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May 25, 1989
May 25, 1989
The regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda Water District was called
to order by Sterling Fox, President, at 8:30 a.m., May 25, 1989, in the District offices at
4622 Plumosa, Yorba Linda. Directors present were: Paul Armstrong, Whit Cromwell,
Sterling Fox, Roy Knauft. Vice-President Arthur Korn was absent. Also present were:
William P. Workman, General Manager; William Robertson, Assistant General Manager;
Robb Quincey, Executive Assistant to the General Manager; Mike Payne, Engineering
Manager; Cheryl Gunderson, Business Manager; Mike Robinson, Assistant Administrator;
Ray Harsma, Operations Superintendent; Arthur Kidman, General Legal Counsel; Dave
Larson, Labor Relations Legal Counsel; and John Wunders, Senior Engineering Aide.
After a brief discussion by the Board of Directors concerning J.M. Peters' grading
requirements, water meter purchasing procedures and the need for an engine analyzer,
on a motion by Director Armstrong and seconded by Knauft, the Board of Directors voted
4-0 to approve the Consent Calendar as follows:
Item 1. Approval of Minutes - Regular meeting of May 11, 1989.
Item 2. Authorization for the Directors to leave the State of California prior to next
Item 3. Approval of progress payment No. 8 to Fred H. Woodard Company, in the
amount of $50,040:00 for construction of the Chino Hills Reservoir, Job No. 8136.
Item 4. Approval of the Terms and Conditions for Water Service with J. M. Peters
Company, Incorporated for their project located northeast of Hidden Hills Road and
Esperanza Road, Job No. 8829.
Item 5. Approval of the Terms and Conditions for Water Service with Upper K/Shapell
Joint Venture, for their project located north of Fairmont Boulevard and east of Village
Center Drive, Job No. 8927.
Item 6. Approval of the Terms and Conditions for Water Service with Pacific Scene,
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Incorporated, for their project located northeast of Hidden Hills Road and Esperanza
Road, Job No. 8828.
Item 7. Approval of the Terms and Conditions for Water Service with Baldwin Builders,
A California Corporation and the Lyon Warmington, Associates, a California General
Partnership, for their project located westerly of the intersection of San Antonio Road and
Fairmont Boulevard, Job. No. 8842.
Item 8. Approval of the Terms and Conditions for Water Service with Baldwin Builders,
A California Corporation and the Lyon Warmington, Associates, A California General
Partnership, for their project located at the intersection of San Antonio Road and Fairmont
Boulevard, Job No. 8839.
Item 9. Approval of the Terms and Conditions for Water Service with Parr-Bohn
Properties, LTD. II for their project located north of La Palma Avenue and east of Loma De
Yorba West, Job No. 8926.
Item 10. Approval of the Terms and Conditions for Water Service with Forest Lawn
Company for their project located north of La Palma Avenue and east of Via Lomas De
Yorba East, Job No. 8905.
Item 11. Approval of progress payment No. 6 to F. T. Ziebarth, in the amount of
$20,835.00 for construction of the Santiago Reservoir, Job. No. 8140.
Item 12. Authorization to solicit proposals for the engineering services to design the
Zone 4 to 3 pressure reducing station in Yorba Linda Boulevard, north of Avenida Adobe.
Item 13. Authorization to solicit proposals for the engineering services for the design of
the Zone 4 Booster Station.
Item 14. Authorization to solicit proposals for a paving contract.
Item 15. Approval of purchase agreement with Bear Automotive Equipment Company
for an engine equipment analyzer in the amount of $11,503.12.
Item 16. Acceptance of the Treasurer's Report for April 30, 1989.
Item 17. Resolution #89-11 recognizing Warren Rodgers, Senior Inspector, on the
occasion of his retirement. General Manager William Workman advised the Board that Mr.
Rodgers has recently been ill and was not present for the recognition. On a motion by
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Director Knauft and seconded by Director Armstrong, the Board of Directors voted 4-0 to
adopt Resolution #89-11 recognizing Warren Rodgers on the occasion of his retirement.
Item 18. Resolution #89-12 recognizing John Wunders, Senior Engineering Aide, on the
occasion of his retirement. President Sterling Fox recognized Mr. Wunders for his service
to the District, and presented him Resolution #89-12. On a motion by Director Armstrong
and seconded by Director Knauft, the Board voted 4-0 to adopt Resolution #89-12
recognizing John Wunders on the occasion of his retirement.
Item 19. Presentation by Larry Kraemer, Director, Orange County Water District. Mr.
Kraemer was not present for this report.
Item 20. Consideration of Agreement with Conrad & Associates for the June 30, 1989
fiscal year end audit. Business Manager Cheryl Gunderson briefly explained that the
District is required by law to engage an independent auditor to audit the books and
records annually. She stated that Conrad & Associates have been serving the District in
this function since 1981, and have proposed serving the District for the upcoming June
30, 1989 audit at a cost of $9,000. After a brief discussion among the Board concerning
the audit cost and the probable costs of audits during the upcoming year, on a motion by
Director Knauft and seconded by Director Armstrong, the Board voted 4-0 to approve the
agreement with Conrad & Associates in the amount of $9,000 for the June 30, 1989 fiscal
year audit; and authorize the President and Secretary to execute the agreement.
Item 21. Report on the Financial Statements for the nine months ended March 31, 1989.
Business Manager Cheryl Gunderson made several corrections to pages 4, 5 and 7
relating to the Contributed Assets, Net Income, Total Liabilities and Fund Equity of the
Financial Statement during her report. She further stated that previously made Board
suggestions for improving the overall readability of the District's Financial Statements had
been incorporated into this statement. After a brief discussion among the Board, on a
motion by Director Knauft and seconded by Director Armstrong, the Board of Directors
voted 4-0 to accept the Financial Statements for the nine months ended March 31, 1989
as presented.
Item 22. Consideration of using the Yorba Linda Library for Board meetings during
headquarters remodeling. Assistant Administrator Mike Robinson stated that as a result of
the District office building renovation scheduled to begin in September, 1989, it has
become necessary to find an alternate location for the the Board of Directors meetings
during that period. Mr. Robinson explained that the multi-purpose room of the Yorba
Linda Library is available to the District at no cost on the scheduled Board Meeting dates.
After a brief discussion among the Board, on a motion by Director Cromwell and
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seconded by Director Knauft, the Board of Directors voted 4-0 to approve of using the
Yorba Linda Library for Board of Director's meetings during the District office building
Item 23. Request from Southern California Water Committee for 1989 dues. Assistant
Administrator Mike Robinson explained that the District has been a member of Southern
California Water Committee since 1985. He further stated that while the District has paid
$100 each year since becoming a member agency. The regular annual dues for water
district membership is $750. In conclusion, Mr. Robinson stated that the District's 1988-89
Budget included $100. for this membership. After a brief discussion among the Board, on
a motion by Director Knauft and seconded by Director Armstrong, the Board of Directors
voted 4-0 to again pay $100 for the Southern California Water Committee membership.
Item 24. Consideration of District Five Year Plan. Assistant General Manager William
Robertson explained that the District's Fiscal Year 1989-90 update of the Five Year Plan
is now complete. He stated that the document represents a plan for the next five years
relative to the programs, activities, capital projects and financial outlook for the District. Mr.
Robertson explained that the Plan further reflects major growth in the District's ID No. 1
and 2 areas. He reviewed the fiscal differences in the final draft of the plan compared to
earlier drafts, and mentioned that a sewer study that is currently underway.
Mr. Robertson also explained that this year's update includes two new chapters relating to
accomplishments and long range goals and plans. He concluded by answering a variety
of questions by the Board of Directors. After a general discussion regarding the updated
Five Year Plan, on a motion by Director Cromwell and seconded by Director Armstrong,
the Board of Directors voted 4-0 to accept the 1989-90 updated Five Year Plan.
General Manger William Workman advised the Board that a closed session of the Board
meeting was needed to discuss personnel, labor relations and litigation matters. He
further advised the Board that the latest proposed AMP Agreement was recently received
by the District. He stated that this agreement would be brought to the Board for. their
consideration at the meeting of June 8, 1989. Mr. Workman also advised the Board that
the District has received a complimentary copy of an aerial photograph which shows
portions of the District's service area. The staff also had recently discussed with the City
of Yorba Linda the possibility of purchasing a City aerial photograph.
General Manager Workman distributed a recently completed staff study on the District's
telephone system and mentioned that it would be brought back to the Board for
consideration at their June 8, 1989 meeting.
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Item 25. City Sewer Maintenance Contract Rate Adjustment Request. General Manager
William Workman advised the Board that of the current status of the District's sewer
maintenance rate adjustment request to the City of Yorba Linda. The Board of Directors
discussed this issue at length, and provided the General Manger with advice on this
Item 26. Report on Packing House Easements. District Legal Counsel Arthur Kidman
advised the Board of Directors that this was a closed session item.
Item 27. No Executive-Administrative-Organizational Committee meeting report was
Item 28. Report on Finance Committee meeting of May 17, 1989. President Fox reported
that Annexation fees, City-District Bond Finance meeting, City Action on Sewer Rate
Adjustment, 1988-89 Audit, and the District's Budget Schedule were discussed at this
meeting. Additionally, a Finance Committee meeting was scheduled for June 1, 1989 at
2:00 P.M.
Item 29. Authorization for Payment of Bills. On a motion by Director Knauft and seconded
by Director Armstrong, the Board of Directors voted 4-0 to approve payment of bills and
rate deposits in the amount of $278,781.53 on Check nos. 17298 through 17422, Payroll
Check Nos. 3353 through 3410 and one wire dated May 30, 1989 to ACWA in the amount
of $10,731.27.
Item 30. Report on Personnel Committee meeting of May 10, 1989. President Fox
reported that labor relations, a disability retirement, Section 89 and the General Manger's
evaluation were discussed at this meeting.
Item 31. Report on Planning-Operations-Engineering Committee meeting of May 15,
1989. Director Armstrong reported that the proposed golf course on the North Orange
County Community College District's property, a Brighton Homes development, a Mira
Loma Avenue development, the District's two way radio system, District computer
contract and the District's five year plan were discussed at this meeting.
Item 32. No Public Information Committee meeting report scheduled.
Item 33. Report on CSDA meeting of May 12, 1989. No report was presented.
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Item 34. Report on City Council meeting of May 16, 1989. President Fox reported that the
majority of this meeting concerned the precise realignment of Bastanchury, in which the
City has chosen to pursue a northerly route.
Item 35. Report on MWDOC meeting of May 17, 1989. Director Knauft reported that this
meeting was canceled and rescheduled for May 24, 1989. He further reported that
MWDOC discussed a letter that is to be sent to the Yorba Linda Water District with regard
to outage periods during the construction of the AMP Augmentation project. He stated
also that the Chairman of the Metropolitan Water District has recently passed away.
Item 36. Report on ACWA meeting of May 16-19, 1989. Director Armstrong reported on
JPIA refunds and a speaker/editors symposium relative to water. Director Armstrong also
reported that a two-person theater concept was demonstrated wherein water education of
youth could be accomplished by a mini theater. He stated that a company present at this
meeting produced custom made educational tapes, which may have some application
and relevance to water related education that the District might like to consider. In closing,
Director Armstrong reported that Civil Code changes with regard to the Fair Political
Practices Commission were discussed at this ACWA meeting.
Item 37. Report on OCWD meeting of May 17, 1989. No District attendance at this
Item 38. Report on Planning Commission meeting of May 24, 1989. President Fox
reported that an item changing the conditions for an AW Woodcrest development was
discussed, in addition to an issue considering the location of a church in a manufacturing
President Fox directed that the Board enter a closed session to discuss personnel, labor
relations and pending litigation with Mr. Kavali concerning the Packinghouse project.
Upon returning from closed session, General Manager William Workman reported that the
Board provided direction on personnel, labor relations and a matter of pending litigation
with Mr. Kavali.
Item 39. Director Armstrong: Director Armstrong requested the staff to investigate
purchase of an aerial photograph and review the latest FPPC rulings on mail outs.
Item 40. Director Cromwell: Director Cromwell stated that he was selected to be a
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candidate for an ISDOC officer position.
Item 41. Director Knauft: Mr. Knauft had no comment.
Item 42. Vice President Korn: Vice President Korn was absent.
Item 43. President Fox: President Fox had no comment
Director Knauft excused himself from the meeting at 11:30 a.m. in order to travel to
another meeting. On a motion by President Fox and seconded by Director Cromwell, the
Board of Directors voted 3-0 to adjourn the meeting at 11:35 a.m.
William P. Workman
General Manager/Secrets