill a budgeted position that is vacated with a new employee at a lower or equal classification and/or with a part time employee or contract staff. The General Manager is further authorized to fix and alter the compensation of employees subject to budget limitations. Section 4. That Resolution No. 2019-02 is hereby rescinded effective July 1, 2019. REVISED ITEM NO. 7.4. MATERIALS SUBMITTED BY: Gina Knight MEETING DATE: June 11, 2019 PASSED AND ADOPTED this 11th day of June 2019 by the following called vote: AYES: NOES: ABSTAIN: ABSENT: Phil Hawkins, Vice President Yorba Linda Water District ATTEST: Annie Alexander, Board Secretary Yorba Linda Water District Reviewed as to form by General Counsel: Andrew B. Gagen, Esq. Kidman Gagen Law LLP REVISED ITEM NO. 7.4. MATERIALS SUBMITTED BY: Gina Knight MEETING DATE: June 11, 2019 Exhibit A Resolution No. 2019-XX Budgeted Positions for FY20 Effective July 1, 2019 Salary Range Position Classification Budgeted as of 3/3/2019 Proposed Change Budgeted as of 7/1/2019 12 Office Clerk 0 0 16 Meter Reader I 1 12 Accounting Assistant I 0 0 Customer Service Rep II 3 3 Maintenance Worker I 9 9 Public Affairs Representative 1 1 18 Meter Reader II 2 -2 0 Customer Service Rep III 2 2 Operations/Warehouse Assistant 0 0 Records Management Specialist 1 1 Field Customer Services Rep/Meters II 0 1 1 Maintenance Worker II 6 6 Water Quality Technician I 0 0 Accounting Assistant II 2 2 Facilities Maintenance 1 1 Mechanic II 1 1 Operator I (Operator In Training)11 Information Systems Tech I 1 1 Water Quality Technician II 1 1 Human Resources Technician 1 1 Maintenance Worker III 5 5 Mechanic III 1 1 Meter Services Lead 0 0 Operations Assistant 1 1 Plant Operator II 3 3 Safety and Training Technician 0 0 Sr. Field Customer Service Rep/Meters 1 1 Construction Inspector 1 1 Engineering Technician II 2 2 Accountant 1 1 Instrumentation Technician 0 0 GIS Analyst 1 1 Sr. Construction Inspector 1 1 Sr. Fleet Mechanic 0 0 Sr. Mechanic 1 1 Sr. Maintenance Worker 4 4 Sr. Plant Operator 1 1 Human Resources Analyst 1 1 Safety and Training Analyst 1 1 Sr. SCADA Technician 1 1 28 Management Analyst 0 0 Associate Engineer 0 1 1 Construction Project Manager 1 -1 0 26 23 24 27 30 19 20 22 17 25 21 Page 1 of 2 REVISED ITEM NO. 7.4. MATERIALS SUBMITTED BY: Gina Knight MEETING DATE: June 11, 2019 Exhibit A Resolution No. 2019-XX Budgeted Positions for FY20 Effective July 1, 2019 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 31 1 1 32 1 1 1 1 33 1 1 34 1 1 1 1 37 1 1 39 1 1 1 1 1 -1 0 0 1 1 1 1 42 Customer Service Billing Administrator IS Administrator Maintenance Superintendent Operations Superintendent Records Management Administrator Sr. Accountant Sr. Engineer Production Superintendent Executive Assistant Principal Engineer Sr. Management Analyst Director of Public Affairs Sr. Project Manager IT Manager Engineering Manager Finance Manager Human Resources/Risk and Safety Manager Human Resources and Risk Manager Operations Manager Assistant General Manager 1 1 General Manager 1 1 Total 81 0 81 Engineering Intern 0 1 1 * 011 * The Engineering Intern position is based on part-time work not to exceed 960 hours per fiscal year. Salary Set by Board Page 2 of 2 REVISED ITEM NO. 7.4. MATERIALS SUBMITTED BY: Gina Knight MEETING DATE: June 11, 2019 Exhibit A Resolution No. 2019-XX Budgeted Positions for FY20 Effective July 1, 2019 Salary Range Position Classification Budgeted as of 3/3/2019 Proposed Change Budgeted as of 7/1/2019 12 Office Clerk 0 0 16 Meter Reader I 1 1 2 Accounting Assistant I 0 0 Customer Service Rep II 3 3 Maintenance Worker I 9 9 Public Affairs Representative 1 1 18 Meter Reader II 2 -2 0 Customer Service Rep III 2 2 Operations/Warehouse Assistant 0 0 Records Management Specialist 1 1 Field Customer Services Rep/Meters II 0 1 1 Maintenance Worker II 6 6 Water Quality Technician I 0 0 Accounting Assistant II 2 2 Facilities Maintenance 1 1 Mechanic II 1 1 Operator I (Operator In Training)11 Information Systems Tech I 1 1 Water Quality Technician II 1 1 Human Resources Technician 1 1 Maintenance Worker III 5 5 Mechanic III 1 1 Meter Services Lead 0 0 Operations Assistant 1 1 Plant Operator II 3 3 Safety and Training Technician 0 0 Sr. Field Customer Service Rep/Meters 1 1 Construction Inspector 1 1 Engineering Technician II 2 2 Accountant 1 1 Instrumentation Technician 0 0 GIS Analyst 1 1 Sr. Construction Inspector 1 1 Sr. Fleet Mechanic 0 0 Sr. Mechanic 1 1 Sr. Maintenance Worker 4 4 Sr. Plant Operator 1 1 Human Resources Analyst 1 1 Safety and Training Analyst 1 1 Sr. SCADA Technician 1 1 28 Management Analyst 0 0 Associate Engineer 0 1 1 Construction Project Manager 1 -1 0 26 23 24 27 30 19 20 22 17 25 21 Page 1 of 2 REVISED ITEM NO. 7.4. MATERIALS SUBMITTED BY: Gina Knight MEETING DATE: June 11, 2019 Exhibit A Resolution No. 2019-XX Budgeted Positions for FY20 Effective July 1, 2019 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 31 1 1 32 1 1 1 1 33 1 1 34 1 1 1 1 37 1 1 39 1 1 1 1 1 -1 0 0 1 1 1 1 42 Customer Service Billing Administrator IS Administrator Maintenance Superintendent Operations Superintendent Records Management Administrator Sr. Accountant Sr. Engineer Production Superintendent Executive Assistant Principal Engineer Sr. Management Analyst Director of Public Affairs Sr. Project Manager IT Manager Engineering Manager Finance Manager Human Resources/Risk and Safety Manager Human Resources and Risk Manager Operations Manager Assistant General Manager 1 1 General Manager 1 1 Total 81 0 81 Engineering Intern 0 1 1 * 011 * The Engineering Intern position is based on part-time work not to exceed 960 hours per fiscal year. Salary Set by Board Page 2 of 2 REVISED ITEM NO. 7.4. MATERIALS SUBMITTED BY: Gina Knight MEETING DATE: June 11, 2019 RESOLUTION NO. 2019-XX RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT AMENDING EXHIBIT A OF THE PERSONNEL MANUAL FOR UNREPRESENTED EMPLOYEES FOR THE REMAINDER OF FISCAL YEARS 2019-2023 WHEREAS, the Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda Water District previously adopted the Personnel Manual (Manual) for Unrepresented Employees for Fiscal Years 2019-2023 (Resolution No. 18-11); and WHEREAS, the Board of Directors then adopted Resolution No. 18-17 amending the effective dates of Exhibits A through F of the Manual to reflect the 1st day of July of the applicable fiscal year; and WHEREAS, the Board of Directors then adopted Resolution No. 18-29 amending Section 6.02 of the Manual to clarify the benefits and special conditions offered by the District for Unrepresented Employees as related to Certificate Pay and amending Exhibit A of the Manual to modify the classifications and salary ranges for Unrepresented Employees for the remainder of Fiscal Years 2019-2023; and WHEREAS, the Board of Directors then adopted Resolution No. 18-35 amending Section 4.07 and Articles 6 and 7 of the Manual to clarify the benefits and special conditions offered by the District for Unrepresented Employees as related to Merit Increases, Certificate Pay, Commercial Drivers’ License Pay, Uniforms, Fatigue Accommodation, Standby Compensation, and Call- out Compensation and amending Exhibit A of the Manual to modify the classifications and salary ranges for Unrepresented Employees for the remainder of Fiscal Years 2019-2023; and WHEREAS, the Board of Directors then adopted Resolution No. 2019-04 amending Sections 3.01 and 6.02 to add Director of Public Affairs to the Management REVISED ITEM NO. 7.5. MATERIALS SUBMITTED BY: Gina Knight MEETING DATE: June 11, 2019 Employees definition and add Sr. Field Customer Service Representative/Meters to the Certificate Pay section and to further amend Exhibit A of the Manual to modify the classifications and salary ranges for Unrepresented Employees for the remainder of Fiscal Years 2019-2023. WHEREAS, it is the desire of the Board of Directors to further amend Exhibit A of the Manual for Unrepresented Employees to revise the title of Human Resources/Risk and Safety Manager to Human Resources and Risk Manager, remove the Construction Project Manager classification, and add the Associate Engineer classification and salary range effective July 1, 2019. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda Water District as follows: Section 1. That effective July 1, 2019, Exhibit A of the Personnel Manual for Unrepresented Employees for Fiscal Years 2019-2023 be amended to read as attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 11th day of June 2019 by the following called vote: AYES: NOES: ABSTAIN: ABSENT: Phil Hawkins, Vice President Yorba Linda Water District ATTEST: Annie Alexander, Board Secretary Yorba Linda Water District Reviewed as to form by General Counsel: Andrew B. Gagen, Esq. Kidman Gagen Law LLP REVISED ITEM NO. 7.5. MATERIALS SUBMITTED BY: Gina Knight MEETING DATE: June 11, 2019 Exhibit A Yorba Linda Water District – Unrepresented Employees Classifications and Salary Ranges Effective July 1, 2019March 3, 2019 CLASSIFICATION TITLE SALARY RANGES FLSA Accountant UN 25 Exempt Accounting Assistant II UN 21 Non-Exempt Assistant General Manager*UN 42 Exempt Associate Engineer UN 28 Exempt Construction Project Manager UN 30 Exempt Customer Service Billing Administrator UN 30 Exempt Director of Public Affairs*UN 34 Exempt Engineering Manager*UN 39 Exempt Executive Assistant UN 32 Non-Exempt Finance Manager*UN 39 Exempt Human Resources Analyst UN 27 Exempt Human Resources Technician UN 23 Non-Exempt Human Resources and Risk and Safety Manager*UN 39 Exempt Information Systems Administrator UN 30 Exempt Information Technology Manager*UN 37 Exempt Maintenance Superintendent UN 30 Exempt Operations Manager*UN 39 Exempt Operations Superintendent UN 30 Exempt Principal Engineer UN 32 Exempt Production Superintendent UN 31 Exempt Records Management Administrator UN 30 Exempt Records Management Specialist UN 19 Non-Exempt Safety and Training Analyst UN 27 Exempt Safety and Training Technician UN 23 Non-Exempt Sr. Accountant UN 30 Exempt Sr. Field Customer Service Representative/Meters UN 23 Non-Exempt Sr. Engineer UN 30 Exempt Sr. Maintenance Worker UN 26 Non-Exempt Sr. Management Analyst UN 33 Exempt Sr. Mechanic UN 26 Non-Exempt Sr. Plant Operator UN 26 Non-Exempt Sr. Project Manager UN 34 Exempt * Management Classifications REVISED ITEM NO. 7.5. MATERIALS SUBMITTED BY: Gina Knight MEETING DATE: June 11, 2019 Exhibit A Yorba Linda Water District – Unrepresented Employees Classifications and Salary Ranges Effective July 1, 2019 CLASSIFICATION TITLE SALARY RANGES FLSA Accountant UN 25 Exempt Accounting Assistant II UN 21 Non-Exempt Assistant General Manager*UN 42 Exempt Associate Engineer UN 28 Exempt Customer Service Billing Administrator UN 30 Exempt Director of Public Affairs*UN 34 Exempt Engineering Manager*UN 39 Exempt Executive Assistant UN 32 Non-Exempt Finance Manager*UN 39 Exempt Human Resources Analyst UN 27 Exempt Human Resources Technician UN 23 Non-Exempt Human Resources and Risk Manager*UN 39 Exempt Information Systems Administrator UN 30 Exempt Information Technology Manager*UN 37 Exempt Maintenance Superintendent UN 30 Exempt Operations Manager*UN 39 Exempt Operations Superintendent UN 30 Exempt Principal Engineer UN 32 Exempt Production Superintendent UN 31 Exempt Records Management Administrator UN 30 Exempt Records Management Specialist UN 19 Non-Exempt Safety and Training Analyst UN 27 Exempt Safety and Training Technician UN 23 Non-Exempt Sr. Accountant UN 30 Exempt Sr. Field Customer Service Representative/Meters UN 23 Non-Exempt Sr. Engineer UN 30 Exempt Sr. Maintenance Worker UN 26 Non-Exempt Sr. Management Analyst UN 33 Exempt Sr. Mechanic UN 26 Non-Exempt Sr. Plant Operator UN 26 Non-Exempt Sr. Project Manager UN 34 Exempt * Management Classifications REVISED ITEM NO. 7.5. MATERIALS SUBMITTED BY: Gina Knight MEETING DATE: June 11, 2019